Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 369 Original Sin Church

"pia~" A big mosquito as long as the middle finger bumped into Zhao Hao's body.

Its long mouth is like a blood-drawing steel needle and even reflects light. Since this thing lives on this island in the world, it naturally has unique skills.

The first unique skill is the quantity, spawning eggs in the water, a production of hundreds of thousands!

Even if all kinds of natural enemies eat at once, there must be a large number of survivors. Because of the huge number, these pin-mouthed mosquitoes are absolutely not afraid of death.

Pounce on it, suck it! That's their only thought!

So the bomber didn't care about it, and slammed straight into Zhao Hao's body!

The second is the steel needle-like mouthparts. This mouthpart is really amazing. It is as good as a low-level extraordinary item and has extremely strong penetrating power!

Let's put it this way, with an armor value of 10, that is, a 2mm iron sheet can pierce through, and even have a certain amount of spiritual penetration!

This is simply a natural extraordinary steel needle! If you are in the watch world, no matter what kind of rhinoceros or elephant you are, you can still suck it.

However, when this extraordinary penetrating steel needle hit Zhao Hao's skin, it bent!

The aedes mosquito was a little dazed, stroked its elastic long mouth, and tried again, but was slapped to death by Zhao Hao.

There is absolutely a problem with the spiritual power on this island, so that the creatures on the island that once lived in the surface world have undergone very strange and extraordinary changes.

Either with various special abilities, or with great lethality, which makes them very difficult to deal with.

Zhao Hao's side is alright, Zhao Hao and Hei Lincoln have amazing defenses, and the mosquitoes can't penetrate it at all.

Prada was shrouded in a layer of psionic black mist with special attributes, and mosquitoes did not dare to approach it.

Sam followed behind Ciro, who was holding a huge book bound in leather and brass, singing softly as he walked.

"Piebald Mosquito, you are the most handsome, like the rich second generation on the side of the mountain, if you don't have anything to eat today, come back tomorrow~~~" That's right, he is "reciting poetry"!

Zhao Hao just started to hear the poems he read, and his head buzzed: What the hell? Are you kidding me?

However, even Ciro himself did not know what he was reading.

He only needs to think about his purpose, and then start to read it.

What was read from his mouth in the end, he himself could not be sure.

However, those pin-nosed mosquitoes actually did it. A swarm buzzed around him, fascinated by the sound, and none of them bit him or Sam behind him.

Although Xi Luo is a bronze that overwhelms the seedlings, he is also a bronze.

It can only be said that chickens do not pee, each has its own way~


At the foot of the mountain, the number of extraordinary creatures began to decrease, because this place seemed to be the territory of those dwarf monkey people, and those monitor lizards did not dare to approach them.

But there are more extraordinary plants and extraordinary insects here.

Zhao Hao's side is okay, at least everyone is bronze, so they won't be stumped by all kinds of bugs. But on the other side of the group, troubles arose.

Although things like big scorpions, giant lizards, and ground-hunting scavengers were dangerous before, they were not all-pervasive.

With those three bronzes, they are not too dangerous.

But now near the foot of the mountain, those extraordinary insects have become deadly killers.

A black iron 3-star transcendent who was walking at the back of the line suddenly felt a little cold, a little dizzy, and a little thirsty, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

Everyone turned around in horror, and found that his skin was shriveled and wrinkled, and three spotted mosquitoes were sucking blood behind him. I don't know how long I've been smoking it, each one is as big as a blood-red volleyball, and the belly is already transparent! Still sucking greedily!

This person was wearing supernatural props for protection, but he was drilled away by these three mosquitoes unknowingly, and when he was sucked blood, both his perception and spiritual sense were paralyzed, until he died.

Three mosquitoes were killed, bleeding all over the place.

Those transcendents who looked at death like home looked at this shriveled corpse, and they didn't feel hairy. Fear slowly rose from the bottom of their hearts...

Even if you can "go to heaven" after death, this way of dying is too scary!

The middle-aged Transcendent from the black iron 5-star mage route stood up and screamed: "What are you afraid of? He and those sacrificed congregants have already ascended to the original sin paradise! Under the leadership of God, find the ark of the covenant, open the gate of heaven, and bless the world!"

After being stimulated by him, the rest of the people became excited again, gearing up to speed up their pace, as if they had been pumped with chicken blood.

That's right, these people are members of the Church of Original Sin.

More than a hundred years ago, the strength of this organization was very large. Even in some remote and small countries, they even compete with the Holy See for religious orthodoxy!

Speaking of which, they are also a branch of Christianity, but their division may be a little far away and a bit biased.

Their teaching is that since people are born with original sin, then trace original sin back to the very origin, isn’t that the time in the Garden of Eden? Therefore, as long as the seven original sins are gathered together, the Messiah can be recreated and the gate to the Garden of Eden can be opened!

However, although the doctrine of indulging the seven emotions and six desires made them get twice the result with half the effort when preaching, they are naturally much weaker than the Holy See.

When they are poor, they change, and they think of the large land and people in the East that have not been "occupied" by the Holy See.

If so many people can believe in their own teachings, then maybe the Church of Original Sin will surpass the Holy See to become orthodox!

We all know what happened after that, similar to those other supernatural forces trying to infiltrate, Hong Tianwang used them as toilet paper and threw them away after they were used up. As a result, most of the power of the Church of Original Sin fell to the East.

That Eve Ruth was the witness at that time, one of the few survivors.

At the time when the psychic silence was at its worst, they all collected the seven original sins, two of them "arrogance" and "greed" even advanced to bronze, and the other five, except for the youngest "Lust@desire" Eve Ruth It is a black iron 3 star, and it is also a black iron 5 star, with a deep foundation.

And then they're left with Eve Ruth, who's basically defected because the order has almost fallen apart.

But the centipede is dead but not stiff. Although the sect was almost broken up at the beginning, the roots are in the west after all, and the foundation still remains. Cultivation methods, materials, technologies, resources...all still have a lot.

After more than a hundred years of accumulation, the Church of Original Sin took advantage of the recovery of spiritual power and "rise" again!

Three of the seven original sins alone reached bronze, and they even wanted to find Eve Ruth, but she was gone.

This action is a big gamble that the Church of Original Sin has bet on everything and put all its strength into it!

The information comes from the Bureau of Mystery, the clues to the Ark of the Covenant... As long as the Ark of the Covenant is obtained, the Church of Original Sin is confident that it will occupy a place in the extraordinary world, even those old organizations and even the Holy See will have to pinch it. I admit it with my nose!

Because this is an artifact with the power to destroy a country!

Moving on, this group of people from the Church of Original Sin also met the dwarf monkey people, and they also suffered a lot.

Those dwarf monkey people now live in the other world, and they are a supernatural species or race (if they are considered to be human subspecies). So they are all born extraordinary, and they seem to have different extraordinary paths.

A dwarf monkey scout who looks like a stalker who is good at lurking and hiding, shot a blow dart at a Original Sin cultist in the shadow of the bush.

That thing is a blow dart made of the feathers of some extraordinary bird. It is as light as a feather and flies silently, but it has its own wind spiritual energy at a fast speed, directly piercing through the thin layer of spiritual energy shield of the Original Sin Cultist, piercing through it. on his neck.

The man just subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold his neck, his face turned blue, and he died without saying a word!

There are not many highly poisonous species on this island, and the feather dart is also quenched with highly poisonous psionic energy...

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