DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 736: Emergency reinforcements for 57 teams

Even the perfect plan, as long as it is executed, there is always the possibility of accidents.

This is how the tragedy in Pingxian happened.

Because the Chilong organization that hastily left did not report the news back to the major leagues in the first place, when the alliance's swimming observation points found anomalies, there were already thousands of monsters of the Burning Legion rushing through the gap. Out. And not far from this line of defense is an inland third-tier town!

Everyone knows that something big happened!

Several alliance giants who couldn't sit still in Pingyu watched the battle and went to the gap in person. At the same time, they also urgently dispatched the only reserve team nearby, invested in the vicinity, and immediately evacuated ordinary people in Ping County-not long ago, the tragic incident caused by the two internal organizations was in sight. The time they carefully planned out the basket, and once again the tragedy of the entire city being destroyed by the Burning Legion, then their alliance decision-making layer was too failed.

The Twilight Master and the Twilight Masters dispatched in person, and the gap was immediately blocked.

Even if there are still monsters of the Burning Legion rushing here, they will never be able to guard through the gap of the Master of the Night. However, although their strength is super strong, after all, their manpower is limited and they are lack of skills. Even though the gap could be temporarily closed, waiting for the follow-up troops to arrive, but the thousands of monsters that had been released, they were powerless.

Right now, a large number of league masters who have been mobilized are besieging the Burning Legion's teleportation array. No one knows when Archimonde will come in person, so no one can be separated here. Under anger. Several giants could only immediately notify subsequent assembled teams to come to protect Pingxian.

The 57th team, which was already prepared and ready to be dispatched at this time, was successful.

Compared to other teams that are still hauling together, Zhao Dingguo has the help of many twilight masters. Already set out. After the transfer, a team of more than 100 people came to the periphery of Pingxian non-stop. At this time, this once peaceful third-tier city has become a sea of ​​fire.

Although after being warned, many humans in Pingxian began to retreat immediately, and the real-world armed forces also took the risk of sniping. But in the face of high-level monsters that burn up the Legion, the real world force is really vulnerable. Although heavy weapons and missiles can slightly harm them, the human response speed of weapons is controlled. But it is far better than the flexible attack of these monsters. Almost instantly, those powerful scourge hounds and shadow bats tore human defenses apart.

Without the super body and defense of Super God users, it is the deadliest place of real force.

Although Zhao Dingguo's speed was very fast, after the real arrival, the city was still destroyed by scattered monsters. Moreover, compared with monsters on the ground, those eye-catchers and shadow bats that have slipped out and have the ability to fly are the most threatening.

Because thousands of monsters of the Burning Legion have been completely dispersed. As long as the masters of the 57 team pay attention, don't divide too much, you don't need to worry about being dumped. After signalling that Lao Hu and Long Xiaotian were temporarily in charge, Zhao Dingguo recruited the blue dragon casa to prepare to kill those flying monsters in the air!

With them circling in the sky, don't even try to escape the human stranded in the city.

"Captain. Can you take me?" Lan Fat Xiaohuang stopped him unexpectedly, his face looked a little disturbed and anxious.

Zhao Dingguo froze and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lan Fat said a few words and looked up: "The cousins ​​who have a good relationship with me live here, I'm worried ..."

"What are you waiting for?"

Zhao Dingguo nodded. Waked at him. After the blue fat also came up, Zhao Dingguo immediately raised his height. Control Scasa towards the center of Ping County at full speed. Although carrying a person, the speed of Sakasa dropped by 50 points and reduced to less than 700, but this speed is still far beyond the maximum moving speed in the general sense.

Lan Fat was probably the first time to ride a flying mount and was taken aback by this speed.

"Yes, where is your cousin's family?"

Although killing flying monsters around is important, saving people is equally important. People always have a close relationship. Between the strange man and his relatives, Zhao Dingguo chose the latter, and it is understandable.

Lan Fat was very grateful and immediately gave him directions.

Big cities have the advantages of big cities, and small counties of course also have their own advantages. Due to the small area of ​​the city, the blue dragons passed by at a speed of 100 meters above the ground, and the two quickly arrived at the blue fat community. But unfortunately, at this moment, there are already flames in this community, and seven or eight evil wanderers and sky-hunting dogs are hunting for humans who have not had time to escape.

Lan Fat saw his cousin and aunt at a glance on the fifth-floor rooftop, which was ignited by the flames of the Skyhound. But at this moment, an evil rambler also jumped up, a mana burned and drew away ...

Even super-god users at dusk are disgusted by this skill, let alone ordinary people who have no resistance at all.

Seeing that scene, Lan Fat's eyes turned black. Before Zhao Dingguo drove Scasa to freeze, he jumped upstairs in sorrow and indignation, desperately trying to fight the evil walker. Originally, with his strength, it was okay to single out an evil rambler, but the key point was that before he rushed over, a sky-hunting hound stepped out in the flames.

This is not something that can be confronted before entering the twilight stage.

If it wasn't for Zhao Dingguo's immediate shot, a set of skills and control belts burst directly to the evil rambler, and then took over the sky punishment hound. Lan fat is estimated to be killed by the powerful fire of the sky punishment hound.

However, even if he did not die, he saw his sister killed by a monster in front of him, and Lan Fat was hit hard. Moreover, even if he wanted to get revenge, because of insufficient strength, he was directly hit by a skill of the Tian Xun Hound. Excited, he looked at Zhao Dingguo to activate the elemental realm, and the pressured Hound of Retriever had no temper and fell into deep silence.

A powerful monster that can kill him with one skill, but in front of Zhao Dingguo, has no resistance at all, and is easily tortured to death. If you have this power ...

Damn it! !!

For the first time, Lan Fat's heart was full of desire for power!

After swiftly killing the day punishment hound, Zhao Dingguo looked at the flames that had spread to the top floor and sighed silently. Under his wave, the large group of ice elements spread quickly, permeating layer by layer, quickly extinguishing the flames.

With the addition of the elemental field, controlling the ice element to extinguish ordinary flames is still very simple for him.

Seeing that she was on the verge of desperation, a super powerful super-god user suddenly emerged to save herself, and other surviving humans were cheering, laughing and crying, praising Zhao Dingguo with all the beautiful words they could think of. In this regard, Zhao Dingguo has already seen a lot. He just put on a majestic and indifferent expression, and naturally let those ordinary people retreat. Then he looked at the blue fat next to him and shook his head secretly.

Who can blame today's incident?

To blame him for providing space to deceive the magic circle? Or the top of the Super League of Gods who clapped and executed? Or is it the red dragon tissue that doesn't mind?

Seems no wonder.

Zhao Dingguo just wanted to disgusting the virtual spirit, making Xu Zhiguo feel bad. Super League of God also has perfect plans and guarantees when making decisions. The Chilong organization is anxious, and it is justifiable to protect its headquarters. However, it is not entirely true that the third-rate organization that attacked the Chilong organization headquarters. They are just a little short-sighted, and they are usually suppressed by the Red Dragon Organization, which will want to fight back ...

Well, Zhao Dingguo thought about it for a while. In the end, he could only put the responsibility on the Burning Legion-there must always be an object to stand up for the gangster, but in fact it is actually the monster of the Burning Legion!

Seems to have thought of this too, Lan Fat's eyes are full of hatred.

Zhao Dingguo clapped his shoulders helplessly, and said nothing, motioned him to take care of his aunt first, and then took off with Scasa again.

There are more ordinary people waiting for his help!

I have to say that the Blue Dragon Sassa is indeed the leader in advanced combat flying mounts. Combined with his strength, there is almost no pressure to deal with those eye-catchers and shadow bats. The latter, because of its powerful shadow spell, can also cause Zhao Dingguo a little trouble. But the eye devil is simply a tragedy. After the chaos spreads and loses the advantage of the cluster, it is a target with no resistance in front of the blue dragon with a speed of 720.

Don't bully them too easily ...

In an instant, ~ ~, dozens of flying monsters were killed by Zhao Dingguo. At this time, other masters with combat flying mounts also came one after another and joined the fight together.

After roughly clearing the flying monster in the air, Zhao Dingguo lowered his height again, and acted as a firefighter by relying on his super mobility. Compared with the inefficiency of air, when facing monsters on the ground, his means are much richer. As soon as various e came out, there was no suspense in dealing with them. From receiving the task to the end, the number of monsters he killed alone was no less than a hundred!

You know, the monsters here are at least ordinary monsters at dusk, and even powerful elite monsters at dusk. He can slaughter hundreds more in one go. This record is enough for many subordinates of the 57 team to worship him.

It will be two or three hours after several successively numbered teams have completed their preliminary clean-up and killed the monsters who have fleeed outside.

Although the matter has temporarily subsided, the bad effects caused by this matter are far from over.

Everyone knows that there must be an organization responsible for this. (To be continued ...)

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