DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 627: Katola Lava Lake

Katola area, located in the center of the Guardian Regiment.

From the terrain, this is one of the three major volcanic groups on the main plane. Because there are still volcanic eruptions from time to time, the Katola area has become a forbidden area for human beings, but it has become a paradise for countless fire monsters. Especially those magma lakes formed by volcanic eruption are a lot of elite flame monsters.

Among them, the Lava Dragon Egg Lord is the top-level existence.

Because the terrain is complex, there are many monsters, and the strength is not weak. If you are not familiar with this place, it may take several days or even longer to find the Dragon Egg Lord in it. Of course, Xu Zhiguo is not such a mindless person. Although I have not been here before, I have carefully collected enough information and even the map is ready. So after coming in, he and the teammate went straight to the largest lava lake in Katola.

After opening a big move and succeeding, Xu Zhiguo was invincible with the four powerful minions. The strength of ordinary monsters on the outskirts is also high in the sun. He is vulnerable to Xu Zhiguo and cannot hinder his progress at all.

In this case, their penetration speed is quite fast.

If there is not enough means, Zhao Dingguo dare not dare to entrust him, he must have caught up early. However, this operation was not just his business. It disrupts the promotion of the most potential masters of hostile organizations, which is also very beneficial to the Illuminati. Therefore, the chairman came forward personally and assigned a high-level hidden thorn at dusk to help.

It was also at this time that Zhao Dingguo knew that this master who did not take the initiative to show up was completely unaware of him. He had once been ordered to protect himself once in the southern wilderness. However, at that time he was not as strong as he is now. Although still unable to cross the threshold of twilight, under the enhanced permanent stealth protection, as long as no hands or attacked within ten seconds, you can enter a deep stealth state.

Compared with the three-second deep stealth of Zhao Dingguo's ghost walk, 可以 can be maintained throughout the whole process. This gap is not a small one.

As early as when Xu Zhiguo was determined to act, the hidden thorn had followed him. At intervals, no marks were left behind. It was with such masters who secretly helped, that Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng could safely and boldly track the enemy all the way in the complicated terrain of Katola without losing them.

"It's so hot here."

进入 From entering the outer hills of the Katola area, the two can obviously feel the temperature rise. Especially the hot wind blowing from the southeast, not only makes the slimy body uncomfortable, but also has a pungent magma sulfur smell. Zhao Dingguo maintained the operation of the ice elemental ball, and did not feel the heat, but Li Fengdi had no such ability, so he was very dissatisfied with the climate here. The intense temperature reminded him of the death team battle that was preset to be Lava Island.

"This is just the outside, okay. I haven't even seen the volcano group or the magma ..."

Zhao Dingguo stood up and spoke without back pain, and also killed a passing flame scorpion, and tried the strength of the monster here.

The final result is undoubtedly very satisfying to him, and his strength has been continuously improved these days, making him obviously feel the change in his strength.

"Cut ~"

枫 Li Feng decided not to argue with Zhao Dingguo on this topic, but even if he didn't admit it, he was still envious of the exclusive stunt of the supplicant. Elemental Ball, what a great ability! Switch as you like, all kinds of recovery, attack speed, moving speed, and attack power can be increased, and it also has the functions of preventing heat and sand, which is simply a omnipotent existence.

After all, the blue cat's bloodline is also very useful.

As they gradually deepen from the periphery, there will be occasional groups of flame monsters passing by the mouth of the valley. Xu Zhiguo, who set off first, mostly killed them all the way. After all, there were four splits, so they were not afraid of fighting. Like Zhao Dingguo, he didn't want to waste time, so he had to start a ghost walk to hide in the past.

At this time, Li Feng's blue cat pedigree showed strong all-terrain traffic ability.

At the foothills of several tens of meters, I flew up and flew up, bypassing these monsters directly, and it was almost effortless. Moreover, not only is this a must pass, but other more complicated terrain, Li Feng can also fly freely by relying on his spherical lightning. With its high mobility, Zhao Dingguo also sighed.

What is the speed limit of the 520? They are flying directly on land ...

As they went deeper, Zhao Dingguo successively encountered several waves of Super God users.

Although the lava lake monster is powerful, it produces a variety of practical magic materials, which is a good place to exchange money and win points. In addition, it is easy to produce the scroll of the Sealed Fire Monster, as well as the elementary and specialized book pages of Fire Magic. As long as one or two books are hit, the team can make a steady profit. Therefore, there are still a lot of Super God users who come here for adventure. Especially in the outer area of ​​Katola Lava Lake, there are more SuperGod users.

Since it is for the sake of money, among so many people, it is inevitable that some people will also do some unseen business while playing monsters. However, the eyes of these people are generally very bright. The two people in front of him, a master of blue cat blood flashed on his body. Not to mention the other one, the ball of elements exudes a bright light, the scepter Carl of the dusk. Such a master is not easy to mess with, and it is difficult to kill!

It was because of this discovery that they didn't really do it, but nodded from a distance, and passed by.

Such kindness makes Li Feng feel strange.

I used to walk in similar places, and no one saw them placing orders, trying to deceive more. Although most of the time he kicked the iron plate, Li Feng did not escape from the enemy's family. But this time, I walked along all the way. The group with the largest number of people met was seven, including two dusks and three rising suns. However, after watching this for a long time, I didn't do anything to them.

"Sure enough, because of the invasion of the Burning Legion, did everyone know how to unite and love each other and fight against the enemy ..."

枫 Li Feng looked back at the seven-member squad that passed by and seemed to be arguing, while muttering a comment that he did not believe.

The answer is of course no.

The actual reason is that although the opponent has seven people, it is only two dusks. On his own side, there is no doubt what the scepter Carl means, not to mention a Carl with a comprehensive equipment such as the Lincoln Sphere, Mad Mask, Mysterious Staff, and Push Rod. With a black-yellow, purple grudge blue cat pedigree, you can definitely drop one person per second, and then leave for a long time.

In the absence of strong control skills that disregarded magic, the seven finally decided not to provoke such a strong enemy.

What is the so-called killing and overstocking? Of course, it is more comfortable to find soft persimmons, and the most important thing is that there is no future trouble.

Li Feng's current state of mind, Zhao Dingguo also had before, that is, the strength is already quite strong, but the mentality of the corresponding strong has not been fully formed.

I want to solve this problem, one is to wait for further accumulation of combat power. Over time, one day he will naturally realize that he is already so strong. The second method is a hearty winning streak. Against a strong enemy, every time he wins, his strong mentality will quickly take shape.

As for Zhao Dingguo, the correct mentality that a strong man should have has been initially established before entering the dusk stage. Taking out the holy sword directly in the death team battle, this kind of brazen behavior is actually an external manifestation.

"The two of us are already very strong, in the eyes of Jiucheng Super God users, can be called a master." Zhao Dingguo thought for a while, decided to mention Li Feng.

The stubborn mentality is useless and useless, and sometimes it makes people confused, but with the improvement of strength, it can never be done. Without this mentality, even if you have power in the air, it will be difficult to qualify as a qualified master.

"I understand, but ..."

Li Feng actually knows that he just needs a little time to change his mental activities, so he licked his lips and laughed, "It's just ... I really hope that someone will come here to get in trouble. It's so boring to pass by so peacefully . "

的 The Super God user I saw before, I'm afraid that someone will be in trouble, is Li Feng really bored ...

It seems that this guy doesn't need his own heart. Having said that, Zhao Dingguo himself felt very bored. Why don't he cut out the equipment on his body and only leave Lincoln as the first mover? Without the scepter, without that mysterious staff, maybe someone would dare to move their heads?

But after thinking it over, it ’s fine, fishing fishing is so boring ~ ~ And, as a place not less dangerous than Mage Fortress and Sea Giant Temple, Katola Lava Lake It can't be that simple. As the two continued to deepen and gradually entered the range of the Katola volcano group, the former comfort and ease quickly disappeared, replaced by a large number of powerful monsters.

Compared with the rising high-level monsters on the periphery, the average strength of the monsters here has reached dusk. The template is a level higher, and the pressure on them is obvious.

What's more, Xu Zhiguo will not keep any surveillance methods in places where there are many people outside. Even if there is, it is estimated that it will be removed by other passing God users. But here, in order to protect his mission from being destroyed, Xu Zhiguo is likely to secretly deploy some surveillance methods, such as inserting an investigation and guard. Although there was a hidden stealth master in front to help explore the road and left a secret sign, Zhao Dingguo and Li Feng did not dare to care.

After following a thorny mark through a narrow mountain stream channel, the two volcanoes appeared in front of them.

活动 This active volcano is only 100 meters high, and the crater is emitting thick pungent smoke and volcanic ash. From the crater to the foot of the mountain, you can see the volcanic rocks after the magma erupted in the past. In reality, the scenery that I have only seen on TV appears in front of the two in person, which is still a bit fresh. However, when a group of elite Goron lava monsters composed of red lava and only simple limbs appeared in front of them, they knew that the battle had come! (To be continued) [This text is automatically updated by @ 启航] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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