DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 62: Kill the panda

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"Speed ​​Back"

Seeing that the **** cow that needs protection is dead, Nocturne and the two-headed dragon no longer hesitate, and quickly retreat.

The Dark Ranger is banned by the Night Demon's skills, so he cannot release the Frostbolt to stay. Coupled with the follow-up Ice Girl and Panda Jiuxian, they almost missed, so the three only chased a few steps symbolically and let the Scourge Hero return to the highlands. Anyway, their mission is only to kill the **** ox, and now he died once, and it is estimated that the knife cannot be achieved.

At this time, they just happened to be on the high ground!

Because God Bull is making money in the middle, they simply pushed it along the middle!

After seeing the assembly of the guards, he rushed to the highland with eyes, and the crypt assassin, the two-headed dragon and the night demon all replenished, and came to stand next to the defense tower in the middle highland. Due to the accidental killing of Shenniu, they are now four people left, and the pressure to keep the high ground is undoubtedly greater!

"Dragon riding boss, back off!" The two-headed dragon signaled for the second time.

However, Zhao Dingguo did not immediately return to the defense as they thought, but stepped up to the guard's upland highland line. Because the **** line on the road was already good, pushed by Zhao Dingguo so desperately, two waves of ghoul soldiers gathered together and killed the mighty highland.

"Please try to delay as much as possible, and let the soldiers clear their skills. Let me take the line!"

Zhao Dingguo rushed to the guard highland alone while commanding.

He knew very well that if he went back to guard directly, it would be very unlikely that he would be able to defend with four to five. Zhao Dingguo is now using Wei Wei to rescue Zhao's tactics, while the other five people gather in the middle of the road, secretly lead the line to threaten them to go up the road! Of course, if this method is used well, it will naturally resolve a crisis. But if the opponent is strong enough, immediately go up to the high ground, and then return to help after demolishing the building, he will be dumbfounded!

After all, the guard side is five people, and the speed of demolition is much faster than him alone!

If this is a high-end battle, perhaps the guards can make the right decision immediately. However, in the battle without pub nameplate, they were somewhat divided.

The Dark Ranger is also a little erratic. Although she is trying to kill the highlands, the Ranger Swordsman and Blood Demon are hesitant.

Although the scourge of the scourge of the Scourge has not yet been resurrected, the blood monster's great move has already been used, and the great move of the wandering swordsman has arrived. Even if they stormed, it might take a long time to win this battle. At that time, maybe Zhao Dingguo would have pushed them off the road alone!

Changing all the way up for all the way up is naturally not cost-effective for the superior guard!

"Wandering swordsman, I didn't say you, you should n’t have started the big move just now, it ’s a waste! What are you excited about?" If we don't dare to fight, let's demolish! "

"we can only do this."

The puppet panda immortal echoed dumbly and rushed behind the Treant soldier.

At the request of Zhao Dingguo, the natural disaster side's determination to defend was indeed very great. The two-headed dragon and the Crypt Assassin each threw out the AOE skills and killed the Treeman soldiers who acted as cannon fodder. Seeing the heroes of the guard side still wanting to move, the two-headed dragon even left a frozen path. Although no heroes were iced, they were afraid to rush.

In such a short span of time, the treeman soldiers who served as cannon fodder were destroyed along with the catapult.

If the guard still wants to fight, he must wait for the next wave of Shuren soldiers, or risk being attacked by the highland defense tower. The Dark Ranger pondered in his heart, and still reluctantly announced the retreat order!

的 The light of several teleportation arrays was lighted one after another, the purpose is the highland tower attacked by Zhao Dingguo and a group of ghouls.

"Dragon rides away, they go home!"

Seeing the teleportation scroll light up, he opened a big move to stealthily rush to the crypt and the assassin issued a warning immediately.

I did n’t need him to say it, Zhao Dingguo noticed. The moment the opponent's teleportation scroll was lit, Zhao Dingguo quickly retreated, and then returned TP in the shadow. When the heroes of the guard side rushed out of the teleportation beam, all they saw was the disappearance of the dragon knight. In addition, he also left a highland defense tower that had been demolished to half durability!

"The soldier line was not good just now, so the opposite Dragon Rider caught the chance!" The blood demon who came out first regretted it. He looked at the dark ranger, ice girl, and wandering swordsman who appeared one after another, and suddenly felt something missing "What about Panda Brewmaster?"

When the blood golem shouted, the guard only noticed that one person was missing!

Panda Jiuxian was actually left by the Scourge!

It turned out that the transmission of Panda Brewmaster was the last point, and naturally ended slower than others. The crypt assassin rushed over to the heart, and even ignored the big hit of the hidden attack, he directly released the puncture skill to interrupt his TP!

The eyes of other heroes of the Scourge turned on all at once!

Facing a single panda, the heroes on the high ground rushed down immediately. Zhao Dingguo, who had just returned, also controlled the Dragon Knight and began to pursue, intending to kill the panda while the Guards Group was not in.

"Crypt Assassin on Dog Day!"

I found myself in a situation where the panda's eyes were green. He was still there waiting for the teleportation to end, who thought of a puncture that suddenly came up and left him behind. Facing the Scourge heroes surrounded by Tiger Vision, Panda Jiuxian said nothing and ran away!

However, if this can let him go, do n’t mix the heroes of the Scourge!

First, the Night Demon catches up, slows down in the void, and then bans the magic; the next is the double-headed dragon's ice and fire crossing and the ice-sealed path; then the crypt assassin cools the puncture ...

Even if the Panda Jiuxian came out of the vanguard shield and had passive skills to dodge, the siege of so many heroes in the natural disaster still quickly wilted. Even Zhao Dingguo's Dragon Knight could kill him. However, when the second mana burning of the Crypt Assassin was about to come out, Zhao Dingguo suddenly stopped him!

"Stop, let Panda do the trick!"

Xu Sheng was afraid that several other people would kill the panda directly, and Zhao Dingguo even shouted several times.

Although I don't understand what is going on ~ ~, but the core later spoke, the other four heroes reluctantly stopped. By this time, the poor panda had only forty points of blood left. Whoever calls more, he hangs up!


Has pushed the keyboard and closed his eyes, waiting for the dead panda to wait for two seconds, and found that for some reason, the Scourge hero surrounding him suddenly stopped. Although his heart was full of puzzles and doubts, he started the big move with joy, with three elements of the red panda. But as soon as his avatar came out, the Scourge hero immediately reacted normally. Various skills were instantly smashed out, and the output was all played out in just a few seconds!

The avatar element pandas are very powerful and each have their own stunts, but that depends on the circumstances.

If there are four teammates around, those three sudden emergence of the element panda can really disrupt the natural disaster. But now the Panda Brewmaster is tantamount to picking up the Scourge, and even if he is a clone, there is still no chance. After the resurrection, a shocking ditch far away from the shocking **** cow, and then the panda jiuxian was controlled from head to death, even if he had no stealth skills!

The Dragon Knight killed the Panda Brewmaster!

Maybe it was luck. Zhao Dingguo's last sword slashed the elemental panda with magic-free skills. Afterwards, he did not turn back to drag the Dragon Knight towards the guard, while roaring: "Push!"

"Ah? Shall we take the initiative?"

Ye Yemon asked in horror, but he quickly followed.

Shocked by the cow, he said, "Even if there is one person on the opposite side, the other four are not vegetarian, and the second tower of the middle road is almost intact. When we push it all the way, people only need to obstruct it a little bit to drag Resurrect the panda! "

The two-headed dragon was thoughtful and took the lead: "The dragon rider is mighty. No wonder you have to let the panda get out of it!"

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