Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 342 The graffiti wall in the dream, the spiritual game console

Zhao Hao prepared some defensive measures in his dream before.

Some of them are used to defend against possible intrusions in the dream, while others are used to suppress some dangerous existence in the dream.

In his dream, he made a place to suppress tricks, monsters, and extraordinary items.

Not only can it calm down those dangerous monsters, but it can also use their power as the energy source for dreams.

On the one hand, it is used to defend against foreign enemies, and on the other hand, it is used as the driving force for dream movement.

This dream floats on the surface of the Psionic Sea, anchoring nearby most of the time, and even if it moves, it goes with the current.

To control movement requires a huge amount of psionic energy consumption, even Zhao Hao can't bear it. But with these suppressive monsters, you can use their power to move.

The last time Zhao Hao forced his dream into the Candle Bay Ocean Dreamland, he even encroached and swallowed it.

Now that the dreamland has become several times larger, it is inconvenient to move, and more power sources are needed.

Of course, Zhao Hao pays more attention to the special ability to accommodate spirituality of the strange graffiti.

Zhao Hao has a prop—the Urn of Shadows, produced in the DOTA world, commonly known as an urn.

This thing can store the soul, but it is stored in a suppressed way.

But this graffiti monster can allow a huge amount of spirituality to "continue to exist" in the body.

This ability is truly amazing. It was also the reason why Zhao Hao was reluctant to save trouble and hand it over to the Mystery Bureau.

He is a little hungry!

I can use alchemy to create a body, and the only thing that restricts myself from creating "life" is spirituality.

If he can study the ability of graffiti thoroughly, he will have room to operate.

In fact, Zhao Hao has made many attempts and experiments in this area, and even had some experiments with Winston on the creation of spiritual mechanical bodies. And Sylvia also tried to create a spiritual way by drawing spiritual paintings.

There are gains, but the gains are not great.

It can only be said that technology accumulation is carried out bit by bit, mainly because there is no particularly clear research direction.

So far, Zhao Hao still has a lot of good things in his hands.

What Detroit bionic technology, what Inception box, what Sword Art Online code, what "Oasis" game helmet, what source code experiment report...

Although these things do not help in the slightest in terms of combat effectiveness, they are of great value in terms of technological improvement. Zhao Hao benefited a lot from reverse derivation and imitation technology alone.

Just in the second half of this year, Zhao Hao's Pippi Shrimp Company also established an electronics department to enter the field of electronic communication.

At the end of 1982, the first commercial mobile phone began to appear on the market, that is, the mobile phone!

Zhao Hao didn't want to join forces at first, but after the company grows bigger, it's like a big ship leaving the port. Wind direction and ocean currents will affect the ship's route and speed. You can't just look at the meaning of the captain alone.

Some executives of the company, as well as the Duke family, who are regarded as partners, feel that the electronics industry will be the mainstream industry in the future, the frontier of the highest technology, and Qian Jingyuan's vision.

Then Zhao Hao can't stop his subordinates from creating value just because he is lazy!

Not to mention that Zhao Hao already had mature technology in his hands, but it was just a communicator that used psionic energy at that time.

Then do it! Make money, not chilling.

Many companies are going bankrupt. If you are not happy about making a lot of money, then you are a bit pretentious.

Zhao Hao couldn't say "I'm not interested in money". He's not just interested, he's interested.

In fact, if Zhao Hao wanted to, he could also launch a civilian version of the mechanical prosthesis. It is even possible to come up with a technically mature mechanical exoskeleton. They are all techniques derived from those humble props.

Although it is said that many technologies will not be used for a while, or the effect will not be great, but the effect will be great when they accumulate little by little, and it will be a different scene until one day it explodes.


Zhao Hao enters the dream with a graffiti of strange things, and the minions are fully armed, holding various inventions, especially the inventions of psychic abilities, surrounding the outer circle to guard.

Zhao Hao, on the other hand, practiced alchemy himself, using a large amount of spiritual materials and spiritual machinery to make a wall. Seal this graffiti on the wall, become the energy source of the dream, and add bricks and tiles to the dream.

After more than 30 hours of busy work, the graffiti was finally sealed on the wall.

It doesn't look like a problem.

The graffiti stayed on the wall obediently, and the wall kept showing the life scenes of those graffiti people. Thousands of people live in a world that is not limited by material things. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a paradise.

After the seal was successful, Zhao Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt the harvest after sealing the graffiti.

This is a Bronze-level trick, and it works extremely well.

A large amount of spiritual energy diffused from the pre-buried spiritual metal pipes and became the energy source of various facilities in the huge dreamland.

Moreover, Dreamland also gained an ability.

Sometimes the strange things are sealed in the dream, which can make the dream acquire some abilities of the strange thing.

As the dream master, Zhao Hao immediately understood the effect of this ability.

It is the ability to transfer people's consciousness into dreams without loss.

Human consciousness cannot be transferred from the body without loss. Even if it is transferred from the body to your own dream, that is, dreaming, there will be a little loss. very little.

The old saying that daydreaming consumes energy probably means this.

If a person goes from his own dream to someone else's dream, the consumption is extremely huge, and he may not be able to sleep at all.

A considerable part of the spirituality of the children in the Candle Bay incident was forcibly brought into the dream.

What's more, the pirate ship used the souls of those children as nourishment to breed the nightmare, and both the spirit and the soul were exhausted.

But now, Zhao Hao has mastered the ability to bring other people's consciousness into his dream without damage.

Zhao Hao was able to go to other people's dreams before, because his mutated kung fu is quite special. It is a special ability.

Now he can pull others into his dream!

It seems useless.

Didn't those children also bind their dreams to Zhao Hao, and then they can enter Zhao Hao's dreams?

It's just that those children are permanently bound and cannot be broken. It was Zhao Hao who consumed his dreams to mend their lost spirituality.

And now this new ability is to enter the dream without any side effects.

In a sense, these children have since converted to Zhao Hao, dedicated their "faith" to Zhao Hao, and will enjoy blessings in his "divine kingdom" after death.

"It doesn't seem to be very useful to pull others into a dream. But this wall is very useful!"

There are more than 200 children bound to Zhao Hao's dreams. Although they don't appear in his dreams every night, they are still very noisy.

Now it is just time to introduce their dreaming consciousness into the graffiti wall, let them dream in the graffiti world on the wall, and save the whole day of chaos.

It is equivalent to treating the graffiti wall as a server, and those children log in to the client. Zhao Hao's dream took a turn.

In this way, they can go to the graffiti wall to dream, and save trouble everywhere.


Zhao Hao returned to the Liberty City branch and reported to Colt.

"A monster was born in that slum, as if it was a large area of ​​graffiti that came alive..."

"After a fierce battle, I finally got rid of that monster with an enchantment. But the number of casualties this time was too high, at least eight or nine thousand people were missing in the slums..."

What Zhao Hao said was all the truth, not a single word was false.

In this way, even if Colt had some kind of lie detection method, he would never be able to find out that Zhao Hao was lying.

It was indeed resolved with an enchantment, suppressed in a dream!

After returning home, Zhao Hao was still thinking. Think about the future.

Now an unknown and inexplicable sense of crisis enveloped him.

Devil Ami must be planning something, and the level of planning is very high, and most people have no news. And waiting for thirteen people is the pawn or price of the plan.

This feeling is not good!

How to break the game?

Even a bronze-level transcendent is nothing to a superpower like Ami. There are dozens of numbers in their territory. There will be more and more in the future.

Unless you become one of the masters of this country and become a part of the chaebol. Then it becomes a "struggle within the chaebol".

It is not enough to rely on Pippi Shrimp Company to become a chaebol, and it is not impossible to do it in a short time.

Unless, carry out some explosive development, create a new field and become a leader in a new field, and then become a big man who cannot be ignored.

This requires Zhao Hao to transform financial resources into influence, and even power.

Zhao Hao suddenly thought of the number of casualties in the graffiti incident that Colt had a headache.

If I can influence more people, won't it make those people above have scruples! Those big companies with tens of thousands of people are never afraid of...

Zhao Hao felt that the previous thinking was a little too simple. If he had formed a force early... oh, I'm sorry, it couldn't be done.

Then let's start now. in a way no one else would expect.

Not long after, in the market of Liberty City in the other world, a kind of inspiration suddenly circulated...

Thanks to book friend "leo627" for the 500 rewards!

Thanks to the book friend "Bai Ye. Pan" for the 100 rewards~Thank you~

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