Raindrops are falling, and the endless rain has created this misty fog. The water droplets fall so densely and quickly that it is almost impossible to tell whether they are rising or falling.

Different from that time, this time it was not the headlights of a luxury car that rushed toward him in the dark rain, but the searchlights of two motorcycles.

The speed at which the motorcycles were traveling was simply terrifying. They were more motorcycles than ground-hugging aircraft, flying along the edge of the sound. They were comparable to some of the mythical beasts in the Age of Gods whose selling point was speed.

When the horse under Odin saw this scene, thick thunder pillars spurted out from his nose, and the gilded gold in his eyes seemed to be invading the sky and erupted instantly, scorching the clouds and splitting the sun.

They know that there are no rules to follow.

This is not a ring.

Not even a fight.

It's war.

Man and dragon.

The final battle.

Roar! ! ! ! ! ————

The lightning beams condensed into round cannonballs in an instant, and splashed out in all directions the moment they were compressed. The torrent swept forward and sentenced the enemies in front of them to death.

That is the release of the spirit of speech.

[Yan Ling·Cang Lei Control]

Serial number: unknown.

Bloodline Origin: Lord of Sky and Wind

The King of Sky and Wind. When it comes to this name, most people's first reaction is "wind". After all, it is clearly written on the title, which means that Odin is the king who can control the flow of wind, and "Wind" is most often linked to the concept of "speed", and therefore, whether it is a moment or a high-level word spirit time zero, it is included in the control of the king of the sky and wind.

But here comes the problem.

If the theory summarized in the battle with Norton [the twins of the Dragon King do not hold the same power, but are in charge of different priorities] is correct, then we have to compare "Sky" and "Sky" "Wind" take it apart and look at it.

The wind represents the moment, the pupil of the Wind King, and other spiritual abilities.

What does the sky represent?

Sky, above the sky, what were the original people thinking when they raised their heads and looked at the sky?

Admiration, curiosity, or...


Fear is the first human emotion. People look up to the sky and are in awe of its height, but more directly, it is the white flash that connects the sky to the earth.

Thunder and lightning, this is mankind's first reverence for nature.

When the beam of light falls from the sky, burning the forest, rocks, and even their own race in front of them, people will wake up from the deep black wreckage and realize what just happened.

Thunder and lightning are the most violent elements in nature and are also the heraldry that symbolizes "Heaven".

And this never-ending shower proves this point. Odin's mental image is that of never-ending rain.

On this day of violent rain, it will inevitably be accompanied by——

The terrifying thunder!

Raging thunder rose from the ground, like uprooting an old tree entangled in the abyss. The branches that stretched to the other end surged up from the ground, as deep as blood, and everything they touched was It turned into dust and dissipated, exploding towards Fujimaru Ritsuka and Lu Mingfei.

The criss-crossing rays are like the laser network in a disc movie. The motorcycle keeps changing direction and deflecting in the red beam line. Attacks that should be unavoidable must be avoided by driving skills. If you can't avoid it, just use it. Hands crush it.

Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't need a weapon, but Lu Mingfei took over Caesar... or Finn's spear.

There is no need to synchronize the heroic spirit, just borrowing the weapon is enough. He happens to have used this gun for a while, and Teacher Chiron himself is somewhat experienced in spear skills.

Split, chop, deflect!

no problem.

me now

To be able to stand on this battlefield!

Lu Mingfei raised the gun high and tightened his arms. His ability to overpower the violent blood technique instantly pushed his body to [25%] full power, draining away the remaining physical strength from the previous battle.

Facing the God King, he didn't even have the slightest leeway.

boom! ! !

Finally, the motorcycle rushed to a position less than a hundred meters in front of the God King with an ear-splitting roar. The sound of the engine was like thunder, approaching at high speed, and then suddenly and without warning, he stood up immediately, put his feet against the back of the motorcycle, and kicked it towards the car. Odin and his mount.

Lu Mingfei jumped into the air, and the uncontrolled motorcycle attacked Odin as a weapon.

Such an attack can be regarded as ingenious and has the tone of an urban stranger, but to the God King, it seems



Odin waved his hand gently, and the long and narrow divine spear like a shooting star tore the motorcycle into pieces. The firelight spattered in all directions, stroking the pure and white faceplate.

After doing all this, the God King tilted his head slightly.

It's different from Fuzhou's stiff movements.

At this moment, the real Odin obviously has a more obvious desire to interact, and the way he tilts his head even has a hint of playfulness? As if asking silently——

That's it?

Although Lu Mingfei was shocked by the other party's reaction, he ignored it and waited for a momentary pause in the rhythm.

Tell me what you are waiting for.

[Everything about this motorcycle is good, but because it was made by the equipment department, every button feels like a self-destruct button]

This was a topic that everyone talked about when they came to the North Pole.

But to be honest, as Lu Mingfei, who often visited and communicated with Leonardo da Vinci, he felt that "like" should not be used in this sentence.

But it should be certain.

The equipment made by the equipment department will definitely explode.

boom! ! !

On both sides of Odin's body, the motorcycle that was divided into two parts suddenly condensed with intense fire.

That's a sign of the overload of the alchemy matrix. It doesn't care about the limit operation of the resistance tolerance, and it reaches the critical value in an instant!

Odin turned his head slightly, but the red light of the explosion swallowed him up faster!

Special explosives from the equipment department! It is a super new product equipped with the Jun Yan Yan Ling Matrix and the rare Philosopher's Stone material, and contains an op amp structure!

Chaldean doctoral student Leonardo da Vinci’s special!

Eat it!

If it’s not Professor Leif, just have some fun!

The power of the explosion covered a radius of tens of meters, and Sleipnir's roar could be faintly heard inside.

Not out of pain, but out of anger.

Roar! ! !

The roar covered the loud noise of the explosion, and the next moment, the thunder in the ball condensed by light once again tore through the atmosphere and struck towards Lu Mingfei.

The smoke was broken by the giant shadow, and Sleipnir's body as heavy as a mountain pressed towards Lu Mingfei, like a mythical giant and a hero colliding head-on!

Only Sleipnir.

The God King voluntarily left his car and separated his combat power?

Lu Mingfei was a little puzzled by this move, but he couldn't help but think too much and clenched his fists to fight.

He spoke softly to himself, taking it as motivation before the battle.

【do not die】


At this time, above the mushroom cloud rising from the explosion, the orange-haired girl smiled quietly.

In front of her, the one-eyed king gently raised his weapon and stood relaxed in the air.

"Picked it back?"

The girl hinted that the gun in front of her was the magic gun she pulled out from Lu Mingze's chest. If it weren't for the fact that it couldn't be recovered, she would have wanted to put it on display in the treasure trove.

It is well known that Fujimaru Ritsuka has a collecting habit.

So before the battle begins——

"I want to explain two things."

The girl happily and calmly raised two fingers as white and tender as jade.

"First, after I defeat you, that gun will be considered my trophy~ I won't have any psychological burden, and I have to use this gun for you~"


The girl said with a playful smile.

"It was a clone last time, but if you lose to me this time, there will be no other excuse."

In the condescending eyes, the golden pupils shone through the deep darkness of the rainy night!

The strongest man in modern times.

The king of fantasy species that has continued from the age of gods to the present day.

The battle begins.

Norovirus. Fuck*****

Although I don’t like to suffer misfortunes, it’s still scary to have three positives, noru, or the flu during this period.

Please pay attention to your health.

. . . . Although you can't pay attention to it most of the time, I hope everyone will seek medical treatment in time and don't hold on.

Duck, the wontons that didn’t take time off because of illness are a lesson!

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