Dragon Maken War

Chapter 0216

Chapter 43 Gets Taken Chapter 43 Gems Taken (3) 6 Plains of Darkness fell into chaos.
It was not a very stable atmosphere until now. I was thrilled to attack the Guardian Shadow organization against the onslaught of the Temple of Mercy.
However, the impact of a person who came to them on this day was not comparable to that.
Dragon Demon King Atein is back.
"My king … … "
Aincera said in a hilarious voice. Almarick, who had seen her face, suddenly felt the illusion that time had returned to the past.
While playing the role of great dark man, Aincera 's self was worn out and emotional. But at this moment, Aincera's look on Atein, who has come back for many years, seemed like a dream girl.
In the old days, Aincera got his life saved by Atein. She was a member of a ruling clan of a clan with strong powers in the north. Her attempts to persuade the clan of her clan to make a deal with Atein and to make a pledge through a chastisement were filled with love like fireworks.
The mind was uniform from beginning to end. She became a great dark manager for Atein, knowing what she owed, and now she has done her part in humanity at the cost of this moment.
'Was the heart only about the king?'
The face of Aincera, who seems to be pouring her tears right now, is so humane that Almarick, who has ever come to see her worn out, thinks that she seems to have woken from a long curse.
Atein smiled and glanced at her.
"My dear Queen, I'm sorry I'm late."
He elegantly kissed Aincera's hand and kissed his hand. And gently hugged her.
In the past it was a one-sided courtship, but now it is different. Now Aincera has become a true companion of Atein. She got the place she wanted so much after her aspiration was worn out and lost.
"It is your ball that I was able to resurrect."
"I am ashamed. It was neglectful to tell the king's ideals by simply raising it to keep it entrusted to him. "
"It was not a matter for you to be responsible. It is the responsibility of those who wrote for the sake of the future that you have presented as my inheritance. "
Atein already knew what Plains of Darkness was like. I have experienced the whole body, especially Yuren, to see how they live.
"Now is the time to finish the experiment."
Atein said that and he developed magic. Then all the members of Plains of Darkness felt a sense of heterogeneity as if someone had come into my head.
Those who have dominated the realm of the Plains of Darkness for a long time and have lived as the ruling class, the young generations they have fostered, and even the humans who sacrifice their lives as labor for them … … .
Everyone felt intuition that the will of the transcendent, who had nothing to do with his will.
"Gentlemen, I am Atein. I have come from the other side of the river of death, according to the promise of a long time ago. "
Atein said in a quiet voice, but it did not sound so to the listeners. Everyone felt the resurrection of the king, but when he saw his presence in this way, he could not surprise him.
Surprises, wonders, and impressions all over the place make people sick. For them, Atein was a god who had come back to overcome death to lead them to their ideal. The brainwashing of Plains of Darkness's long-time success has succeeded in deifying Atein.
Atein knew their reaction through the great darkness. He closed his eyes for a moment and waited for their emotions to sink.
"First I confess. I was desperate to you. "
Atein began his speech in a reminiscence of the sinking feelings of the audience.

7 There was a man who dreamed of an ideal.
He is a world where everyone can live happily on this earth. I thought that no one would be able to create a society that would not starve, be discriminated against, be oppressed, be pillaged, respect each other, and live a faithful life.
But to make such a world, sacrifice was necessary. In order to fix the wrong world according to his own conception, he had to go through the process of conquering the world.
He decided to fight the world, and gathered those who approve of his ideals and waged a great war.
"We were fighting for the highest ideals in those days when I became a page of history that was called Yesterday but I called you Dragon Demon War. To make a better world, a world where everyone can live happily, many people shed their blood without sparing it. "
Numerous people died in the war that swept across the continent. Dragon Demon King, who had been the culprit behind the situation, also suffered countless deaths.
"Although we were defeated in the fight against the world, our ideals did not die. I should have. I have prepared for the future, believing that more will be a lamp for those who are wandering through the dark wilderness. "
Dragon Demon Palace, as well as everything that was prepared for Plains of Darkness, was prepared from the moment of leaning. Even if you were defeated by the Dragon Demon War, you could not finish everything there. Even though they could not overcome the world, those who survived were entitled to the ideal.
The Dragon Demon Palace, which guarantees survival in harsh environments, the magical power of the survivors of the Dragon Demon King army, and the path to void across the continent will be enough. I could not change the whole world to an ideal, but I could try to make a little utopia in this land that is out of reach.
"But you have forsaken the ideals that you were seeking together and pursued only self-interest. Survivors, my comrades, there is a sad but clear fact. You have fallen. "
During the Dragon Demon War, Atein became aware of the differences between his ideals and reality. Realizing that he had mistakenly believed in the potential of the Dragon Demon Race, Atein acknowledged the failure and prepared the next attempt.
Nevertheless, Dragon Demon King did not give up all expectations for the army.
Plains of Darkness was the last hope Atein left on the ground and was also an experiment. Even if you die, those who survive may try to make a dream. You do not have to succeed in creating an ideal. Just trying to do just that, Atein could catch up with the expectations of Dragon Demon Race against humanity.
But the 220-year-old experiment ended in terrible failure. In Plains of Darkness, there was no trace of Atein's dreams.
"My expectations are in vain. Do not make it clear here. Once you were my comrades, you are no longer my comrades. "
Atein asserted coldly. The tone was nice, but the contents were not decisive.
The realities of Plains of Darkness were sulky.
At this moment, the emotions they felt were intolerable, yet complex.
'What is that sound? We believed in you only! I was waiting for you to come back! Even in the darkness of the darkness, I waited only for the day, and I stood there as if it were a steal! There was nothing else we could do about it! But now that we are wrong? "
Furious betrayal and anger soared. I could not resist the fact that those who held it like God had denied their lives in their whole lives, and blamed them for nothing.
At the same time, guilt and fear were pushed.
They knew Atein's ideals very well. At the same time, Plains of Darkness became a group of fanatics. It deifies the dead Atein and politically tramples those who want to follow Atein's ideals like Saibain, completing a terribly distorted class structure.
It is quite natural for Atein to be angry about it. Apart from emotion, reason understood the fact.
But I could not but excuse myself.
'How many of those who really believed in the ideal in those days? Everyone just followed you because of their desire to have more. I wanted a better world for myself, not a better world for everyone! '
The excuse was nothing but a reaffirmation of why Atein was despairing them. Still, they could not help but excuse.
Atein was listening to the emotions they had and the words they spit through the great darkness. For Atein, those who have already lived in reliance on great darkness for 220 years, their inner side was nothing more than a prayer to God.
Atein continued.
"But at the same time … I am also grateful to you. "
Atein's words were unexpected, and everyone listened with surprise.
"Thanks to you, I was able to shake off even the slightest grudge that remained in my mind. I will not hesitate now. I have come to the conclusion that there is no other way than this. "
Atein's resurrection was already long overdue. We also have a way to make it happen.
However, it was because of the belief that man and the Dragon Demon Race were the timber for the ideal of the Dragon Demon War.
But not anymore. Having left their faith in them, Atein was able to choose the last method.
"My old comrades, and those who are called Dragon Demon King worshipers at this time, I will certainly be here. I am not your God. There will be no salvation that you desire. It is merely a delusion implanted by the fallen. "
In front of those who serve themselves as gods, Atein denied the divinity of oneself.
It was not like the survivors of the Dragon Demon King army that created this fanatic, but it was like a lightning to the Dragon Demon King worshipers created by them. Everything they believed in by devoting their souls was irrelevant.
"I can only give you an opportunity to choose. Listen! "
Atein's horse struck like a whip in their shaking minds.
"This world is fundamentally wrong. In the present world, the present minds can not reach the utmost even if they try. "
This world, and the nature of those who live in it, glared. There was no way to reach the ideal from the beginning. Atein was convinced of that fact only after experiencing myriad failures.
"So it will change the world."
If you won the Dragon Demon War, you would have changed the world with human effort. On social systems based on consent of members.
But it has come to the conclusion that in such a way we can never reach the answer, and now we have no choice but to answer in a transcendent system of human civilization.
If the providence of this world does not tolerate the ideal, it will change the providence. Just as it used to re-establish the relationship between dragons and humans and unify the language of the world into one.
"Choose! Will you follow me or not? Only those who follow will remain. Those who do not will forgive me for the sake of the old days and forgive my sins for my own sake.
That day, the deity of Atein, created by Plains of Darkness, was destroyed and the Dragon Demon King worshipers met a God who should truly serve.
However, not everyone agreed with Atein's will.

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