DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 719: This is a tiankeng

(Obviously, he has run a distance of nearly six hundred meters, and then returned to his original position in the blink of an eye.

Although somewhat uncomfortable, the rule is just such a rule. If you want to cross this sound ice bridge, you can only follow the rules of entering the house, and Zhao Dingguo can't help it. Fortunately, the disgusting ice crystal demon servant is not a bad thing. Before the forced teleportation was started, it gave Zhao Dingguo a blood-adding ability similar to the extreme cold.

By the time the healing effect disappeared, his health had been restored.

"Hahaha ... unsurprisingly!"

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's embarrassment and annoyance, the masters who have tried and failed in succession seem to have found a balance and started to laugh at He Xiu. However, his companion immediately pounded him with his arm and motioned for him to shut up. Obviously, even if Zhao Dingguo failed, his powerful strength calmed them down.

It would be unworthy to provoke hatred just because of a laugh.

Zhao Dingguo didn't have time to bother him, but was meditating.

While he was back, another master of all-round knight blood had an idea and was ready to try again. For Almighty, it has its own magic-free skills, as well as a push and push stick. It can also increase blood when it is hurt. It can also widen when it encounters ice rocks. The possibility of passing it is still very large. But even so, after running for seven hundred meters, the powerful all-around knight was controlled by the skills of the ice crystal servant during a short interval of magic avoidance, and then hit back with a burst!

At this time, another new entrant arrived and dared to try.

Zhao Dingguo was not eager to try again, but watched three waves patiently. After he figured out something, he summed up his experience and then set foot on the ice bridge again!

"Not dead yet? I squatted here for a long while and didn't see a mage past!" The guy who had mocked Zhao Dingguo before was alive again, but this time he was smart and his voice was very low.

It's a pity to ignore him!

Just now Zhao Dingguo was able to cover half the distance for the first time, and they were already impressed. Now it seems that if I get something, if I try again, I wonder if it will work?

Standing on the bridge, seeing the re-appearing ice crystal demon servant, Zhao Dingguo took a breath, and when he came up, he called out the lava jīng spirit!

The charge begins!

At his maximum speed, running twenty or thirty meters was an instantaneous thing. When the ice crystal magic servant first released his skills to break his Lincoln, Zhao Dingguo immediately turned back and released a rapid cooling to the ice crystal magic servant. This spell has a full range of 1,000 skills in the death team battle, and the range is still far.

Subsequently, the lava jīng spirit began to attack the ice crystal demon servant in the rapid cooling state.

Zhao Dingguo's plan was to throw off the ice crystal magic servant from the beginning!

This method has also been used by some experts just now, but it was not successful in the end. However, it is still effective at this stage. After the rapid cooling and throwing control time had elapsed, Zhao Dingguo ran a few hundred meters long, far beyond the distance of the transposition.

Next, Zhao Dingguo ran smoothly and rushed straight over half a distance of 500 meters.

As he entered the second half, a large volume of scarce ice rock condensed again above the ice bridge. As Zhao Dingguo passed by, pieces of ice rock fell one after another, causing considerable damage. The feeling of Zhao Dingguo from this ice rock was almost a must, and he could not hide, so he directly chose to start the ghost walk. He wondered if he could avoid this round of skills with the help of three seconds of stealth.

However, the answer does not seem to be ... no matter where he goes, the large ice rock above his head will fall down with great force and accuracy. Although in deep stealth, any e-damage will be reduced by 50%. The remaining injuries have been reduced by Zhao Dingguo, and they are very few. However, deep stealth is only three seconds!

After the effect of three seconds elapsed, the damage of the ice rock suddenly increased.

Zhao Dingguo didn't hesitate and immediately activated the frost barrier cut on the road. Once a strong barrier came out, the damage was reduced by 30%. Although it was not as good as the special effect of deep stealth, it was enough for Zhao Dingguo to resist the damage smoothly.

However, the ice crystal magic servant yīn reappeared again.

Although it had been thrown away by Zhao Dingguo before, but after previous observations, Zhao Dingguo found that it had a chance to teleport to the middle of the ice bridge. It is for this reason that Zhao Dingguo chose to start the ghost walk first. It is not only to reduce damage, but also to prevent the teleported ice crystal demon servant from casting skills on him for the first time. Unfortunately, although this guy can't see the depth of stealth, he can feel his position and has been following Zhao Dingguo.

After three seconds of invisibility disappeared, the ice crystal magic servant finally found a chance.

However, when Zhao Dingguo launched the Frost Barrier, he immediately used a push stick to shove himself, and at the same time switched skills, he turned his backhand into a hurricane. In the case of LV5 ice and thunder elements, the stagnation time of the severe hurricane has been about two seconds. Although the ice crystal demon servant landed a little ahead of schedule, Zhao Dingguo's wild running during this time and the shè of pushing the push stick made him distance again.

First of all, it is necessary to shake off the ice crystal demon servant, so that it cannot hinder its own footsteps, otherwise thinking of crossing the bridge is an empty talk; secondly, it is necessary to be able to resist the output of ice rocks. These are the two key points summarized by Zhao Dingguo.

However, these two points are quite correct, but the ice crystal magic servant is not so confused. When Zhao Dingguo successfully rushed to the last 100 meters through his own jīng heart plan, the ice crystal devil broke away from the previous restrictions and was able to use the flashing ability at will. It appeared directly in front of Zhao Dingguo and hit the ice crystal cross head-on.

So o, I hate to open anything ... The ice crystal cross has a push effect, and it will not explode until the end of the distance. Zhao Dingguo either chose to blast it during this period, or sealed himself with an astral imprisonment. But for now, dragging on is not good for yourself. So Zhao Dingguo once again used the astral imprisonment to escape this skill, and then continued to rush forward.

Ice crystal demon servant's disgusting skills reproduce!

First the control of Frozen Imprisonment, then the Frozen Path, and then the Frost Nova. Later, it took advantage of Zhao Dingguo's deceleration to launch a big move in the extremely cold field. The previous small skills were also tolerated, and the effect of Bi Jing's barriers was still there, but the damage of this big move could not be eaten anyway. Otherwise, Zhao Dingguo's health will be beaten back to 40% again. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo returned a supersonic wave directly.

The push effect did not unexpectedly interrupt its skills and also helped Zhao Dingguo win a little time. Next, Zhao Dingguo cut out another skill-the ice wall!

The choice to put this skill at this time is very particular.

Zhao Dingguo noticed this speculation while watching those discussions. The flicker of the ice crystal demon servant can not be used randomly, it seems that when it is attacked, it has not been seen flashing. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo used the ice wall at this juncture. Because the ice wall not only has a powerful deceleration effect, it can continue to cause damage-although the damage is very inconspicuous.

This ice wall is undoubtedly a merit.

As said by the master who accidentally leaked the opportunity, when it was attacked, the ice crystal demon servant did not seem to be able to start flashing. However, it also has the ability to buckle, that is, transposition!

If there is no way to deal with it, it will be replaced directly, and it will eventually be a tragedy.

However, Zhao Dingguo's ability to control rhythm and time is reflected here. While calculating time, he controlled the speed, just to ensure that the magic negation effect of the Lincoln sphere was cooled when the opponent might use the transposition. If it was earlier, the spell would be negated by other skills of the Ice Crystal Demon servant. If it was later, it would be replaced without cooling down.

This skill, which resembled the spirit of revenge, failed to take effect in the end, allowing Zhao Dingguo to successfully solve the last problem.

Under the gaze at the entrance of the ice bridge, those masters were surprised, jealous, or thoughtful, and Zhao Dingguo rushed across the ice bridge like a whirlwind. When the ice crystal demon servant broke free of the ice wall and launched the flicker again, he took that crucial step!

Pass the barrier successfully!

This level, suspected of being deliberately set by a naughty beast, was declared defiant before Zhao Dingguo's second attempt. In the end, Zhao Dingguo actually had the idea of ​​using nameplate capabilities for insurance purposes. Finally, his speed is fast enough, and the deceleration effect of the ice wall is strong enough to finally pass the level smoothly.

Next, should there be no problems?

After passing through the blizzards of the Arctic Icefield one after another, he encountered the giant icefield, turned over the blue dragon casasa, and passed the difficulties of the ice storm and sound ice bridge. Zhao Dingguo felt that he should not be far from his destination. Although honestly, these problems did not cause him too much trouble, but it was not that it was not difficult enough, just because he was versatile enough!

This is where he is the strongest compared to other experts.

For other top masters, after entering the Arctic Icefield, many places may pass through. But as long as there is a flaw in one's ability, maybe it will be stuck and fight back home. However, Zhao Dingguo's supplicants have ten skills, which are themselves all-rounder bloodlines. And he received a variety of skills and props, in the end it is necessary to have flesh and meat, to output and output, control, e, stealth cut into the same thing. Such almighty makes him seem to come here so easily ... So, where is it supposed to be possible to obtain the original crystal nuclei fragments?

After crossing the ice bridge ~ ~ Zhao Dingguo walked out of dozens of meters, and soon saw a signboard carved from ice cubes, with a large directional arrow on it.

"Go in this direction, there you want it!"

This, this ... Look at the graffiti above, it seems like the handwriting on the ice crystal demon servant before. Although there was a sudden increase of hope, Zhao Dingguo thought about it and went down this direction.

Behind this sign, there are three more brands. Zhao Dingguo ignored the words above, but just walked all the way. Just a little more than ten minutes later, Zhao Dingguo followed the ice trail that seemed to be downhill and came to an ice lake that was almost a thousand meters wide. The water quality of the glacial lake is crystal clear, and under the light of the extreme daylight, it is faintly reflecting the colorful glow.

However, even if the temperature here is minus forty degrees, the water of the ice lake still has no meaning of freezing.

In front of this magical lake, there is a sign with four big words on it!

"This is a pit!"

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