Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 523 Forced Branding and Lord of the Flies

An upscale private club in Detroit.

Under the current situation, the land in the city can be said to be worth every inch of land.

And this high-end private club is located on Manhattan Island in the center of the city, and there is a building with a height of more than ten floors.

If you want to enter the private club on the top floor, the general elevators and stairs are not accessible, you need to take a special elevator. Of course, no one can sit there.

The Enderman is dressed in a handsome tuxedo, with a civilized stick in his hand, and a British style wide-brimmed top hat.

He calmly walked towards the hidden and luxurious elevator.

A waiter dressed in black and white bent down slightly and said, "Can I have a look at your membership card?" Two 1.9-meter-long bald-headed men on both sides stared at each other with guns bulging under their armpits.

"Oh, of course." The Enderman reached into his bosom to dig out, and handed the waiter a ball of air.

In the eyes of the waiter and the two bodyguards, this is a black membership card.

Although Enderman doesn't know what the membership card looks like, it doesn't matter. Just tell them it's a membership card, and they'll make up their own minds about what it looks like.

The waiter looked at it carefully, then put his hands back with a smile on his face, and said, "I wish you a good time, please go this way." He stretched out his hand to guide the enderman clone into the elevator.

Yes, here is a trap.

And in order to be vivid, the usual members here still play here.

They were not informed of any traps. Or they themselves are one of the trap materials.

It cost a lot to play, ten times more than the Haitian banquet. There are all kinds of strange races and collocations, so I can’t describe them in detail, but it’s a mosaic.

Aren't you afraid of attracting Sally's attention if you are so indulgent?

What would the skeleton be doing?

The Enderman originally wanted to observe and learn a lot, but he didn't expect the other party to be in a hurry. Seeing the enderman appearing in the trap, he immediately started to act.

Sensing psionic energy surging from all directions, the Enderman sighed and missed a good opportunity to gain insight.

"If you talk about you, you can't be a little patient. How can you be so eager to do big things? How can this be done? Are you so sure that this is my real body?"

When the Enderman was talking, the dogs and men around screamed and began to melt, as if they had melted into a puddle of colorful puddles of wriggling and struggling flesh!

It is indeed one of the materials.

A sharp cone that broke through the speed of sound pierced half of the Enderman's head, as easily as piercing through a layer of screen window. It also knocked down a wall behind it.

However, the Enderman didn't care. There wasn't a drop of blood on the broken head, but it was swaying like a broken flag in the wind.

He didn't seem to care that he lost half of his head, but he looked at the twisted flesh on the ground with interest.

His strange state really frightened the ambusher, so he didn't continue to attack.

The corner of the Enderman's mouth turned up, "I told you not to worry, you guys have a long time to play."

He sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations and telepathy around him, and couldn't help laughing: "Ha, I didn't expect you to be quite grand, and the three bronzes can be considered a big deal."

The three people who were ambushing came out, a muscular man, wearing sleeveless sleeves with his arms exposed, full of sharp muscle bumps.

His skin was glowing with a bronze color, his breath was condensed, and his blood was surging like a mountain torrent.

This is a bronze transcendent who takes the physical route.

The other two are not bad. One is an old man in his fifties or sixties. He looks very ordinary and is dressed in black. If you look closely, you can see that it is some kind of priest's uniform. He is holding a book with a cover. It's a thick book with words.

The last one was only about 1.4 meters, a hunchback dwarf, and his face was distorted.

This is a half-deformed person, and it is so deformed that it is generally forcibly controlled.

Those puppies and men and women turned into big puddles of meat are his handwriting and are under his control.

The colorful meat paste carries extremely filthy spiritual energy, which will cause very serious pollution to people and utensils. It's probably a bit like a black dog blood staining a magic weapon or breaking a spell.

This deformed gnome controls the colorful slime to change various shapes and attack the Enderman.

However, it can only pass through the Enderman, as if it is a piece of black cloth. From the looks of it he showed no signs of injury or defacement.

The deformed dwarf was a little worried. His spell was harsh, but he hadn't encountered a time when it was useless. Not so good this time.

The Lord of Ender really deserves his reputation.

Luckily we have three!

At this time, the Enderman also made a move, and a black shadow disk instantly expanded under his feet, carrying everything around twenty or thirty meters away, and then along the walls, objects...all places were covered with black shadows .

The three of them immediately launched defenses or countermeasures, but they could only watch as everything in front of them became pitch black. Dark shadows enveloped everything.

At the same time, they also heard the last words of the Enderman: "Everyone, welcome to the eternal nightmare, I hope you have a good time."


In the dark nightmare where practice and space are completely dominated, the three of them didn't last long even if they were bronze.

The most steadfast bronze fighter only lasted for more than two hundred hours before collapsing.

Under the multiple dreams, less than an hour has passed in the watch world.

However, the three of them are not direct members of the Skull and Bones, they can only be regarded as thugs.

But at least they know who is responsible for setting the trap this time.

The Endermen quickly found him.

It was a young man who seemed to have an "aristocratic air". Even in the face of the dangerous Enderman, he kept smiling.

However, the enderman avatar could already hear his drum-beating heartbeat, as well as the boiling fear.

"Mr. Ender Lord, nice to meet you." The official member of the Skull and Bones Society, who was in charge of setting this trap, said Hossman.

"I don't think there's any inextricable animosity between us."

"Of course, if you have any needs, our Skull and Bones Society is also very willing to help. We have a basis for cooperation, don't we?"

In fact, the skeleton will come up with two options.

If the trap works, that's naturally very good.

But if the Enderman's strength exceeds imagination, then it will be a test. If you can't beat it, just cooperate with him!

We have nothing else but a lot of money! There are many people! Great power!

Seeing that the Enderman didn't speak, Housman felt that there was a door!

If he can convince the Enderman, then his status in the Skull and Bones will be improved.

However, the Enderman murmured softly, "I'm familiar with the name Hossman. Could it be the one who drove Nanayasaki back to Dongpu? This is really a coincidence, isn't it~"

"You, what are you talking about?" Housman felt that something was wrong.

But in the next moment, several psychic tentacles drilled into his brain from his ears and nostrils, and began to forcibly search all his memories amidst his inhuman screams.

Although the Skull and Bones Society has banned spells in the minds of its members, it can prevent their thinking from being spied on.

But there is no way to deal with the violent demolition of Endermen.

After all, even if it is broken, the Enderman can still put it back together.


"That is to say, you want to brand different people differently?" the enderman clone asked.

"Yes, it is."

"What's the purpose?"

"No, I don't know! I really don't know! Really! I'm just a worker, I don't know what they are doing? Can you let me go? Let me accept the punishment of the law! I will obey the law! I plead guilty !"

"Plead guilty? That's fine! I'll sentence you to death."

In the next moment, the shadow under the man's feet turned into a big mouth to swallow it in one gulp, and then began to chew it.

It is now known that the Skull and Bones Society will brand all Ami people with supernatural powers, and there are different levels.

Now Amei only has large settlements that are relatively safe, so many people are crowded in the city.

Many necessities such as medical drugs, food, and daily necessities can only be obtained through the official.

If the government starts to promote branding, people have no right to refuse.

For example, if you don't brand it, you won't be given supplies, you won't be allowed to sell food, and you will even be cut off from water and electricity.

However, since more than 200 years ago, the people of Ami have never let go of the steel gun in one hand. Trust in officials is also very, very low.

My family knows about my own affairs, and it has not been ten or twenty years since my own officials stopped doing personnel affairs.

A lot of stubborn old Ami people, they just do the opposite of what the official says.

You say that what you eat is healthy, I will definitely not touch it.

What new product do you promote, I will give you a hundred listens on the street.

What kind of injection are you talking about? I'll let you cool off!

Whoever dares to give me a needle, I will give him two shots.

After all, there are many people who were deceived by the authorities to be guinea pigs before.

Don't care about good or bad, right or wrong, as long as you don't listen to them, at least you won't be cheated.

In this case, there will definitely be a big mess when you win.

Nowadays, the proportion of extraordinary people is increasing, and extraordinary people can often communicate through extraordinary forums and phone bug networks. Isn't it just a matter of minutes to take a guy to the street for zero yuan?

But since the Skull and Bones have prepared so many materials, it is definitely not something that can be gathered in a year or two. They definitely have a complete grasp.

Ami official: I will give you a reason that you cannot refuse~

In fact, it's no wonder that Zhao Hao didn't think of Skull and Bones' actions, it's just that they are too inappropriate.

Zhao Hao also thought that the Ami officials would just lie to the public.

I never expected that they came directly, and it was in a way that was completely incapable of resisting, or even resisting the incident.

They will pass the Declaration of Independence, a national artifact, and forcibly imprint the brand on those who swore to the entire country when they obtained the Ami Green Book.

If you swore an oath like their national emblem when you joined this country, it was equivalent to signing a contract with this piece of paper-like artifact.

Of course, not to mention if you were born Amis. Born to be someone else.

It is equivalent to playing the game of Antarctic Goose, authorizing the data to Antarctic Goose, and it can be used at will. It can also be licensed to third parties!

After authorization, you are not yours, and Aramco officials can decide on their own at critical moments.

You only have usage rights, not ownership.

Therefore, as long as the Skull and Bones have the Declaration of Independence in their hands, 90% of the people in the entire country are their puppets.

The brand was branded in three seconds in the early hours of the morning. From the sky! Appearing directly on everyone's arms!

At that time, the sea of ​​psionic energy in the area of ​​Ami was boiling, and more than one-third, tens of millions of sensitive people felt that something had changed in their bodies.

But only a transcendent, and a senior transcendent at that, can find out what's wrong with him.

There is an extra spiritual imprint on the outside of the forearm.

This thing is invisible to the naked eye, but it is indeed branded on people. In other words, it is not only on the body, but also imprinted on the soul.

The world of Ameri is fried directly.

Why did you suddenly put a stamp on me? Who gave you all your strength? You are provocative! What about human rights? What about our human rights!

However, Ami also quickly gave an official answer:

In order to cope with the increasingly difficult external environment, American citizens are obliged to cooperate with the official plan.

The Ami super brand on the arm can help everyone survive in a difficult environment, and can bring you more welfare protection, blah blah blah...

In a word, whether you agree or disagree. In short, we are marked.

It's not the first day you've become citizens of Ami, so calm down, don't force me to do it!

In addition to the two cities of Chicago and Los Santos, more than a dozen major cities in Ami were branded in the first batch.

A second batch of dozens of smaller cities and towns is also being prepared.

Of course, where there is oppression there is resistance.

A Mei stamped people, and people naturally wanted to wash him.

There are indeed some that can be washed off, but too few.

Generally, a Bronze-level spell-type extraordinary person is required.

Very few superhumans whose black iron 5-star transcendental path is very relevant have the ability to erase this brand.

Of course, the Ami official also said that this is the official brand of Ami. It is equivalent to your medical insurance, social security, passport, driver's license...everything will use this in the future.

If you erase it, it is illegal, and you will be a criminal in the future. Not only will there be no benefits, but they will also be arrested by the official extraordinary law enforcement team.

At that time, I will paint you red directly, so don't go there, just wait for death!


At this time, the Skull and Bones Society has become a mess.

Because that Horsman didn't come back.

The skeleton will have a secret method to know the general state of the members, whether they are dead or alive, whether they are controlled or something is wrong.

The last one that was captured by Sandro was already put together into a rag doll in Zhao Hao's dream, and he couldn't understand what it was like here. I don't know if it's dead or alive until now - I haven't seen it before.

Hossman, who was captured by the Enderman, was literally dead. The soul has been annihilated, and I can't even get it back with any spiritualism, and I don't know what happened.

However, the Skull and Bones decided after a meeting overnight that the plan had been exposed.

Then you must speed up!

So in the absence of ready, first branded a batch.

Because they are worried that if the plan is leaked and reflected by the remaining candidates for salvation, things will be complicated.

At this time, Zhao Hao is carefully eliminating the pollution of the bat-winged lizard to the ocean environment and the spiritual energy sea.

The danger of this thing lies in its pollution.

He just fell asleep, and he was able to allow countless people with high inspiration to touch his will, spreading himself like spreading spores.

If you can't find and remove those pollution spots in the sea of ​​spiritual energy in time, sooner or later those things will reappear.

At this time, the Holy See, far away in Europa, suddenly made a big move.

Turns out they were the ones who finally locked and rounded up Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.

Beelzebub was the first high-end existence to enter the watch world, but he came from a downgrade.

But even with the strength of Bronze, he still did several big things, and even sent the old teacher Huang to see God.

Now, he has reached the bronze peak, and he is about to enter the silver.

However, with the help of a few angels who descended from heaven, the forces of the Holy See finally blocked Lord of the Flies in an area of ​​Romania.

Now the extraordinary power of most of Europa has been mobilized, and it is about to eradicate Beelzebub, the demon king of hell.

Then, the news of the death of the great poet Shiro came...

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