DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 639: Retreat

Chapter 639 Retreat for Progress

Under the condition of being bound by the earth, Zhao Dingguo could not escape this raid.

Although Xu was dragged by Xu Zhiguo, Zhao Dingguo was not too worried. Although the opponent's agility is indeed very high, and the power judgment cannot pass, the effect of the paralysis bite is still there. Moreover, his avatar didn't come over, staying in place to cooperate with the void squatting to guard the hidden thorns.

One-on-one singled out. Although such a short distance is not good for Zhao Dingguo, the time of a raid is not a problem.

As long as he is sure that the Void's big move can't drop the hidden spikes, and he can't even hit him into red blood, that's enough. Time is good for Zhao Dingguo. Without Xu Zhiguo's main body dragging the lava dragon egg lord, the charm witch is already struggling, and even has to use summoning props to help. After all, the Charm Witch is being harassed by the Dragon Egg Rogue while dragging the Lava Dragon Egg Lord.

Zhao Dingguo, they have waited so long to find the opportunity is naturally the best.

保证 In order to ensure the safety of the charm witch and make him support longer, Xu Zhiguo had to re-send a clone to help.

Wu Yuguang noticed this, and Zhao Dingguo became more and more steady.

The situation is already very favorable to our side. In this case, even if Xu Zhiguo is strong in front of him?

Prior to that, Zhao Dingguo and Hidden Spikes had always seized Xu Zhiguo's hack, but due to the smoothness, he misjudged Xu Zhiguo's main body strength. After approaching Xu Zhiguo's main body personally, Zhao Dingguo had to admit that Xu Zhiguo's main body was stronger than he thought. The magic resistance beyond imagination, and the butterfly whose dodge rate seemed abnormal, made Zhao Dingguo's output to Xu Zhiguo's main body rather weak.

At the same time, Zhao Dingguo's output to the main body was not even half of the double!

Xu Zhiguo of course knows why.

的 The butterfly costume he possessed increased his dodge chance by 35. After synthesizing by the hand of the hero, the additional attribute is that once a dodge is successfully triggered, the dodge chance will be increased by 5 in the next five seconds. Although it cannot be superimposed, as long as it is not of bad character, it is almost equal to a dodge of 40.

This number is quite scary!

Any super-god user who eats by ordinary attack will change color in front of 40 dodge, unless he can have a **** costume that will definitely hit-golden hoop stick. Otherwise, the high chance of dodge, plus high armor brought by equipment and agility, will make those D

Ps understand what it means to be helpless.

In addition, Xu Zhiguo also has an enemy mage's spell shield in his skills.

This skill has certain requirements on pedigree, and has been ignored by many Super God users. But in fact, this is a very cost-effective capability. Attributes of the original skill, LV1 can increase 26 magic resistance. The increase is almost equal to an additional challenge turban!

Even though Xu Zhiguo was weakened a lot after learning, he still had an increase of 18.

Although Zhao Dingguo doesn't know the details, he can guess about it. It is with this ability that Xu Zhiguo's main body can drag the Lava Dragon Egg Lord with one person's power, right?

Unfortunately, Zhao Dingguo is not the Lord of Lava Dragon Egg.

The main body's strong dodge and magic resistance did not help him quickly drop Zhao Dingguo, and Xu Zhiguo didn't have that much time. At the same time, it can only inherit the avatars of the flying shoes and the basic attributes, and it can't help the void to kill the hidden spikes.

You have to know that this high-level stabbing stalk at dusk also has certain evasion properties. At the end of the void move and locked in time, he re-launched the smoke skill. Relying on deceleration and attacking the SS for a while to get rid of the void, Hidden Spike turned his head while using the healing ointment-he did not choose to help Zhao Dingguo, did not care about Xu Zhiguo's avatar, or joined forces with Li Feng Instead, he went straight to the charm witch.

Hidden thorn has realized that this is the enemy's greatest weakness.

Although Xun was helped by a Xu Zhiguo avatar, which made the charm witch's situation a little better, he was still very dangerous by all means. He got a loud reminder from the void, and found that the dusty spurs came straight to himself, and the charmed witch panicked. Especially after the hidden thorn escaped the **** of Xu Zhiguo's avatar, the Lord of the Lava Dragon Egg could not stop it, and the charm witch had to put purple resentment on the hidden thorn, then turned around and fled, ready to meet with Xu Zhiguo.

He Yinstab didn't let him escape easily, so he launched the lost purification.

I noticed that her movement speed had decreased sharply, and the charmed witch was shocked. Fortunately at this time, the push rod had cooled, and he resisted a flame sprayed by the lava dragon egg lord, and then ejected himself for a distance, struggling to escape under the deceleration of purification. Seeing the status of Xu Zhiguo's avatar, he could only helplessly fight back and help cover it.

Seeing this, Hidden Spike abandoned the idea of ​​using the nameplate ability immediately.

As a Illuminati elite close to the twilight, of course he also has the ability to nameplate. But in this case, even if you use it yourself, you can't kill the charm witch, so you might as well retain this ability. Anyway, it is enough to give up the opponent. Because, even if he spared the charm witch, the Lord of Lava Dragon Egg would not let him go!

I saw the enemy who had hit him for a long time suddenly fled, and the Lord of Dragon Eggs began to chase in anger.

Zhao Dingguo what they most wanted to see happened.

输出 The charm witch output is not bad, but the body is relatively fragile. Passive skills are inviolable, although they are strong for Super God users, they are very effective in the face of elite monsters. What's more, when he dragged the Lord of Lava Dragon Egg for Xu Zhiguo, the elite monsters had only 20% of their blood, which was almost the craziest time. If it can be regarded as the containment of dragon eggs and thieves, it will be quite difficult to support this for a while.

For Xu Zhiguo at the moment, if possible, it is better to separate one person and lead the lava dragon egg lord away. This was the ideal situation, but he also knew that the three members of the Illuminati would certainly not let them do so.

He squinted to see the lava dragon egg lord following him coming closer and closer, Xu Zhiguo could not help but regret it.

He thought that one round of his outburst and Void Mask should be able to drop a person. Next, let the charm witch hold on for a while, with the strength of the geomancer, maybe one can be killed when the second round erupts, and this is basically done.

However, his round of output failed to kill Zhao Dingguo.

的 Multi-layered stacking of passive skills allows Zhao Dingguo's health that triggered Darn attributes to recover very fast. Although Xu Zhiguo's attack with him was still far beyond the blood of Daren, but the three-second time of a sky fire was not enough for Zhao Dingguo to drop close to 2500 blood.

Of course, if only this accident is all right. Immediately afterwards, with the unexpected traction effect of the sky fire, and then the hidden thorn smoke was connected, their initiative since the start was suddenly reversed.

If so, they still have a chance.

After using the nightmare of the Banshee to control Zhao Dingguo, the void immediately opened up, giving the hidden thorns no chance to purify Zhao Dingguo. At this time, Xu Zhiguo might still hit the hidden thorns. However, when Zhao Dingguo opened the nameplate, he first used the supersonic sound wave, and sealed it with a star imprisonment for two seconds, making the spike again empty talk.

I failed to grasp all three opportunities.

In this case, the hidden thorns that had carried the void move with the help of smoke escaped, and went directly to the trouble of finding the charmed witch who was struggling to support, causing them to completely collapse.

Continue to persevere, there is nothing but desperate effort. But is that necessary?

If you are just an elite monster, you haven't reached that point yet. What's more, at this moment, it may be better to retreat than to fight hard.

After making up his mind, Xu Zhiguo issued a retreat before the Lava Dragon Egg Lord chased him down.

With his strength, if he wanted to leave, Zhao Dingguo and Hidden Spike would be difficult to stop. The problem is that two teammates must be evacuated first. Finally, he also considered the issue of retreat before making a plan. After returning, the charmed witch merged with the Void Mask, and used a scroll that accelerated by 30 in 15 seconds. The second time roaming of the Void Mask has cooled down, relying on this ability, and the acceleration of the scroll, escape without any problems.

枫 Li Feng had the ability to catch up with him, but his magical consumption was already great. If he rushed to chase it, he would be killed if he didn't do well. The Void Mask at dusk, even if the equipment is not good, the big move has not cooled, it is still very easy to kill a blue cat without blue.

After accelerating a distance, the seductive witch found that the hidden thorn was still trying to track, so she also used an instant positioning scroll ~ ~ to evacuate directly.

Both teammates left successfully, and Xu Zhiguo could safely evacuate.

After using a special preservation token to instantly transfer one of his avatars away, Xu Zhiguo's other avatars started to flicker away. Although the last detached person inevitably encountered Zhao Dingguo's set fire, and also encountered rapid cooling control, Xu Zhiguo just waste a bottle of magic immunity for the avatar, and finally all fled.

I have to say that an attack without a gold hoop will have special effects, and it is not easy to kill Xu Zhiguo's main body.

Suddenly lost the hatred target, making the angry Lava Dragon Egg Lord a little crazy. After making a circle to make sure they could no longer feel their breath, Lord Dragon Egg focused on Zhao Dingguo. All humans who dare to step into it must be killed!

However, there is a containment of the charm witch, this guy's health has not recovered to a quarter of its full value.

Such an elite blood monster is right in front of him, and it is a good opportunity to pick up cheap. If you change the impulse guy, it is estimated that you will go directly. With the strength of Zhao Dingguo's three of them, even if consumed, this guy who has only a quarter of blood and is familiar with all its attack methods can be killed.

However, Zhao Dingguo didn't do that.

Although Xu Zhiguo lost, none of his people died. If you ignore this, and rashly attack the elite monsters, you are digging your own grave!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote (m) for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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