Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

: 267. Everyone has 9 years of compulsory education. Why are you so good?

Remember in a second【】

(Five more)

The Advanced Soul Division Academy Contest is not only a competition between Soul Division Colleges, but even an event in the whole Soul Division world. From the preliminaries, to the promotion competition, and then to the finals, it has to go through months.

In such a long competition, the mental state and physical condition of a team is very tested. If the willpower is insufficient, it is easy to withstand the long-term high-pressure state and it is easy to produce war-fighting emotions.

At this time, the valuableness of the replacement member is reflected. Proper replacement of the regular member can allow the regular member to get sufficient rest and relieve the tension caused by high pressure.

Because the cooperation between the soul masters and above can only be scaled up, to participate in each game, a college must send at least individuals, and it is reasonable to add four substitute members.

Of course, with Yang Ming as an official member, maybe these substitutes can only sit on the cold bench.

Before Yang Ming came, people had already gathered in the woods.

When Yang Ming arrived, a pair of eyes fell on Yang Ming, but no one asked why Yang Ming came so late.

In the group, a slightly strange girl smiled sweetly towards Yang Ming.

She is one of the substitute members, and she is 19 years old. She is about one meter, six or five years old, and she has long blue hair. She has a distinctive look and a gentle appearance. Although not as attractive as the other girls, it can be regarded as Xiaojia Jasper.

What makes people more eye-catching is her mature figure. The round area is absolutely not flat. At this time, wearing a tight and tight dress, it is also outlined the career line. Ma Hongjun, who is not far away, can see the saliva quickly. Flow out.

As a big celebrity in the college, Yang Ming is being followed by others in every move.

Especially a few months ago, Yang Ming and his party carried the King of the Earth and the Pink Lady to the college. Now the two soul beasts that have been cultivated for nearly 5,000 years are still raised somewhere in the college. I don’t know how many people are jealous. I also hope that one day I have such a saddle mount.

Jiang Zhu has a lot of thoughts about her appearance. She is not as good as Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, and she is not as solitary as Yan Gu, so she doesn’t have to be careful. She just smiles politely, perhaps with a polite smile. There might be a hint of cooperation with idols.

The change in Jiang Zhu's expression naturally fell on Ma Jun's red eyes, making him look envious.

Everyone has nine years of compulsory education, why are you so good!

When Yang Ming was seated, the master came slowly:

"In a few days, it will be the Continent's Advanced Soul Master College Competition. Today I will tell you the rules first."

"The Continent's Advanced Soul Division Academy Contest is sponsored by the two imperial royal families of Tiandou and Xingluo. The soul of the Soul Division is the largest martial arts competition organized by Wuhundian. The strength of the participants is second only to Wuhun. Temple Elite Selection. There are a few rules that must be observed in the rules."

"First of all, the students sent by the participating colleges must be under the age of 25, and be able to maintain the number of people in each game."

"Secondly, in the course of the competition, for the purpose of friendship exchanges, as far as possible to avoid disability pairs, let alone death, once the act of killing the right, the college will be subject to corresponding losses, in addition to the corresponding losses Deportation Soul Master Competition."

"In addition to these two hard rules, there are some more standardized rules. Everything is premised on fairness. For example, during the game, no drugs or food made by non-food department and treatment department soul masters can be used, only on the field. The Soul Master of the Food Department or Healing Department has the right to supplement his team members. That is to say, if you want to get supplies on the competition ring, then the Soul Master of the auxiliary department must occupy a place on the field, which avoids the possession of Possibility of cheating by the Soul Master’s team.

When talking about this, everyone's eyes fell on Yang Ming strangely.

Tang even lifted up and said:

"Teacher, Yang Ming will also heal, so will he also occupy the quota of a Soul Master of the Healing Department?"

"Cough cough cough."

The master was so hung up.

The masters will soon forget, Yang Ming will continue to do so.

The master scratched his head, as clever as he remembered it at this time, like a monkey, with an embarrassed face, and finally had to admit that he was inadequate, saying:

"I do not know either."

Even the master is thinking, let alone him, it is estimated that if the organizer learns that Yang Ming will be treated, I am afraid it is also a face.

A monster like Yang Ming, which combines combat, assistance, control and defense, may be the biggest dark horse in this competition.

Yang Mingduan sat on the stool, and placed his chin on top of each other, and said lightly:

"Don't be so troublesome, anyway, with me, you don't need any treatment at all, and the enemy lineup will be solved by me."

Yang Ming's tone of speech was very plain, but he was full of self-confidence.

If these words spread outside, I am afraid that people might think that Yang Ming is very arrogant, saying that he would not be able to provoke criticism.

However, everyone present surprisingly didn't refute Yang Ming's words, but nodded in agreement, and even a few backup members were no exception.

Only a student at Shrek College will understand how terrifying the strength of this student who often stays in the college who is often not going out to practice.

Let's run a long distance of more than ten kilometers with a load of one hundred pounds a day to find out?

Do not use any ability every day, just use the wooden sword to fight the king of the earth as a sandbag?

Pile by pile, one thing after another, casting Yang Ming's supreme legend in the college

^0^One second to remember【】


Naturally, there are no more ridiculous bridges, which makes Yang Ming feel quite absent and deflated.

The four backup members of Tyrone had a bad cold, and they always felt like they had walked around before the dead If they had mind reading skills, they knew Yang Mingxin’s thoughts at the moment, I’m afraid it’s just a wow Cry out.

Seeing that no one continued to ask questions, the master took a prepared wooden stick from the side and drew two connecting circles on the ground.

"These two circles represent the Tiandou Empire and Xingluo Empire, respectively."

Subsequently, he drew a small circle that was connected to the two circles at the same time.

"This represents the Wuhun Temple."

"In the two empires, the total number of high-level soul division academies adds up to approximately 100. Each college has a share of the competition, and each of the two empires has an official high-level soul division academy, which will occupy two , Like the Tiandou Empire, is the Tiandou Royal Academy as you know."

"The shares of the two official senior soul division schools are divided into the home team and the deputy team. The home team will directly advance to the final finals. This is also a guarantee for the two imperial royal families. The deputy team will work with the soul division teams of other colleges. Together, participate in the preliminaries."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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