Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

: Two hundred and ninety. I am looking for a gift for you, and I will send you despair, such as...

One more)

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!"......

Among the beast roars one after another, the seven people of the Xiangjia Academy lifted their right feet together, their feet as if wrapped with a hundred pounds of gravity, and stomped fiercely on the ring. The solid floor broke directly, and the layers of the invisible ripples were naked. As the spread spread, the entire ring was swaying violently.

Behind Yang Ming, Oscar and Zhu Zhuqing, who leaned on the edge of the ring, could not help but exclaim.

As an assistant soul psychiatrist, Oscar stood unsteady on both feet. He only felt that he was standing on the deck of a flat boat, and he could not catch his feet along the undulating floor. His body shook, and he almost fell to the ground several times.

If it weren’t for Tyrone and others who were fast, he pulled the Oscar a few times. I’m afraid he would have fallen on the ground long before, and he was ashamed in front of 80,000 spectators.

Oscar gave the friends a grateful look, and then looked at the participants of the Xiangjia Academy in front with fear, and wiped a cold sweat secretly, saying:

"These guys, are they too strong?"

This time, Oscar was a little worried about Yang Ming.

It's just that his worry seems superfluous.

However, Yang Ming's hands were carried behind his back, and his feet were rooted on the ground like old trees, letting the floor shake up and down, and still standing straight, as if the same spear stood on the ground.

The strong wind fluttered across the face, blowing Yang Ming's long hair fluttering, the forehead bangs slowly down, the blood radiance in the eyes, quietly watching the performance of the seven people opposite.

The seven members of the Xiangjia Academy, except that the middle three are all two yellow, two purple and four soul rings, and the four people next to them are two yellow and purple three soul rings.

The beast martial soul itself can give a powerful increase to the soul master, and now it seems that the unique martial art soul of the Xiangjia Academy is far more exaggerated than the ordinary beast martial soul increase, and it is no wonder that the elephant armor ranks one of the seven major gates. .

Without three-thirds, how dare you go to Liangshan!

On the VIP seat, Hu Yanzhen's eyes slightly condensed on the meat mountain beside Bishop Saras, and his eyes fell on Yang Ming.

"Ali Nai is my youngest disciple like Jiazong's younger generation, and also my eldest grandson. His talent is far better than I was back then. I didn't expect this young man to be unaffected by anything at all.

"However, if he wants to rely on his own strength, he wants to defeat Ali, it is simply delusional!"

Hu Yanzhen was very loud, and there was a tingling pain in his eardrums.

The Snowy Night Emperor looked at the Platinum Bishop Salas and the Xiangjia Sect Master Hu Yanzhen with a deep heart, and said with a smile:

"Speaking of Sect Master Huyan, it really made me a little more interested in this game."

The Snowy Night Emperor deepened his powers, and he did not say much, nor did he indicate which team he preferred.

Hu Yanzhenquan, the emperor of Xueyue, was exaggerating the Xiangjia Academy. He immediately laughed, and said with a voice:

"Your Majesty, please be assured that Ali will definitely present you with a wonderful game."

There was a smile in the corner of Xueye Great Emperor's mouth, with a slightly meaningful smile.

Instead, Ning Fengzhi stood up and stated clearly:

"Your Majesty, I think that maybe Yang Ming can continue the glory of the last game, and he can beat the Xiangjia Academy within three strokes."

Before the Snowy Night Emperor spoke, Hu Yanzhen slammed his thighs. The chair under the seat seemed to be unable to withstand the great force transmitted by the palm at this moment, and the sound of "creaking" deformed, and the chairs all twisted downward.

Hu Yanzhen suddenly opened the eyes of the big copper bell, like a ferocious predator, with a fierce momentum, staring at Ning Fengzhi, with a bad voice and a bad voice:

"Put your mother's shit, and defeat Ali if you want three strokes, it's a fool's dream!"

Guluo Luo Gurong's rung was in front of Ning Feng to shield him from the wind and rain, and also to counteract the pressure from Hu Yanzhen that almost turned into essence.

"Your old kid is still as vulgar as ever, and want to know what the result is, will you know if you don't see it?"

"Humph!" Hu Yanzhen withdrew his gaze sneerly, and sneered: "If Ali defeats them within three strokes, I will stand upside down out of the Great Fighting Soul Field!"

Gu Douluo Gu Rong glanced at him with a squint and sneered:

"You old man is still slippery, why don't you say you eat in public?"

Hu Yanzhen ignored the provocation of Gu Gurong, who was able to be the master of a case, and it was not a simple thing. Don’t look at him. Hu Yanzhen was muscular and simple in mind, but he also knew to keep his hand. If he took Gu Rong’s words, What happened to the Xiangjia Academy accidentally?

Is it really time for him to eat in public?

So no matter what, Hu Yanzhen leaves room for maneuver.

Just as everyone on the VIP table played against each other, the qualifiers on the five-block stage had officially started.

The Xiangjia Academy obviously studied Yang Ming's last game carefully, and firmly refused to face Yang Ming's kaleidoscope writing round eyes, which made him absolutely use the moon reading illusion to solve the other party's intention.

Of course, even if you can use monthly reading, Yang Ming will not use it with great probability. After all, it is too much vision, and it will be used a few times. Maybe your eyes will be blind.

Some people like to move like a raging fire and defeat the enemy with a storm offensive.

But it is clear that the Academy likes a strategy like playing steadily and step by step.

The seven people in the Xiangjia Academy stood side by side, and the first soul ring on the body shone at the same time. They stepped at the same time as if they were walking on the military. The distance they walked was almost the same.

Stable as an old dog!

This is the first impression that Xiangjia Academy brings to At the same time, under the effect of the first soul ring, these seven people had a layer of crystal color on the dark yellow **** body. , Everyone is covered with a layer of enamel.

The seven of them are huge, and the seven are steadily advancing in a row, directly occupying the entire circular ring. If there is no attack, if they are allowed to approach, they may be forced out of the ring. .

At the same time, with each step they take, the momentum of their bodies is rising, which actually gives people an illusion. The momentum of the seven people is united, like a towering mountain that is constantly rising in height, approaching slowly, giving people a spiritual Strong suppression.

Faced with the aggressive situation of the Academy A, what will Yang Ming do?

Everyone's curious eyes fell on Yang Ming, but he found that he seemed unmoved. He didn't even move an inch of his footsteps, so he looked at the seven people on the opposite side calmly, and said coldly:

"I am looking for a gift for you, and I will send you despair, how?"

Speaking of which, the strange pattern in Yang Ming's pupils suddenly spun up.


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