Dream Guide

Chapter 46 The smoke rises and the faint dream sinks

Although it was not very detailed, it was enough for Aoki. He is not sure whether he can help Xia Wenyuan prevent this nightmare, because what kind of dream a person has depends on him, and sometimes external forces cannot interfere. But no matter what, Aoki must take a look in his dream.

"Mr. Xia, can you sleep now? If you can, you might as well take a nap." Aoki said.

Xia Wenyuan was stunned for a moment, then understood and said, "Are you going to start treating me? Of course I can sleep, I just don't dare to sleep."

"Oh, no!" Peter looked a little angry and even spoke English, "I am Mr. Xia's personal doctor. You must tell me any treatment plan you have first. You can only implement it if I agree. I want I have the right to be responsible for Mr. Xia’s body!”

Wu Lixia also said: "Yes, Mr. Aoki, although we trust you, you have to tell us what you plan to do."

Xia Wenyuan said nothing, obviously agreeing with his wife's statement. Only Hu Xing smiled and said nothing. She knew what Qingmu was going to do.

Qing Muxin said that working for rich people was troublesome, so he said: "Since it is a nightmare, I have to go in first and see what the shadow in Xia Lao's dream is, and then I can decide what to do."

"What did you say?" Peter almost laughed, "You mean you want to enter Mr. Xia's dream while he is dreaming? Oh my God! That's impossible! Unless you are God!"

Wu Lixia and Li Wei also felt incredible, but did not speak.

Xia Wenyuan looked at Qingmu, his eyes showing his suspicion.

Aoki said: "It seems you don't agree with my plan."

Peter said: "Of course I don't agree. Who knows what you are going to do? I must ensure that your method will not harm Mr. Xia."

Aoki shook his head. He didn't expect Peter to be so stubborn, so he said: "Let's put it another way. I just want to sit next to Mr. Xia and watch Mr. Xia sleep. Moreover, I don't have to watch alone, you and them can both be together. Stay with me."

"This..." Peter seemed to be unable to think of a reason to refuse, "That's no problem." Then he looked at Xia Wenyuan and said, "Where do you want to sleep? I'll prepare oxygen and a ventilator for you."

"No need, I'll just squint like this for a while. I'm an old man, lying on the bed, and you are all watching from the side, and it feels like I'm paying homage to my remains." Xia Wenyuan laughed at himself.

Wu Lixia said: "Bah, bah, bah! Just go to sleep. What nonsense are you talking about! I'll give you some agarwood." She took an incense stick from an incense box on the Bogu shelf and lit the incense inserted in the small-leaf red sandalwood. Insert.

Xia Wenyuan smiled, then held Wu Lixia's hand, leaned on the back of the wheelchair and closed his eyes.

Everyone looked at Qingmu, wondering what he would do. Even Hu Xing, although she had some guesses, was still curious.

Xia Wenyuan fell asleep quickly. He looked really tired.

Peter kept staring at Aoki, looking a little nervous. His performance is understandable. After all, if Xia Wenyuan has any accident, especially a health problem, it will mean that he will not only lose his job, but also his ability will likely be questioned.

Li Wei stood less than two meters away from Xia Wen, which was the appropriate distance that a bodyguard should maintain.

Aoki has been sitting there, doing nothing, looking very patient. Peter couldn't help but feel a little strange. In his imagination, Aoki might use some kind of witchcraft to dance like a god next to Xia Wenyuan.

Hu Xing saw Qingmu sitting there quietly, looking somewhere in the distance. She followed his gaze and saw the lit agarwood on the incense table. The burned part of the incense head was tilted, and the ash was teetering on the edge of falling.

She found that Aoki's eyes were actually empty and had no focus.

Isn't this guy already in? Hu Xing thought, what would he do in his grandfather's dream at this moment?

Hu Xing was thinking about it while looking attentively, for fear of missing any detail. Although she had seen Aoki's abilities many times, this was the first time she was prepared to observe Aoki using his special abilities.

Maybe because she had been staring for a long time, Hu Xing felt her eyes were a little sore, her surrounding vision began to become blurry, and her spirit became trance-like. All the scenery was covered with a layer of air film, just like the distance in the hot summer. Steaming asphalt everywhere.

Despite this, her attention was not distracted. She always paid attention to every move of Aoki and her grandfather. Then, she saw her grandfather's eyeballs begin to move, and she knew the important moment was coming.

At the same time that Xia Wenyuan's eyeballs moved rapidly, Hu Xing discovered that the air was also distorted and trembling violently. It was like someone threw a stone into the water, and the air spread like waves, in circles, from everyone's eyes. Rolled over the head.

The whole space is distorting.

This twisting force was irresistible. Hu Xing felt that her body was compressed into a thin piece of paper, twisting and twisting, and there was confusing light everywhere.

Then, as if someone blew a breath into her paper-thin body, she inflated like a balloon, and then turned back into her normal appearance.

But the blow just now still made her feel a little uncomfortable in her chest, as if she had been pressed down by a big stone. She didn't know if she had any illness, but luckily she recovered.

She saw that Xia Wenyuan was already awake, and she had an extra cup of tea in her hand. He blew into the tea cup twice, took a sip, and then handed it to Aunt Xia. Aunt Xia took the teacup and went out.

Xia Wenyuan did not ask anyone for help. He pressed the electric control switch on the armrest of the wheelchair, drove the wheelchair out of the room and came to the balcony.

Hu Xing followed.

The sun is shining brightly outside, and the flowers in the garden are in full bloom. Hu Xing had been to this garden more than once, but she had never enjoyed the beautiful scenery from the balcony of her grandfather’s study. Looking at it from this angle, the flowers look different from before, as if they have been rendered with a brush again.

Xia Wenyuan seemed to enjoy this beauty and slowly stood up from the wheelchair. Hu Xing was a little worried. She knew that her grandfather was in poor health and could not stand for long periods of time.

Xia Wenyuan took two steps forward. His legs and feet looked very nimble and there was no sign of stumbling at all. He leaned against the railing, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and started smoking.

Ah, why are you smoking again! As far as Hu Xing knew, her grandfather quit smoking two years ago.

Although my health is getting better, I still can’t smoke. I finally quit smoking with great difficulty! However, Hu Xing did not dare to reprimand her grandfather directly. He had irresistible authority in this family. She decided to tell Aunt Xia later, and only Aunt Xia could persuade his grandfather.

While she was thinking about it, Xia Wenyuan suddenly climbed onto the railing, teetering on the edge of the railing.

"Ah, it's too dangerous!" Hu Xing shouted, trying to catch his grandfather.

At this moment, Aoki suddenly appeared beside her, pulled her and shook his head at her.

"Why are you stopping me? Don't you know it's dangerous for an old man to do this?" she asked accusingly.

Aoki said: "Dreams are a person's independent spiritual world. There is only one master in this world, which is the person's consciousness. Everything else is created by this consciousness. When you are in someone else's dream, you must remember , don’t disturb his consciousness. If you disturb him or break the rules he established, this space will collapse because there is no support. Unless your mental power is strong enough to change the rules of other people’s dream space, or this The owner of the space is unaware of your existence, otherwise you can only be a voyeur."

Hu Xing listened in confusion: "What are you talking about? What onlooker..." Suddenly a flash of meaning flashed in her mind, "You mean, we are in my grandpa's dream?"

As soon as she realized this, the sky collapsed, and the garden, roof, balcony and floor tiles all rolled up. Everything, including herself, was sucked into a black vortex...

Thanks to Qian Yu Xiang Yi, the ignorant person, and Lang Tu for the reward.

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