Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 363 Oh, long time no see, Wang (Six in One, bgm: Tot Musica)

[This cannot be accomplished in just a few years. You have been preparing for it since we discussed the root causes in Rome, Italy, right? 】

【So, I can’t stop for a long time~】

[This is alchemy that will definitely be completed. 】

[If anyone can stop it, it’s definitely not me who is also an alchemist. Rather, I’m almost excited! Such a genius idea, using time as a coordinate to determine the axis, and extending the alchemy of the pentagram to the entire history of the planet, I will definitely never be able to do it once in my life. 】

It will take at least two lifetimes~

[As expected of the King of Bronze and Fire, he can easily do things that humans cannot do! Admirable~~~]

On the other end of the phone, Da Vinci couldn't help but chuckle, and even praised him with interest. The light and sweet laughter made Norton a little puzzled and annoyed.

What a condescending tone?

But that's not all the reason for irritation.

It’s not because Da Vinci told me about his plan

But from the past, he didn't like Da Vinci's attitude.

The kind of arrogant optimist who seems to be full of hope.

Obviously you, like me, are both cursed by knowledge.

Why do you live so freely and freely?

Is it because we can’t see the future?

Is it because of the existence of Leonardo da Vinci that it was not included in the binding point?

The answers may all be right, or they may all be wrong.

But there was only one doubt in Norton's mind at this moment.


As if to confirm his inner thoughts, he asked in an almost urgent tone that even he didn't notice.

"Don't you hate me?"

"That woman is important to you, right?"

There were many factors why Norton had so many pity, pity, and hesitations for Fujimaru Ritsuka.

It's because the other party is a dazzling and outstanding person that even Norton is attracted by.

It's because in his countless future visions, the other person can even become close to "friends" with himself who has never lost his memory.

But these are all secondary factors.

After all, future vision is a concept of prediction, and what happened to Norton is a veritable reality.

In other words, the other party is "Da Vinci's friend" and "Lu Mingfei's friend".

Because he owed a favor to Da Vinci and because he owed a favor to Lu Mingfei, Norton hesitated to kill Fujimaru Ritsuka and even considered other paths.

Lu Mingfei's irrational madness has revealed the answer, but what about Leonardo da Vinci?

Why can you still speak so normally?


However, amid tangled emotions, Norton asked.


【Um? I'm very angry. 】

So, he got an unexpected answer, but it seemed like it should be.

Da Vinci's voice on the phone was still graceful, and one could imagine the smile on the face known as the most beautiful in the world, but at the same time, her words made Norton feel a chilling sense of threat.

[When I got the news about Ritsuka, I was honestly shocked. 】

[It’s not that I was scared by this incident, but that I was frightened by the fact that “I can still be so angry.” 】

[Kill you - I didn't think about anything else. 】

The tone of the words was obviously calm, but the content was full of malice, turning the unchanging words into the coldest blade.

But Norton was not frightened by the so-called "kill" in his words. After all, that was the natural reaction.

He felt violated because Da Vinci hadn't finished the topic yet.

【But~I am a genius~】

As expected, Da Vinci regained his mood.

The relaxed and lively feeling came back, as if everything just now was an illusion.

[Cursed by knowledge - this sentence is so true. 】

[No matter how angry I am, I find that after thinking about it, I can't focus on killing you. 】

[I was just thinking-how could Fujimaru Ritsuka die? 】

[That girl is so cute, so clingy and smart, how could she die? 】

With a smile, Leonardo da Vinci said this.

【She will not die. 】

Can't die.

[Asclepius, Ishtar, the witch Gulveg in Norse mythology]

[There are so many powerful beings in mythology that call for resurrection from the dead, so why would I let Fujimaru Ritsuka die? 】

Da Vinci's words made people's heads tingle, at least Norton became more and more impatient.

"You clearly know that those in myths are-"

[They are all dragons, right. 】

Da Vinci was the first to give the answer, but he laughed heartily.

[Norton, you clearly know that I have completed my project and connected my consciousness with Leonardo da Vinci in all worlds. This proves that there is a world not ruled by dragons, and in such a world, myths still exist. . 】

[No matter what world, there are creatures that can return from death. 】

[Then, just discard that particularity and just focus on "why it can be resurrected". 】

So she began to tell a story.

[In Sumerian mythology, Ishtar and her shepherd husband Tammuz are the divine protagonists of one of the oldest known love stories in the world.

The myth of Ishtar's descent into the underworld tells the story of the goddess's journey to the underworld, the home of her sister Ereshkigal. While many reasons have been proposed for Ishtar's journey, it seems most likely that she was motivated by an ambitious desire to increase her power. The goddess travels through the seven gates of the underworld, taking off a piece of clothing at each gate.

Finally, Ishtar appeared naked before her sister Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld, and was killed.

The death of Cupid leaves her trapped in the underworld and in need of rescue. With the help of her loyal companion Ninshubur, Ishtar was resurrected through the ingenious planning of Enki, the god of wisdom.

Ishtar's place in the underworld cannot be left empty, and the gods rise along with a host of demons to find a replacement. After a long search, her consort Tammuz was sent to the underworld to take her place. 】

Regardless of how strange the woman Ishtar is in this story.

[We can learn from this story that if we want to avoid human death, we need to recover the souls from Hades. 】

However, Hades in the modern world has been completely destroyed.

No, it's not so much destruction.

[disappears, so the question is, why? 】

[If Hades is a god, that is, an appendage of the dragon, it will not be completely destroyed, but will only "disappear". 】

[The disappearance of Hades is due to the fall of Jormungandr, the Dragon King of Hades in all myths and the god who represents "death". 】

[Sumerian Mythology, God of the Underworld, Ereshkigal]

[Greek mythology, Hades, Hades. 】

[Norse mythology, God of Death, Hela. 】

[Omitted below. 】

In all myths, it is Jormungandr who is in charge of the Nibelungen, the kingdom of the dead.

[In other words, if Jormungandr returns to the world, then the reconstruction of Hades will be possible, and reincarnation may continue. 】

In the final analysis, the essence of the so-called Age of Gods is——

——The world is controlled by the four dragon kings, who respectively control the sky and the earth, the underworld and the ocean. It is an era of rich elements. Once the four dragon kings revive and return the elemental concentration to the level of the Age of Gods, it will be equivalent to the true return of the Age of Gods.

As for the current situation, this is what Leonardo da Vinci wants to take advantage of.

[Look for Jörmungandr, capture Fujimaru Ritsuka’s soul before it dissipates, and let it wake up in the underworld. 】

Once again, genius came up with the answer.

Parallel worlds, resurrection from the dead, are called "fantasy" and "science fiction" by modern humans. In the mind of this Italian genius, it will always be an easy puzzle that "as long as you are willing to think, you can reach the conclusion."

People cannot be generalized.

Everyone has such memories, right?

I racked my brains and used my lifelong talents and energy to try to solve a math question buried at the end of the test paper, but I never got a response.

At this time, there will always be someone, there will always be a classmate who will come to you, gently pat your shoulder, and then tell you the solution to the problem.

When you pretended that you didn't feel any shock in your heart, you turned around and found that others had already gone to the badminton court to occupy a seat.

There is always someone smarter than you, and there is always someone smarter than you and having more fun.

And standing at the top of this biological chain of "geniuses" is a being named Leonardo da Vinci.

At least, when it comes to whimsy, no one can beat him.

But, in the final analysis - this is not such a difficult mystery in the first place.

Even an apprentice in the Clock Tower can think of it.

The only thing that surprised Norton was——


Da Vinci found that guy?


Jörmungandr, this name flashed through Norton's mind countless times.

Of course he was deeply impressed by his "sister".

As mentioned before, Jormungandr and Constantine were old acquaintances during the Age of Gods. As rare moderates among dragons, the two even signed a blood contract, symbolizing an alliance that would never betray. .

Of course, Norton himself sneered at this statement. At that time, he had not seen the future and was severely beaten by the adjudicator. He was arrogant and violent, and even had the title of "Designated Heir to the Black King". How could he have the time to cooperate with that? A gloomy woman with nothing but brains and timidity.


Even Norton only recognized Jörmungandr's two talents of "hiding himself" and "Nibelungen".

As the only dragon king who can slip away under Odin's nose, Jormungandr has considerable attainments in this aspect. If he hadn't planned to rebel against Odin as "Attila", he might have survived to the modern age.

Even the Dragon King himself, who possesses clairvoyance and the most advanced alchemy skills, admits that he is the real Voldemort.

Voldemort is also his brother-in-law, and the special nature of Jörmungandr has always been obvious to all.

So, what exactly is Da Vinci?

[I didn’t find it myself. How could I be so capable? 】

[As for how to do it——]

Norton suddenly felt that he heard Da Vinci's chuckle.

[Have you heard of Chaldea? 】


Norton's first reaction was naturally puzzlement.

Although he knew that Fujimaru Ritsuka was a visitor from another world, he could not see Fujimaru Ritsuka's memory since he did not have the omniscient cheating ability of the Flask Man to connect to the root.

So at that moment, his first reaction was confusion, and his second reaction was——

【Field Expansion】


The girl who once forced herself into a desperate situation and made it impossible for her to die without a burial place as long as she took one step, seemed to have called her mental world this way.

That white building in her world, in the wind and snow.

Is that Chaldea?

That woman——

Was this possibility considered from the beginning?

No, it’s not that we’ve calculated it, but that we’ve made a preliminary plan? ?



Norton suppressed his inner panic.

That kind of fear about the future suddenly emerged again.

In those countless futures, countless failures seem to reappear again.

But, that kind of thing is fine no matter what

"Constantine, immediately observe the space where the alchemy treasure house is located."

Norton did not hesitate to judge.

However, when Norton said this, he had calmed down, and there was not much urgency in his words.


He was not completely unprepared for this one-in-a-million possibility.

Once again, Norton is a "reborn man" who has seen tens of millions of possibilities. He has devoted everything to this success, and naturally he will not miss any possibility.

Although he had always believed that Jörmungandr was impossible to find, this possibility flashed through his mind. Even if it was one in 10 million or one in 100 million, Norton would consider it.

Therefore, he put Fujimaru Ritsuka into the high-dimensional space of his [Space Opening].

Taking a step back, even if Fujimaru Ritsuka's soul is found and awakened, the soul cannot find the space where Fujimaru Ritsuka's body is at this moment.

Jörmungandr's grasp of the soul is very strong, so strong that in its heyday, it could single-handedly carry all the undead on the entire human planet.

However, in terms of spatial attainments, he is no different from an elementary school student than Norton.

And even if he takes ten thousand steps back, then ten thousand steps back, to the other side of the imaginary number - Fujimaru Ritsuka is resurrected, how can he get rid of his weak body and soul?

Yes, if Fujimaru Ritsuka is really resurrected, the problem is not that "the other party will come for revenge."

Because resurrection is the process of reinserting the soul into the body. Not to mention how much purity of the soul is consumed in this process, just the process of returning to the body will completely shut down the person.

It's equivalent to a system restart. When the computer is turned on again, there will always be a pause period of a few tenths of a second.

For humans, it takes at least a whole day from resurrection to thinking normally again.

This is not for the average level, because ordinary people simply cannot be resurrected in this way.

This is a judgment based on the top examples of human hybrids that Norton himself has seen with his own eyes.

Gilgamesh, the pinnacle of human heroes in Sumerian mythology and the King of Heroes, also fell into hell several times in his personal biography and was thrown back by the goddess of the underworld.

In the Age of Gods, when there was only a few tens of meters of depth difference between Hades and the ground, as the top human hero, Gilgamesh could immediately regain consciousness from the corpse, but whether he was performing regular sports or even fighting, he was still at a high level. Intensive thinking will take at least a whole day.

This is an achievement that Gilgamesh and the Lord of the Underworld know well and are accustomed to death.

Normally, it's much more than that.

So Norton is not worried at all that Fujimaru Ritsuka can pose a threat to himself and Constantine.

So, Norton, who has almost thought about the problem with a pathological way of thinking, has completely killed the possibility of Fujimaru Ritsuka. On this basis, what if Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately masters thinking and can use the Word Spirit Oracle?

Still not great.

Because the oracle may be able to help return to the real world, but it also requires time and accumulation.

By the time Fujimaru Ritsuka left [God's Treasure House], the astral alchemy would have ended long ago.

All possibilities are under consideration.


Because of this, Norton would let Constantine conduct the detection so calmly.

Then, faced with Norton's inquiry, Constantine gave the answer

".Brother" the boy murmured with chattering teeth amid rapid breathing——

"she is not here."


Boom, boom, boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The arc of thunder and lightning tore the sky apart, tearing the dark sky into several pieces. The remaining warm red lingered in the air like an unhealed scar, carving out a winding and twisted path.


In a cave, a muffled sound like a heavy train roaring past erupted. A black shadow as tall as a mountain landed like a hungry tiger pouncing on food. It clung to the ground and began to tremble.

The huge black shadow trembled.

"Sister, it's thundering, I'm afraid."

In front of the black shadow's breath, there was also a hidden shadow.

Unlike the mountain-like monster, the shadow was slender and lean, leaning against the cold stone wall, with its butt in the corner, a pair of long legs folded over each other for support, and its white fingers gently pinching a flower.


But she didn't speak.

".elder sister?"

The monster as huge as a mountain spoke again, this time with a hint of hesitation.


She still didn't reply immediately, but vaguely watched as the slender hands pinched off one petal of the flower and placed it on the ground. After completing this action, she pinched the flower again.

However, the huge black shadow of the monster could vaguely hear a little noise coming from over there.

Forgive Ritsuka Fujimaru

don't forgive her

Forgive her.

Fingleton paused.

Sister, what on earth are you doing?

Fingel, the king of the earth and mountains, among the four dragon kings, has an IQ closest to that of a child.

But even if he is like this, as time goes by, his missing spirit will gradually be replenished, and while he is close to normal IQ, he can also start to imitate thinking.

So maybe, maybe, he probably saw it.

My sister's brain is different from others.

Although, even if he was killed, he would not tell his sister about it.

After all, the story started about a few months ago——

Ever since Fujimaru Ritsuka said goodbye to Jörmungandr in order to go to Kassel, and hoped that the other party could protect his friends in Shilan Middle School to the best of his ability, Jörmungandr's mind began to go abnormal. .

No no no no no no, why! ? !

Even if a partnership is temporarily established, it is still cooperation! cooperate!

It’s a fair and reciprocal relationship!

Why would Fujimaru Ritsuka order him around without doing anything? When he was at the high school graduation party, he would just call him and let him run over to work for free, and now he is even placing himself in Fuzhou to play. He also has to do the job of a janitor himself!

What's the matter, do I still need to thank Fujimaru Ritsuka for helping me and helping me, the Dragon King, who has lived for thousands of years to realize that being a security guard is the end of his life, to understand the true meaning?

Just kidding, who does she think she is? !

If Kassel College hadn't occasionally sent letters as a means of communication, and rationality told her that Fujimaru Ritsuka just helping her keep the secret was already a gift in itself, then Jormunga would have exploded in the head a long time ago. .

During this period, she maintained her identity as a junior high school student and became a high school student. She monitored the friends Fujimaru Ritsuka cared about inside Shilan Middle School. At the same time, she spent more time focusing on herself. The development of life levels.

Apart from Odin, Jormungandr's situation is the most comfortable in the entire world, so she is very satisfied with the speed at which she reaches the sub-adult stage.

After all, she didn't even eat a single dragon, she didn't even kill a few Deadpools, and she accomplished this achievement without even eating a few hybrids.

So cool!

However, the adult stage still seems to be far away.

Hey, I also want to walk around, collect the traces of myself left all over the world, and reclaim my power~

If it doesn’t work, go eat, eat, eat, eat like crazy!

Eating more dragon genes can also restore one's own abilities.

For example, Ritsuka said that in his hometown, a certain human doctor once illegally used cologne fetal blood in order to conduct some inhumane experiments. That kind of thing is a so-called great tonic.

Unfortunately, Jörmungandr didn't know at this time that the great supplements that could speed up the dragon's recovery to the biological level had long been wiped out by a thief who abused his future vision.

All in all, the setback at the evolutionary level, coupled with Fujimaru Ritsuka's departure, made Jörmungandr's mood suddenly drop. When he returned to the Nibelungs, in addition to Fenrir's potato chips, he would also bring He was holding a bunch of beer bottles and said nothing to his brother.

I sat down in the corner of the Nibelung and started drinking, reading, and playing with the alchemical matrix as Sudoku puzzles. After my physical strength recovered, I began to review my powers and accelerate the evolution of biological levels.

Live like a lonely patient pulling on himself.

Fenrir was worried in his heart, but he kept silent and ate potato chips to act cute.

And on that day when the atmosphere was as silent and dull as ever, my sister suddenly broke the previous cycle.

[Didi Didi——]

When the phone rang, Xia Mi stopped squeezing the petals, and his dull eyes suddenly solidified and became sharp.

She put her hand in her trouser pocket, took out her phone after confirming the source of the vibration, and became nervous the moment she looked at the screen.

As a senior player of Earth OL, Xia Mi is very good at playing different roles.

She has many identities, specifically used to disguise herself, playing students, archaeologists, photographers, teachers, and even nightclub waiters and McDonald's mascots.

However, these disguised identities and linked phone cards were all staggered, and the call dialed at this time was Xia Mi's most private phone card.

The only people who know her number are those who know her identity as the Dragon King.

That's what the girl said


In this organization, everyone has a considerable degree of trust in each other, not because they are familiar with each other, but simply because they all know that this organization is built around Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Because people in the organization, whether they admit it or not, have 100% trust in Fujimaru Ritsuka in their hearts, so the people the girl trusts are about half of their partners.

Even if Fujimaru Ritsuka recruits a new member one day and does not tell Xia Mi directly, as long as the new member dials Xia Mi's mobile phone number, then Xia Mi will know that the person he did not include is a new member of Chaldea.

For example, now.

(Numbers I haven’t seen before. It’s not Kazama Ruri and Eri Yi)

Wondering what kind of monster Fujimaru Ritsuka had found, Natsumi dialed the phone with hesitation.

On the side, Fenrir just watched silently.

From his point of view, although his sister behaved cautiously and solemnly, her movements still looked quite relaxed and happy. Perhaps it was because she had been wasted for so long that she felt like she was almost rusty.

Chaldea's phone call basically meant something was about to happen.

"Hey, who?"

"Just say the name."

As expected, I only listened to it for less than ten seconds

Xia Mi's expression completely changed.



The Nibelungs began to crack.

Fenrir quickly straightened up and looked into the distance in horror.

The entire Nibelung began to shake, the 'spirits' pouring out of the abyss of hell began to wail uncontrollably, and the power of the earth and mountains began to be covered by some kind of purer violence.

What Fenrir saw was his sister's facial expression that had completely disappeared.

and then almost condensed into pure blackness

Murderous intent and anger.

The ground continued to crack, and the Nibelung roots, which had expanded a lot compared to a year ago, began to be completely stained with dark ink, and the sound of cracking and breaking of hard objects continued to sound.

It shows the extremely unstable spiritual infection of Nibelungen's mental image and the extremely violent desire for destruction!

Generally speaking, this will never happen.

Because it was Fenrir who launched the Nibelungs. As the stronger one among the kings of the earth and mountains, he has always been responsible for the construction of the Nibelungs, and the peaceful Dragon King would hardly have any big thoughts. fluctuation.

This happens now

Is Jörmungandr subconsciously shaking the Nibelungs' authority?

Fenrir didn't know what happened, but subconsciously held his breath.

The cave continued to collapse and produce rocks. Under the dark abyss, there seemed to be bright red and deep eyes staring at the sky, eyes wide open.

After a while, Xia Mi reluctantly let go of his hand.

A few drops of pure red dripped from the fingertips to the ground, and the girl's face, which was covered with dragon scales, was only left with a barely suppressed dead silence and a strong tangle.

Just now, she got too much information from the woman named Da Vinci on the other side of the phone.

Whether it's the resurgence of the White King's wreckage.

The Lord of Bronze and Fire rises.

It was Fujimaru Ritsuka who defeated both but died.

All of this made it difficult for Jormungandr's mind to keep up with the development of the situation.

Before she could vent her anger, Leonardo da Vinci came up with his own plan to let Jormungandr re-establish the order of "Hades" in modern times and return the world's concept of death to the age of the gods. In this way, Retrieve Fujimaru Ritsuka's soul.

The idea is very good. Jörmungandr still agrees that Da Vinci could come up with this method and contact him, but——

Can't do it.

Xia Mi bit her silver teeth anxiously, her lips turning white from the exertion.

That kind of thing is impossible. In the Age of Gods, forget it when she was still Jormungandr and the snake surrounding the atrium. Now she is only in a sub-adult body and there is no way to restore the order of the underworld.

The difference between an adult dragon and a sub-adult is simply terrifying.

When Jörmungandr and Fujimaru Ritsuka met for the first time, when she was still a baby, she once fought against each other and was beaten to the point where she could not stand upright. Even at the melee level that Jörmungandr was surprisingly good at, she could not stand upright. Can open with Kazama Ruri 55.

But on the other hand, Fenrir, his twin, could make Fujimaru Ritsuka freeze up even if he just yelled, and he changed his policy and chose to use words to persuade.

And a year later, when Jormungandr, who had reached the sub-adult stage, met Fujimaru Ritsuka again, he encountered the plus version of Ritsuka who had learned [Word Spirit. Oracle].

It can be seen that any sub-adult dragon king is powerless in front of that girl.

However, there is an absolute gap in the adult stage.

If you think about it carefully, this world is originally ruled by dragons.

The timeline of the world is divided into the [Godly Age] and the era [after that].

It is God who leaves traces of the former.

It is people who leave traces of the latter.

The dragon was recorded according to the times.

In the past, Jormungandr in the Age of Gods was recorded as a snake surrounding the atrium. Humans could only look up and speculate, and could not even understand its power. It was known as the giant snake that entangled the world.

It was not until he was defeated by Odin that his personality degenerated into a sub-adult stage or even a juvenile stage, and then he acted as the person of other gods in mythology.

After reaching the Age of Gods, they could only carry out activities under human names such as "Attila".

Whether a dragon is powerful or not depends almost entirely on the different levels of life.

They are the [strongest]

The trajectory of life is just the road to regaining the glory of the past.

If she had not chosen to fight as Attila because she was trying to trust humans, with Jormungandr's understanding of her brothers and sisters, she could have preserved her strength until the adult stage was completed.


not now.

There is a hopeless gap between sub-adults and adults, especially Jormungandr, because the essence of its power is the "kingdom of death" and "site of power".

The latter itself was originally supposed to be close to [unconditionally causing things to collapse], with the same ability as cheating, but because Jörmungandr's sub-adult body was too "weak", it could not show any strength at all.

If Xia Ya is left alone, she can knock down a county town with one punch by finding the "point" of the object. However, if she fights at close range, she can only cut through a skyscraper with a full blow. Kazama Liuli is 50-50.

With its ability weakened to this point, it becomes clear how fragile Jörmungandr's "Kingdom of Death" ability is at this time, right?

But after all, Hela, the god of death, is the god in charge of the underworld of Heim in mythology.

Helheim means "Home of Hel", which is also "Hell".

In modern times, Niflheim, the Nibelungen, is often confused with the underworld ruled by Hela, and this also proves that in terms of completion, Hela's own Nibelungen is the closest to the origin. of.

The highest authority of dragons symbolizes the inner world of the dragon's heart. This concept itself is mastered by Hela. Two of their own students, Jörmungandr and Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, have also seriously popularized science countless times. ——

When it comes to field battles, you are the strongest.

It doesn’t count now.

Just look at the size of Nibelungen. She can't show her strength at all now.

He couldn't even create a Nibelung that covered an ancient civilization basin, let alone find the soul of a dead person among countless undead.



"Do you believe me?"

In the dark kingdom of death, the queen suddenly came up with a solution.

Trembling, she spoke to her relatives who would always be with her on the throne.

"even if."

That's the only way.

It was also an answer that Jormungandr did not intend to think about.

"I said I was going to eat you."

[Dragon has the characteristic of "parasitism". To be precise, it is the ability to unilaterally absorb the host's life elements and improve its own life level. 】

As mentioned before, this characteristic is generally used between the next-generation species and the Dragon King, especially in order to help the still-weak Dragon King recover its dragon body. The next-generation species will often loyally sacrifice their bodies and leave all the elements of life behind. To your own lord.

However, it does not mean that it cannot be used between Dragon Kings.

Rather, the "devourment" between the Dragon King and the Dragon King is the ultimate form of this parasitism.

Fenrir in the adult stage, Jormungandr in the sub-adult stage.

Originally, it was absolutely impossible for the latter to devour the former, but because of the twisted bond between the two dragons, this reverse devouring became possible.

Facing his sister's question, Fenrir was slightly stunned.

It's embarrassing to say it, but his first reaction was to use the method taught by his "teacher" Fujimaru Ritsuka to see if his sister was serious about saying this.


He got the answer in the affirmative.


"Okay." Fenrir nodded honestly.

He would always answer that.


——Sister must have her reasons.


The moment the contract ends is the starting point for the world to fall apart.

The majestic mountain tore out huge cracks, and the majestic dust and sand began to settle. After falling to the ground, a thin layer of frost-white turbidity formed on the surface.

The Nibelungs are the inner side of the world controlled by the Dragon King.

The spiritual elements that pervade this world are exactly the reflection of the Dragon King's mental image.

Why did the Nibelungs, which Fujimaru Ritsuka complained were narrow and dark, take on such a posture? Of course, it was because the ruler of the Nibelungs at that time was Fenrir, who was even more powerful at the time.

As a giant dragon who was born in the human body, Fenrir is like a being who was born into a fighting sect in the literature about cultivating immortals.

Because he is so strong, so strong that even the concept of "movement" may cause the collapse of the surrounding environment. Just using the word spirit will cause visions of heaven and earth and the end of life.

That's why Jormungandr wanted to lock him up and let him stay in the cold mountains he liked without moving.

Ritsuka once deliberately provoked Jormungandr with vicious words, saying that this behavior was that Jormungandr regarded Fenrir as his own food reserve.

Jörmungandr was furious because she thought she had such thoughts in her heart.


She didn't do it after all, right?

She loves her brother.

This is the only relative who shares the throne with her and has been with her for thousands of years.

She may have thought about devouring it at a certain moment, but in fact, everything she did was to protect the powerful but "weak" child.

Such behavior resulted in the preservation of Fenrir's timid, narrow and dark personality, causing Fenrir's mental image to be reflected in the Nibelungs, changing into the form of a dark and sloppy cave.

After meeting Fujimaru Ritsuka and making friends with Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, Fenrir's narrow heart began to change. The cave that originally symbolized a closed cave was dug into a land filled with earth and mountain elements. Barren desert.

Yes, everything has already been reflected.

All of those are Fenrir's mental images, so they show a trend of change.

At this time, the desert seemed to begin to break apart.

The gravel is still in a scattered state, but it has taken on a new color, from dirty white to dark snow, and the earth has changed from burning under the scorching sun to freezing at night.

The mist began to spread, and the vision turned turbid. The sacred mist was like the cold breath of a giant, covering the world with a thick and soft veil.

The world turns into eternal night.

That is the country of Hela, the god of death in Norse mythology. Hela, the god of death, has the same name as Hel. Just listen to the pronunciation and you will know that this place is also translated as "Hell", which is the underworld in Norse mythology.

It is a cold, foggy place, a place of eternal night, accessible only to the dead.

It is one of the nine worlds in Norse mythology.

The infinite depths can only be reached by walking on a rugged road for nine days and nine nights in the cold and dark land of the far north. The gate of Hades is far away from the human world. Hermod, the famous god of speed, rode Odin's eight-legged horse Repnir and ran for nine days and nights before reaching the Gior River. At the edge of Erheim, there is a gilded crystal bridge over the river, suspended by a hair.

It was biting cold and deep darkness, with a sound like a hissing and boiling cauldron, the sound of the rushing Hwagmir spring. In addition, there are nine rivers in the underworld, and sharp knives flow in the rivers.

This is the land of eternal night and death.

The Nibelungen that is closest to the original concept of "Nibelungen".

The strongest and most mysterious Nibelungen.


At that moment, the queen who mastered death woke up.

After devouring all the life genes of Fenrir from the adult stage to the sub-adult stage in exchange for his own authority, Jormungandr has now completely taken back his former power.

This swallowing method that only swallows [energy] instead of [life], as I have said before, is extremely inefficient in itself.

Norton devoured the energy of the next-generation species across one level, and only gained the right to release one or two combos. That was because the efficiency of this lukewarm devouring was extremely low, and it could almost be said to be a waste of life.

As for the Dragon King, it was a waste of waste.

For the living dragon kings, every minute and every second, the breath they exhale contains mystery. The process of "living" repeated every second is providing nourishment to the world, and at the same time nurturing their own life level.

Just by being alive, they are extremely precious.

And wasting most of the time that he has lived and only devouring [energy] will lead to a lot of waste. For a dragon who is a miser by nature, he will not be willing to waste treasures like this.

In the final analysis, this kind of [devourment] requires one party to be absolutely weak, completely open their heart, and let the other party ravage them.

What kind of dragon would do this?

[Completely cooperate with swallowing]

[No regard for waste]

The two factors were brought together to create the current miracle.

He picked up Fenrir, who had turned into a human form due to weakness, and placed him on the throne of the Kingdom of Frost. The God of Death, whose name has been left in countless myths, slowly turned around and faced his own country.

There is only coldness, darkness, and death in the desolate world.

In fact, Jormungandr did not lie.

She told Fujimaru Ritsuka that she didn't like keeping pets, and in mythology, Helheim was indeed a country where no living beings visited. In her world, there were always only two of her and Fenrir.

Of course, if it was just a pet like Kamama Itachi, the Queen could keep it for fun if she wanted to, but it was a pity that before that, she met Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The guy who treats himself as an equal creature, the guy who dares to make fun of himself, and shamelessly tempts himself with his obscene body and soul.

That she would die was something Jormungandr never thought about once.

The Dragon King has always been vague about the concept of "death". Just like Norton said, because they will never truly face death, they do not understand the true meaning of death.

However, I can feel the pain indirectly.

The moment Leonardo learned about Fujimaru Ritsuka's death, Jörmungandr felt almost all the sinful feelings in the world pour into his chest, leaving only pure malice for Norton.

Distortion, deterioration, necrosis.

Until now.

"If it were now"

The halo of the Kingdom of the Dead is a typical Nordic oil painting style. In the area close to the North Pole, in this extremely cold world, a clear sky can only be seen on extremely rare occasions.

The aurora brings rainbow ribbons, green and blue intertwined, entwined with each other and stretching to the end of the field of vision.

Under that divine light is the queen who is so graceful that it makes one's breath stop.

The dazzling beauty of the robe, the splendor of Eryao and blue.

Wear gold and jade jewelry, embellished with pearls to dazzle your body.

Snow falls on Beijing, and flowers fall from thousands of miles away.

To use these words to describe it, it seems like something is missing.

Natsumi is the most beautiful person Fujimaru Ritsuka has ever seen - she once commented.

There are very few human beings who are praised as perfect, but Natsumi is infinitely close to this concept. Even the well-informed Fujimaru Ritsuka said so, so there is no mistake.

The absolute queen did not rush to transform her body into the state of the Dragon King after transforming into the adult stage. Instead, for the sake of efficiency, she put aside this goal that she had been coveting for more than ten years.

Because, at this moment, the power that needs to be consumed will completely make her lose that kind of margin.

wait for me.

The Queen of the Underworld placed her hand on her chest and sang softly.

That's the only sound in this dead world.

Gu'ao's secret text awakened every bit of matter in the kingdom, and the world began to expand. The endless fog seemed to want to expand to a planet without borders.

Once, Jormungandr limited his Nibelungen to the scope of a mountain, but again, that was not Jormungandr to be precise, but the inner world reflected in Fenrir's mental image.

As a young child, Fenrir showed narrowness, so as the queen of the kingdom of the dead, Attila, the whip of God who once ravaged the world, is the field he is best at——

Centered in Fuzhou, it spread to Japan and even expanded to the sea!

Infinite expansion, if enough time, it can even spread to the end.

——Domination that almost covers the entire earth!

That was the origin of her name.

[Snake surrounding the atrium]

That is the supreme authority of the Dragon King who has left traces in countless generations of gods and was given the title of "Pluto"!

According to the United Nations, the global population in 2008 was approximately 6.76 billion. According to statistics from American scientists, 1.8 people die every second on this planet.

If you do the math in the crudest and most unreasonable way, you'll get a simple number.

1.8 people/second*3600 seconds/hour*24 hours/day=155520 people/day

Every day on this planet, 150,000 people reach the end of their lives.

And to find Fujimaru Ritsuka among these 150,000 people?

——No difficulty.

Jörmungandr's eyes burned like red gold.

I know better than anyone how dazzling that person's soul is.

Absolutely no mistakes.

And the strength of that soul cannot naturally dissipate immediately after leaving the body.

You can do it yourself.

Jörmungandr was convinced of this and expanded his power without limit.

I will find you.

find you

turn up


With every passing second, her face grew paler.

It’s not due to physical exertion or mental exhaustion.

But because——


No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

There was blood in the corners of Jörmungandr's gorgeous eyes, and panic appeared on his noble and gorgeous face. Even his originally fair arms were gradually covered with skinny lines, and his face became abnormally pale.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's soul cannot be found anywhere.

Could it be that Norton completely destroyed it?

No, it's impossible. Even if I am not as good as that weirdo Norton in other fields, as the most mysterious soul among the three elements of life, I should be the most understanding among all the Dragon Kings!

Only I, as Pluto, can completely see the structure of a person's soul after death, and roughly see the shape before death.

Even if other dragon kings observe the soul in some way, they will never be able to control it!

It is impossible for Norton to intercept its own permissions!

Unless Fujimaru Ritsuka's soul has already entered the underworld first and fell into the star world and was destroyed by the source.

Suddenly, Jörmungandr stopped moving.

Her face was dull, but it didn't seem sad.

She suddenly thought of another possibility.


Her soul never left her body from the beginning?


Did you think wrong from the beginning?

How could that guy, that woman Ritsuka Fujimaru, really die unprepared and let himself wipe her ass?


That guy must have figured it out.

But this is too much.

"That rascal!!!!--"

"is that a lie?!"

Jormungandr's aloof queen's face collapsed, leaving only an indecent stunned look.

The soul does not go to death in Hades.

There is only one possibility.

The only case in this world, on the entire surface of the earth.

That is--

"She's... cocooning?!"

"Stay where you are?!!!"


Different directions in the world, but the same Dragon King, also fell into incomprehensible shock.

Norton's fists clenched in an instant, and his teeth couldn't help but clenched and felt a bitter taste.


Why is this happening again?

In this conversation, Norton showed his gaffe for the first time.

How can it be


Where are the possibilities?

That woman, where is the possibility of breaking through her own thinking?

Didn’t I take everything into account?

Why. I have achieved this level and still fail?


Sure enough, still! ——

"Your next words are - or the intervention of [fate] - right?"

Suddenly, the red light pillar of the alchemical matrix, which had already reached the limit, rushed towards the sky with greater output power. With a loud roar, the night sky was completely torn apart. Perhaps the rotation of the entire planet had been absorbed. Influence, or.

The outside of the entire world has been covered by the alchemical matrix.

Therefore, the dazzling blood-red light completely turned into the only color in people's pupils.

The whole world ushered in daylight, and the bloody sun illuminated everything.

However, in that blood-red world, slowly, a layer of clothing was peeled off.

The crimson colored glaze was replaced by a simpler and nobler color, plundering the entire scenery in front of Norton.

In that heterogeneous space, in the "violation point" of this world, stood the girl.

Under her feet, fragments of space were scattered on the ground. The alchemy treasure house that was isolated from the world seemed to be "killed" by something, turning into debris and scattered on the ground.

He held the knife in his backhand. There was nothing unusual about the knife. It was just a short-handled tactical dagger. On the tail was the emblem of the Sheqi Eighth Family and the word "Mikan" that could be vaguely seen.

The girl lowered her head, and her long and messy hair covered her forehead. The hair, which was originally as warm as citrus, was stuck with scarlet red hair, like a trickle pouring down, covering half of the girl's face.

Her fair skin was stained with scarlet, and dirty dust clung to the corners of her eyes and sides.

There were torn wounds on the ragged clothes, but the slender flesh and limbs showed a completely relaxed posture.

At that moment, it was as if the nightmare really appeared in reality.

Constantine almost felt the fear of death. His face turned pale, but he still stood in front of Norton forcefully, as if intending to "protect" his brother.

The shadow deep in his soul seemed to be dragging him into the abyss again.

And Norton no longer had time to think about Constantine's psychological activities.



The evil ghost in front of him spoke.

The girl's voice had a slight hoarseness and an obvious vibrato. When she grinned, she could clearly see the corners of her mouth raised on her face, that charming and penetrating arc.

Nightmare raised his head and showed that beautiful and frightening smile.

The eyes are like blue.

Willful and crazy.

"Long time no see~"

Chapter 268: Writes about the differences between the two Nibelungs and why the cave turned into a desert - the Nibelungs will change according to their mental images.

Chapter 225: It was deliberately written that Natsuya can see people's souls, and the shape of Fujimaru Ritsuka's soul was clearly written, but I didn't write about the other dragons - a foreshadowing that Natsuya's true power is "soul-related".

Chapter 1. Too lazy to find the chapter: Writing about Hades directly implies that the real power is [Pluto].

The following are my thoughts when reading the original work.

[Why do Norton and Constantine feel so different from the same King of Bronze and Fire? 】

Bronze and Fire.

is it possible.

Are they originally divided?

Bronze (alchemy), then fire.

So the king of earth and mountains.

Does this explain why Xia Mi never used the mountain type spirit from the time he appeared to the time he left? You have been using wind and fire, and you are still using them after the decisive battle? Even if you die!

Because the earth and the mountains will be separated.

The world beneath the earth, Hades.

[Of course, all of them are my cjb’s settings for the original Madoka]

It can be seen that I never thought about humiliating Mi, and it was not Norton who I promoted.

What is being carried is the entire dragon clan.

The reason why Xia Mi is weak is that firstly the plot is like this (infancy stage), and secondly there is no Earthly Word Spirit in the original work!

I said that my love for Xia Mi is universal.

Bgm mainly depends on the lyrics.

There are not enough words. The next chapter explains why people can form cocoons.

I'm more satisfied with that part.

All foreshadowing

Give me some time and I will explain any points that readers find inconsistent.

I hope that after reading this volume, everyone will criticize me objectively and without temper.

Let me know whether it's my writing that's rubbish or my writing that's too slow.

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