Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 197 Cracking Power (6k three-in-one)

Bang bang bang!

Three consecutive sounds, at least to Odin's hearing, the sound only echoed three times in the air.

The spreading ripples were like invisible giant shields. The girl moved in an unimaginable way. The air was forcibly pulled by her body and she screamed. The katana in her hand was slashed out in an almost bent way——

A white rainbow confrontation broke out. At the critical moment, Odin blocked Kungnir in front of the boy Qiangang. The dark golden light was shattered in an instant. A huge shock came from his arm. Odin could hardly stand it. Suppressed and retreated.

Suppress, overwhelm, pure brute force!

But that wasn't the end.

Left, right, in the air, on the side, the thick fighting spirit turned into a sudden sudden burst of flames, covering the entire battlefield as if a coveting beast was about to swallow Odin whole.

The blurry shadows, the golden light on both sides have turned into the tail of meteors, as pure as transparency, Ling Lie's sword light shook the sky, and the barrier transformed by the elements was torn apart in less than a moment.

One foot touched the ground, and energy was transmitted from the ground. The moment before it shattered, the girl burst out with great speed again, but the sound was delayed until it erupted like a sound like broken glass.

Knives and guns collided, squeezed, and chopped, and countless sparks bloomed like stars in the rainy night without any warning.

Both sides have completely disappeared into the world that can be captured with the naked eye. A battle beyond human intelligence is unfolding, and its power is enough to level human cities with its aftermath!

Faster, can be faster.

The girl sank her soul into the deep sea without any distractions. Instead of letting the two heroic spirits in her body swallow her spirit up, she instead swallowed up the two companions she was extremely familiar with!

Devour, absorb, and evolve.

The two most powerful characters of the Heian Era, the pinnacle of humans and ghosts.

It almost symbolizes the prosperity of an era, but whether it is martial arts, physical body, fighting techniques, or the inherent skills condensed by countless legends, the miracles that mortals cannot touch are all in the hands of the girl.

Tear apart heroic spirits with your hands and penetrate the singularity alone. This was once a request that Da Vinci made to himself as a joke. He said that for the seniors in Group A, this kind of thing is as natural as drinking water and breathing.

The girl didn't know if that was an exaggeration, but

——Have I fulfilled your request now, dear Da Vinci?

Did I slightly touch the heels of the seniors in Group A?

The world around him began to collapse like melted plastic, and even the colors in his field of vision gradually began to blur, leaving only a mosaic-like mess and noise. However, in his chest, there was an indescribable excitement, a sense of omnipotence that encompassed everything. Come.


I can go faster!

! .!

The buzzing of blood vessels surpassed the cry of the earth. During the girl's last explosion, the surrounding air was distorted visibly to the naked eye, and countless spiritual elements began to wrap around her body involuntarily——

The speed that even the most cutting-edge supersonic aircraft cannot match has arrived!

The atmospheric elements were instantly confused, and even the Dragon King was shocked by it.

She "broken" the elements with just her physical body?

In Odin's widened one eye, the surrounding world began to "shrink".

The ground suddenly tilted up, and as if it was squeezed by a pair of invisible giant hands, the straight line towards the girl began to approach, forming an extremely twisted semicircle.

The surrounding factories fell apart in an instant - beyond earthquakes and tsunamis, man-made natural disasters bombarded Odin's Kungnir in a brief moment.

At that moment, there was no sound echo, only the pure gold was left.

The girl faced herself directly. The two "people" in that single frame were less than half a meter apart.

The knife and the gun connected, and the friction on the thin surface was like stars condensed and ushered in the last light before destruction, and thunder and lightning burst out! !

And then - the feeling of uncontrollable powerlessness.

The world was swallowed up by pure whiteness and high temperature. Sleipnir under Odin suddenly lifted off the ground, his eight legs were broken and twisted, and tons of black blood spurted out, rushing toward his face, but the heat had not spread to his brain. Ding himself was carried away by the strange force that even the Dragon King looked at, and his whole body flew backwards like a missile.

The dust mist exploded in an instant, like a small nuclear warhead exploding in this industrial area. The load-bearing building block tower continued to slide, and the entire raised mountain collapsed, and Odin himself was buried deep in the ruins.


The upper of the shoe finally touched the ground and stopped. At that moment, a pain that almost crushed her heart began to spread throughout her body. The girl bent slightly and finally had time to stop the continuous attack just now.

It's not that she doesn't want to continue, but she really can't move.

Even with [Iron Determination: EX] that can ignore mental oppression, the girl's body is already broken enough at this moment.

[Dharma Protector Girl·Nine-Headed Dragon Killing]

【Dazzling Flowers Bone collector】

[Ox King Zhao Lei Tianwang Hui々Gooushourai Tenmoukaikai]

All the Noble Phantasms, all the skills, the panels of the two Heroic Spirits are superimposed!

As long as Shuten and Minamoto Yorimitsu were able to use the moves, Fujimaru Ritsuka used them all in one go.

On this basis, the keel mode is used to the limit, draining everything from the container "Fujimaru Ritsuka", and bursting out with a rapid explosion and physical output that even Minamoto no Yorimitsu and Shuten have never reached in their lifetimes.

The panel of two heroic spirits is no longer as simple as 1+1.

It is no exaggeration to say that the series of attacks just now surpassed the moment when any first-class heroic spirit's Noble Phantasm was released. In a human battle, almost no regular servant can withstand a series of hits.

This is certainly not without cost.

Synchronizing two heroic spirits was a feat that a girl had never accomplished before.

No, to be precise, when Fujimaru Ritsuka himself used the "Shadow of Soul Base" technique invented by Leonardo da Vinci, he summoned two servants at the same time, but that was his upper limit.

However, "summoning a servant as a shadow" and "projecting the information of two servants directly and completely onto oneself" are two events that are similar but completely different in difficulty.

As a result, what Ritsuka now possesses are the basic attributes and inherent skills of two servants.

Of course, the time that can be summoned is also shortened, from the limit of five minutes to one minute.

And there is actually a little left before the end of that time.

——This is all thanks to Angers.

In the battle just now, the reason why Ange kept using [Time Zero] was not only to create a time difference, but also for Ritsuka's [Word Spirit Oracle]

In time zero, because the flow of elements will also slow down, the duration of [Word Spirit Oracle] will also be extended accordingly.

Normally, Angers in a normal state can extend the combat time of [Lingji Shadow] to close to the limit of [Time Zero], which is ten minutes.

And now, although Angers fell, there was still a lot of time left for Ritsuka in the early stage.

About fifteen seconds left?


The girl squeezed her trembling thigh with one hand, with a forced smile on her face.

Speaking of which, if Principal Angers can help me cheat, can I beat Mr. Achilles at my current running speed to marry Miss Atalanta?

The moment before the victory was announced, the girl still couldn't help but think about those strange things.

And in front of her, in the dust-covered ruins, a dazzling light finally tore through countless dust mist, like a holy spear that connected heaven and earth, erupting countless torrents of light.

As if a tsunami swept through human cities, the steel jungle collapsed and was annihilated, and the sounds of explosions and collapses continued to be heard.

"Are you finally going to use that trick?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the beam of light in the distance and knew that the God King was finally cornered by him.

It wasn't used before, probably just to "collect an excellent hybrid like myself" as he said, right?

but now.


All the buried mountains scattered in all directions, thunder roared, and the eight-legged Pegasus spewed thunder and lightning to tear through the night sky. Odin's body reappeared, bent like a hard bow. In the hands of the God King, the spear was extremely dazzling.

In mythology, it was forged by dwarves on the orders of the dwarf blacksmith Du Hualin, and then dedicated to Odin. The tip of the gun is engraved with runes. The handle of the gun is made of branches from the World Tree.

When the Aesir and the Vanir went to war, Odin used this gun as the starting point of the war.

That symbolizes victory, but also death, a fate that cannot be avoided.

Kungunir, the winning gun.

The next moment he will throw that gun——

Just because Odin finally felt the so-called fear for the first time since the battle began.

In the myth, the dragon kings destroyed the city core when they used it as their battlefield, flattened the mountains and rivers when they used them as their battlefield, and evaporated the sea into a salt lake when they used the sea as their battlefield.

But at this moment, Odin looked vaguely at the factory area below him, which had been transformed by Ritsuka's sword. The ground was sinking continuously, as if it was about to swallow up everything on the horizon.

will lose

Even if the Dragon King won't be killed, he may still lose to this hybrid.

The moment that idea was born, the anger in Odin's heart was as fierce as a volcano erupting.

Even if he is not in perfect condition at the moment, God cannot be defeated by human hands.

He further appreciated the dazzling human soul, but at the same time lamented that the splendid collection was about to be shattered.

The light passed through the silver-white armor on his body, like water washing away the dust on the God King's body. But the clear water also flowed through the scratches and cracks on the armor, and then paused briefly.

The attack just now was not useless, and that was why the God King was so angry.

Just a little bit away, just a little bit away from breaking his defense.

Just a little bit away from being seriously injured by the continuous attacks and possibly failing.

That kind of fear almost broke the king's heart, so he waved his power in a panic.

At that moment, the starlight of absolute victory penetrated the world barrier, and the light flowing through it was like a streamer in the sky, like the strokes writing rules in mythology, writing bugs on the laws of the world, and the end of everything was there. It was confirmed in an instant.

——Magic gun, throw.

Space, time, on the extended axis, only the matter of "death" is fixed.

Ritsuka watched the light go from thin to thick and sighed slightly.

She is also well-informed and has seen many similar Noble Phantasms. For example, a servant that he trusts and is familiar with very much, a certain son of the Celtic Sun God who helped him defeat King Arthur in Fuyuki City.

If it's that person's Noble Phantasm, if it's the piercing Death Thorn Spear, I heard that you can dodge it with [luck] and martial arts, but I guess you can't do that with this gun.

The light was thrown into the air, and the girl's pupils were slightly condensed.

It was a desperate, yet beautiful scene.

Legend has it that when the mythical Odin throws this gun, it will emit a bright light across the sky. People on the ground call it "lightning", and another way of saying it is "meteor".

The meteor was falling, and the girl's trembling body finally regained its last trace of power.

The girl leaned over and dug her feet into the earth. Her body once again used up the little remaining energy and sprinted towards the God King.

It's a beautiful attack, but if you want to give up——

Let’s wait until I’m buried! !

The broken dust, the girl who kept approaching the field of vision, the king looked down at the mortal's last struggle, but did not move away.

He knew what the girl was thinking.

It's just that he wants to kill Odin before the magic gun hits him.

Very simple thinking, very brave behavior.

But it doesn't make any sense.

Even Fujimaru Ritsuka cannot touch Odin at this moment.

The declaration that Kungnir will win has arrived. For the hybrid, the heart will be penetrated entirely, and the branches of the World Tree will instantly burn the hybrid's body.

The brave man who keeps moving forward, the falling raindrops, and the broken ground.

The girl ran towards the high God King. She didn't know if it was a revolving door, but she began to recall the past involuntarily.

In Chaldea, the red-haired brawny man sat on the wine barrel with a carefree attitude. Next to him, the elegant military advisor who was still helping him make up lessons looked tired but did not dare to disobey. The center of the conversation was that the two of them had participated in a class together. A Holy Grail War.

The king, who failed despite all his efforts, stood down from a high position and used a golden noble phantom to punish the enemy leader, who was also the king's enemy.

The king who symbolized conquest was also roaring and running at the last moment, heroic and wild.

The girl is a mortal who grew up watching the backs of those heroes, so her posture at this moment is almost no less than that of the king whose reputation shook the world.

But the difference is

This time, she was going to win.


Without even any honorific, the girl roared, it was a war cry, and it was the moment when the last trump card was revealed!

——Have you forgotten the first words I said when we met? I am an old guy who was beaten by the Dragon King to the point where his heart stopped and his pulse stopped, but I could still wake up in a day.

——For humans, penetrating the spine is a fatal injury, but for dragons, it is just a small fight.

Then let your body be infinitely close to the dragon.

The girl has never forgotten the words Anger once said to Lixiang.

It was just a little trick that Tokyo Disney had played, but it unexpectedly came in handy at times like this.

She didn't worry about the old man's life for a moment, it was all planned.

For, only this moment!

Fuzzy afterimages broke through the cracks deep in the ground. The white-haired old man was now in ragged clothes, with scars on his body and bleeding, but his body was even more twisted and hideous.

But he was also roaring and laughing wildly, with bloodthirsty and fanaticism in his eyes.

The blood hole in the abdomen is shrinking and even improving! !

The dragon's blood was eroding this monster, spreading at a high speed to the ends of its limbs. When ordinary people saw it, they would think that the poison was eroding his body, but in an instant, tiny fuzz penetrated from under the skin, like a layer of iron-green color Moss grows on the surface of the skin,

And if it is under a microscope, after those "fuzz" are magnified hundreds of times, each one is shield-shaped, with lines like growth rings, and the front is as sharp as a sword!

These "swords" are piercing Ange's skin, taking on the appearance of... scales more and more obviously.

The blood was dripping with blood, and the old man's blood flowed along the new scales, and the ferocious blood color and the cold iron-green color were intertwined.

The dragon scales grew to the size of a five-mark silver coin, covering the man's whole body. With heavy breathing and high-pitched whistling, they closed, opened, closed, and opened again. The flesh and blood attached under the scales evaporated due to the violent increase in body temperature. A large amount of blood-red steam was released, and the blood stains on the scales dried quickly.

The most direct thing is the originally handsome face, but now it is completely enveloped by the alien.

Both the cheekbones and forehead bones have sharp protrusions. It seemed that it might break through the skin at any time. The dilated capillaries were divided into red arteries and green veins, covering his entire face like the fibrous roots of a plant.

Transform into a dragon!

【Three times of violent blood】! ! !

Odin was angry and horrified. He couldn't imagine why a human hybrid could increase his vitality to a level comparable to dragons. He used the Word Spirit Scythe and Weasel to monitor the old man's heartbeat. He felt relieved because of this move, but he didn't expect it. Even this is a trap.

He didn't think that the girl's blow that changed the terrain might not just be to exert brute force on him.

It was to make the entire terrain dent, so that Ange, who was originally lying on the ground, could be sucked into the cracks, completely hiding his figure and breath!

He never imagined that the guy named Angers could successfully deduce the path to becoming a god to such an extent!

Everything is for this moment——

——[Sacred Spear] and Word Spirit, and [Cancel Word Spirit] cannot be used at the same time.

At this time, I have no way to cancel Angers' [Time Zero], nor can I cancel the [Word Spirit Oracle]. I can only throw this shot, and then force Angers to break through the limit after three times of bloodshed. one strike.

And being able to do this only means one thing.

This was their plan from the beginning!

Let Fujimaru Ritsuka greet Kungnir, and let Ange deliberately hide the [Three Degrees of Violent Blood] and not use it, just to flank him at this moment!

Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy! !

The God King's divine spear had been thrown and could not be taken back, so he could only watch, staring at the girl with his one eye, hoping to see the death of the monster who had plotted against him.

Because no one can surpass Kungunir.

The opponent does not have any regular alchemy items!

Inevitably, meet death.

The cracking wind roared, and under Odin's gaze, the sharp spear arrived in front of the girl, and then——

Through the heart.

Unlike the situation in Angers, the attack of the Divine Gun this time is equivalent to the deployment of the Noble Phantasm of True Name Liberation.

Absolute death penetrated Fujimaru Ritsuka's heart the moment it penetrated, and a large amount of blood spurted out, like bloody wings.

It was as if the angel's wings had been forcibly broken off, and what was exposed were broken and withered fragments.

The girl fell, her body completely lost balance and she fell to the ground.


The God King's eyes gradually filled with pleasure, but then froze in the next moment.

The upper of the shoe touched the ground, and the girl stood still at the last moment before she fell.

The blood dripped on the dust and bloomed into dirty but extremely beautiful flowers. At the same time, the girl raised her head and stared at the God King.

Her face was as white as death, but the light condensed in her eyes had not dissipated. Blood was left along the corners of her mouth, and her bright red lips were outlined.

That is definitely not the color of a dying person.


Evil ghost.


At that moment, the God King's mind went back to the moment when the girl used the second [Word Spirit Oracle].

Back to that initial doubt.

——If it’s just Shuten Doji, how can we make a comeback?

In other words, why do you want to swallow a boy with wine? Why did the girl choose to summon her as a ghost?

Is it just because this is the only choice? Or

——In the end, Minamoto no Yorimitsu was able to behead the ghost and god by relying on the divine wine to confuse him. However, the ghost and god did not die even after his head was cut off. On the contrary, he fought with Minamoto Yorimitsu even more passionately until he was exhausted.

This is exactly what I said before, the most famous part of the legend of Shuten-dōji.

Even if his head is cut off, he can continue to fight. This is the most famous legend left to the world by Shuten Doji.

Its sublimated skills are——

[Battle continuation: A+]

The ability to continue fighting, the ability to save one's life as long as one does not receive a decisive fatal injury, and the ability to continue fighting even if one is fatally injured. There are many heroic spirits with this ability, but Shuten Douji is the best among them!

However, what is different from other heroic spirits with useful battle continuations is that - almost all heroic spirits' battle continuations are derived from [willpower], but only Shuten Doji, as a ghost, has the legend of [vitality] It becomes more widespread.

——For ghosts, the head can still continue to fight, but the heart.

Not a fatal injury.

[The one-eyed god~ You have targeted the wrong target~]

Shuten's long and sweet voice played the music, which was pure ridicule and ridicule.

【That is "my heart"~】

The concept called "heart" covering the body was penetrated, but it did not reach the end.

As said before.

To defeat Kungnir, all humans can do is to "make it lock on the wrong target" and "make it unable to capture the target".

At this moment, it is the moment when all thoughts are reflected.

The next moment, the dragon's blood and the vitality of the ghost began to be infinitely stretched in Angers' [Time Zero]——

The time zero for the three violent bloodshed unfolds. For the normal timeline, that is an extension of fifty, seventy-five, a hundred times or even higher! !

The physical body begins to recover, the spiritual elements are replenished, and the golden eyes that shine so brightly that they are almost blinding light up again!

[Steel Determination] - The effect that will not affect the battle no matter what the state is also started to take effect. Even if the chest was penetrated, the girl did not move at all.

The katana left only Iai at that moment, tearing through time, space and fear.

The roar started, and under the frightened sight of the God King, Angre and Ritsuka, two hybrids standing at the top of the world, roared with blood-stained faces, and almost simultaneously touched the edge of the blade to the outer edge of the armor. ——

Walking towards each other, the light of the sword pierced the sky as if to cut the God King in half!

[Colorful Colors·Shenshibankou Shinpenkidoku]

The Holy Spear, which is capable of killing the Dragon King, is the most vicious blade in the world, and the one used by the girl is a fierce attack that contains the meaning of "instant death" - the two come together in an instant, smashing the shield with an irresistible surge. !

Humanity's last chance to touch the King, born of wisdom and courage——

The white light has fallen and the blood is flowing.

ps: Pa Chi Pa Chi, 6,000 words, the last day of this month, I hope you all enjoy reading it.

There is another chapter in the afternoon

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