The Winter of Finbul is an extremely important turning point in Norse mythology.

As the name suggests, it was a long and cold winter, and many lives in the world perished. The scorching summer could not interfere, and the pure and awe-inspiring winter snow covered the entire world in faded white.

This winter season represents the beginning of Ragnarok, which occurs before Ragnarok.

There are three consecutive winters in Finbul's Winter, namely the Winter of Wind, the Winter of Swords, and the Winter of Wolf.

During this time, ice and snow blow from all directions, there are countless wars, and brothers will kill each other. The morals of the world are corrupt and depraved. The respect for parents and love for children that people originally believed in have ruthlessly disappeared, replaced by everyone's insecurity and extreme selfishness, and violence and chaos are constantly breeding and spreading.

Although basically everyone knows this, but let’s just use it as a reminder - in almost any mythological system, such a plot will appear.

[At a certain period, people suddenly began to become morally corrupt]

[That is the precursor to the end of the world and the starting point of reincarnation]

If it is an Indian mythology, then it would be the turn of a certain big brother who likes to dance to start dancing happily and play the music to destroy the world.

In Norse mythology, the event corresponding to reincarnation and the destruction of the world is the Twilight of the Gods and its precursor——

[Winter in Finbul]

There is no field whose name is more appropriate than his.

Why did Odin have to choose Northern Siberia to the North Pole as his base?

Why did he choose to create a so-called prosperous paradise like Night City?

The extreme of the majestic heavy rain is this world without temperature.

White covers the sky, as if the entire planet has been turned into white paper, without any color or background. The paleness reveals thinness and is almost transparent, but the mist wind blowing from the end of the world is cold and stinging, almost like a knife. It cuts people's eyes and soul like a cut.

If Norton's domain is the scorching yellow sand of steelmaking, then this is an extremely cold purgatory where there will be no early spring.

This boundless cold wind is exactly the reflection of the God King's heart.

As the most objective observer of human history, he has witnessed the souls he thought were beautiful, but he has also seen the end of fratricide. His eyes that penetrate the future, like Norton, see the other side of the world.

Unlike Norton, who only cares about himself and his brother, Odin has a positive attitude towards the end of the world.

He built the ark before the world-destroying flood came.

Before the sentence of despair came, he thought about countermeasures.

And now, it’s time to close the plan

For example——

Bang. Kah.

".Hey, this really surprises me."

Shrouded in the boundless wind and snow, Fujimaru Ritsuka was not surprised by the powerful construction of the opponent's field.

She was surprised.

【Field Expansion】


[Expansion failed]

——In this field, I cannot develop the inherent barrier.

"No, it's not that it didn't unfold, but it was crushed?"

As mentioned before, the concept of inherent enchantment.

It is the ability to cover the world with one's own mental image. Although it is extremely powerful and magnificent, it also has several ways of destruction.

The simplest and most obvious one is to directly destroy the entire world.

The one who can do this is the so-called [Anti-realm Noble Phantasm]

For example, when Fujimaru Ritsuka was chatting with a certain red-haired emperor, he mentioned a battle between him and Gilgamesh. In that battle, even if he deployed the inherent barrier, he was not able to face Gilgamesh. EA, which was operating at full strength, still couldn't resist and completely collapsed.

That is the Noble Phantasm that destroys the world.

But in fact--

EA can't do such exaggerated things.

In other words, Gilgamesh never pushed EA enough to destroy the world, at least - literally destroying the planet was impossible.

Even if the attack on the emperor was released directly outside, it would only destroy a city, and it would not even be far from this level of output.

Therefore, the inherent barrier is unexpectedly not that strong.

What matters is [whether we can attack the concept of the world itself]

For example, the concept of Norton's Destruction Word Spirit itself includes the destruction of the world, so even if it cannot really destroy the planet with one blow, it can still reach the edge of the barrier and destroy the barrier developed by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Apart from the Noble Phantasm and the Word Spirit, the only thing left is another, most royal method.

【Cover the opponent's area with the area】

Since the inherent barrier is a reflection of the mental image, as long as the strength of your own mental image exceeds that of the other party, you can easily overwrite the opposite barrier as your own. This can only be achieved when the gap between mental power and strength is large.

For example, if Fujimaru Ritsuka was serious, she might be able to cover the mental world created by the Valkyries in Night City with her own inherent barrier in one go.

All the methods have been mentioned above.

What kind of thing did Odin use?


did not see.


Does the other person's mental image surpass one's own?


The girl gave a simple conclusion and exhaled, but cold sweat finally began to form on the edges of her cheeks.

It's not because of fear, but a manifestation of physical weakness under normal circumstances.

As I said before, whether it is an inherent barrier or a Nibelung, unfolding is extremely energy-consuming, and what is even more energy-consuming is the backlash caused by being crushed after unfolding.

If normally the Dragon King can deploy his Nibelung roots three times in a day, then if the domain is forcibly destroyed once by the opponent, his physical strength will immediately drop to the point where he can no longer activate it in a day.

Just now, at the moment when Odin unfolded his Nibelung roots, Fujimaru Ritsuka could also choose to interrupt the opponent's chant. However, in this case, once the interruption fails, he will fall into the situation of "I have not expanded the field, and Odin has not expanded the field." Ding pulled himself into the world of mental images." Such an absolute disadvantage.

Therefore, from the perspective of gains and losses, there is naturally only one way to choose.

Expand the field as well.

The fields that unfolded at the same time came to fruition at the moment of collision.


Now, she has fallen into the opponent's barrier, almost tantamount to being exposed to attacks without defense.

But, even so, she was still trying to think.


If we rule out the above two possibilities.

It is not the output of destroying the world, nor is it overwriting one's own domain.


"Ah~ I understand, it's edge squeezing." The girl raised her brows, not even thinking about blinking.

"The Nibelungs called [City of Night] first appeared in the Arctic and spread out from Northern Siberia."

"After we entered Night City, another second Nibelung was launched covering [Night City]."

"And now, the realm of [Finbul Winter] spreads out between the two realms."

Three realms, squeezing the realm developed by Fujimaru Ritsuka from three sides. This has nothing to do with the solidity of the mental world or the user's own mental strength. It is simply a matter of quantity.


"Gangnir's [Must-win] can see the edges of collision when the domain is in stalemate, so you can use it to instantly destroy the outside of my domain."

[Why Odin chose to get rid of Gangnir]

"You deliberately asked me to throw Gangnir away from the battlefield, so that you could keep this gun outside when the two of them spread out~"


The girl's eyes shone brightly, as if she didn't care about her disadvantage at all.

It's not because I got high and my brain twitched, but I simply felt——

It's great that I have prepared those back-ups.

It doesn't matter.

To this extent

There is a way.

"How about~ Since you have accomplished your goal, why don't you call me? You are about to win~"

After understanding everything in an instant, the girl was so happy that she waved her hands to challenge her.

Whether it's the cold sweat on the cheeks or weakness, before that, all signs of weakness

Just make Odin think "he has the upper hand".

Go on, fight more directly, more fearlessly.

As long as I continue——

[This is the end of the boring provocation. 】

Odin replied calmly.

Immediately, he glanced at his current body.

On the dense scales, fragments of blood gradually slipped off and lay beside the feet, like a lake, with little ripples.

No doubt, seriously injured.

【.Both you and I know that when things have evolved to this point, you are enough to recognize your victory. 】

It is true that a person can expand the field several times in one day, but——

It is almost impossible to do both fields at the same time.

Whether it is the Nibelungs or the inherent barrier, they are essentially their own and cannot be changed.

The size and content can change, but they will not increase suddenly.

As for the three-layered realm used by Odin, excluding the Night City where the Valkyries unfolded, and his own Finbul Winter, it is the largest realm outside these two layers -

It couldn't be Odin's work.

There are other people helping Odin expand his field, so Odin has been able to retain his physical strength and his trump cards until now.

"To be able to expand the domain to that size, the other party is probably a Dragon King-level existence, right? Hydra? Or are you joining forces with others?" Fujimaru Ritsuka continued to follow the other party's words.

The implication is that Odin has recognized the reality that "he alone cannot defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka."

Moreover, even if he now borrows the power of others, he has locked Fujimaru Ritsuka into his own domain.

To be honest, there is no way to win.

The power of the oracle is enough to erase all "absolutes". The effects and increases in the field only allow Odin to go further and delay it for a longer time.

But if it turns into a long-term battle, you will still lose.

Odin knew this.


There is some sense of dissonance.

"Is this really good? Even Norton killed me once before giving in. As the strongest dragon king on the planet, you surrender so easily?" the girl asked provocatively, tilting her mouth.

The sense of disobedience hit his brain, making Fujimaru Ritsuka feel unhappy from the bottom of his heart.

Same as Norton's time.

Because he did not expect that Constantine would completely put down his dignity and attack people in Tokyo, Fujimaru Ritsuka fell into danger in one fell swoop.

But this time, he will not let the hostage phenomenon happen again.

Eating a turtle makes you wise.

Fujimaru Ritsuka will never make the same mistake again. If the opponent plans to use Night City or the civilians in Northern Siberia as hostages, Fujimaru Ritsuka will immediately use his trump card.

The reason why she remained calm in all the situations ahead was because she was sure.

The fragmentation of the inherent barrier——

In her opinion, there were ways to fix it.

[In the battle of Norton, Fujimaru Ritsuka’s real gains]

It has been mentioned a long time ago that the real transformation of a girl is not in martial arts, nor in output, nor even in the magic eye of death.

And that "point" of transformation is enough for Fujimaru Ritsuka to deal with all doubts at the level of strength.

Not sure if he knew this, Odin, or Pompeii, was silent for a moment and hummed softly.

"Stop trying to provoke me. And in the final analysis, it's not that I have become weaker, but simply because you have become stronger."

"With your talent for cheating, your tenacity to not let up, and your constant pursuit of being 'strong', it's really hard work to compete against someone like you. It reminds me of the time when I was trying to figure out how to kill Norton."

"Thanks for the compliment~"

The orange-haired girl spread her hands in response to the flattery.

However, she still couldn't let go and tried to observe.

Indeed, Odin's current melee strength is on the same level as Constantine's when he was furious with the Seven Deadly Sins. Counting that damn Gangnir, it is even slightly above the level.

Even if he takes on the challenge in perfect condition, it is still a bit thrilling.


This doesn't look like the strength Odin should have.

Not too strong.

It's too weak.

This is definitely not the strength that a Dragon King who has lived for tens of thousands of years and has never fallen should have.

During this period, she did not believe that Odin had hunted so many dragon species without trying to devour his own kind. According to the "Planet Power Theory", Odin was undoubtedly the strongest dragon king at the moment.

Such performance was not enough to convince Fujimaru Ritsuka.


[The reason why Odin is willing to stand on the chessboard in this era and at this time is most likely because he has the trump card of "you can't wait until this long". 】

"It won't work if I wait for so long." In other words,

As long as it is completed, the joker will definitely win.

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