> Wampacin.

Broly’s purification technique has reached the realm of Dacheng, although it is only Dacheng, it has not yet reached perfection, let alone transcendence.

However, for Broly, the purification technique of the Dacheng realm was enough.

It is completely enough to control his rampage.

After mastering the purification technique, Broly excitedly stood up from the ground, because he felt in his heart that this meant that he could untie the controller around his neck.

Think about this later.

Move at high speed and fly towards the cave.

When I came to the cave, I saw my father, Paragas, who was repairing the spaceship.

Paragas heard Broly’s footsteps, looked over vigilantly, and saw Broly walking towards him with an excited face.

Over the years, he was wary of Broly’s sudden appearance at his side, because he was afraid that Broly would kill him and take the remote control.

But looking at Broly’s happy look, he won’t do that now.

This made Paragas very confused, what was it that deserved Broly’s excitement?

Could it be that he was reconciled to the beasts?

If that’s the case, I’ll need to kill a few more beasts to sacrifice the heavens and return Broly to a lonely state.

Although he thought so in his heart, he asked quietly: “Broly, what’s wrong with you?”

“Father, please untie the controller for me!”

Broly pointed to the controller around his neck.

When Paragas heard this, he immediately took the remote control in his hand and asked vigilantly: “Broly, what are you talking about?”

He thought he had misheard, and asked again.

“Father, you heard correctly, please remove the controller for me, I don’t need the controller now!” Broly said happily.

Paragath immediately shouted: “Fool around, fool around, do you know what this controller is wearing around your neck for?”

“It’s to control your rage, lose your mind, and mess around, after you lose your mind, even I will kill, what if you destroy the entire planet?”

“Not only will your father die, but those friends of yours will die too!”

A righteous speech, who did not know Paragas’s thoughts, really thought that he was a good person, but in fact, this was an excuse to reject Broly.

Whatever the reason, he wouldn’t untie Broly’s controllers.

And Broly did not see his father’s mind, in his opinion, in any case, Paragas was his own father, thinking about himself, and could not do anything against him.

Explaining with a smile: “Father, I can now control my rampage!”

“Even if I enter a violent state, I can maintain a state of sanity and have the ability to think normally!”

“Absolutely no mess!”

This made Paragas frown, and said in disbelief: “Fooling around, it’s just fooling around, if you can control yourself, do I still need to make this controller for you?”

“Father, what I said is true, if you don’t believe it, you test me!”

“You stimulate me!”

Paragas saw that Broly had been so persistent, and he had a question in his heart, could it be said that what Broly said was true?

In the past, he would not insist on anything, and he would not mention the controller, because he himself knew that the controller was to prevent him from running away.

Thinking about this, Paragas was half-convinced.

“Okay, I’ll test you!”

“Broly, listen up, your dead friends on this planet were all killed by me, I just want to make you lonely, I want you to have no friends!”

“Not only them, if you have other friends in the future, I will also kill them, so you better give up the idea of making friends with these beasts!”

This remark directly stimulated Broly, and his face immediately showed a hideous color, his face was distorted, and his eyes gradually entered a state of anger.

Just when Paragas thought that Broly was about to enter a state of rage, he clearly saw that Broly’s eyes instantly returned to normal.

However, there was still anger in his eyes, but he didn’t go into a state of rage.

At this moment, his appearance is like a normal person’s angry look, although angry, but not so easy to anger, not so easy to lose reason, lose the control of the brain.

Seeing this scene, Paragas frowned, what is going on?

How does it feel like Broly has returned to normal?

Is it not enough stimulation?

No, usually such stimulation is definitely enough for him to enter a violent state, it won’t be to listen to too many such words!

Okay, so some other words.

“Broly, have you forgotten? When we were exiled by King Vegeta, we almost died on Planet Vegeta, so we have to seek revenge on King Vegeta and kill the King Vegeta family! ”




Paragas shouted angrily, and also said three kills in a row to drive Broly.

Although Broly was angry, he did not go into a state of rage, but had anger on his face.

With a calm tone, he said: “Father, don’t worry, I will help you kill King Vegeta!”

Paragath was not at all happy with Broly’s assurances.

On the contrary, it is very depressing, and when talking about this problem in the past, Broly will enter a state of rage, or the verge of a state of rage.

What’s more, he just deliberately said three “kill” words in a row.

This can drive Broly’s violent emotions, but now, although Broly is angry, he has not entered a violent state, let alone lost his mind.

“Father, see that? I can already control my fury, if I don’t want to enter a berserk state, no matter how much it stimulates me, I won’t enter a berserk state!

Broly said happily.

Now that he has mastered the art of purification, he can purify his heart, and his angry emotions no longer need others to influence him.

“Broly, you can’t generate anger, then won’t your combat effectiveness improve?”

Paragath frowned.

After all these years of getting along, he knew very well that after Broly entered the furious state, his combat effectiveness would be greatly improved.

It’s terrifying.

If you don’t enter the berserk state, then won’t your combat effectiveness increase?

Broly explained with a smile: “Father, you misunderstood, it’s not that I won’t be angry, but I can control my violent state, I can also enter the berserk state, and after entering, I can still maintain my sanity!”

“Simply put, I have the freedom to control my own rage!”

“After entering the fury state, my combat power can still be improved!”

“So, father, please help me remove the controller!”

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