DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 779: The situation has changed drastically

The joining of Zhao Dingguo has made many European masters confident. m.

After the first elemental shield was blasted, Zhao Dingguo paid a little attention to his position, and smoothly delayed a little more time. Moreover, when the second elemental shield was about to be detonated, Zhao Dingguo's elemental ball changed, and the elemental trial was launched!

Zhao Dingguo had good luck. This skill with authoritative surnames was not immune.

With 15% more damage passed on, Zhao Dingguo's resistance index suddenly increased by another level. At this time, the roar of the wandering swordsman just cools down, adding 12 armor to him. Almighty also added blood in a timely manner, and then gave him magic immunity.

The support of teammates allowed Zhao Dingguo to support more time.

Seeing that the effect of the elemental compression, which had been compressed to three seconds, disappeared, Zhao Dingguo decisively launched the refresh ball directly, and then launched the frost barrier again.

Nameplate abilities and elemental trials cannot be refreshed, but Zhao Dingguo's ancestor Blessing and Frost Barrier can be brushed!

Noting that the effect of the frost barrier disappeared, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume was rapidly falling, and the Yongye master who had recovered quickly in the back row was ready to cope. But at this time, a flash of green light on Zhao Dingguo directly refreshed the second frost barrier, making these masters of Yong Ye also have to say domineering!

It was two new elemental shields, which made Zhao Dingguo stand firmly in front of Kil'jaeden again.

The magic immunity of Zhao Dingguo caused most of Kil'jaeden's spells to have no effect, and he could only rely on general attacks. However, Zhao Dingguo's own armor was already very high, and enjoyed the addition of the Lich's frost armor, wandering battle roar, assault armor, etc., is already extremely abnormal. Coupled with his dodge, Zhao Dingguo's time insisted on approaching the 20-second mark.

Even the Great Naga of the Eternal Night Order, in the middle of three layers of chaos without opening the realm, is roughly this level.

A time of 20 seconds is not too long in most cases. However, at the moment against Kil'jaeden, all the masters are putting out all their strengths, and various recovery skills and props are constantly used. During this time, 80% of the masters were basically enough to pull up their blood. Because Zhao Dingguo's time for helping is crucial, when he has only a thousand blood points left, he will enjoy the cheers of more than a hundred masters again after he walks back to cut out the ghost for insurance.

At this time, the eternal night-morphed elf who turned all his surnames into power has also re-upped it!

After a three-second depth of stealth, Zhao Dingguo quickly retreated to the back row, and the province's Kilgadan found him in trouble. Immediately afterwards, he started treatment with the ointment. The master of the witch doctor next to him also immediately leaned in, and the voodoo recovery operation was started. In conjunction with Zhao Dingguo's high life recovery speed, the blood volume quickly rose up.

However, at this time Kilgadan the fraudster once again ignored hatred. Just while the Morphling was still standing in front of him, Kil'jaeden suddenly punched it with a force and punched the Morphling too close. Before he could use the wave form to come back, Kil'jaeden had already hurried past him and rushed to the swordsman in the back row.

It turned out that Juggernaut's Healing Guard had just cooled down and was now plugged in.

Healing Guard is a very powerful group healing skill, and it's percentage. With the strengthening of the soul equipment, the healing guard that the sword master just inserted can quickly recover 20 points + 6% health per second. Due to the long duration, this skill is undoubtedly essential for the masters present.

Kil'jaeden had clearly suffered before and realized its role. So, seeing the sword guard's healing guard appear again, he immediately rushed forward!

Noticing his movements, the masters around him immediately surged in, preparing to stop Kil'jaeden.

However, this elite who is one step closer to the gods is obviously not so unstoppable. Seeing four or five nearby masters of twilight steps rushing up, he immediately launched a final battle in front of him, and raised his hand to add an e, the flower of flame!

This skill can randomly select five units within the target range. Selected units will take 500 damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. Moreover, once there are other units near the target, the nearby units will also suffer the same damage. In addition to causing good continuous damage, it also forced the people who came to intercept him to spread. If you don't dodge, the five selected people spatter each other's damage, which is equivalent to increasing the total damage by 5 times.

In addition, the single damage is extremely high, and there is a 3 second stunned final battle, which will cooperate with this skill to form a lore.

Seeing the state of the flame flower in his body, and the flame ring on the ground has been formed. The twilight master who leaned up had two choices to open the black and yellow hard resistance. The remaining masters or the black and yellow staff had not cooled down or had no such equipment and had to spread quickly.

This undoubtedly gave Kil'jaeden a chance.

Two twilight masters alone are not enough to completely limit Kil'jaeden. After hitting another Twilight Master again, Kil'jaeden ignored the slowing ability of the other person and forcibly rushed up.

However, the sword guard's healing guard is not the same as the ghost guard of the bone method, it can move!

Seeing Kil'jaeden's intention to destroy the guard who quickly recovered the health of the surrounding masters, the sword master immediately controlled it to move behind him. Although the speed is not as fast as the hero, but it is by no means Kil'jaeden can catch up in three or two steps.

Considering that it is also good to mobilize Kil'jaeden, the master users who were present quickly changed their tactics under the direction of two Yong Ye masters. Let the sword master control the healing guard to run in front, others delay the Kil'jaeden for a while, as long as he can't catch up. In this way, devoting his attention to destroying Kil'jaeden of the healing guard, he will no longer output the surrounding super user.

This timely changing strategy made Zhao Dingguo relaxed for another 20 seconds. When the healing guard was finally about to be overtaken and killed by Kil'jaeden, this skill also just ended.

Kilgadan was a little embarrassed and furious, and once again recruited a mirror of evil to create confusion, he directly surnamed the audience and put a big trick of high e damage-Darkness of Thousand Souls. Finally, the previous masters have seen this skill, and immediately ordered the masters present to dodge with various skills. There is a magic avoidance, a flute opens the magic barrier, others can restrain themselves, or use a wind stick, etc. In short, try to avoid this big move as much as possible.

Zhao Dingguo, who was imprisoned by the stars, was naturally not afraid of this skill. However, obviously not every master has such ability. In the case where the atmosphere of chaos is superimposed on the fourth floor, there is a high-level master at dusk who underestimates the damage of this skill and is immediately killed!

Because it really died instantly, the teammates around him had no time to make any rescue.

Since the beginning of the war, this is already the seventh dead man. It can be expected that the loss will increase linearly with the intensification of the chaos breath. In addition, the Darkness of Thousand Souls is beyond imagination. Even though the masters present have used various methods, still no fewer than 20 people have been severely injured. In the next few minutes, I was busy with treatment.

The only good news is that the cooldown of the Darkness of Thousand Souls seems to be quite long, and even Kil'jaeden cannot be used casually.

At such a critical moment, it is still necessary for a few Yongye masters to stir up the girders.

After a set of skills had cooled, Zhao Dingguo followed, blocking Kil'jaeden. Their strong strength and dazzling display, stabilized the situation in time, and gave teammates sufficient recovery time. As long as they continue to maintain this momentum, they can still persist for a long time.

However, although the protracted war on Kil'jaeden was done well, the defensive war on the periphery was not so optimistic.

Over time, the proportion of senior monsters in the Burning Legion of the offense has become larger and larger, and the pressure brought by the chaos has also increased. Seeing that the line of defense was difficult to maintain, they had to be forced to contract a second time. Moreover, if a monster outbreak attack occurs in a certain section, casualties may occur. Especially when the time passed by an hour and the fifth layer of chaos also appeared, the masters present were beaten.

For every 100 points of damage, add an additional 100 points of damage, which is too abnormal!

Successive casualties are a heavy blow to the morale of the masters present. However, it's not all bad. As some of the weakest guys hang up first, the remaining masters can further shrink the defense line, and the pressure on the treatment and support is also less, and they can tilt their skills more towards the master. However, in general, the overall situation has changed drastically, and Europe's mid-to-high-end combat power is being consumed at a horrible rate.

Damn ~ ~ How long will the plane overlap last?

Although more than an hour has passed, the planes controlled by Kil'jaeden still look very stable, as if nothing has changed. This does not know when it will be a head-to-head battle, which makes many masters start to despair.

The hundreds of Super God users who have died one after another have also made high-level leaders in the hands of God realize that the situation seems worse than expected.

However, there is nothing they can do!

Failure to hold Kil'jaeden and allowing him to attack at will will only lead to the annihilation of the entire army. But if part of the most elite master dragged Kil'jaeden, the outer defense line could not support it. This consumes. When the number of people is reduced to a certain level, the overall defense line will collapse directly.

The giants participating in the war were worried, but being pulled into the home of the Burning Legion and isolated from the real world gave them nothing to do.

Why hasn't real-world support come yet?

(To be continued) q

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