DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 770: There is always a surprise talent

Seeing that the gods are rushing towards themselves, the first reaction of many people is to turn around and run away. m

But in fact, the speed of the demon's charge is very fast, even if it flashes, it is difficult to escape. In the case of winning the soul hunter, Lincoln was broken again, and the **** also has anti-hidden ability, how a supplicant looks at the rhythm to be played. However, Zhao Dingguo stood there without moving.

"Should there be any cards?"

If the big one is a rookie in the dawn stage, many experts on the sidelines will certainly think that the guy has been frightened. But Zhao Dingguo is also a master of twilight, after all, the explosive power just now is scary enough. Such a veteran cannot always make low-level mistakes easily. Since indifferent, chances are that there are ways.

The **** warrior himself thinks so too.

He only glanced at Zhao Dingguo while charging, and guessed that his big move might have returned without success.

As the gods expected, the moment he rushed to Zhao Dingguo and the sacrifice was about to start, Zhao Dingguo used the stars to imprison every minute and sealed himself. The spirit's own blood volume has decreased sharply by a thousand points, but Zhao Dingguo managed to avoid the harm and did not lose a drop of blood!

"Is the star imprisoned ~"

The **** frowned and muttered in a low voice, apparently having eaten this skill more than once. However, he didn't take it too seriously, after all, his big move was once every four seconds. Compared with other heroes who have been cooling down for more than a minute, after the magic wand, the gods are too cheap. And what about lv1's star imprisonment? Seems to have a cooldown of at least 18 seconds, right?

Such a long time is enough to start four big moves on my own!

As for the thousand lives lost in vain, the gods didn't even care. Unlike other heroes, the warrior with less blood has higher combat effectiveness. So there is a word that has been circulating among masters, the **** **** is not a good god. To maintain the proper health ratio, you can maximize your combat effectiveness.

After losing more than a thousand points of blood. The combat effectiveness of the **** warrior has been significantly improved. Not only does the magic resistance continue to increase in the enhancement of passive skills, the attack speed is much faster than before. Because there is a cannon, this output is installed in God. When the red crit is triggered, this guy actually killed Zhao Dingguo's 600+ life in one shot!

This number surprised Zhao Dingguo.

Although he did not open the barriers, after entering the twilight stage, his damage reduction ability was raised to an unprecedented level. The high armor and power suppression have made Zhao Dingguo's full confidence to face any output. In the previous death squad, he faced up against a large stray. Zhao Dingguo can also be blocked. Unexpectedly, the output of this **** warrior is so high!

Deserves to be a master of high twilight, with a heritage costume!

Fortunately, Zhao Dingguo's endurance is still reliable. With the parabolic bite of the orb effect, combined with the suppression of power and the additional dodge of the heritage cloak, Zhao Dingguo's total dodge probability is as high as 30%. The **** warrior is not equipped with a gold hoop. This means that roughly a third of his output is dodged.

Occasionally a 600+ actual damage is cool, but the two dodges that followed one after the other immediately wiped out the crit damage. What's more, don't forget Zhao Dingguo's strong recovery ability and blood-sucking effect.

After entering the twilight stage, with the refresh ball added 5 points / second of life recovery, when the nameplate upgrade received 10 points / seconds of additional enhancements, as well as the basic life recovery speed brought by the increase of strength attributes. Both made Zhao Dingguo's maximum life recovery speed close to 60 points / second. With the 25% blood-sucking effect provided by the new offering, as long as Zhao Dingguo continues to output, he can easily restore one or two hundred lives every second!

This recovery speed is actually not afraid of the gods.

after all. Although the **** opened an armband and had 5,000 blood, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume jumped to 4,400 points after entering the twilight stage.

Both parties are basically of the same order of magnitude.

What's more, Zhao Dingguo also has talent. The 10 o'clock judgment seems inconspicuous. But no one knows when it will bring a surprise.

This is how the **** warrior looks right now!

Because there is still a lot of blood, the gods have not activated the blood-sucking effect. Instead, he has been using his orb skills—the **** spear. This skill consumes 15 life and causes continuous damage to the enemy. In the case of lv4, it can deal 20 damage per second for 7 seconds.

It is obviously very cost-effective to use your 15 points of life for 140 points of the enemy.

Although the damage is continuous, the orb can stack infinitely. As long as the continuous 7 seconds have not elapsed, you can stack as many as you can in the middle. Think about it, if you stack more than ten layers casually, the continuous damage of two to three hundred points every second will increase the output of the gods!

The above data is only standard skills.

Zhao Dingguo's **** in the twilight stage is equipped with a legacy and several souls. With the increase of these equipments, his blood-burning spear increased the damage by an additional 40% to 28 points per second and the duration was extended to 10 seconds.

This is too scary!

If you only count the theory, it is equal to 280 points of total damage for each attack.

Is Zhao Dingguo's swiftness fast enough? If the 80% attack speed bonus is ignored, the pure attack power will only increase by 80 points. For a long time, the samurai warrior relied on the powerful blood-spearing spear and the big move of four seconds. He defeated the strong enemy many times and rarely encountered the opponent.

But it must have happened that the scene that made him dumbfounded today!

His powerful blood-burning spear hit Zhao Dingguo. Not only could he not see any effect, but the effect of treatment kept appearing. Especially when the layers of boiling spears were superimposed, Zhao Dingguo's endless treatments flashed the eyes of hundreds of experts who were foolish.

Although the treatment cup actually received is actually ineffective, such a treatment is too bad for morale!

Launching the blood-blowing spear itself consumes 15 points of blood from the **** himself. Although it is inconspicuous, after all, it keeps bleeding. Of course, if it can hit the enemy, of course, now? The spirit warrior dropped his own blood, and then added blood to Zhao Dingguo ... Such a spirit that is not self-interested and specialized, is too noble and rare!

Although Zhao Dingguo's ability characteristics had been vaguely guessed, the **** warrior was not sure for a while, and he also doubted whether Zhao Dingguo used any special props or abilities. Therefore, knowing that there may be a problem with the Blood-Burning Spear, he has not released it for the time being, but only reduced the number of times the Blood-Burning Spear is launched.

In the blink of an eye, the new big trick has cooled down.

The orb attack has no effect, so continue to sacrifice it. After being shunned by Zhao Dingguo's astral imprisonment, the **** warrior saw the opportunity coming and launched another charge against Zhao Dingguo. Zhao Dingguo ignored him, waved his scepter, and directly stormed the hurricane + enhanced electromagnetic vortex shot.

Before that, he had wanted to produce such a set of output. It was just a pity that the storm hurricane had the property of disregarding magic and avoiding interruption. Now that the gods are zooming in again, Zhao Dingguo has exactly two birds with one stone, so there is no hesitation.

Under the dark blue storm scepter bonus, the howling hurricane immediately blasted the demon-defying deities and rolled into the air.

"Variation skills?"

Found that the skills were interrupted, and the gods in the sky were stunned. He did not expect that Zhao Dingguo, a guy who had just entered the twilight stage in rumors, actually had such powerful attributes.

But it doesn't matter.

The cooling time of the storm hit seems to be much longer than the imprisonment of the stars? For standard skills, it should be 30 seconds!

Forbearance again.

The **** who was thinking in this way stayed in the sky for 2.5 seconds, then fell to the ground and encountered the magic reduction effect of strengthening the electromagnetic vortex, and was burned 400 points blue.

"Can you reduce magic resistance?"

Burned 400 points of blue is nothing, God's pedigree skills do not consume much blue, not to mention he is the top twilight master. However, the reduced magic resistance made him a little worried.

However, Zhao Dingguo has no plans to give him more opportunities to worry.

Foreplay has been done enough, Zhao Dingguo is no longer polite. At the same time as the electromagnetic vortex, the classic combo of meteorites and shock waves was already hit. In conjunction with the aging skills and the finger of death attached to the inscription divine costume, the gods were instantly damaged. After opening the armband, he still had more than half of his blood, and now the life halo suddenly turned yellow and red.

"how can that be?"

"It hurts, it's not scientific!"

Seeing the change in the blood volume of the gods, many experts on the sidelines exclaimed.

Everyone knows that as the blood volume of the deities decreases, the magic resistance will increase rapidly. Basically after half a blood, ordinary spell skills can't see obvious effect. But this set of Zhao Dingguo did more harm than expected. Moreover, the additional push and the 4-second forbidden attack effect also severely restrained the gods ~ ~ this guy is a bit powerful ... "

If you say that the gods have full confidence in themselves before the battle begins. But at this moment, he took it seriously. Zhao Dingguo's powerful fighting power made him dare not to underestimate him.

Others may not understand why the outbreak is so fearful, but the gods themselves know it. Although his passiveness can greatly increase the magic resistance, at that moment, the opponent's veil of dispute and the mutated electromagnetic vortex have greatly reduced his magic resistance, and almost smoothed the increase. What's more, the 2-second aging at the critical moment, and the last red lightning bolt, have played a icing on the cake.

Moreover, he has guessed that Zhao Dingguo must have other damage enhancements, which will be able to hurt himself under the situation that the magic resistance has been increased so much!

However, don't think that we will be afraid of you!

Although the amount of blood dropped sharply to 30%, in fact, his magic resistance increased further, instead he became more flesh. Taking advantage of the gap between Zhao Dingguo's attack, he also gave himself blood circulation, and his blood began to soar. With the addition of more than 200 strength, his life recovery speed even exceeded Zhao Dingguo. (To be continued)

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