Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 516 Professional Pit Devils and This World Needs Heroes!

In early autumn, late at night, with dark clouds covering the moon, in a dilapidated manor.

Downton Abbey is located in the suburbs of Boston. It was originally an excellent place. When the land price was the most expensive, someone once offered 8 million knives, but Robert Downton's father, Downton Sr., did not sell it. After all, it can be regarded as ancestral property.

But now things have changed.

The recovery of Reiki started in 70 years, and accelerated in 80 years. Up to now, the recovery of Reiki is passing day by day.

The surface world is soaked in psionic energy, and its appearance has changed drastically. That's a change of world!

The factory area, which used to be full of traffic, has already extinguished the fire and is silent. Instead, there are many weird demons haunting it!

The more serious the exploitation of the flesh and blood factories, the more demons haunt them.

It seems that the resentment of those souls who died in vain and the workers has never dissipated.

But now that extraordinary creatures in the wild are frequent, those remote towns may be destroyed at any time, and the suburbs of the past are naturally not safe.

In fact, as early as three months ago, Boston officials had revised the law and the map, shrinking the area.

Suburbs like Downton Abbey are no longer under the jurisdiction of Boston, and naturally they are not responsible for their safety.

After all, building a city enchantment also requires money, and it will not work if it is too large.

With no guarantee of safety, who would buy a house?

You can't limit your father by issuing a price limit order, right?

However, at this time, Downton Abbey was overgrown with weeds, and there was even a situation where the rotten grass turned into fireflies—this was an extraordinary phenomenon. Those rotten weeds gave birth to a kind of luminous bug that was half biological and half elf. It can be seen that this place is no longer suitable for human habitation.

But here is not empty - Robert Downton, he is still here.

Robert Downton was a playboy and a playboy before his supernatural explosion. Apart from picking up girls, he was preparing to pick up girls.

However, great changes in the world destroyed his sexual life.

His father was affected and killed by a supernatural creature while discussing business, and his mother was filled with grief and indignation, and became spiritually ill.

This disease is not a symptom, but a general term.

People with high psychic potential before, stimulated by extraordinary events, either awaken their psychic powers and become extraordinary, or become deformed and deformed.

But generally speaking, it has little to do with the general public. After all, there is only one in a hundred or so people with high spiritual potential.

But it's different now, the psionic content in the table world is too high, which is equivalent to being stimulated every day.

In this case, even people with average psychic potential will appear in an awakened state.

But their potential is not high! So there will be situations of awakening but not fully awakening. That is a more serious case than distortion.

This kind of condition is called spiritual disease, and mild cases need a small amount of spiritual energy injection every day to maintain the balance of the spiritual part and prevent it from getting worse.

And if it's serious, it's just hopeless, it's worse than terminal cancer, and there's basically not much to do.

Fortunately, contact with the supernatural is relatively common now, otherwise I don't know how many people would die of spiritual disease.

However, Robert Downton's mother was not so lucky, one of the most serious spiritual diseases, heart spiritual disease. After only three weeks of support, the person disappeared.

Robert Downton went from a playboy who drove a luxury car to pick up beautiful women and threw away hundreds of thousands of dollars of fine wine in one sip, to a down-and-out pauper with both parents dead.

At this time, he finally began to wake up.

As the saying goes, it is never too late to mend the situation.

Robert Downton stayed in the dangerous Downton Abbey for more than two months in order to become a superhuman.

His father was considered a rich man before, and he came into contact with the extraordinary world indirectly more than a year ago. After all, the watch world was already in chaos at that time, and there were "natural gas explosions" in the city every day. Those who are well-informed can get some plausible clues.

And that's when the family got a book.

The black cover is made of unknown leather material, and the brass corners are very solemn. The tentacles were cold and clammy, appearing to be extraordinary.

Little Downton, who was unshaven and had dark circles under his eyes, prepared the materials, candles, blood... according to the ritual recorded in the book, then drew a magic circle, lit the candles, and began to pray.

That's right, he must become an extraordinary person, even if it means making a deal with the devil!

In fact, this is the thinking of many people. After all, it is difficult to live a good life without becoming an extraordinary person, so why not give it a try?

Soon, a black shadow appeared behind the curtain, with a stooped figure and two curved horns on top of its head...

"What do you want? Power? Beauty? Endless wealth?" A hoarse old voice appeared.

At the same time, a haggard arm with black sharp nails stretched out from behind the curtain: "Sign it, and you can get everything you want."

The appearance of the devil put great pressure on Downton Jr., and the improvement of his spiritual vision made him a little dizzy.

He didn't care to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and asked, "So, what's the price?"

"The price? It's insignificant~" The old devil began to be sloppy.

Little Downton pressed the hand hidden behind the table lightly, then smiled and said, "Forget it, I won't sign."

The old devil suddenly became anxious, and his voice revealed anger: "Sign it! This is your destiny!"

However, Downton Jr. raised his left hand. On his forearm, there was a shimmering tattoo.

That is the imprint of fantasy games!

This shows that he has become a fantasy player!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" The old devil didn't want to believe the scene in front of him. After all, he felt that the one who initiated the summoning ceremony was an ordinary person, so he came here.

Little Downton bowed slightly, showing his high-society demeanor, "I'm really sorry. I'd better choose to be a player. After all, their treatment is much better."

The old devil's defense was broken immediately, and he didn't care about pretending to be mysterious, and rushed out from behind the curtain.

The whole body is dark red, with a pair of black horns, and the eyes are golden vertical pupils, as if burning flames. He also has a goatee and looks old.

"His grandma, why didn't you sign it? You're playing dirty with me, right?"

He smashed a hole in the solid wood table with one claw, "That fantasy game is too rude!"

Devils have many ways to coax the souls of mortals, especially in this world where there are too many people facing desperation, so they succeed every time.

Especially based on wanting to be an extraordinary person!

I don't know how many people signed their contracts of prostitution in order to become extraordinary.

However, when fantasy games began to spread widely, the devil's business languished.

Even after half a year, their business has shrunk to the point where the mosquito legs in the past are extremely precious.

After all, you become an extraordinary person through the devil, and the price is to pay your soul.

Moreover, these grandchildren are particularly hurtful, and they often tamper with the contract, or simply plot against you directly, so that you can't experience the life of a superhuman for a few days before giving up your soul.

But fantasy games are different! Becoming a player costs next to nothing!

There are even some advantages, because many players will use some of their spiritual energy commissions to give away profits in order to develop excellent offline.

Moreover, there are too many development paths for players, and the possibilities are almost infinite.

For example, a gourmet hunter who believes in Fusheng Cuisine Wuliang Juzuo Tianzun~ Even if you were a chef before, you can find your own extraordinary path.

And the variety of services provided by fantasy games is simply too numerous to count.

Don't be afraid of not knowing the goods, but be afraid of comparing goods! In such a comparison, a fool would sell his soul and become a superhuman from hell.

Even if the devils did not hesitate to amend the contract to lower the price, no one came.

Now the old devil has only one order in a month, and he flew in front of his face, and was ridiculed. If he didn't break his defense, he would not be a devil but a saint.

It's just that humiliating an old devil like this is probably not something a newcomer extraordinary can afford.

Seeing that there was fire in the old devil's mouth and sparks spewed out of his nose, he had already walked over.

But little Downton relaxed instead, and a smile appeared on his long-tired face.

Because, he has already ordered the service of "Didi Fighting Demon" through the game imprint.

A man's voice sounded: "This devil, please stay away from my client."

Said that a light bullet the size of a human head knocked the old devil into the air and stuck it to the wall.

The person who came was the mage Bian Mu, one of Zhao Hao's kings, the Seven Martial Seas.

At this time, Bian Mu is already at the peak of the Black Iron 5-star, the staff in his hand, the robe on his body, the two rings in his hand, and an accessory on his chest are all extraordinary props of the Black Iron 5-star. In addition, there are more than a dozen other props.

Facing the old devil, he is more than capable.

In fact, this is not the first time he has dealt with devils and demons.

It has to be said that the players' invention and creativity are too strong, it's like Melaleuca driving a convertible car-the brains are wide open!

Two months ago, a newcomer completed his whimsical plan according to a task in the system, and posted it on the Chaofan forum for a fee to watch.

From then on, those new players have a way to get their first pot of gold at the beginning.

That's right, it's the pit devil!

Little Downton has the conditions to become a player, but he still persists, just to complete the summoning ceremony and trick the devil.

Then hire powerful superhuman thugs through the Didi Fighting Demon Service to kill the devil.

Although the devil just went back to hell after he died, but his vitality was greatly damaged after coming and going.

This is like hospitalizing all the low-level sales staff of a competitor, so who can compete with Fantasy Games for customers?

Fantasy Games will treat it as an elite task and give it a lot of rewards. If you can complete it from the beginning of becoming an extraordinary person, you will have the starting capital!

In just five or six minutes, the aggrieved old devil screamed and returned to hell.

Bian Mu said to Little Downton with a smile: "The task has been completed. If the service is satisfactory, please give a five-star praise~ Momo da~" After speaking, he disappeared.


In the West Coast suburb of Los Santos, two gangs are making sneaky deals.

"What about the goods?"

"Where's the money?"

"I want to see the goods first, you know, the group of mad dog-like players are meddling everywhere. I have to look at the goods first!"

"No! We won't deliver until we see the money. Those sons of a bitch gamers always play phishing, and we won't fall for it."

The two groups are deadlocked, and no one is willing to give in.

It turned out to be smuggling extraordinary materials.

There are always gray and black deals.

Many transcendental materials that are officially banned or controlled, they can make huge profits in private transactions, so they don't hesitate to risk their heads.

And the biggest risk they took really came from the pursuit of fantasy players.

In addition to cracking down on devils, evil spirits and stealing customers by themselves, Fantasy Games officials also cracked down on private smuggling of extraordinary materials.

After all, online transactions are so convenient! We also have an anti-fraud system, isn't it cheaper and safer than this offline transaction?

You have to know that crooked people like to play tricks on these materials. How dangerous!

Therefore, it is everyone's responsibility to crack down on this illegal smuggling business!

So there are also a group of players who specialize in this. This made the former gangsters suffer.

So much so that the two groups were very nervous, and neither of them would relax a little bit.

However, they confronted each other endlessly, and the few players who were ambushing next to them couldn't stand it any longer.

"What the hell, where is the trust between people? How dare you come out to do illegal transactions with this little courage?"

"Catch the net! Fuck them! Surrender and don't kill~~~"

Nowadays, fantasy players are very powerful. According to gossip, one out of every three extraordinary people is a player.

Their shadows are all over the world!

The advantages of players are too obvious, many people who are already extraordinary will choose to join the game and become players.

In today's world, the traffic is already at a semi-stationary state. Even if you are a transcendent, you may not encounter anything if you go deep into the wild alone. He was imprisoned in a city in disguise.

But for players, this is not a problem, because they can choose to descend through dream projection.

With this, they can appear in most places in the world at any time—mainly in places where Zhao Hao hasn't had time to build a psionic base. For example, the North and South Poles, or some small islands and small countries.

The arrival of projection is not only convenient, it can appear anywhere in the world at any time, but also because of safety.

Even if you come down and are killed by someone, you will only lose part of your psychic energy and be weak for a few days—players don’t know that every time you die, you will lose your spirituality, which will be filled by Zhao Hao’s dreams, and you will be sold out in the end. to him.

Those game gifts have already been secretly priced~

Relying on coming and not dying is enough to make people flock to it.

There are also psychic growth by completing tasks, psychic online shopping, transactions, auction houses, extraordinary forums, special permissions for psychic phone bugs, etc.

It can be said that there is no harm at all!

(Actually, there is a harm, but if you don't know it, it is equivalent to my sister~)

Why don't you hurry up and join it?

You know, the number of fantasy players has exceeded the 300,000 mark now!

Every day those players are getting stronger at a faster rate, if you don't join, you will be left behind!

Don't let yourself lose at the starting line~


Zhao Hao received a call, then soared into the sky and flew towards the sea at five times the speed of sound.

At this time, more than 800,000 people were watching him fly.

The two psychics can wrap the wings formed by countless talismans (just for the sake of looking good, but also to confuse others), and the whole person forms a breakthrough air mass in the air, and the broken sound barrier leaves a white trace in the air.

After about five or six minutes, he was somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

At his feet were three large ships under attack, a passenger ship converted from a warship, and two frigates.

However, their enemy is a Bronze 2-star Titan Megamouth.

This thing is 58 meters long, and it gnawed off a large piece of the bow of a warship with one big mouth!

What kind of alchemy fish, extraordinary depth bombs, and spiritual rapid-fire cannons are all just tickling, which can only make it more furious.

Extraordinary oceans are dangerous. In just the past year, in order to explore a safe channel with few extraordinary creatures, even Ami's aircraft carrier sank two!

Those ocean-going ships have added a lot of extraordinary materials, are protected by frigates, and are equipped with spiritual sonar repellents to drive away those extraordinary fish.

However, this does not guarantee safety.

Even, the psychic sonar feels counterproductive.

Although black iron-level extraordinary fish dare not approach, but if there are bronze extraordinary creatures wandering nearby, they may be irritated instead.

Bronze Extraordinary Creature: Are you yelling so loudly?

This month, Zhao Hao has already dealt with two incidents of extraordinary sonar provoking bronze extraordinary creatures, and it seems that it is time to make a suggestion to re-examine the side effects of this thing.

Zhao Hao smiled at the tracking camera, waved his hands and said: "Friends in the audience, we have arrived at the place where the accident happened in the Atlantic Ocean, and now I am going down to clean up this nasty big shark! Remember to double-click 666~"

In order to hide himself, Zhao Hao couldn't just pull the Megamouth shark by its tail and throw it away.

You have to summon the big beautiful dragon to come out as a mount first, and then use talismans, spells and enchantments to fight with the megamouth shark. It behaves like a bronze 4-star summoning enchanter.

It took about five or six minutes to watch, and then I started to exert strength, and after two minutes, I killed the megamouth shark "difficultly".

The three sea ships hiding far away immediately burst into cheers.

If Zhao Haofei hadn't come to save them, they would have turned into shark shit.

At this time, an astonishing heat broke out in the live broadcast room, and the barrage had covered the screen, making it impossible to see people clearly.

Zhao Hao said to the camera with a serious face: "Do you want to be a hero who saves others like me? This world needs more heroes! Welcome to Pippi Shrimp Super Security Company. We are waiting for you!"

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