Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 377 The Warmth of Hands (2-in-1)


My ears were blurred, and the sound of running water turned into a blurry accompaniment, like a fragmented but disconnected dream.

But familiar voices kept ringing.


It's so noisy.

This is a voice that cannot be forgotten. It is so familiar that people can answer it reflexively, but the body is as heavy as a ghost pressing down on the bed. It is the eyelids that I want to open, but my chest can only rise slightly. , and the accelerated rhythm of breathing can prove that your mind is still functioning.


Something warm and soft touched his shoulder.

"Senior, it's almost time to wake up."

"Hey! Matthew! Since you took the initiative to come to my bed, I won't be polite!!" With a bang, the powerful Shenglong Fist knocked the quilt away, and his eyes were red. Some kind of creature is awakened by disrespectful descendants, bringing despair and oppression.

She said loudly——

"One second of TY, two seconds of combination, three seconds for you to go to heaven!!!"

"Wait! Senior?!"

In a sudden moment, the girl's white velvet-colored quilt cover was flipped over to form a cloud floating above the room. Accompanied by the rough and obscene tone and the girl's impatient shouts of ecstasy, an orange figure immediately sprang out, with lightning speed. The force will suppress the heinous person who awakened himself.

Instead of tearing him apart and biting him, she dragged the criminal who had invaded her territory into her bed like a wild animal that wanted to leave its genes behind, intending to do evil things.

With a hiss, the soft-spoken girl wearing glasses was "swallowed" by the quilt.

There were only strange sounds in the bed.

"Eh!!! Wu!!————"

"Please wait a moment, senior! This won't work! Someone will see you!"

The girl who was forcibly pulled onto the bed seemed to be a little overwhelmed by the humiliation. Her already soft voice was even more delicate at the moment. With the sound of the friction of cloth, even the pitch rose. She was so ashamed of the exposed skin that she quickly tried to exhortation.


"Hoohoho~! Just don't be seen, little girl, you are so prprprprprp~~~~"


Bidong (bidong) is an Internet buzzword. This word originally originated from Japan. It is an action that often appears in girls' comics, animations and Japanese dramas.

It is an action of forcing a woman who wants to confess to a wall, making a "dong" sound with one hand or leaning against the wall, so that she has no way to escape. In this way, because of the shortening of the distance and the closeness of the body, the girl will inevitably Being shy will greatly increase the chance of successful confession, which has become a popular "confession trick" nowadays.


Isn't this just a simple threat?

All in all, Fujimaru Ritsuka, an aboriginal person from the place where this word originated, is completely able to understand the meaning of this word. Even the advanced use of this word - bed dong can be used with ease.

Branch it——

The white thighs were intertwined together, and the girl held the beauty's face with one hand, causing the bed to make a long and shy sound.

Outside the door is the torrent of wind and snow, and inside is the white and warm light. The attractive orange hair hangs down. The hair that was carefully cared for before going to bed last night still has the lingering fragrance of Chaldea's expensive shampoo.

Both the sense of smell and vision were shrouded in that desperate situation, and the soft-type junior who came to wake people up seemed to be completely unable to withstand it.

She blushed and pushed away the face of the person in front of her, feeling the soft touch of her senior's cheek on her hand.

"That's not what I mean! No. Even if that is what I mean, senior should be more reserved! Do you know how many people are monitoring and monitoring your room?"

"What are you talking about! Da Vinci promised to help me strengthen the anti-peeping barrier last time! There is no such security risk!"

"It is because of this inexplicable trust that my photo album is being circulated in Chaldea at a high price! Senior, please be more conscious of your brand effect!!"

"Hahahaha! Xiaonizi, you seduce people and also sow discord. You are really a snake-hearted person, so I can only save you! Mua one! Hurry up one mua!! (annoyed)"

"Please calm down!"

It was a noisy routine early in the morning.

But whether it’s the blushing but witty comments of the person below me, or the slightly cold air I’m breathing at this moment, or the room with almost no decoration, it’s all so familiar.

After a stalemate for a while, the atmosphere finally calmed down.

Fujimaru Ritsuka reluctantly restrained her movements, pretending to be obedient, turned around and sat aside, no longer touching the girl under her on the bed.

With a smile, she reached the end of the bed and sat up cross-legged.

She put her hands on the bed, leaned back, looked around subconsciously, and patted the side of her head as if her ears were filled with water.

"Ah, why does it feel like [long time no see] even though it's my room?"

It's strange to say that I wasn't in a good state when I woke up today, and now I even feel more at home in my own room.

Oops, are you about to awaken your fetish?

I won't like round tables or anything like that in the future, right?

Ritsuka was distracted with worries about her future. Taking advantage of this moment, the girl who had been sleeping on the bed quickly took the time to get up. She nervously used her fingertips to flick her bangs that she had gotten up early to take care of today. , and glasses that were crooked due to the impact.

The girl pursed her lips and blushed slightly, not daring to look at the person next to her bed. She just heard Fujimaru Ritsuka's sigh and replied angrily.

"Is it because senior has been too busy recently and hasn't had much sleep? I heard that the day before yesterday I was sleeping on a lap pillow in Miss Airei's room, and the day before yesterday was in Miss Sanzang's room, and before that I was pretending to be tired from fighting with Scathach The ladies sleep together, right?"

The girl wearing glasses seemed a little unhappy about this, and her tone was full of complaints.

Then Fujimaru Ritsuka also has something to say.

"Ignoring the first two, Mr. Scathach's one can't be called pretending to sleep, can it? Although it seems that you can get kicked again if you try hard, your body has already become a pineapple! Can humans play games with lions? They must learn to do so. Survive!”

She stood up excitedly.

"I, an ordinary female high school student, survived from the hands of the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows! Can other Celtics do it!"

She spread her hands with her palms facing up, her body facing away from the light in the room, and her back looked majestic.

"This is the victory of martial arts!"


Feeling deeply tired in front of her Master who loudly chanted heresies, the bespectacled school girl sighed.

Before entering the room in the morning, 120% of the energy was almost gone. As expected of his senior, there would be no moments when the atmosphere was stagnant just by being together - because he needed to complain about her every moment.

Although I don’t hate the feeling of being led around.

She blushed and did not look at Fujimaru Ritsuka. The girl was thinking about strange things in her mind.


But business still needs to be done.

"Although it's not good to interrupt you in your mood, senior, do you still remember what I said last night?"


Tilting her head, the girl expressed doubts in a rather carefree tone.

And the girl with eyes stopped delaying and gave the answer.

"It's Christmas Eve."


It was obviously a simple modal word, but for some reason, it revealed the inner panic of the speaker.

Seeing this, the school girl with eyes pushed up her glasses.

".I don't think so, but senior will not forget what happened today."

"No hiss—" Li Xiang touched his head and kept breathing in the cold air. "Hiss-ha~hiss-ha~~"

"It's cruel to say this, but in the face of natural disasters, you are calm and have no nervousness or awe. Senior, you are very un-Japanese."

"No, no, no! First of all, I'm from Earth! Secondly, calling the heroic spirits a natural disaster is too much!"


At this moment, the two people were discussing the heroic spirit.

Hmm..where to start?

By the way, let’s start with this building.


Human Resources Survival Guarantee Agency Finis Chaldea, referred to as Human Resources Guarantee Agency Chaldea or Chaldea.

A magic workshop built as a place where secrets can be kept without interference from any country. It is said that the observatory is not an observatory to look up at the stars in the universe from the earth, but an observatory built to overlook everything on the earth from the void.

It is a research institute and observatory that gathers researchers from various fields, regardless of magic or science, so that human history can continue long and robustly.

Yes, this is a secret service established by various countries to prevent human extinction (Bad End).

The magician here is a special agent who takes on the mission of saving mankind.

And the one who stands at the top of them all and takes on the responsibility of being the savior is an ordinary female high school student——

Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Here, the girl experienced countless adventures, went to important turning points in past history to correct human ethics, and established bonds with countless heroic spirits.

The so-called heroic spirits are the heroes in human history. To introduce them without tediousness - they are superhuman beings who are either extremely strong or extremely handsome, or both strong and handsome. In short, they must have their own merits.

On the way to saving the world, the girl relied on their strength to break through the difficulties and also established bonds with those beings.


In fact, it’s just goodwill.

It sounds a lot like the content introduction of an unscrupulous mobile game that says "because there is no gameplay at all, so we can only sell characters", right?

But if it were really that kind of game, Ritsuka Fujimaru would probably be the weirdest one among the players.

after all--

"Senior, your bond with the heroic spirits is too high. If you don't pay attention to it, the current situation in Chaldea would be easy to describe as a natural disaster! Please be a little nervous!"

"Ah hi!"

As if he finally realized the seriousness of the problem, Fujimaru Ritsuka finally corrected his attitude and became restrained.

Excessive favorability - this is where the problem comes from.

Because the game was played so well, the charm value was a bit high, and I accidentally raised the favorability of all heroes to the full value. Some heroes seemed to have some strange things coming out.

As I said just now, heroes are heroes from all eras, and among them there are many overlords who say, "Whatever I like must be mine."

Heroes, kings, eidolons, even mythical creatures

As soon as the holidays come, I will start to find excuses to get close to my Master.

It was nothing at first, but Fujimaru Ritsuka was a social superman who could work 24 hours a day without being idle.

But sometimes there are things that Superman can't handle.

A few heroic spirits are okay, I can handle a dozen heroic spirits with ease, but I can barely get by with dozens of heroic spirits?

But more than two hundred heroic spirits? !

How do I manage my time? !

No matter how you look at it, it will become——

[Master, this is my intention. In fact, I started from the past——]

[Ah, sorry, the time is now 14:23:35, and I have to go to practice Indian yoga with Karna at 14:23:37, so Arjuna, can you wait until tomorrow? 】

【ah? 】

No, no, no, no matter what you think, you will die, right?

A battle between all parties, a battle over one person, is likely to start a war.

At that time, if it is not handled properly, the entire Chaldea will be wiped out by the torrent of magic power erupted by the heroic spirits' noble phantoms.


Doesn't Chaldea have a disciplinary committee with a high sense of justice to ensure safety?

Yes, of course there is a disciplinary committee or something!

It's just that the Discipline Committee is more dangerous to Fujimaru Ritsuka than others! In every sense of the word!

"At this time, you can only believe in yourself, senior."

The schoolgirl with eyes held Fujimaru's hand with a serious look on her face.

"Don't worry, I will protect senior."

"woo woo woo woo!"

Looking at the moved Master, the girl's heart was filled with inexplicable excitement, ecstasy and satisfaction.

She helped her master put on his shoes, held his hand and planned to open the door, then walked through the corridor to a safe area while it was still early.

And looking at the other party's "reliable" back and the door that was about to open, Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly wanted to say something for some reason.

It’s not a very special word.


"Thank you."

Under the surprised gaze of the schoolgirl, the girl tried to hold her hand tightly.


Closing his eyes, Ritsuka ended his dream with a soft hum.

The savior cannot be obsessed with beauty.

They only have bright names, and

A responsibility so heavy that it makes you want to cry.



"are you awake?"

When Fujimaru Ritsuka opened his eyes, he saw a white ceiling. Of course it was not a hospital, I should say it was.

"The nursing home didn't expect that one day I would become roommates with Mr. Kazama Ruri. Oh no, I am already mentally ill in the eyes of Boss Yuan!!"

The girl sat up in shock from her dying dream.


Sitting next to the girl is Kazama Ruri. He is rocking on the old man's leisure chair. He is holding a book in his hand. I don't know when he also wore thin-framed eyes on his face. He is more delicate than the woman. His face became distorted and irritable at this moment.

"You should be more ashamed of using other people's rooms and using other people's words and spirits."

Kazama Ruri expressed disdain for the girl's overt and covert behavior of belittling herself, so she put down the book in her hand and gritted her teeth in displeasure.

"If it weren't for my brother asking me to do a psychological investigation for you, do you think I would waste my time using my spirit for you?"


Yes, psychological investigation.

This was the idea that Minamoto had after that battle.

Because he felt that he really couldn't see through Fujimaru Ritsuka, he simply asked his younger brother to use the word spirit to recall the softest memories deep in his heart, and let Fujimaru Ritsuka heal himself.

Let’s not talk about whether it is useful or not.

"What did I say in my dream just now?" Li Xiang asked curiously.

Fengjian Liuli didn't look at her, just picked up the book and talked casually.

"I told you to let it go. I'm going to take it off. Huhuhu Mashu's Oppai is so soft. It's so sinful to have so much fat. Come on, put on your yoga clothes and go to the gym with me."

"Hey~~~Come on, come on~~~How could I say such obscene words~~~" The girl laughed loudly, applauding the man's rare sense of humor.



Kazama Ruri turned over a page of the book and agreed without emotion.


Ah, what you don’t say is true, right?


The girl pursed her lips.

It's so disgusting to me.

Being so disgusted by himself, Fujimaru looked at Kazama Ruri with a green face, trying to change the topic, so he asked.

"What kind of book is this?"

"A collection of legends and stories about ancient heroic spirits."

"Ah? Kazama-san is interested in heroic spirits?"

You can just ask me directly - although the knowledge points you get from me will definitely not be used in the exam, Ritsuka thought.

"No, but."

Kazama Ruri's memory flashed back to the battle under the Red Ghost River.

If it weren't for Dragon King's cheating Yan Ling, he wouldn't have lost so embarrassingly.

Incinerate directly from the human body. From the beginning, humans have no way to resist this ability, right?


Not modern times, but heroic spirits from the age of the gods.

A monster that controls the elements of the world and can use its mystery to fight against the Dragon King.

As long as I can master that ability

You won't lose again.

The man showed an unexpectedly solemn expression. Even without an explanation, Ritsuka probably understood Kazama Ruri's inner thoughts.

Hmm. Such complicated feelings.

I’m a little touched~ but I feel like I don’t want the people around me to work so hard

The girl sighed and patted Kazama Ruri's shoulder with a smile.

"——Hey, there's no need to push yourself so hard, I can handle it."


Kazama Liuli turned her head, confused.

"Huh? Who [Japanese expletive] cares about you, who are you?"

“That’s too much!!”

Ritsuka blushed and raised her arms to cover her eyes. She pushed the door open and ran away like a kid, while Ruri Kazama remained calm and silent and continued reading.

After a while.

"Ara, has Fujimaru-san left?"

The door was pushed open, and with the sound of light footsteps, a beautiful woman wearing white casual clothes and short hot pants walked into the room. She asked Kazama Ruri, while the man turned a page of the book and answered casually.

"Well, I ran away crying."

"That person just likes to liven up the atmosphere." Sakurai Kogure, whose thinking has deteriorated after receiving a long period of PUA at the Sheqi Eight Sanatorium, said with a wry smile. "If it really gets serious, someone else will be the one crying."


Kazama Liuli did not deny it and continued reading.

Seeing this, Sakurai Kogure didn't say much, just put the tea she bought on the table and said with some regret.

"But it's a pity that I haven't had time to give her the Christmas gift yet. And is it really okay to run outside so blatantly like that?"

"What's wrong?"

Kazama Liuli asked casually without taking her eyes off the book.

"You obviously know that, right? Isn't it intentional?"

The woman was speechless at the pretentious behavior of the person in front of her. She had the mentality of a child. No matter whether it was the master of the house, her sweetheart, or even the girl running outside, they were all so childish.

However, she also raised a finger to point outside in cooperation and said angrily.

"Today is Christmas Eve."


"That's Fujimaru Ritsuka."



Kazama Ruri closed the book.

He closed his eyes, moved the corners of his mouth, and finally——



ps: I posted it late because it was reviewed and rejected. I didn’t change a word but it passed. I don’t understand.

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