DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 551: Find Hunting Target

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This list is a magic array that makes people feel big. It is the key to absorbing the hero's energy in the bones.

Without this, and without a sufficient amount of buried ground, the mottled blade will always be a waste of +10 attack and nothing can be done. Only with the help of the magic circle to extract and absorb enough saint energy, can it finally transform into saint relics!

Jia Ruo's accomplishments on the magic array are not high. In order to draw this magic array, it took more than half an hour.

After seeing the formation of the magic array, Galo injected magic into it and started the magic array. Subsequently, he carefully inserted the mottled sword edge into the center of the magic circle. With the operation of the magic circle, the remaining heroic energy in the buried bone was continuously sucked out and injected into the blade. Throughout the whole process, golden ripples always radiate from the magic circle, which makes people know that it is extraordinary at a glance.


It's not the first time Garo has done this. According to his estimation, it will take at least five or six minutes to complete the intake.

Because the magic circle in the middle cannot be destroyed, otherwise they will lose all their achievements, and the two can only stay here and go nowhere. The whole process was not completed until the light on the magic array dimmed and Jian Feng floated from the magic array spontaneously.

After following the whole journey, Zhao Dingguo thought that his vision was wide open.

He found that even if he leaked this method, he could get a lot of money. However, this thought flashed in my heart only for a moment, and then was denied. Because, for the first time and the second time, it is possible to sell for a good price, but the person who bought this method next time is afraid that they will spread it quickly and transfer their own costs. [Ye Zi] [Yu * You] I'm afraid it won't take a few days, everyone will know this method.

You know, the most important thing to turn the mottled sword blade into the holy relic is the source of energy.

That is. The complete burial ground of the plot hero is the most important.

This thing is obviously very rare. Otherwise, Garuo would not commission him to help find it. If only a few people are fine, as long as you think hard, you will always have a chance to get everything together. However, if a large number of super user masters are paying attention to this, then the so-called shortcuts mastered by Zhao Dingguo will change the taste, and it will not be half as easy as trying hard to work hard through the old channels!

Even if they really want to change the money, at least they have to wait for their team to put the Holy Relics in their hands. Consider the story.

Jia Ruo naturally did not know the thought of this disciple. After successfully absorbing it once, his mood was obviously very good. After wiping his sleeves and erasing the magic circle on the ground, he got up and smiled at Zhao Dingguo: What about the other buried places you found? Continue to lead the way. "

After completing the first time, the progress is a little faster.

After following the instructor to push a large number of undead monsters all the way, under the guidance of Zhao Dingguo, Jia Ruo successfully absorbed several other buried burial grounds. Next. It was to expand the search and find the rest of the heroes scattered in the important town of Calovinch.

It's hard work.

Two people don't know how long it takes to turn such a large city over. Zhao Dingguo had only searched the vicinity of several main roads before. There was no time to look elsewhere. However, his mentor was the royal family of the blood elves, and naturally he refused to search hard as he himself.

Under Zhao Dingguo's attention, Garuo took out a simple, bronze-colored metal token from the space equipment.

After being injected with magic power, the metallic token emits a silver light. [WWw.YZUU 点 m] Subsequently, the silver light hitting in the air actually formed a portal to a different space. With the opening of the portal, twenty full bodies were translucent and floating in the air, looking like blood elven servant spirits made by the ancient blood elves royal family flew from the portal.

This creature, specially crafted with taboo magic, can significantly reduce physical damage taken. It also has capabilities like permanent stealth and phase shift. As long as you are careful in floating in the air, you can definitely avoid the perception of most undead monsters. Searching for the heroic cemetery here is just too suitable.

"Find me carefully!"

Garroy explained to these Blood Elves, and then waved their hands to send them to work.

These obviously non-human beings are also nonsense. The swift scatter disappeared into the darkness, and the line was forbidden. It was indeed a magical creature specially created.

"I wipe!"

Zhao Dingguo did not expect his mentor to have such a method, and opened his eyes again. Although the strength of this magical creature is very average, it can be done by a super-sun **** user. But for the full twenty, that's a lot of power. At least Calvinci, it's really good for finding things.

By the way, since there is such a thing, it is better to borrow the tutor's Dongfeng to let them find the original crystal nuclei fragments by the way? If they can get their help, it can be much faster than Zhao Dingguo and some teammates in person. But just when Zhao Dingguo was about to turn around to speak, he saw the gaze of the mentor looking at him, apparently had already expected what he was going to say. Zhao Dingguo was dumb at once and didn't know if he would continue to talk.

The blood elven prince did not deliberately pinch him, but said, "After I find all the remaining heroic cemeteries here, I will temporarily lend you this brand and return it to me after I find it. "

"Tutor Wen Chengwude, wise and martial!"

With Jia Ruo's promise, Zhao Dingguo excitedly patted the instructor's horse ass. With the help of these twenty Blood Elves, as long as the original crystal nucleus fragments still remain in the mysterious area of ​​Carovinch, he will certainly not escape his palm.

These Blood Elves are indeed very capable, and did not disappoint Galo. Only sent out for more than ten minutes, and the Soul Soul flew back to start reporting. Under their guidance, Garuo began to come to the door one by one, transforming all the energy buried in the hero's bones into the sword. By the time everything was finished, Garau's mottled swordsman had a faint golden luster on his body, and the completion was obviously much higher than before.

After confirming that there are no other intact heroes cemetery here, Jia Ruo waved his hand and chilled away from Zhao Dingguo. Before leaving, he handed the calling sign to Zhao Dingguo as promised.

The brand itself does not add any attributes, and the only ability attached is summoning. As for the launch conditions, one is to pay one thousand magic power every hour, and the second limit must be used by the blood elves royal family, or it is authorized. Although Zhao Dingguo was a human being, he was a disciple of the blood elven prince, and he was authorized to use it naturally.

Under his orders, these blood elves waiter who ran Carovinch all over again, and began the task of searching for the original crystal core fragments again.

As for Zhao Dingguo himself, he temporarily left this secret place and returned to the surface ruins of Kalovinki.

The accompany of the mentor in the mystery has been delayed for so long, and all three teammates must have arrived. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo also speeded up slightly. Ten minutes later, when Zhao Dingguo arrived at the meeting place agreed before, he saw three teammates there.

"follow me."

After simply asking about the situation on the way down, Zhao Dingguo didn't bother to say a word, quickly led his teammates to the teleportation array, and then entered the underground world of the site one by one through this teleportation array.

Just after entering the dark underground from the bright surface, Yan Yuelan and Shen Caiwei are still a bit uncomfortable. After waiting for a few seconds to return to normal, they looked at the situation around in surprise, apparently did not expect that Carovinch's underground would have no holes. Although Li looks calm, his mouth is also amazing.

I don't know how many times Zhao Dingguo has come in and out of this place, naturally there is nothing new. While his teammates were still looking, he coughed and lowered his voice, "You guys, from now on, you must pay attention to concealing your own traces. If the captain of the Rat Rat Team is not in any accident, he should have entered the main stage and may come at any time. Here-or maybe it's already here. Let's be careful, don't let him find us first. "

The three nodded when they heard the words, tightening the string in their hearts.

Everyone knows the importance of this mission. Although there is only one opponent, after all, he is a high-end player at dusk, and no one knows what cards he has. If it is discovered in advance by the other party, it will lose the suddenness of the raid, and it is undoubtedly difficult to kill him. Only when the other party is not ready to launch a surprise attack, the four talents may be killed in one fell swoop!

Next, Zhao Dingguo took three players and began to squat in the underground world.

If you are not familiar with this place ~ ~ it will feel like a maze here, I do n’t know how many forks, and it ’s too difficult to meet someone. However, Zhao Dingguo has come and gone many times, and he is quite familiar with the terrain here, knowing that those seemingly messy forks will meet at several places. No matter how you go, the Captain of the Rat Team will almost certainly pass by these forks. As a result, Zhao Dingguo took three team members to covertly at these key forks.

During the first two round trips, the four found nothing and did not see any monster bodies.

Zhao Dingguo was so impressed. Yan Yuelan, who didn't know enough about the situation here, was a little skeptical, and stared at him with a clear meaning. Zhao Dingguo didn't explain anything, just said a word of believe me, and then proceeded carefully to stay on these forks.

When they reached a fork in the road for the third time, the kung fu lived up to them, and they really saw a flash of electric light in the dark.

There is no doubt that it is a chain lightning that only occurs when the thunder hammer triggers the effect! RQ

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