DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 691: Dark Titan Sargeras

I directly put this sharp problem on the desktop, an organization that has a good relationship with mirroring.

问题 The first question raised by their president is because of their own concerns, for fear that the three major organizations intend to completely annex them; secondly, there is no meaning of yelling for their allies. After all, the interval for holding the night of the gods is very long, and it turns out every few years, and it is robbed by others.

Because many organizations have such concerns, his words were echoed by the president.

Although more participants chose to wait and see what happened, Zhao Dingguo could see the same concerns from their eyes. They were just worried that they would get revenge in their early days, so they didn't dare to stand up in the first place.

If this problem is not resolved, even if the so-called Super God Alliance is established, it will be based on an air tower without any trust.

However, since the throne organization dared to propose, it is naturally prepared for the problems that can be said to be encountered. After more than a dozen experts stood up to express their concerns and questions, the vice chairman of the throne accepted their questions and began to clarify: "There is absolutely no such thing as annexation."

He used a powerful sentence of negation to calm down the venue again.

"I think you haven't figured out what kind of organization this Super God Alliance is. It's not like some people think of breaking up the masters of major organizations and then re-establishing a super organization. That's right to annex. But our alliance is just an organization that makes overall arrangements. The personnel rights, resource reserves, interests of the main position, etc. of each organization are still in the hands of everyone. The major alliances will not intervene! We can make this clear. I assure you! "


I had a twilight-level expert who could not help but confirm, but before he said it, he realized that he had committed two and asked a meaningless question. On the night of the gods, the vice chairman of the throne, in the presence of the commitments of all the high-level organizations, how could it be different. In that way, the credibility of the throne will be lost, which is tantamount to pulling his own face.

"It's true!"

The vice chairman of the Throne of the Throne smiled and said, "You guys don't have to worry about this being changed after the alliance is established, we promise!"

"This way ..."

呼 "Hoo, then I'm relieved."

As soon as the throne's explanation and guarantee came out, many organizations' concerns were immediately resolved. What they are most concerned about is that the masters who have managed to win and the resources they have obtained are taken away by the throne. Since the organizations of the Canadian Alliance are still independent, their resistance is suddenly much smaller.

Zhao Zhaoding Dingguo was not as naive as them.

As a director of the Illuminati, Zhao Dingguo is undoubtedly a bit surprised. He knew that the assurance of the throne in front of him was useless at all. Because once the alliance is established, the leader will get the status and justice he wants most. Righteousness is nothing, but it depends on who holds it. It is useless in the hands of a second-rate organization, and no one listens. But put it in the hands of the major league leaders, that is the artifact that is not disadvantageous.

Hold the alliance in your own hands, and then order other organizations in the name of the alliance, it is simply a copy of 挟 天子 to order the princes!

The Grand Alliance does not need to master the specific personnel rights of the organizations at all. As long as the foundation of the existence of the Burning Legion is still in existence, the leader of the Alliance can easily use this right to allow each Canadian alliance to fully meet his needs. What I want to do. If anyone thinks that he has temporarily preserved his right to independence, then he can rest assured that Zhao Dingguo can only say that his vision is too short.

Alas, of course, there are more than just Zhao Dingguo.

Some masters saw something deeper, but there was the guarantee of the throne, and there was a precedent that the entire city of western Hunan was destroyed by the Burning and Burning Legion. We are trustworthy. Something was annexed, but there were only a few people who did not understand the situation. Now it seems to be a rumor. But, the question is still there before, is it really necessary to establish such a supernatural alliance? "

"Agree with President Golden Hand!"

"Yes! I think, as long as we set up a rule on this night of the gods, whoever the Burning Burning Legion appears on, we must fight to the end. Of course, other nearby organizations must also give their full support. I think it's enough to have this one? It's time-consuming and labor-intensive to build a major league or something. It's not necessary. "

"The two organizations in Xiangxi are just an accident?"

Many experts who oppose the major league organizations have spoken in a clear statement to oppose the issue of the throne organization.

"I said, do you really think that with our scattered sand fighting power, we can withstand the invasion of the Burning Legion?" The vice chairman of the throne stood out in the face of the blockbuster opposition, "I think, everyone's eyes It ’s still a long time. If you just look at the current situation, it is true that the burning of the Legion is not a fear. So many organizations in our country can completely resist it. However, it may not be the case in the future. "

"How do you say?" Among the tumultuous noises, the chairman of a second-rate organization that had been silent stood up: "Vice President Vice President explained it more clearly, okay?"

的 The appearance of this man immediately made Zhao Dingguo and some smart people realize that the throne arranged in advance by the throne came on stage.

"I'll be happy to explain it to you ~"

The vice chairman of the throne cleared his throat and continued: "Before further explanation, I would like to know how much do you know about the Burning Burning Legion? Everyone here, you know what such a monster group is. Background, how strong are they, and how many core SSs do they have? Or do they know nothing at all? "

If you hit him, it's like pouring a pot of water into a burning firewood pile, which immediately made the flames go out.

The venue was quiet again.

The question of the Vice-Chairman of the Throne of Thrones has caused many people to move or feel that it doesn't matter that they just follow the busy organization and start to reflect on this issue. How much do they know about the Burning Legion?

From the silence, we can see that there are not many people who know this problem!

Zhao Dingguo talked with his mentor, Jia Ruo, and this strongman who has played in both major legions helped popularize science. Zhao Dingguo felt that he knew a lot. However, for those ordinary second-rate organizations, Zhao Dingguo suspected that they might be completely unclear. Even many masters thought that it was the Super God platform that deliberately created such a sparring system, torturing them to play extra.

The counter-question by the Vice-Chairman of the Throne of Thrones was the first time that they had faced the problem.

Compared to the daze of second-rate organizations, the top-level organizations with twilight masters are basically aware of some situations. After all, many who can enter the twilight are related to the strong storytellers, and it is not surprising to get some information from them. However, if you know the best, there are undoubtedly three major organizations.

At this point, Zhao Dingguo firmly believes.

At first glance, the three major organizations have to explain this issue, and Zhao Dingguo cannot help but raise his spirit. In fact, his knowledge of the Burning Legion was far from enough, and he hoped to know more about it.

The whole venue was silent for half a minute. Seeing that no one was still speaking, the vice chairman of the throne was very satisfied. He coughed and drew everyone's attention. This is what he said: "The so-called confidante knows one another, and one can fight well. Since you don't even know the specific circumstances of the burning smoldering legion, and you make judgments based on what, our current situation can resist burning How about the invasion of the Legion? This sense of assertion is absolutely unacceptable! "

I was taught a little by the vice chairman of the throne. Many of the experts at the meeting seemed a little embarrassed. But the fact is so, they ca n’t justify the argument and can only respond with silence.

Seeing that these guys who have always opposed themselves were dumb, the vice chairman of the throne was dark in heart. He scanned the venue one by one with his eyes and saw that few people were embarrassed to face him. This was the saying: "Then, let We have the Twilight Top Stepper who is shining, Moonlight Maple will explain it to you. "

The atmosphere suddenly became active this time, and the applause was much warmer.

Wu Huiyao's twilight great **** appeared, and naturally the masters present did not lose face. In addition, Moon Night Maple God is extraordinary in strength and is the leader in the world's super master list. Many experts guess that he can enter Yong Ye at any time. Even if there is any resistance to the vice chairman of the throne, it will not be manifested at this time. Otherwise, it would be a terrible thing for such a superpower to mistake it for yourself.

In the midst of applause, Moon Night Maple stood up and nodded ~ ~ and then said nothing, and began to explain the real situation of the Burning Legion to the masters with a calm attitude.

"The Burning Burning Legion is an extremely powerful demon legion, better than the Guardian Legion and the Scourge of the Scourge!"

Yueye Feng began to explain with a seemingly sensational sentence, but without half praise: "Such a demon army that tramples on countless worlds in the universe is mainly composed of demon such as Eredar, Doomguard, and Dread Demon. Its leader is possessed of **** The Dark Titan Sargeras of the Order, commanders are Archimonde the Defiler and Kil'jaeden the Fraud. Their purpose is to destroy the world of all order and bring everything back to chaos. "

"Unfortunately, they are being followed by the main plane and our real world!"

"Have the status of a god?" Seeing the great maple moon night **** said a little pause here, some experts couldn't help but stand up and asked: "What is the leader of the Burning Legion, Sargeras really has that? Is it strong? "

Moonlight Maple glanced at him and said, "It seems that you still don't know the strength of the gods. The division of the strength of our super-god users must be clear by now. From the level without the tavern nameplate, all the way to dawn, the rising sun , Dusk, and twilight. After being stuck in the twilight stage for a long time, several strong men have now broken through to Yongye. But ah, the gods exist a higher grade than Yongye! The gap between Yongye and God, It ’s like the gap between dusk and twilight, even bigger! "(To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my biggest motivation. )

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