The butcher beast is also well-known in the other world, and it belongs to that kind of trumpet killer.

Even the aborigines of the other world, if they really had the guts to drill into the woods by themselves, they would almost die if they encountered this thing.

A single strength is already a 4-star black iron. Although he doesn't have too many extraordinary abilities, he focuses all his skill points on stealth and surprise attack. But that's what makes it all the more dangerous.

What's more, butcher beasts always hunt together with one male and one female, so the danger is more than doubled?

After all, this is the watch world. First of all, the activity and concentration of psionic energy are different, and it is difficult to adapt.

Second, it inadvertently fell into the world of watches, and only one was alone. The usual best cooperative hunting was abolished.

In the end, the deadliest raid was given to the magical soldier made of concrete. This is the assassin's big set of skills, and all the output is hit on the big bull head chief. Totally ineffective.

Zhao Hao and the others hid behind, took the opportunity to rush up and beat the Butcher Beast violently.

With Zhao Hao's enchantment restraining them, and Fatty and Lawrence standing in front of them, they didn't use much means, and quickly killed the butcher beast.

In the end, Zhao Hao, who was hiding in the back row and waiting for work, took the head, "+55 fate points."

Lawrence flicked the blood off his paws, and quickly returned to his human form from the werewolf form, his body size changed from 2.2 meters to 1.75 meters.

Fortunately, the shirt is very elastic, otherwise it would be gone by now.

Zhao Hao and Fatty are still discussing how to divide the butcher beast, after all, those who see it have a share.

Tachibana has already picked up his hook knife and started to divide. It doesn't care, it wants the best tenderloin and the most chewy heart!

But Lawrence said with a cold face: "I don't want anything, you better hurry up. I really can't wait."

Zhao Hao comforted: "Don't worry, that vampire bat can't run away."

Lawrence didn't say anything more. After all, he had never been a werewolf himself before this self-proclaimed support guy, so whoever was strong had a right to say.


Jim didn't expect that he would suddenly be found by a werewolf and two extraordinary people today, and he didn't expect that not only was he not attacked, but he even got a large piece of butcher orcs.

This thing is nourishing! How many Ratmen have eaten butcher meat? What's more, Gou Quan made the decision and even gave him a big kidney to make up for it.

Just as everyone bid farewell to him and continued to look for the vampire Lesta, Little Jim couldn't help asking: "Zhao Hao, Douglas, what are you looking for?"

Zhao Hao asked casually, "Let's find another vampire, do you have any clues?"

Jim thought for a while, then shook his head: "I didn't find a vampire, but I found that there are some hag gangs in the neighborhood recently."

Zhao Hao, Fatty and the others were shocked immediately, and it took no effort to find nowhere to go through the iron shoes!

As the name suggests, the Naha Ghost Gang describes those brain-dead people who worship vampires.

You see, there are people in the Celestial Dynasty, such as Hari, Ha, Han, Han, and Banana, who are yellow-skinned and white-hearted bananas. This Ami or the entire Western world has something similar.

Hasong like Gouquan is relatively rare, and they are generally Fusang and Bangguo, or more in Southeast Asia. Not many in the West.

Westerners mainly like those "cool" ones. Like a vampire!

I don’t know if vampires are secretly whitewashing themselves. In short, many works in the watch world are beautifying vampires. Tell them from blood-sucking monsters to superior existence.

So much so that in the eyes of many people, vampires are the legendary nobles of the night, each of them is extremely noble. And immortal, noble gentleman, romantic and cold... In short, he is very worthy of admiration and obsession.

So many people like or even worship vampires and dream of becoming vampires. Or talk about a romantic century-old love with a vampire!

Just ask, who would fall in love with bread?

And these takeaway breads delivered to your door are Hagui Gang.

Most of the hog gang is bullshit and never saw a vampire. After all, it has only been a few years since psychic recovery, the number of vampires is rare, and their behavior is low-key.

But there are indeed ghost gangs who serve vampires, some hope to become a member of the "noble" vampires, some do it for profit, and some are simply brain-dead star chasing behaviors. I am proud of serving vampires. If Lord Ghost can drink a sip of my own inferior blood, it will be a glory to my ancestors!

However, there are generally no poor people in the Hagui Gang. The poor are doing their best just to survive. How can they have the time to haha ​​this and that?

There can't be a Hag Gang in this ghetto block. Now there is one, and it is simply a guiding light when it comes to the current situation.

After all, it is a human world, no matter how much a vampire emphasizes his nobility, he still has to deal with people.

Especially some luxuries for pretense, and human blood, you can't let the vampires show up by themselves, right? Too no aristocratic face.

The vampire Lesta hid it so well that even the Ratman didn't notice it. But those ghost gangs are just ordinary people, and they are some killers, they can't hide from Jim's sight.

If you found the Ha Gui Gang, wouldn't you have found a vampire?


Doris is eighteen years old this year. She came to Liberty City from Tennessee to pursue her dream.

Young and beautiful, good-looking, plus the dream of being as glamorous as a female star on the big screen, attracting everyone's attention. She resolutely came to Liberty City, wanting to become a star.

Sure, it's better to go to Hollywood in Los Santos, but it's not close here.

And there is also the famous Broadway here, which is Amy's theater holy land. Numerous stars have become famous on Broadway and stepped onto the big screen.

Doris felt that competition in Hollywood was too motivating, and it would be much better if she could become famous on Broadway first.

It turns out that she was thinking too much.

The competition on Broadway has exceeded her imagination, any well-known role, which one is not backed by a financial backer?

The problem is that even if she wants to find a financial backer, they don't want it.

There are too many beautiful girls in this kind of place, and they are too cheap. She didn't even have the qualifications to be selected, she didn't even have the qualifications to lie on the red sofa.

I've been here for three months, but I haven't seen the color of my dream, and I just work to make ends meet.

On the contrary, I was deceived several times. Those guys who claimed to be producers and directors just ran away after playing.

However, just when she was desperate, she finally ushered in the favor of the goddess of luck.

She was spotted by a well-known producer in the circle. After an interview, she was chosen to star in a play!

This is undoubtedly a good start.

Of course, because she was not from Banco, she still needs some professional training.

That was a week of closed training for him, and it was said to be very strict.

However, isn't this training place a bit remote?

Seeing the old and dilapidated neighborhood outside the car window, and occasionally a few homeless men lying on the side of the road, Doris was somewhat uneasy.

However, her manager comforted her and said: "The main reason is that the drama to be performed this time is a new drama. In order to keep it secret during the training period, I chose a remote place. But don't worry, there are many girls who will train with you. Of course. , you can't relax, you are also competing with each other..."

When the agent mentioned the competition, Doris suddenly became a little nervous. In addition to arriving at the destination, there are indeed many other vehicles, and many beautiful girls who are seventeen or eighteen years old like myself are pulled over.

In addition, there were many smiling ladies and successful people getting off from some luxury cars.

This reassured Doris, and she was even a little happy: It seems that this training is very grand. Maybe it's a new work by a big producer! Doris, you have to work hard, the opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of you!


Zhao Hao watched secretly from a distance through a paper crane.

The several entrances here are very secretive, and vehicles get in from time to time. It looks very careful.

Finally, these people gathered in an underground parking lot.

Zhao Hao saw some noble ladies in dresses and gorgeous jewelry, and also saw successful men in suits and leather shoes who had begun to bald. There was an inexplicable smile and excitement on their faces.

Other than that, there are some young girls aged seventeen or eighteen. They were gathered by some men who looked like managers or agents, and they were listening to what the other party was announcing with excitement.

"Good guy, although it's hidden deep, it's really not low-key at all!"

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