At first, Yu Tianheng even teased the old man, saying that he was suddenly excited.

   However, Zhuge's life performance at that time made Yu Tianheng a little frightened.

   He hoped that Yu Tianheng could take good care of Zhuge Baitao in the future when Zhuge Baitao spoiled Yu Tianheng like his brother in his face and in the past.

   Yu Tianheng always feels that this old man is confessing the funeral.

   After Zhuge entered the team his whole life, he took out a cane and threw it on the ground, still leaning his back against the wall of Tiandou City.

   This battle, he didn't think about going back alive.

  Because he doesn't know why, he feels his end is approaching.

   just these few days.

   He wanted to try to foretell the cause, but he was swallowed by Heaven.

   However, he did not have any serious consequences, only vomited blood.

   After that, Zhuge felt that backlash was not important and wanted to continue divination.

   Although divination does have a backlash, after all, he has predicted that his time will be approaching, so it doesn't matter if he dies before dying.

   However, when he went to search for the cause again, he found that that part seemed to be hidden by heaven.

   Even if he tried to exchange his life for such a reason, he couldn't get a response.

   Zhuge has become more and more curious throughout his life. He is in a special situation. If he wants to make sacrifices, even the Dao of Heaven cannot be indifferent.

   However, this is the case today.

   After that, he couldn't even predict the date of his death.

   So Zhuge chose such a method of death in his life.

   died in battle.

   This was actually his wish when he was young, but when he grew up, he found that his abilities were not suitable for fighting on the front lines.

   The sky suddenly became dark, and a terrifying pressure came from above the crowd. Even Fang Yuan Douluo's face was pale.

  Only Jian Douluo Chenxin can keep her face unchanged.

   It's just that he also needs to hold on to the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect Grand Elder Ning Cheng.

   Flender and Liu Erlong are also mixed with the master, but the situation of the two is not very good.

"set off."

   This voice seemed to pierce the sky and the earth, trembling the tinnitus of the weakest master among the crowd.

  Pojun Dragon King also discovered this problem, so he used the forcing sound to form a line again.

  Master slowed down for a long time before coming over.

   Liu Erlong was going to curse, but after seeing the huge figure in the sky, she gave up again.

so horrible.

   "Come on all."

   After walking for a while, the Dragon King Broken Army couldn't bear the slow speed of these people.

   Among these people, the speed of Baihe can be called fast in his opinion.

   Other people...Tsk.

   But he was also surprised.

   The speed of the white crane exceeded his imagination. You know, this is just a Contra.

  Pojun Dragon King estimated that Baihe's speed was comparable to his.

   Everyone glanced at each other and smiled awkwardly.

   Then everyone was not polite. Everyone except Baihe went on the back of the Dragon King Broken Army.

   One dragon and one person, without the drag of the others, the speed suddenly mentioned the fastest.

   Although the Dragon King Broken Army flies extremely fast in the sky, he does not seem to fly fast because of his size.

   And the white crane on the side is not the same thing.

   Except for the powerful Fangyuan Douluo and Zhuge's life, and the higher-level Jian Douluo Chenxin, other people can't even perceive the white crane.

   With the naked eye, only Chen Xin whose sword intent was cultivated to infinitely close to Dacheng could see the white afterimages of the white crane.

  The powerhouses only realized how wise the decision of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was.

   Apart from anything else, at this speed, Baihe can come and go freely in all places on the whole continent except Wuhun City.

   What's more, the strong people know very well that for this kind of person, he must have some investigative skills.

   Such as clones.

   At the head of the north gate of Tiandou City, Emperor Xue Ye had a calm face, watching the sun gradually fall below the horizon.

   The terrifying team had disappeared for a long time, but Xue Ye still stood there without moving.

   "Your Majesty, you have stood here for a full five hours, go back and rest."

   Xueye has a touch of emotion in her eyes.

   "Haha... it doesn't matter, I am a soul saint no matter what, I won't get tired after standing for a while."

   Even though Xue Ye said so, she stood still for ten minutes before retreating.

   It's not that he is tired, but that he knows very well that no matter how anxious he is, it is useless.

   Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Sect.

   Yu Yuanxiao and Yu Tianheng are both in the lord’s mansion.

   After receiving the news, the two looked at each other.

   "Really?...They have already set off." Yu Tianheng sighed.

   Since his actual combat power can rival that of the Soul Saint, he himself can feel that he is a little floating.

   But now, just a team formed by the Heaven Dou Empire does not even allow him to participate.

   Not to mention that in the future, the teams formed by the major temples and the teams of Wuhun Hall.

   Yuyuan felt nothing at all.

   Among the team, the only ones who can defeat themselves are Chenxin and the Broken Dragon King.

   Moreover, the Broken Dragon Dragon King is a wall, and Chenxin cannot win him.

   The difference between the two is only one level lower than Chenxin in Yuyuanxiao.

  Although Chenxin's combat effectiveness is super high, Yuyuanxiao's abilities are strange.

  On Yu Yuanxiao, it is difficult to see the style that a pure Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon Soul Master should Yu Tianheng feels that the style of Yu Pojun is very similar to Yu Yuanxiao.

   And Yu Yuan Zhen and Jade Natural Enemy are the purest and most common styles of Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

   In fact, Yu Tianheng himself could be regarded as a pure blue electric Tyrannosaurus fighting style, but since he has the sixth spirit ability with the same weird ability, he is not that kind anymore.

   Although the sixth spirit ability consumes a huge amount of spirit power, he can't afford it.

  And most importantly, Yu Tianheng now has very little hands-on except for daily soul fighting and training.

   And because Yu Tianheng started with no light or heavy, usually Yu Yuan Zhen or Yu Yuan Xiao was trained with him.

   This allows Yu Tianheng to give full play to his combat effectiveness, and even uses it from time to time in the spirit waves.

   You need to know that these two pinnacle Douluo are not Tang Hao who has multiple hidden injuries on their bodies, even to the point where they almost break their bodies.

   They are in their peak state at any time.

   In fact, Yu Tianheng belongs to the kind of person who will look back.

   Just like he had advised Li Shengyuan at the beginning, he would choose to look back from time to time, and then he would be proud and relax.

   But when that terrifying team exudes coercion, in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect

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