
The evil **** hurriedly hurriedly pulled the pain from internal injuries.

Luo Zhixiang, his name.

At this moment, he was convinced that this handsome guy who called out his name and beat himself half to death was his ‘good brother’ Subei.

"Asshole, you are as always as an asshole, might as well disappear forever, living a waste of air, dead and a waste of land!"

Unexpectedly, the brothers recognized each other, and what the evil **** waited for was not healing and letting go, but a heavy punch that hit him in the face.

Suddenly, his face was crooked, and his facial features were distorted in an instant.

"Who is your brother? I don't have a brother like you."

Su Bei picked up his body and kicked it out. The evil **** projected out like a cannonball, hitting the distant mountains and engraving it in it.

"Open the Zhushen array on the spot, wipe out his soul and godhead, and never have the possibility of survival, in order to pay tribute to the dead son."

Su Bei said very coldly.

The God Slayer Array is a fusion magic skill obtained after the maid of the Shenyan Temple is promoted to the **** level. A **** domain is confined. The gods in it will suffer from the gods, slowly lose their **** power, their gods are shattered, and their souls are scattered. A jail of fear of God, in fear, waiting for death to come.

After that, there are indeed nine servants who will encircle the rocky mountain. The nine-color six-pointed star mark is engraved, turning the entire mountain into a forbidden area, and the nine god-punishing nails will nail the evil gods, and they will always be in the hanging wall cave. Among.

At this moment, Subei turned his head, and the appearance of a kind goddess appeared in his pupils.

"Oh it's you!"

Subei's eyes are cold, without affection.

He finally understood why this kind goddess was speaking in front of him, why he was baffled, the question was strange, and the tone was somewhat familiar.

"Miss me?"

The goddess of goodness knew that at this moment, Subei must be hostile to herself, but she still licked her face and said to Subei.

Apart from this, she will have no other choice.

Wu Yifan is already in such a downfall, he has no future at all, but Subei is different, he is strong and handsome!

This face: the best of God!

No matter what, you have to grasp it!


Subei let out a soft voice, and suddenly felt that the world was so wonderful.

He was so disappointed with Zhenshuang.

He couldn't figure out why he would like such a woman before.

If she has a showdown with herself because of Wu Yifan at this moment, fights with herself desperately for Wu Yifan.

Then I looked at her high.

For the time being, you can think that they are true love, and you are the accident.

But no, the woman in front of me is a completely white-eyed wolf, and a guy whose easterly wind blows the west wind on both sides of the wall.

Whoever puts on her will be out of luck!

"I know you have resentment towards me, but I have difficulties. You also know that Wu Yifan, who was the minister of our student union before, threatened me with many things, and I had no choice but to agree to eat with him... and then ..."

it has started.

The goddess of goodness played.

At this time, the women also noticed that things were extraordinary.

Subei, seems to have some unknown relationship with the goddess in front of him?

The women looked at each other.

Especially people like Bibi Dong, Liu Erlong, Brigitte, and Zi Ji who know Subei from the beginning to the end.

No one of them knows what Jiangsu Bei's life experience is.

They had to guess secretly: Could it be that... the kind goddess is Subei's mother? Or maybe it was the killing of the father and the enemy in northern Jiangsu?

In their minds, the behind-the-scenes relationship between Subei and the good goddess has been imagined as a terrifying drama.

However, a sharp smash smashed their brains:

"Shut up!"

North Jiangsu cold road.

I was too innocent before, and I believed her, so I didn't know it on the green grassland above my head.

Now... hehe!

The goddess of kindness was stunned. He used to be very gentle, never being aggressive, but seeing that face: But, so domineering, so loving!

Forget it, it must be that his anger has not disappeared yet, I forgive him.

He used to love himself so much, and when he was angry, as long as he took the initiative, he would surely get him again.

Hold it back, hold it back, Zhenshuang!

The goddess of kindness thought to herself.

Try to make yourself smile.

"I don't have time to deal with you now, but I tell you, you have no chance to approach me, nor any chance to hurt people around me."

"I can give you a choice. Go back to the realm of God now, don't let me see you again, or it will be the same as his fate."

Subei pointed to the evil **** and said.

In front of the evil god, the goddess of goodness had two hind legs, and she was a little scared: people can't, at least they shouldn't.

"No, you wouldn't do this to me, would you?"

The goddess of kindness shook her head. She didn't want to believe in this matter, pretending to be so pitiful, she didn't believe that Subei was so unfeeling.

So what, isn't it that a woman who can act like a baby is the most terrible?

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