PS. Brothers. . What kind of recommended tickets are you looking at daily? Monthly tickets? . . →_→I almost reached the achievement of not getting paid for the contracted works for three months. .

   Sunset over the forest.

   Zhuge Pingsheng dragged a soul power map with his left hand, and slashed with a sharp long sword in one hand, splitting the thorns and other obstacles ahead.

   Yu Mingyang followed Zhuge Pingsheng, in case Zhuge Pingsheng was suddenly attacked.

   Facts have proved that several teachers from the Tiandou Royal Academy came to make soy sauce.

   Yu Tianheng is in the middle of the team and is strictly protected.

   Several teachers from the Tiandou Royal Academy have searched for several soul beasts that are more suitable for Yu Tianheng for five thousand years, but they have all been rejected by Yu Tianheng. His goal is the ten thousand year soul beast.

   He told Zhuge Pingsheng of his purpose, Shadow, Yu Mingyang and Qin Ming, and the remaining teachers...what a fart...

   It’s not that you are my teacher in name. I respect you too. You are truly qualified to be worthy of my respect.

   The same is true in the previous life. In school, countless teachers think that when the students call you, you can really put your score. If it weren't for the students, the teacher would be a fart.

   is really worthy of respect, isn't it something to do? All the tutors of Tiandou Royal Academy, Yu Tianheng, must call a teacher, but what about it? Even the instructor of Tiandou rank is nothing in Yu Tianheng's eyes, just the soul emperor.

   Tiandou Royal Academy, Yu Tianheng respects no more than ten people.

The three educational committees, Qin Ming, and a few others he knows may not be particularly high, but the almost perfect tutor and the top and second leaders of the student union Luo Tong and Lin Xuke deserve his respect. The rest, love Destiny has a hammer relationship with him.

   Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, the tutors sent by Tiandou Royal Academy this time are not qualified to enter Yutianheng's eyes.

   Yu Tianheng looked at the map in Zhuge Pingsheng's hand, with a little anxiety in his eyes.

   They have been searching in the forest for several days, and there is no one suitable for him. Even the shadow is already level 70.

   Yu Tianheng bit his posterior molar.

   He didn't think that the soul-attracting beast this time could help him find a suitable soul beast, but he knew another way.

  Go to the middle of the sunset forest.

   He knew that in the middle of the sunset forest there was also a place similar to the lake in the center of the Star Dou Great Forest, because the ninth spirit ring of Dugu Bo was hunted there.

   There are countless soul beasts there, far more than Yu Tianheng attracted with immortal grass.

   The last time it was just a bad lineup, that lineup may die in the middle of the forest.

   But this time is different. There is a Contra with a blue electric Tyrannosaurus like Yu Mingyang and Zhuge Pingsheng and Shadow are on the side to assist him. As long as he doesn't encounter a soul beast over 80,000 years old, he feels that there is no problem.

   Besides, there are so many decoys...

   Yu Tianheng secretly glanced at the teachers of the Tiandou Royal Academy nearby.

   Yu Mingyang nodded, did not speak, got up and walked towards the center of the forest.

The faces of several teachers changed, but seeing Yu Tianheng, the shadow, and Zhuge Pingsheng and others were silent, the teachers quietly walked to Qin Ming's side and said, "Teacher Qin, can you persuade you? Student, don’t do such a dangerous thing. You know the danger in the middle of the forest. It would be okay if it was Mr. Mingyang alone, but after all..."

   Qin Ming calmly glanced at a few teachers from Tiandou Royal Academy, and said, "Have you forgotten who made this matter?"

   The teachers were all taken aback.

   "That was said by a child from the Soul Sect just now!" Qin Ming yelled coldly.

   He was very dissatisfied with the responses of several teachers.

   Of course, he also knew that this kind of dissatisfaction was very inappropriate. After all, if Yu Tianheng was in danger, Yu Mingyang would still have to protect him. Several teachers, Yu Mingyang would definitely not try to protect him.

   Even Qin Ming knew very well that at a critical moment the teachers were likely to be thrown out by Yu Mingyang as bait.

   But Qin Ming is still upset, there is no reason.

   Yu Tianheng also noticed the movements of several teachers, but smiled without leaving a trace.

   He didn't care what those teachers thought.

   Forest Center.

   A giant mountain with two peaks stands tall, and what is amazing is that one peak of this mountain is an iceberg, the other is a volcano, and between the two peaks there is an extremely huge and neat gorge, with dark clouds above the gorge.

   Yu Tianheng visually observed that although this mountain has only two peaks, it is at least as big as Tiandou City.

  On the map of Zhuge's life, there are countless soul beasts just on the edge of the center.

   Yu Tianheng even saw a 10,000-year-old red dragon.

   But unfortunately, first, the red dragon is a fire attribute, and second, the red dragon is not a purebred dragon, which is not very good.

   Yu Tianheng frowned and looked at the mountain, but there was a little horror in his heart.

   The canyon in the middle...It seems a bit like a place...

   Thor Canyon.

   Yu Tianheng had heard of the process by which Dugu Bo obtained his ninth spirit ring.

   A dying 90,000-year-old soul beast just fell on the edge of the canyon. He was lucky and directly killed and seized its soul ring.

   But then, a terrifying thunder light struck him, letting Dugu Bo, who had just achieved Title Douluo, know that Title Douluo was far from invincible.

   Injure Title Douluo with a single blow, this is not what ordinary Thunder attribute Title Douluo can do, at least it is the pinnacle Douluo.

   Peak Douluo level Thunder attribute titled Douluo, basically it can be said that only Thunder God Canyon has it.

Yu Tianheng drooped his eyelids, not wanting anyone to see the light in his Tianheng walked to the edge of the gorge and found out that the gorge is really bottomless, so he condensed with his mental strength It was a very thin thread and it couldn't reach the end.

   The place where Tang San's first life fell was called Guijianshou. The reason for the name was that there were only 18 floors in hell, and it took 19 seconds for a stone to be dropped from the Guijianshou cliff.

   Yu Tianheng felt that he didn't have to go up the mountain, so he just threw a stone down on the ground, and he might not get to the end in twenty-nine seconds.

   Yu Tianheng swallowed, then he arched his hand and said: "Great worship, junior Yu Tianheng, come here to hunt the soul beasts, get the fourth spirit ring, please also worship..."

   Before the words fell, a big man appeared in front of Yu Tianheng.

   The big man was covered with thunder patterns. Yu Tianheng glanced at the thunder patterns, then lowered his head directly, a drop of blood oozing out of his eyes.

Behind Yu Tianheng, Yu Mingyang and Zhuge Pingsheng also glanced at the person in front of them. Yu Mingyang's eyes condensed and a mouthful of blood spurted out, but after the mouthful of blood, Yu Mingyang was in an abnormal spirit. His eyes were extremely bright, and he folded his hands, saying, "Thank you for the gift, senior!"

   Zhuge frowned and said nothing.

  The big man glanced at Zhuge Pingsheng, his eyes narrowed, and then he smiled: "It turns out to be a descendant of Zhuge's line."


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