Douluo’s Eternal Blue Electricity

Chapter 271: Shrek Academy in Flanders

  PS. Sorry... I don’t know what happened to the writer’s assistant. My manuscript is gone. I have to make up again. It’s been too late, sorry

   Shrek Academy.

   Yufeng took a letter, opened the door and walked in.

   "Sister Yanzi! Letter from the boss!"

   The Dugu Goose was startled.

"Let me see."

   Dugu Yan accepted the letter, opened the envelope, and looked at it seriously.

   "Hmm...Your boss told us to go back."

   "Notice everyone, clean up a bit, we are going to withdraw."

   Dugu Yan and others stayed here for a short period of time, and everyone in the Royal Fight team had no feelings for the Shrek Seven Monsters at all. They would only regard this time as Yu Tianheng's playfulness again.

   But to be reasonable, the talent of these children really surprised Dugu Goose.

   She thinks Yu Tianheng probably wants to cultivate the next generation of Tiandou Royal Academy.

   After all, these people are strong, but they all have a big flaw.

   They can't participate in the Douluo Continental Classic seven years later.

   When they all leave, the top combat power of Tiandou Royal Academy will be directly emptied.

   When the time comes, a new batch of Tianjiao will need to re-take the banner of "Tiandou Royal Academy".

   And these children are undoubtedly the most suitable batch.

   Especially the child named Tang San, although his cultivation base is not high, his combat effectiveness is definitely not determined by his cultivation base.

   When the lone geese confronted this young man, the various fancy things that young man took out made him a little daunting.

   You must know that she is the Soul King.

   But when she analyzed Tang San's ability clearly, she could easily sling Tang San.

   That's right, Tang San does have realgar wine and other anti-toxic things.

   Dugu Goose’s Bi-Phosphorus and Purple Poison was cracked by Tang San with various tricks.

   However, Dugu Yan is the Soul King after all.

   The fourth spirit ability, Phosphorus, is invisible, colorless and tasteless. It is still a lock-in skill. This skill is not immune to people who are not poisonous.

   The fifth spirit ability was deprived of vitality, and Tang San's Blue Silver Grass was easily abolished.

   Even though Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass had undergone many enhancements, it withered in an instant in the face of the Dugu Goose’s deprivation of vitality.

   Tang San himself did have some means to crack the deprivation of vitality from the front, but he could not stop the poison that was given to him after the blue silver grass was poisoned and decayed.

   But it was impossible for Tang San to fight without Lan Yincao and Dugu Goose.

   This made Tang San lose harder and harder.

   There was even one time when Dugu Yan caught a loophole in Tang San, and he came up with a phosphorous incense to Tang San seconds.

   But this matter, Tang San, Dugu Goose, Flanders, Master and other people didn't care about it.

   After all, the difference between the two is more than 20 levels, and Tang San was already able to take advantage of Dugu Yan at the beginning.

   Flanders heard that Dugu Goose and others were about to leave, and came to look for Dugu Goose.

   "Miss Dugu, what are you guys?..."

   Dugu Yan smiled slightly, and said, "Tianheng has a letter, asking us to go back."

   Flander suddenly realized, and then sighed.

   "These children have benefited a lot from the days when Miss Dugu and others have been here, thank you very much."

   "Ha, no need."

   Dugu Yan took a deep look at Flanders.

   She knows Yu Tianheng's plan.

   She also knew that the master was ready to persuade Flanders.

   Flender and Dugu Yan were a little more polite and inquired a little about what Yu Tianheng asked them to do, but to no avail, he left.

   Flander, who returned to his house, rubbed his brows.

   I and others are about to start teaching these children hand in hand.

   Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

   "Go in."

   A man with pale hair came in.

   "Oh, Xiaogang, are you here to tell me about the Dugu Goose?"

   Yu Xiaogang glanced at him stiffly, nodded, shook his head, and said: "No, I'm here to discuss another matter with you."


   "What?!! I tell you Yu Xiaogang, this is absolutely impossible!! Your nephew really..."

   "Sure enough, what? He just wants to give these children a better cultivation environment and a brighter future!"

   "You fart! Why is my future not promising?!"

   "Then do you think it is because they are working hard here with you, or are they going to the Tiandou Royal Academy, using their mimicry practice environment, using their qualifications to participate, and using their student union positions without having to be strong?!"

   "Flanders, don't let these children lose opportunities they might have had because of your selfishness!"


   "Am I doing it for selfishness?! I..."

   "You calm down, and then think about whether you are doing it for selfishness!"

   Flender was silent.

  He is really reluctant to part with Shrek Academy.

   Yu Xiaogang was also silent for a while, and then took out a piece of paper from the Soul Guidance Device.

   "Look at it...this is the condition that Tianheng has won for you."

   Flander paused, then took the piece of paper in despair.

   "One, the instructor of Tiandou Royal Academy will not teach Shrek Academy students at will without the permission of the instructor of Shrek Academy."

   "Second, Shrek Academy belongs. All students who reach the level of the Soul Sect will be granted unconditional qualifications to participate in the "Continental Advanced Soul Master Student Elite Contest". Senior Soul Sovereigns must pass the assessment."

   "Three, students affiliated to Shrek Academy can use Tiandou Royal Academy's ‘Tianwei Level’ training resources at any time."


  Flander was silent after reading it.

   It is undeniable that these conditions are beyond his ability to provide.

Even if the training resources of the "Tianwei level" are only the lowest level training resources of the Tiandou Royal Academy, they are allocated to one person, and at least thousands or even tens of thousands of gold soul coins are invested each and Mimic training environment, qualifications for the elite competition...

   He can't provide any of these.

   "Xiao you know?...Before I traveled with you back then, this Shrek Academy was here..."

"At that time, Shrek Academy was just established...what does the new Academy rely on to attract students? It is a good environment for cultivation and learning... It depends on its teachers, take a look ......Can this college, is it possible to teach those parents' minds well..."

   "But...I don't have any of these..."

"At the beginning of Shrek's establishment, I was just a soul king... teacher, that is, two or three soul sects plus a few soul veterans... That's it, or I hired it at a high price What kind of fancy combat ability..."

"Heh... back then, they even thought that I was running a junior soul master academy with a reasonable amount of teachers... but the environment here makes those... . Noble lords, give up."

   "In desperation, I had no choice but to close Shrek Academy and let those teachers leave... and then I embarked on the road of travel by myself..."

   Yu Xiaogang was also silent.

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