DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 734: Offense of the Burning Legion

These monsters with a strong chaos flew into the air as soon as they came out, making strange and excited weird calls, announcing their arrival to the real world!

From the shadows of these horrible monsters, from time to time, you can see some panic looking at the sky, and then scattered the fleeing humans. Although the forces of the real world have mobilized and evacuated to the greatest extent, many people still do not believe or feel that they cannot be so unlucky, so they do not leave.

At this moment, they became the hunting targets of these bloodthirsty monsters.

The energy rays released by the eye demon can also cause hundreds of points of damage to the super-god users at dusk. Hitting ordinary humans instantly turned them into fly ash. Under their scourge, Pingyu City suddenly became a weird and horrible hell-anyone killed could not see the corpse and blood, but disappeared directly with a light!

As these flying monsters spread, the space channel began to adjust further.

In just half a minute, a large number of other Burning Legion monsters rushed out of the channel and began to quickly build the corresponding supporting teleportation array. At the same time, seeing that the Burning Legion monster has arrived, the prepared Super God Alliance immediately issued an invasion warning through multiple channels!

In the real world, the cities and passageways around Pingyu City were immediately martialized and blocked, and they were only allowed to escape and not to enter.

In the Super God circle, nearby Super God organizations were also notified. When the Super God Alliance saw the large number of flying monsters and the significantly better invasion scale, it was the first time to issue an announcement to the Ethereal Organization. The top ten teams that have begun to congregate have also given up. Started a comprehensive assembly to march toward Pingyu City.

Obviously, the senior level of the major leagues is at the time of counting people. I'm also worried that I won't take it off.

As its territory, the Ethereal Organization received reports of invasion almost at the time of the warning from the Super God Alliance. At this time, they didn't realize the difference of this invasion, let alone what the Super League of God did behind it, just as a normal invasion. So, under the leadership of the vice chairman and Xu Zhiguo who had just stepped into the twilight and spirited, more than two hundred virtual spirit masters quickly made their way towards Pingyu.

some of. There are dozens of Bingyan organizations sent over for a two-day exchange.

As for why time is so coincident ... Hum, don't say. The giants of Glory are of course well-known, but others are clearly not clear.

"Sister, these **** Burning Legion monsters, I'm eating!"

"I didn't expect yesterday's forecast to be accurate, but there really was an invasion. But the master of Bingyan is also there, and we can save a lot of energy."

"Is the Major League wrong again?"

Zhaoping Yu made a rapid progress all the way. These virtual spirits and Bingyan experts talked a lot, and it didn't seem to be too much pressure. It's no wonder that although the invasion of the Burning Legion is becoming more and more intensive, for the moment, top large organizations such as Ethereal have the ability to complete sniping alone when they encounter invasion.

What's more, they still have dozens of twilight masters of Ice Eye Organization.

There are three twilight, hundreds of twilight masters, a team of more than a hundred sunburst. I dare not say that we are invincible, at least it is not easy to solve this invasion problem.

However, such a negligible enemy quickly disappeared without a trace after truly fighting the vanguard of the Burning Legion.

Because separated by dozens of kilometers. By the time they arrived, the Burning Legion's transport array in the center of Pingyu had been completed. Began a steady stream of transshipments. In this regard, the masters of the Ethereal Organization are not too surprised. Once they are built and destroyed, it is not that they have never done it before. However, just the first hundreds of Scourge Hounds and Evil Ramblers who stopped them forced them to stop.

Evil Rambler is an upgraded version of Hellhound.

Compared with the long tentacles and red skin of the **** dog, the evil rambler is stronger and has dark patches on the skin. It also has super disgusting mana burning skills. If it ’s a high-level mage, it ’s okay. If it is some intelligence-like strength or agile bloodline, it is very embarrassing to be drawn by burning two or three mana in succession.

After all, even melee DPS heroes need magic to support their skills.

When these evil ramblers succeeded in disrupting the attack of the Ethereal Organization, the Skyhound hounds flanked and attacked.

This kind of high-level boss-level monster at dusk is particularly huge, with two terrible skulls, which can spit hot flames from the mouth, and has a strong combat effectiveness. When dozens or hundreds of them charged together, they were like heavy cavalry in ancient battlefields, so that the masters of the phantom organization who had not seen such monsters before were panicked on the spot.

Although several commanders of the Ethereal were in danger, they immediately ordered heroes with powerful group control skills, such as Shaking God Bull, Tide, Ice Dragon, and Warlock, to interrupt their charge. But these powerful monsters, after recovering from vertigo, still have extremely high combat effectiveness. The two rushing Twilight Masters were almost killed by the fire mark of the Scourge Hound. If not from the surrounding teammates, many skills such as Mekansm, thin burial, and aphotic shield were given in time. It's going to be an unlucky guy who just hangs out at the beginning.

Rao wasn't dead, and the two of them were taken aback.

"The punishment of the hounds is very high these days, and the fire damage can be superimposed. Be careful!"

In fact, without their reminders, several commanders across the globe have begun to remind them to be careful. After putting aside the intentions, those professional-level meat shields spontaneously stood in front and began to resist the impact of the day punishment hound. On the other side, in the front direction, hundreds of masters were also fighting with the evil rambler. Although the commanders of the Ethereal Organization want to shake them off and break into the teleportation array, they have to say that these guys with mana burning skills are disgusting.

For other damage skills, Twilight Masters can choose hard resistance. But if there is no blue, the combat effectiveness of the masters will be greatly reduced, and even a small sacrifice may be required. Therefore, they can only choose to kill the evil rambler before proceeding.

At the same time as the two sides were playing fiercely, large-scale teleportation arrays in the city center continued to operate.

With the arrival of a new batch of flying monsters, hundreds of ogre and shadow bats flew to the battlefield. Under the vigilant eyes of the masters of the Ethereal Organization, a wild bombing began.

Within almost two or three seconds, dozens of energy rays, as well as large shadow spells and curses of scope were dropped. These penetrating energy rays are similar to the skills of the Eye of Death. They are all extraordinary. Although most experts choose to turn on the black and yellow and use the flute to evade with various skills, there are still more than ten experts who are densely rayed. Wrecked. As for the different shadow spells, they are even more disgusting, including blinding, increasing damage, weakening, and slowing and cursing.

The masters of magic immunity are okay. Those who have no magic immunity have hit skills again, which means that the combat effectiveness is directly reduced by one grade.

Although some experts immediately used a variety of dispel props and skills to begin to dispel this negative state, but taking advantage of this opportunity, the sky punishment hound and the evil rambler have launched a new round of attacks. The eyes of the sky, after a few seconds of CD, began to prepare for the second round of salvo!

Although a few masters with combat flying mounts immediately started to take off and the mages on the ground also took part of their manpower to assist in suppressing the air force, in this way, the original strength of the phantom organization and the ice eye organization was equalized. To different battlefields in three directions. It should have been eliminated by focusing on the superior forces one by one, and forced into a war of attrition.

For the Burning Legion, this is really their favorite thing to see.

The senior executives of the virtual organization responsible for the command certainly saw such a fault, but they are now passive and it is difficult for them to make adjustments. Only if possible to open the situation on a certain battlefield, and then can quickly reverse this unbalanced consumption balance.

In this case, Xu Zhiguo, who led the team, slaughtered seven or eight sky-hunting hounds in succession together with the four avatars, which was a brilliant achievement, showing the strength of the twilight master. However, his outstanding performance alone does not seem to lead the entire team to break through.

Moreover, with the assistance of a batch of burning Legion monsters transferred from the teleportation front, although these masters of the Ethereal Organization killed many monsters, it was still difficult to complete the breakthrough. Instead, their overall condition is getting worse. Several commanders leading the team had to successively ask for help from Ethereal Headquarters and openly asked for help from the Super God Alliance.

Soon after receiving help from his men, the chairman of the virtual spirit was obviously surprised.

However, the group of masters who have set off ~ ~ took away 60% of the combat power of the Ethereal Organization. Even if the remaining masters gathered in a hurry, it was difficult to arrive all at once. This crisis made him vaguely feel uneasy.

On the other hand, after receiving a request from the Ethereal Organization, the Super God Alliance also immediately responded, stating that the reinforcement team has begun to gather and will soon arrive. These two things are clearly impeccable.

In fact, the top ten teams have already assembled at this time and are approaching at high speed. If needed, they can fully join the battlefield after a maximum of twenty minutes. However, several alliance giants who watched the battlefield from afar saw that the Ethereal Organization had potential, so they were not in a hurry to let them join. They plan to wait for another period of time to squeeze the Ethereal organization to the extreme and abandon most of the previous reserves before taking over in time.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo, who has been authorized, has started to formally convene his team.

Although the order given to him by the Major League was only completed within half a day and was on-site on standby, there was no movement in a short time, but after seeing the first perspective turned forward, Zhao Dingguo felt the unprecedented scale of the invasion. So it was wise to start the mobilization ahead of time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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