DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 744: Archimonde's Inscription Divinity

Archimonde's defeat was inevitable, but the giants did not look pleased.

It has been so hard to kill an incomplete Archimonde. What about the real Sargeras coming? How powerful is the leader of the flaming legion, the goddess Sargeras? How many masters of Yong Ye need to kill?

No one knows!

Perhaps, the giants of the league have some confidence before this war. But after this battle, it is presumed that the super-gods of the entire world will have a general understanding of the strongest combat power of the Burning Legion.

Zhao Dingguo should be worried next, but now he doesn't have much time to care, he just focused on the drop of Archimonde who was about to be killed.

Unlike the situation expected, due to the strength of Archimonde, the competitors who stayed here were not one or two hundred people, but only more than twenty people who had the prototype of the field. In this case, there is no need to call any flying mounts, it is all about character and reaction speed. When Archimonde saw that the destruction of Dalaran was also invalid, and eventually fell unwillingly and unbelievably, Zhao Dingguo tightened his nerves and was ready to **** the flying outfit!

Such a super elite, if you ca n’t drop the artifact, you are really sorry for your identity. Which master will not mind?

Not to mention the twilight that has the prototype of the realm, even the eternal night powerhouses such as clues are staring at Archimonde's fallen body. When the flames and chaos that never seemed to go out of him had finally dissipated, a dazzling meteor cut through the halo of fear that enveloped thousands of kilometers and the dim yellow clouds.

All masters present and causing some damage. Received tips for gaining massive pedigree practice!

Those who are already full-fledged pedigrees are perfect. The pedigree level like Zhao Dingguo is not high enough. It is completely piled up by the soul, inheritance and other equipment. His true pedigree cultivation level jumped to two levels, rushing from lv15 to lv17!

This is a level that makes the supplicant truly qualitative.

Because from then on, even if Zhao Dingguo does not open the element field, he already has a big move. Moreover, if you add the bonuses of many equipment and fields, his three main talents of ice, thunder and fire can rise to lv7. If you don't count on the increase in the lineage, this is already a level of perfect bloodline invocation.

however. Before Zhao Dingguo calmed down from the joy of successive upgrades, the next moment, four props and equipment with different rays of light emerged from Archimonde's body.

More than twenty strong men present. Boiling immediately!

However, without waiting for them to move forward, the four pieces of equipment have already flew up and lased in different directions. One of them was reached by the nearest bnng god; the other was carried into his own arms; and the other flew northward, but it was the fastest u figure, and it was directly fished.

The last piece of black glittering jewelry flew over to Zhao Dingguo.

Seeing that the twilight strong was eager to grab, Zhao Dingguo didn't have the idea of ​​giving in half, immediately pushed his staff and ejected himself, and put the prop into his arms.

So many masters present. There are only four things. It's not suitable for anyone, so only anyone can get it. In addition, Zhao Dingguo also played the whole game from scratch, and the contribution output was not weak at all, in the case of other Sanyong nights. When he got it, who dared to pull his face and grab it in public?

Therefore, this piece of equipment called the artifact, under the envy and jealous attention of other twilight strong. In the hands of Zhao Dingguo.

+600 health and +10 armor.

+20 points for all attributes.

The powerful chaos breath will make the Burning Legion monsters close to you default to be friendly, until you take the initiative to attack. The objects passed are: all ordinary monsters, and some weak elite monsters.

Chaos Reality: During normal attacks, there is a 100% chance to add 40 real damage.

With active skills: inscription, finger of death.

Inscription: The bracelet is engraved with a powerful inscription only known to the high ranks of the Burning Legion. After activation, any attacks that contain chaos breath will reduce the damage by 20% in the next 20 seconds. Consumes 100 mana and a cooldown of 1 minute.

Finger of Death: Launches a red lightning bolt, instantly inflicting 400 + 2x Intellect Primary Damage to the target. The cooldown is 45 seconds and consumes 300 mana.

Note: After conquering a certain plane, Sargeras forged the souvenir works himself and gave him his powerful men.

At the first glance of Zhao Dingguo's attributes of this equipment, he thought of the one his mentor had lent to him. Similar to that piece of equipment, this Archimonde's inscription chaos pendant is also of the same level and can be comparable to any top-level artifact of legacy equipment!

The armor is +10, which is like adding a plate armor to make Zhao Dingguo more meaty.

Health +600 points, plus 20 points of all attributes, directly increases Zhao Dingguo's 1000 life limit, the effect is comparable to Dragon Heart.

Originally, Zhao Dingguo's maximum health value was only about three thousand. Under this bonus, he directly crossed the 4,000 mark. In this way, the lava elves who were able to inherit 20% of Zhao Dingguo's health also went up with the water, which was equivalent to another 200 lives.

As for the common Burning Legion monster that defaults to friendly forces, it can only be said that it is useful in some cases. It can't help a lot when fighting directly. However, the real property of chaos is rare. Because the attribute of real damage is similar to holy damage, it is more rare than real damage reduction ability. A 100% increase in basic attack will increase 40 real damage, which is equivalent to taking Zhao Dingguo's output to a higher level.

The last two additional skills are also very practical skills.

Inscription skill, reduces 20% of the damage of the Burning Legion monster after launch. Together with the frost barrier, it can make up for the vacuum period to the greatest extent. When facing the top elite monsters of the Burning Legion, Zhao Dingguo's pressure will be much less. In the context of the Burning Legion's invasion, despite its limitations, the inscription is still very practical.

Needless to say with a finger of death, instant ultra-high single-unit damage is only for seconds!

For a long time, Zhao Dingguo lacked such instantaneous single spell skills. Although Skyfire is one, there are delays in casting, which need to be judged, and they will be apportioned if they are not careful, which limits its usefulness. The death finger is different. With Zhao Dingguo's current intelligence, the theoretical damage totals more than 900 points, which is more than a five-level red staff. Cooperate with disputes, strengthen the electromagnetic vortex, and aging.

Aiming at this skill, Zhao Dingguo had the idea of ​​producing a fifth-level red staff.

When the time comes, various magic reduction and resistance states will be given, first a red staff of 800, and then more than 900 fingers of death. If it is not enough, go for a supersonic sound wave or elemental judgment or something. Basically, as long as it is not a powerful meat shield at dusk, he must be killed by a set of spikes.

Although other masters did not know what the specific attributes of the divine costumes that Zhao Dingguo got, but when they saw a smile, they knew they must be very good.

After envying, complaining, or even cursing a few words in their hearts, these masters quickly adjusted their attitudes and put on a smile. Either communicate with each other, or talk intimately with Zhao Dingguo, and some people directly send invitations to play. Zhao Dingguo didn't know himself, and when he had such a good relationship with them.

This is actually a sign that strength is recognized by a handful of experts at the top of the pyramid.

Change to ordinary masters, take the initiative to sacrifice Yong Ye master, others are not rare. It is also that Zhao Dingguo opened the field today. Yue Xie singled out the Hellfire Elite and filled the whole field in the battle with Archimonde. This was recognized by them!

In any case, Archimonde, the superpower of the Burning Legion, second only to Sargeras, was induced to kill in Pingyu, China. Its death is undoubtedly a huge blow to the mighty burning legion. I have been paying attention to other super-god forces in this world-famous war. At the same time of all kinds of surprises and shocks, I also inevitably feel a sense of breath.

In their opinion, only one family in the domestic super **** circle can kill Archimonde. If Tongji, the world's super master, fights and halves, it should always be possible to destroy Sargeras, right?

After many SuperGod users made similar judgments, this remark quickly spread. Ordinary humans in the real world also cheered for their unprecedented victory, as if the dawn of victory against the Burning Legion was just around the corner. The super-god alliance that led this battle ~ ~ is also remembered in history.

Of course, in this battle, Zhao Dingguo became the biggest beneficiary.

The descent level was successively improved, and Archimond's costume was obtained, and another battle was sealed. If only some masters with news channels knew him before, now, most of the Super God users have heard of Zhao Dingguo, a new super master. Although he hasn't stepped into twilight till now, everyone is convinced that twilight can't stop him at all. Even many foreign organizations have begun to build his files exclusively.

So, when Zhao Dingguo started the death group battle in September, just before entering the Super God space, the other party came up with a sentence: "I rub, isn't this God Zhao?"

Zhao Dingguo was stunned at that time.

For a long time, when called other top masters, Zhao Dingguo didn't feel how. But being so shouted by others, he immediately felt uncomfortable. Moreover, the key point is that the people's voice is not correct. This sentence, Zhao Dashen, sounds like a big jumping god. It reminds Zhao Dingguo of a fake **** Hanxian who can only be seen in his hometown when he was a child. ...

Well-known is indeed bad!

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