Among human myths, the most famous one is [Prometheus]

Prometheus is one of the gods of the Titan family in ancient Greek mythology. He was born to Iapetus and Clymene, the son of the earth mother Gaia and Uranus, and was the brother of Epimetheus. .

But in the battle between the Titans led by Zeus and Cronus, Prometheus sided with the new Olympus gods, and was appreciated by Zeus and stayed in Olympus.

After the war, Prometheus and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, jointly created humans. Prometheus was responsible for sculpting human shapes out of clay, while Athena instilled souls into clay figures and taught humans a lot of knowledge.

However, newborn humans were extremely weak. Although they had rock-shattering physical fitness compared to modern humans, in that era when the gods were walking, even survival was still a luxury for them.

Prometheus was present as the defender of mankind. At the meeting, he tried to persuade the gods not to impose harsh conditions for sacrifice because they promised to protect humans.

After that, he descended to the earth with the original fire and brought it to mankind.

Immediately the first pillars of jungle fire rose into the sky, and humans mastered fire for the first time.

However, this incident angered Zeus, and he ordered Vulcan to give Prometheus the severest punishment.

The God of Fire did not disobey Zeus's order, and took Prometheus to the Caucasus Mountains with two servants, and tied him to a steep cliff with an iron chain that could never be broken, so that he could never sleep, and his tired hands His knees could not bend, and there was a diamond nail hammered into his undulating chest.

Zeus also sent an eagle to eat Prometheus's liver every day. The liver was eaten during the day, but it would grow back at night.

It was not until Hercules happened to pass by this place on his way to find the golden apples that he shot the condor with an arrow and smashed the iron chain with a stone to free him.

This simple myth is really well-known to every household - there is no exaggeration at all, because it is so famous that as long as it is a modern country that is open to the outside world, this story has been spread.

A good god who rebels against the gods.

The god who sent down fire and gave hope to mankind.


Once upon a time, there was a man who was also called this.

——Robert Oppenheimer, full name Julius Robert Oppenheimer, born in New York, USA, American-Jewish physicist, academician of the National Academy of Sciences, leader of the Manhattan Project, Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies Dean

Perhaps it is too arrogant to discuss men’s theoretical physics achievements, so we have to start with the approachable part——

【Manhattan Project】

Once upon a time, the world fell into a hellish abyss.

The flames of war inspired by greed, prejudice, and desire enveloped the entire planet, and the physical damage caused in the early stage may not be comparable to other species wars on this planet.

But to calculate the total amount of blood on the dry battlefield, to calculate the passage of life, to calculate the sum of countless sorrows and despairs

That was probably the first time I tasted it since the birth of this planet.

Perhaps even this bright and beautiful planet could not have imagined that it would give birth to such a filthy species. They degenerate themselves, they fight each other, they flaunt themselves, they slander others, and they never doubt their legitimacy, no matter what Injury, or being hurt, everything is just the reincarnation of time, and eventually a world is born where everyone needs to bear sin.

This is an extremely gorgeous, but also extremely dirty civilization.

And the peak of conflicting interests between conflicting species was that war.

Countless people died, countless people went crazy, countless families were broken, and countless countries fell and were devastated.

But history will only develop in a direction that conforms to the process. It is affected by human will but does not change its direction.

[History will not change because of one person]

Although, this statement was also tested at this time.

In February 1937, Nazi Germany began to implement the "Uranium Project." There was a clear consensus in the academic circles at that time that - use large amounts of uranium to build nuclear chain reactors, thereby generating huge energy and large amounts of New radium-like elements have become possible.

This is a reality that all scientists almost subconsciously think of.

This will become the most cruel weapon since the birth of human history.

That is the butcher's knife wielded by the God of Death when he pronounces judgment on people.

The world may have changed because of individuals.

At the end of 1941, after the Pearl Harbor incident, the United States entered World War II and declared war on Nazi Germany. Moreover, some American scientists proposed building an atomic bomb before Nazi Germany did.

Probably, maybe, probably. It was the most famous scientist in the world, Albert Einstein, who together with other scientists wrote to the then President of the United States, warning Roosevelt of the seriousness of the current situation.

Once Germany completes its research, the world will not be destroyed, but it will usher in a future even darker than that.

Is it because of Einstein's name?

Is it because of the president’s wise judgment?

Is it because you simply don’t want to lose the war?

All reasons seem to be one-sided, because the "Manhattan Project" that was born after this letter gathered the best nuclear scientists from Western countries (except Nazi Germany) at that time, and mobilized more than 100,000 people to participate in this project, which lasted for 3 years. year, costing US$2 billion.

One hundred thousand people are all elites, including a group of scientists with a thousand people.

Three years.

Two billion dollars.

At the time, this data was extremely horrifying.

The United States cannot act just for the simple reason of "the whole weapon", but it is truly aware of the seriousness of the problem.

The Manhattan Project was born, and his mentor and manager was Oppenheimer, a man who would later be called the "Father of the Atomic Bomb."

Racing against time, every thought, every experiment, every dusk at night, the countdown called life and death is slowly passing.

Race against time.

Race against death.

For the glory of humanity.

Whatever the reason, they did save the world.

They brought the fire called hope to this world and raised a huge pillar of fire for mankind. This pillar was enough to connect the sky and burn the sky into red gold.

It can also completely destroy mankind.

"I have always liked to collect representative objects of human civilization. I have already started to pay attention to it as early as when the academic hypothesis about a uranium-based chain reactor was released."

In the huge atrium, only Pompeii and Fujimaru were left. The patriarch of the Gattuso family told the story of the past with a calm expression, but full of reminiscence.

"It was just like now."

"Countless bright souls were born, or in other words, they surprisingly gathered at that point in time."

"The world is going to end, but those geniuses are there."

"[Synchronicity]. Perhaps it is true. When mankind is in the most critical situation, the best people are also born. Each of them is a genius who has reached the pinnacle of wisdom! God! They did not choose to pursue being closed by the Dragon King. The path of alchemy, but tearing a seemingly insignificant, but extremely ferocious hole in the field of science!"

"Time and time again, I was walking on what I thought was the wrong path, but it went beyond my imagination!"

As if climbing steps, step by step, Pompeii's voice became inexplicably louder, and his expression that should have been silent suddenly took on a hint of fanaticism, which was true enthusiasm.

He clenched his hands tightly, and veins spread across the back of his hands like thorns.

"Surprised, ashamed? I don't know, I don't have time to think about that, and I don't want to think about it, or admit my mistakes - until I saw the fire connecting the sky with my own eyes."

[The world's first nuclear explosion was successfully conducted on July 16, 1945]

"It's just like the myth! Fujimaru!" Pompeii shouted loudly, seemingly with deep affection. "I saw it with my own eyes! The fire connects the sky! The towering Tower of Babel is the beginning of mankind, the starting point of everything!"

Pompeii exhaled a long breath and watched the candles trailing from the sky carrying the incomplete silvery white and falling to the earth. A burst of red light wrapped in a storm destroyed the earth and stirred up the wind.

It was the remnant glow of Odin's puppet being defeated at the hands of the Son of Man.

The battle is coming to an end, but the man in the center of the picture is not depressed, but is extremely excited.

"Again. I never looked down on humans."

"Fujimaru, you just said it, there are two ways to keep this world going - and killing all humans is the easiest way, but... I won't let you think so."

Pompeii slowly lowered his head with a quiet smile.

"I have always believed that the world cannot escape the Black King."

"Even if humans want to do this, I won't allow it."

He slowly turned his head and spoke word by word.

"I want it to be born."

"I want the [powers] created by humans to merge and create an absolute that surpasses the Black King in this world. But - I don't bet my hope on you."

There is only one flaw in the debate just now.

If you want to use the [51%] theory to defeat the Black King, you need Chen Motong and Fujimaru Ritsuka. The latter, as the carrier of the world, helps mankind overcome despair.

Is it really?

Does it have to be this way?

"No, you may be called special, but you are by no means unique."

Pompeii rejected that plan.

"There are better roads."

“Not with the help of humans—but with the help of dragons!”

The four great monarchs, as the pinnacle of life in the world who have split the power of the Black King, may be more likely to swallow up the power of the White King than Fujimaru Ritsuka!

They are the creatures destined to overthrow this world.

Devour other monarchs.

The [right] to devour all life on this planet, including humans.

That is——

"If you gather all the power in the world and voluntarily hand it over to Odin, don't you think this will be safer than your original plan?"

"Human beings can let go of their rights and don't have to worry about genocide."

"Odin reigns over this world as the god-king who defeats and kills dusk."

"From now on, it will be a comfortable and beautiful empire, and there will no longer be any threats to the world."

Pompeo's theory was so straightforward that Fujimaru Ritsuka was speechless for a moment.

Well, to be precise - that's right.

If it was just to solve the [Black King] incident, then it would be easier to leave everything to Odin.

Because this way there is no need to consider the war with Odin himself, and the risks and consumption it causes.

Just surrender.

rather say.

Had he been thinking about such things?

To wipe out the original life on this planet and the natural disaster that threatens the evolution of civilization?

After that, according to him, he would not choose to restrict human evolution, but would even promote it without sparing any effort?

The absence of the Black King means that the possibility of "humanity's excessive development leading to the destruction of the planet, and instead being retaliated by the planet" has been eliminated.

Moreover, Odin, who has the highest power in the world, will raise his ability to the highest level. In that case, as an absolute external force, he can interfere with any factors that hinder development, even -

Even life from aliens can be crushed.

A completely safe regime.

On this planet, the safety of human beings will be eternally guaranteed, and their development will also be promoted in the hands of such great gods.

His purpose is.

Create this "perfect" world.


【I believe in humans】

【Kill the Black King】

Odin's purpose is

Create the greatest race in the history of this planet

Then, the king ascends there——

Become an absolute emperor?


Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't know how her brain circuit connected with this messy statement, but she couldn't help but play with the possibility.

"Then~ I have never seen such a shameless person like Odin."

Dominate everything?

There must be a limit to lust, right?

Indeed, then the future seems very good - except that Odin wants to become the king of everything, and no one can guarantee that he will really treat humans well.

Even if it does.

How could the human race choose to become the servants of others?

Competing for desire?

And humans?

The girl raised her eyebrows teasingly and spoke.

"Who does he think he is~"

"Hahahahahahaha - who knows, but now, you probably can't understand his thoughts." Pompeo laughed without being annoyed at all.

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you everything at this time, but - I believe you will understand when we meet next time."

"Believe me, Fujimaru-kun——"

At that moment, Pompeo's smile was definitely not that of "the head of the Gattuso family".


“Today’s contempt will turn into a frothy phantom in the future.”

"You will become 'my' partner in the future."


ps: The information in this chapter is super focused and involves its own core foreshadowing.

The Dragon King in each volume has his own long-cherished wish.

Norton was actually quite angry with Xiaojia and wanted to save Constantine and resist fate, but the realization process was quite bumpy.

Odin this

I will try my best to write more top-notch stuff, so that I won't let the previous readers worry about "Norton is so strong, how can I write it later"?

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