Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 331: Talking in Sleep on Xianyin Festival

The last book said: Colt was secretly investigating why a group of people like Zhao Hao had gathered at the Mystery Bureau, and Zhao Hao himself received a case from a mental hospital.

Zhao Hao noticed traces of psionic energy, but it was something he had never seen before, and he became a little curious.

(Because the last chapter is sealed and has not been released, so review it)

The Bonografy Psychiatric Rehabilitation Hospital is located 20 kilometers northeast of Liberty City. It has a beautiful scenery and is far away from gathering places. It is a suitable place for psychiatric convalescence and research.

The Bonograffiti Mental Hospital has been established for more than 20 years, and it is considered a time-honored brand.

And the board of directors behind it is quite well-connected, so many dignitaries and celebrities have come here to inspect, donate, accept interviews and gain fame over the years. It's quite famous.

At midnight, in the previously silent and dark wilderness, only the mental hospital had some lights.

And more than 100,000 psionic filaments wrapped around every inch of the mental hospital like invisible spider webs, enveloping the entire mental hospital.

Zhao Hao searched all day during the day, but the strange thing is that he didn't get any useful information.

Someone killed a person with psionic energy in a way that Zhao Hao had never seen before, but Zhao Hao did not find any clues. This has never been encountered before.

After all, Zhao Hao's demon-hunting senses and fate-prompting eyes can always let Zhao Hao discover even the slightest clues and traces.

But this time it missed.

Zhao Hao searched for a day without finding any clues, and he was also a little anxious. So turn the psionic energy into massive psionic filaments, wrapping every inch of land here, even if a cockroach crawls over, don't try to hide it from Zhao Hao's perception.

Zhao Hao has already called Elena, and he can't go back today. Have to work overtime overnight!

I'd like to see where it is sacred? !

He leaned in the car and closed his eyes to rest, quietly perceiving the entire mental hospital.

This place is very large and occupies a very large area. It was originally an abandoned manor in disrepair. Later, the local government sold it to a mental hospital and expanded it several times.

There are as many as 200 mental patients detained here, and there are dozens of medical and security personnel.

Zhao Hao can feel a lot of information coming in every moment, some are patients turning over while sleeping, some are talking in sleep, some are mice running through the gutter, some are boring little actions of security guards...

This requires Zhao Hao to spend a lot of energy on screening and analysis.

In the middle of the night, Zhao Hao suddenly noticed a person, that was Boris, the main person in charge of the mental hospital, who looked about forty years old, with a cold face and cold eyes, and Gu Yingshi, who didn't look like a good talker.

He quietly came to the office and made a call.

A paper shikigami insect that Zhao Hao had ambushed in advance was activated and crawled nearby to eavesdrop.

"Hey, Mr. Scott, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, yes yes. Something happened to us recently, and the recent performance was canceled. I'm very sorry. Please rest assured, I will definitely satisfy you, yes yes yes... "

Boris, who is in charge of the security work in the mental hospital, is quite uncompromising. Even through the phone, he is quite low-key at this time, with his chest hunched and his hands holding the phone, nodding and bowing, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Vaco!" He put down the phone and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

Lying in the monster jeep, the corners of Zhao Hao's mouth turned up, as if he had found a breakthrough.

If you can't find clues from the event itself, you have to find clues from the surrounding environment.

This Boris looks like he has some value.

Mr. Boris, the person in charge of the mental hospital, fell asleep, because the recent murders alarmed the police. In order to ensure safety, especially not to let some reporters and detectives get in, he has been resting in the mental hospital recently.

Soon he fell asleep...

Boris was a street gangster at first, but it didn't take him long to get acquainted with a nobleman by chance, and he climbed up.

Now he can be called a successful person. For example, he has shares in the Bonografi Mental Hospital. Although it is only 4%, the messy assets are worth millions.

He was dazed and didn't know that he was in a dream, and he was busy as usual. As if something was urging him to speed up, he dealt with his daily life anxiously.

"Any good seedlings out there recently?" he asked.

His male assistant flipped through the notes and replied: "Yes, there are a few patients whose families are very wealthy, a few patients were sent by orphanages without family members, and a young girl was sent..."

He couldn't remember the male assistant's name, and even his appearance was vague, but Boris thought it was normal, as if it fit his common sense.

"Oh, that's not bad!" Boris became a little happy after hearing the male assistant's answer.

"Tell our doctors to give those patients with good family conditions better care and use some 'good' medicine, understand what I mean?"

"Yes, sir. We have a shipment of expensive but effective medicines."

"Those sent by the orphanages... Let's raise them for a while, and see if there are any suitable people who need their dedication..."

"As for that girl, take me to have a look."

In Boris's subconscious, the young girls in the mental hospital are very important.

Anxiety, mania, depression and other symptoms are all important bargaining chips for him.

"How about Madam?" He seemed to turn the scene after walking a few steps, the surrounding scene was generated according to his subconscious and memory, and a middle-aged woman appeared.

"Fortunately, it's just that the girl doesn't seem to be sick this time."

Boris waved his hand, "That's not what we should manage. If you send them here, they are sick! We have the responsibility and the right to treat them. This is what their family members mean, understand? You just teach them to make them more palatable... "

"Oh, yes! New patients are always disobedient. Teach them a lesson."

Following Boris' instructions, a figure in the image of a girl began to be beaten, scolded and tortured continuously, not allowed to sleep, and finally locked in a small dark room to starve.

Oh, there are also unforgettable medicines and psychotropic drugs. If you take too much, you will be very obedient.

There were only a few scenes in the dream, and the girl had become timid and obedient, obedient to her words.

Then the lady started teaching them dancing and manners and things like that. It's just a very daring dance...

Boris smiled, this batch of patients is almost done, and it is time to invite those big men to appreciate and taste.

Oh, by the way, there is also a sixteen-year-old patient here who is a chick!

This has to be left to Mr. Scott, as long as Mr. Scott has fun, he will be able to make a fortune in no time!

On the edge of the dream, Zhao Hao stimulated Boris's subconscious mind with psychic energy, forcing him to dream and have more impressive dreams.

If Zhao Hao has the ability to search memory, it will definitely be more effective, but searching memory is not an easy task.

In fact, even when Zhao Hao was most proficient in psychic powers, he couldn't search a person's memory, at best he could check the other person's superficial thinking.

In fact, it is very difficult to search for memories, even more difficult than simply seizing souls.

Snatching the soul is relatively simple and rude, directly extracting the soul of the person from the body.

But searching for memory is a subtle technical task. If you fail to find the memory, you will turn people into idiots.

Without the corresponding abilities and spells, even ordinary bronze can't do it.

For example, brother, it’s easy to say if you let him go down to the earth to toughen up tanks and armored vehicles, and you can even build a 20-story building if you are ready. But don't expect him to be able to search the memory of an ordinary person, it's easy to kill him.

And Zhao Hao can't directly search a person's memory, he chooses to guide the other person's subconscious to dream, and repeat his impressive thoughts and things in the dream.

Now, he has roughly understood what is going on in this mental hospital that has been established for more than 20 years, has many celebrity platforms, and many people are involved in the board of directors.

On Thanksgiving Day, seeing such a kind thing, it's really... really right! The Indians probably thought so too.

While browsing Boris' dream, Zhao Hao couldn't help feeling: How can a person, an ordinary person, protect himself when the law and justice cannot protect him?

People in Christianity are right: lambs are lambs.

Generally, they are renewable wool, but occasionally the shepherd kills one or two on a whim to satisfy his hunger, seems normal?

Who cares? God? shepherd? or sheep?

This is undoubtedly a bloody and tear-stained prison, but what happened to the extraordinary incident?

Who killed that doctor? What did he do? Will you continue to act?

Zhao Hao continued to read...

The last chapter was said to involve dark fairy tales, and now it is not allowed to write, for fear of teaching minors.

It takes 48 hours to modify once, and I can only wait for the day after tomorrow to modify it.

Sorry everyone!

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