——Those who cannot give up anything will gain nothing.

When did that start?

When did you hear this sentence?

Regarding this sentence, Xia Mi has forgotten where he heard it. The only thing he knows clearly is that as a beautiful girl Dragon King who has only lived for a thousand years, he is really thorough and has taken the trouble to appreciate this terrible sentence countless times. reason.

She really wanted to complain about the person who said this sentence, not because she said it, but because she didn't complete the content after that sentence.

That is.

——Even if you give it up, you may not be able to get anything.

The throne of thorns is extremely cold, stinging the skin but also giving people a deathly loneliness and endless emptiness.

The girl once risked her life in pursuit of that kind of thing. She racked her brains and fought against her fellow dragons in the battlefield of dragons. With her not-so-powerful abilities and dragon body, she managed to become famous.

Among those damn brothers and sisters, Xia Mi was known as the wisest one.

To be honest, this title is really cheap, almost as cheap as the praise of Athena's wisdom in Greek mythology.

Because even if you read through all the stories in Greek mythology, or even irresponsible folk secondary creations, you still won't be able to get even one "smart" strategy from Miss Athena.

Of course, everyone knows that this is just prejudice. The wisdom of the God of Wisdom is often not something that humans can understand, and is closer to the realm of future prediction and fixed matters - it is a pity that Xia Mi cannot do that kind of thing.

Xia Mi had to admit that perhaps it was precisely because of the excessive power and excessive self-esteem of dragons and gods that they were unable to reduce themselves to dust on the ground like humans and conceive despicable but effective ideas. Stratagem finally reaches the so-called "wisdom".

Gods and humans are different after all.

Wisdom born from weakness, inferiority, and cowardice, wanting to escape, and wanting to survive the dragon war.

Because we are weak, we want to strengthen ourselves, which leads to the inheritance of culture, the transmission of experience, and the imitation and learning of the predecessors by future generations, and even transcendence.

Because he is weak, he has unlimited possibilities.

Because you have nothing, you can become anything.

The dragon king named Xia Mi is probably an outlier among all his kind.

She hates humans but also

Afraid of humans.

It is precisely because she is not a powerful individual among the dragons that she can clearly see the end point of the fighting between her own race——

That dynasty will definitely be overthrown by humans.

What's more, among her brothers and sisters, there is that guy. That guy who is now lying about being Odin, an insidious and despicable thing.

In the ancient Age of Gods, when gods still existed, the Black King experienced unprecedented weakness due to unknown reasons. Odin raised the banner of resistance and started a war, which was finally over in one fell swoop.

The King of Bronze and Fire was furious, the King of Sky and Wind longed for the throne, the King of Sea and Water was indifferent, and the King of Earth and Mountain was worried.

Of all the people, she was the only one who was vaguely aware of Odin's trick.

During the rebellion, he took the opportunity to usurp that power, which also led to the implementation of Odin's almost unbelievable plan.

The first king to fall was naturally himself. He was weak but also saw too many unnecessary things.

After facing death for a time, he was so angry that he certainly planned to resist.

She had tried to kill the insidious king more than once after her resurrection, but even if she could see through his despicable methods, she could not resist the despicableness of that guy.

While hiding himself, he provoked relationships among all dragon kings, and even deceived and guided human forces to fight against himself and other dragon kings.

The Dragon King, who originally regarded humans as dust, naturally looked down upon him when provoked, but Odin always relied on behind-the-scenes manipulation to squeeze the weak humans at the time, stimulating their anger and hatred.

The Dragon King either couldn't understand this behavior, or he saw through Odin's thoughts but didn't care.

Until some exceptional existence opened the curtain of war.

In 2000 BC, Gilgamesh, the earliest hero king recorded in mankind and also a super-S-level hybrid, pulled out the original sword and tore the wings of the King of Bronze and Fire.

That was the first time that humans defeated the Dragon King and escaped the ravages of some dragons.

But it was also the signal for the beginning of a long and pointless war.

From this starting point, countless terrifying heroic spirits were born. Some of them used meteor-like bows to pierce the word spirit that ended the world, some used spears that burned the earth to nail the king's remains, and some weirdos could kill the king with one hand. The dragon's body was swaying and being ravaged.

Of course, even the best hero of an era is not as good as the Dragon King in terms of status.

Think about it, the posture of a Dragon King in his prime.

Any offensive word spirit from the physics department can be used as a tactical missile, and the Dragon King in its heyday can burn a city to the ground with just his flames.

on the basis of--

When Time Zero is turned on, the Word Spirit Moment is used as a means of movement. The blazing sun covers any vision of the enemy, and the Kama Weasel covers all movements on the battlefield. The dust-free land ensures that one will not be attacked and plotted, and one can enter the Nibelung at any time to isolate any physical damage. .

In addition, there are also those so-called world-destroying word spirits.

As long as they are willing, it doesn't take a single class to destroy a country or a continent.

There is no doubt that the Dragon King must be superior to humans at the level of life, and the most powerful hybrid species in history dare not say that he can ensure victory by himself.

However, they still relied on their ridiculous self-esteem towards dragons to defeat the dragon kings sitting on the throne again and again.

The Dragon King keeps falling into reincarnation, and his ridiculous self-esteem keeps passing by.

They gradually began to regard humans as their opponents, and in countless eras they staged the so-called "myths" recorded in history.

Of course, these myths have been changed beyond recognition by Odin.

All in all, the four kings under the Black King gradually began to face the existence of mankind, and every time they were resurrected, they would set off a bloody war.

Of course, this was all expected by Odin.

——In the fifth century AD, King Arthur, a rare super-S-level hybrid in human history, defeated the Dragon King at that time, but met his end in civil strife.

At the same time, the world entered a transition point. In that short history, there were no dragon kings or elite hybrids on the surface.

It was at that time that Odin stepped onto the stage of history for the second time, and he was successful just like last time.

History begins to turn.

Humanity forgot its history and became the Age of Gods, the weak form before the Golden Age of Humanity, and turned to a different evolutionary path.

The Dragon Kings also felt ridiculous and disappointed after seeing such humans after their recovery. They no longer chose to actively hunt humans, or that they had never done anything like that.

Dragons are proud creatures. As long as ants do not infringe on their rights, they will ignore creatures that are like dust in their eyes.

They were back to what they once were.

In the past, the heroes of the Gods made these proud kings moved and ferocious because of the dragon blood flowing in their bodies, but most of the heroic spirits after King Arthur made them uninterested.

It is not difficult to understand why the Dragon King has resurrected many times in history, but the Dragon King has never taken the initiative to start a war. Instead, he was not willing to reveal his dragon body until a human hybrid found a base.

In addition to the king of the earth and the mountain, the other kings also understood Odin's intentions and what he was thinking in their reincarnations. Therefore, they want revenge on Odin more than humans, just like Black The king crucified the white king, killing that traitor, that despicable, sinister and filthy creature.

But when it comes to losing face, Odin is better after all.

He will still guide the evil dragon in the dark to make the "mistake" of invading human territory, and guide the human hero to finally defeat the Dragon King. He clearly plays the trick of killing people with a borrowed knife.

Dragon kings who are approached by heroes certainly don't bother to explain what they are doing. They often just look at people with their nostrils, or they just tell riddles to pretend to be sophisticated, and then fight with the heroes who are happy to see them.

And even if Jormungandr goes to his brothers and sisters for help or asks for alliance, he will only be laughed at loudly, and even start hunting without a word.

Extremely disappointed.

Xia Mi, no, Jormungandr saw that scene and just felt that this planet was doomed.

Time wore away her confidence in dragons and the dignity of her own existence.

In the end, maybe because of a wrong connection in her mind, she even began to feel that humans had more potential than dragons.

They are weak, but at least they can think.

So, I don’t know when, Jormungandr gradually developed the habit of observing humans.

Those dazzling souls, those unyielding souls, those tough souls.

Human beings are always able to give birth to those incredible beings in the era, dragging the entire era forward together to the next step. At the same time, the Dragon Kings are still repeating the cycle of "death" and "resurrection".

Jörmungandr gradually stopped caring about his brothers and sisters, and just hid in the corner and observed the people he was interested in.

She didn't know what kind of habit this was, but this kind of thing lasted for a long, long time

It took so long that she even had the idea of ​​​​contacting those humans.

At that moment, panic and anger swept through Jormungandr's heart.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, but in the end she followed her own temper like a man possessed.

In the files recorded by the human secret party at the moment, it seems that I was called Attila in that life

Although when I saw their files, the content was so different from the actual situation that Miss Jörmungandr almost laughed until her stomach ached, but at least - the name was correct.

I have indeed "borrowed" this name before.

Naturally, Miss Jormungandr and Mr. Daye did not go there to play or admire her figures up close, but planned to start a war against Odin in their own way.

At that time, she first disguised herself as a human and became a leader-like existence.

Then, use this as an opportunity to recruit outstanding hybrids.

In this way, she plans to collect powerful beings who are loyal to her, tell them the truth of history, and finally unite various forces to defeat the false king.

The idea is very good, that may be the only effective resistance against Odin among the dragons.

However, this plan ultimately failed.

Jormungandr was betrayed by humans.

Of course, it has been a thought that has been ingrained for thousands of years. As long as Odin is aware of his plan for a moment, he will find a way to mix an Avenger who wants to kill the Dragon King into the hybrids he recruits.

If the personal bodyguard wants to assassinate a king, it seems that there are just as many people as possible.

To this day, Jörmungandr can still remember the face of the mixed race, with black hair, a cold face, long eyelashes, not a majestic height, but it can be seen that the body is very tough, and he is always cold. Girl with open face.

But she couldn't remember why she didn't resist effectively at that time.

It can't be because you can't bear to kill those "figure"-like humans, right?

What a joke, I'm going to vomit.

After that, Jörmungandr lost trust in humans and just repeated the same process as time passed.

Lost, then lost, then lost.

Today, it's the same.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka."

The girl whispered softly in the dark corner. She picked up her phone and the light from the screen illuminated the girl's perfect and delicate face.

Student Union Secretary: [President, I’m going to the high school tomorrow. I’m so nervous! 】

".I'm very nervous too."

The girl sighed softly, and the long voice was extremely weak, as if it could fade away with the wind, like the stone haze on the ground dissipating in the air current.

What will happen to you? Fujimaru Ritsuka.

If I told you the truth of history, how would you react?

Would you cry if you knew you were living in a false world?

Will you be afraid? Will you be afraid? Will you seek refuge in something more powerful?

You can

Choose me?

ps: I actually started laying the groundwork from Odin. I don’t know if you have noticed that as a being with character flaws or even personality defects, his attitude towards human beings is not as monotonous as imagined.

And, there are no gods in this world, only dragons. Then the relationship between those mythical heroic spirits and dragons - it is not contradictory at all, rather it is more reasonable. Hybrids are approximately equal to demigod heroic spirits, and gods are dragons.

Wait, wait, wait for me to pull up Norton's pussy! Alchemy is approximately equal to magic. The strongest alchemist in the world is the strongest magician in this interface! My Norton must take off! What a storm torpedo!


Why not Rashami’s character?


Isn't this a bit overwhelming? (serious)

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