Duguxin’s side, on the other hand, is not easy to be optimistic at all, there have been several wounds on his body, and he can’t even determine the location of the enemy now. Dugu Xin stared at the surroundings, and

his soul power was completely mobilized, but he could only barely capture a trace of the track, but this shadow dragon lizard was very cunning, and it would change its position after each attack, so that Dugu Xin could not determine its location at all. The

long tongue as sharp as a fast knife once again struck Dugu Xin from the poisonous mist, and Dugu Xin quickly avoided it, but a wound was still cut on his cheek, blood flowed, and he touched the wound on his face, and couldn’t help but be annoyed: ‘In this case, I will only be slowly consumed by it and caught by its urn.’

At this moment, Duguxin looked at the long tongue that was moving quickly, and suddenly his spirit flashed, and he said coldly, “This is the only method right now.” ‘, the Shadow Dragon Lizard attacked Dugu Xin’s calf again, and Dugu Xin this time pretended not to dodge, and was pierced by his long tongue on the spot, and then the long tongue quickly retracted.

Duguxin looked at the long tongue that was moving quickly in front of him, endured the severe pain, and barely stood up with strong spirits, waiting for the next blow with full concentration.

And the Shadow Dragon Lizard really did as Dugu Xin expected, seeing that Dugu Xin was injured, he immediately cast a long tongue attack again, and the extremely sharp long tongue quickly attacked Dugu Xin’s heart, ready to kill with one blow. At the moment when the long tongue

was about to penetrate Dugu Xin’s chest, Dugu Xin’s soul power burst and forcibly avoided the key point, but the sharp long tongue still pierced his chest. Just when the long tongue was

about to retract, it was grabbed by Dugu Xin’s biscale poisonous claw, and then the external soul bone behind him appeared, and the bone snake tail was entangled, and at the same time, the snake tail was stabbed into the long tongue, making it unable to move. The

Shadow Dragon Lizard struggled to the death, the others withdrew their tongues, and Dugu Xin’s poisonous claws also grabbed them desperately, even if they were cut by a sharp long tongue, they did not let go.

Dugu Xin spat out a mouthful of blood, let out a vicious smile like a fierce ghost, slowly raised his head, and sneered, ‘Finally found you.’ Immediately the soul power burst out, entering the state of melting ring on the spot, the three soul rings under the feet shone, rotated, and then quickly converged, and a giant blue scale snake phantom appeared behind him, and his eyes also showed murderous aura, and then quickly absorbed by Dugu Xin, and the turquoise light bloomed in one hand. The remaining soul power on Dugu Xin’s

body completely exploded, and a blow of one-handed Bitian Scale Light Wave rushed towards the end of the long tongue, how could the Shadow Dragon Lizard not expect that it was already in control, it would actually be attacked by the weak Dugu Xin, there was no time to defend, and the powerful corrosive beam penetrated its chest on the spot.

Dugu Xin looked at the Shadow Dragon Lizard that had no livelihood at all in front of him, and finally sighed. Just as Dugu Xin was about to relax, he suddenly reacted that the soul ring on the body of this shadow dragon lizard had not yet appeared.

At this moment, the Shadow Dragon Lizard saw that Dugu Xin did not come, and he had no chance to survive, and the last trace of strength roared, forcibly entered the mad state, forcibly continued his life for a few seconds, opened his teeth and danced his claws towards Dugu Xin, ready to die with Dugu Xin. And Dugu Xin could not

escape because of the injury on his foot, so he could only fight hard, and countless waves of blue sky scale light attacked towards the Shadow Dragon Lizard, and the Shadow Dragon Lizard did not care that his body was pierced in many places, or he attacked Dugu Xin desperately.

Dugu Xin was also ruthless, his soul power burst out, tearing his long tongue on the spot, freeing his hands to prepare for battle, the shadow dragon lizard’s claws went towards Dugu Xin’s claws, and Dugu Xin quickly blocked it with his blue scale poisonous claws. But entering the mad state Shadow Dragon Lizard

attack is not so easy to block, not to mention Dugu Xin, who has lost too much blood now, the Shadow Dragon Lizard’s claws still pierced some Dugu Xin’s back.

Just as he opened his blood basin and prepared to bite Dugu Xin to death, the bone snake tail behind Dugu Xin also stabbed towards the mouth of the shadow dragon lizard like a sharp arrow in the shadow, penetrating its head from bottom to top on the spot, and a pitch-black soul ring appeared on the shadow dragon lizard in an instant.

Dugu Xin pushed his body away, looking at the shadow dragon lizard in front of him, Dugu Xin saw that it was a soul beast in the early 10,000 years, how many years specifically, Dugu Xin did not have time to distinguish carefully, at this time Dugu Xin had lost too much blood, and his vision began to blur. Originally, Dugu Xin was already seriously injured after receiving the blow just now, but as

long as the battle is over, relying on his own toxins and pills, he can stop the bleeding and restore some injuries, but now after the battle, Dugu Xin’s wound has expanded again, and at the same time he has added new injuries, and now he only needs to rely on absorbing the soul ring and breaking through level 40 to stimulate the body with strong soul power to recover the injury. Thinking of this, Dugu Xin

immediately sat cross-legged and began to absorb the soul ring, and the black soul ring gradually flew above Dugu Xin. At this moment, Teacher Luo

Tian finally arrived, seeing that Dugu Xin in front of him was about to become a bloody person, Teacher Luo Tian was remorseful, but now Dugu Xin had begun to absorb the soul ring, and this process could not be interrupted.

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