Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 301 Who among you is the best? (2-in-1)

bgm:Into the Battlefield

As we all know, what is the most stressful and exciting part of a student's school career?

The answer is to compete numerically.

Just like if someone would send a post in the One Piece forum saying "Emperor level must be leveled in seconds", it would only cause a bloody storm. People would come smelling the smell and try to suppress it with words in a ferocious and terrifying manner. The other party may just be looking forward to exporting his passion.

The numerical competition between students probably has the same principle.

Final exams, midterm exam rankings, school honor roll rankings, even as small as the timing of the 100-meter run.

Human beings are born with a competitive spirit. No matter how much they try to use "maturity" to suppress their instincts, the truth will inevitably be revealed at critical moments.

If there was once a place called Suzuran Middle School, the people there would regard dominating the school as the ultimate goal of their student career, would regard standing at the top of Suzuran as their personal honor, and would like to indulge in comparing various strong people. value.

So, what about Cassel?

Kassel Academy, the "Dragon Slaying School", is home to a group of "bad students" who are prone to fighting.

There are constant disputes among the various factions in the school, and no one has yet been able to dominate Kassel. The most powerful Lions Club in school is led by a fourth grader.

You know, the lion is known as the "King of Beasts"!

Wait, isn’t that exactly right?

Closer to home, the Lionheart Club is an organization with a deep foundation and a long history, and is secretly spiritually supported by the principal. Although the rising star of the Student Union has shown strong combat effectiveness and cohesion, it is still far behind.

That is the organization closest to Kassel's dominance, almost unifying Kassel.

But so what?

A year ago, the new student Caesar Gattuso, the pro max version of Italy's original emperor, with good looks and leadership, as shown in the movie, relied on his personal charm and excellent strength to continuously recruit powerful generals. , has gradually threatened the status of the Lionheart Club.

So, in the movie, how did Genji Takiya subvert Suzuran, and how did Caesar Gattuso subvert Cassel!

the answer is--

Recruit troops and buy horses!

If you want to dominate a school, you must unify the entire Kassel!

The upper grades need it, and the lower grades also need it, this is how it is sound!

So, of course, the first step is -

"Who among you first graders is the best at hitting?"

[Rule the entire first-year class and pull them all into their own sphere of influence]

Kassel, cafeteria, Caesar Gattuso carried a plate of noodle soup to the area where the first grade gathered.

The proud Caesar did not specifically look for the lone first grader, but sat naturally among the crowd. He usually didn't like to eat in the cafeteria, but now he was already seated without any close friends around him.

There was a smile on his face that could be said to be "kind", but it was definitely not a warm spring breeze.

Because the arc of that smile was sharp and confident, as if an emperor came up with a natural aloofness to patrol the busy city of the empire he ruled, looking forward to seeing the scenery he wanted.

However, it is a pity that it is the end of September, which means that it has not been long since the school started in Kassel.

The freshmen have only attended a few physical education classes and a few theory classes. Even if they have heard of Caesar's name, they don't quite understand how powerful this person is.

Therefore, their attitude towards Caesar was also very casual.

One of the passers-by A said:

"That must be Fujimaru Ritsuka, could it be me?"


"of course?"

When Caesar got the answer he wanted, he chuckled.

Being as indifferent as water is the basic virtue of a king, but Caesar Gattuso couldn't help but want to have a good fight with that Libenniu.

He would tell her with his own hands that blood cannot determine everything.

As dragon slayers, the best way to compete is of course to compare the efficiency of dragon slaying. For example, freshmen will have a battlefield practice class in their freshman year, which is led by Professor von Schneider.

His principle is to throw all the reserves into the meat grinder without hesitation. The one who can crawl out alive in the end is the dragon slayer who can go down in history! Therefore, there is a high probability that someone will die in the battlefield practice class. In the past, freshmen were frequently killed or injured in this class. This led to Kassel College requiring every student to sign a body repatriation form before the class started.

Caesar received the best evaluation that year, and his leadership and personal efficiency in using thermal weapons were highly praised by Professor Schneider - although, he expected Caesar to keep a low profile in combat rather than at the mission location. He talked with his senior classmates about the ballet company he planned to establish.

However, for first-year students, the internship class has to wait for several weeks, which is really too long, and Caesar is a little unbearable.

So he planned to make the invitation first.

He sent a letter invitation to Fujimaru Ritsuka. The content of the first letter was to invite the other party to join the student union, and the second invitation letter was to hope that the other party could attend the pool party he held.

Caesar planned to fill the entire swimming pool with champagne to cheer everyone up.

He would call it the “ultimate pool party”!

There, he wanted to taste with his own hands how much the first-year bully weighed!

Caesar was very satisfied with his idea, so he began to taste the dishes he ordered.

It was rare for him to come to the canteen and he went to the "Chinese Cuisine Specialty Window". Although it was called a "window", in fact, it was basically all on this floor, because there were so many types of Chinese food that one window really couldn't accommodate them.

What Caesar ordered was something called pig-killing powder. Although the name seemed quite vulgar and straightforward, it had a domineering air to it, and Caesar was very satisfied.


The noodles, wrapped in the salty soup, slid into his mouth, and Caesar nodded.

Not too bad.


At this time, on the other side of the canteen——

"A portion of German-style roasted pork knuckle."

"Fingel, you really like to eat hometown food."

"Is it possible that I can't afford anything other than this?"

"Hey, how did you know my scholarship is worth thousands of dollars?"

"Who asked you! Ahem! Mingfei~~ No, Brother Lu~~ Look at me, I'm so hungry and thin after eating KFC every day~~ Can you bear to watch your roommate starve to death in the upper bunk of the dormitory?"

"It's okay, I feel like I can keep it safe."


About a dozen rows of seats away from where Caesar was sitting, Fingel and Lu Mingfei were making selections at the "German specialties window". Lu Mingfei chose German sausage, a very famous dish, after choosing for a long time. It always tastes with just the right amount of spicy seasoning and a mellow aftertaste.

But when Fingel got his share of the plate, he suddenly discovered that Lu Mingfei was not holding the plate like him, but instead took a plastic bag.

"You packed it?"

"Well, I have to go back to the dormitory to eat by myself in the next few days." Lu Mingfei said casually, with a slightly tired look on his face.

Fingel showed a concerned expression at the right time, thought for a while, and admonished: "Hey, junior, it's not necessary, it's just a lesson from the principal. As long as you are thick-skinned enough, it's not a big deal. "

"Speaking from the bottom of your heart?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"I speak from experience," Fingal replied.

It was impossible to refute that Fingel's eyes, which were as cloudy and oily as an exhaust fan that had not been taken care of for three months, only contained a wealth of experience as a big brother in college.

Lu Mingfei waved his hand: "Hey, actually I just can't help it. I have something to do recently and I need to be alone."

"Stay alone?" Fingel was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then looked at him strangely. "Junior brother, if you have an idea, express it. You don't want to be unable to find a girlfriend in four years of college and only your forearms are getting thicker, right?"

"Bah! A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory! I'm single to offend you!" Lu Mingfei protested. "This is a revolutionary mission assigned by the principal. You will know about it later."

Even though Fingel tried to disturb him, he did not stop Lu Mingfei. He could only hold his big pig's elbow and call Lu Mingfei a scumbag from a distance, causing the crowd around him to watch.

However, amid the bustling crowd and cheerful laughter, Fingel's messy blond hair covered his blue eyes.

Revolutionary mission.

That plan is indeed interesting.

If I can join in, maybe I can find it.

able to make her do it again.

The cloudiness in the man's eyes gradually dissipated.

Only the burning passion remains.


"Speaking of Mr. Finn."

[Just call me Finn. If you're not used to it, just call me Lancer. 】

Lu Mingfei was "talking to himself" on the stone pavement that stretched from the cafeteria to the dormitory.

"Okay, Lancer, I should have asked this a long time ago. What is your relationship with the eldest sister?" Lu Mingfei was brewing the emotions in his heart, but he could not suppress his curiosity no matter what.

"According to the principle explained to us by the principal, you are a heroic spirit that existed in history buried by Odin, but you are not a heroic spirit in this world, but an heterohedron with the same name and the same surname, but different world lines - right? "

[To explain it simply, it’s probably like this. 】


Lu Mingfei paused.

"Why are you so familiar with the eldest sister?"

[Well, it’s a relationship that’s not easy to summarize. Personally, I would probably regard Fujimaru as a partner that I must definitely protect, and it’s the same thing as a knight’s creed. 】

[As for why you are so familiar, I think Fujimaru should have told you, right? That kid doesn't seem like someone who would be interested in hiding himself. 】

The moment Lu Mingfei heard the explanation, he remembered what Fujimaru Ritsuka had said to him.

[Monitor, I was also very powerful when I was young. I witnessed the majesty of the founding god of the world, saw the spear that anchored the world on the city of Camelot, saw the stars fall with just one arrow, and even interacted with saints from all over the world. Sleep in bed together. 】

[I was still very young at that time. 】


That turns out.

Isn't it a lie?

If that's the case, who is the eldest sister?

alien? Time traveler?

Has she been living in a world completely different from this one?

Then, what would she be thinking?

Lu Mingfei suddenly thought that Fujimaru Ritsuka's personality and his instinct to treat the world gently could not be cultivated in a cruel environment.

In her own world, there must be people who are extremely important to her.

Just like Finn, she has a past that goes far deeper than this bond.

Suddenly, countless emotions poured into his chest, and Lu Mingfei could not understand the ingredients of those emotions.






The boy exhaled, blinked rapidly, and changed the topic as if he wanted to change what he was thinking about.


【Um? 】

"If, I mean if, I have completely mastered your abilities." Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Can I win and at least help my eldest sister?"

After Lu Mingfei finished saying this, for some reason, the heroic voice in his head suddenly fell silent for a while.

Then, after a period of silence that made the young man unbearable, a sharp sound suddenly broke out.


【.Beat Fujimaru? 】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--】

With a hearty but thick laugh, you can almost imagine the knight leader laughing so hard.

Could it be that.

Is it too simple?

[No, it’s not simple. 】

Finn interrupted his musings.

[Master, there is actually nothing wrong with your brain circuitry, it’s just that what you say is more interesting. Moreover, I feel sad when I think that the little girl who was at risk of getting injured just by standing next to the battlefield has become so powerful. 】

[As for whether you can defeat Ritsuka Fujimaru if you have complete control of my power, my answer is——]

Finn paused and said with a smile.

[Sorry, we can't do it. 】

"Then why are you laughing?!"

Lu Mingfei stared and shouted in an upbeat tone.

[Well, objectively speaking, the current master, I mean Fujimaru, with that child’s personal ability, among the heroic spirits I know, perhaps there is only one from Greece who can be as dazzling as her even when he is alive. 】

"Who is it? The Riddler?" Although Lu Mingfei complained, even with a low level of education, he knew that when it comes to Greece, there is probably only one name that can be so exaggerated.

In other words, even in mythology, the eldest sister's head is the brightest star.

And that's not even counting her magical charm!

"Okay, then I'll just be my assistant." Lu Mingfei was a little discouraged, but at this moment, another rebuttal from Finn came to his mind.

[But—even if I can’t win, I won’t lose. 】

"Huh? But didn't you say that you are weaker than Fujimaru Ritsuka?"

Lu Mingfei was puzzled.

Finn's words only made him feel contradictory.

But Finn's next words turned that conclusion upside down, subverting the thinking Lu Mingfei had constructed so far.

[The so-called strength and weakness, if you want to judge it in an objective way, maybe I am not as good as Fujimaru. 】

[But, that doesn’t mean I will lose. 】

[We are heroic spirits. Since we can become such existences, in 90% of the cases, what we have accomplished is only achievements that are 'beyond human intelligence'. 】

[It is our duty to defeat enemies far stronger than ourselves. 】

[And the same goes for Fujimaru, who you admire the most. She used to be just an ordinary person. To be honest, she was the kind of ordinary girl who would get tired after running a thousand meters in a row. 】

[But even such a Master has accomplished great things that even us heroic spirits may not be able to achieve. 】

[That’s why we recognize her. 】

[If you give up because you are weak, you will never reach Fujimaru's side. 】

[Fujimaru Ritsuka is not a person who likes to get into trouble. She will speak up when she needs help, so...]

【Don't be afraid, don't run away. 】

[Maybe one day, she will lose too. 】

[At that time, it was considered my selfishness——]

【Master. 】

[Go and help her. 】

ps: There are so many foreshadowings, hinting that the reader Fujimaru Ritsuka will be disappointed.

No, no, no, I am a good author who feels very sorry for his protagonist, how could he do something like that? ()


What can make even Fujimaru Ritsuka despair must be a rather excessive plot (sucks saliva). (overjoyed, can’t wait)

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