Dream Guide

Chapter 55: The drunken crow suddenly talks nonsense, waking up several springs

Aoki whistled into the sky, and the crow croaked and flew down from the window upstairs, landing on top of his head with a key in its mouth.

"You're so stupid, you're so stupid, and you don't have a key!" the crow cried.

Although Hu Xing started the car, she did not drive away.

Aoki took the key, walked over and knocked on Hu Xing's car window, saying, "Want to have a drink?"

Hu Xing said angrily: "Aren't you afraid of losing your virginity now?"

Aoki pointed at the coal boss and said, "There is a third party here!"

The coal boss shouted excitedly: "Light bulb! Light bulb!"

Hu Xing laughed. Remembering that she still had something to ask him about lucid dreaming, she turned off the car and said, "Okay, just go up and sit for a while."

Qingmu took Hu Xing around to the back of the bar and saw a small pot of meat placed at the back door. He couldn't name the plants, so he picked them up casually and said, "Why did you put the flowers outside to bask in the moon?" Then he found a key under the flowerpot.

"Ah, is this left for me?" He said to himself and went to touch his head, but he touched the crow's paw.

The crow raised its legs and cried: "Idiot, idiot!"

Hu Xingye smiled and said: "It seems that it is normal for some people to have bad memories!"

Aoki chuckled, opened the back door and went in, then groped in the dark to the wine shelf and grabbed a bottle of red wine.

When going upstairs, Aoki glanced towards the corridor of the house where Bishenghua lived, and said to himself: "Go to bed so early!"

After entering the studio, he put the wine on the table and said, "I'd rather drink beer for this. If I want beer, I have ice in the refrigerator."

The coal boss got down from the green wood, jumped onto his bird stand, fished out the sauced elbows from the food box and ate them.

Hu Xing looked at the red wine on the table and said, "You can just take the wine downstairs, aren't you afraid that your tomboy will fix you?"

Aoki said: "I am rich now!"

"That's true," said Hu Xing, "but I'd rather drink beer. Drinking red makes me drunk easily."

The crow jumped and cried: "Get her drunk! Get her drunk!"

Hu Xingqi asked: "Why did you get me drunk?"

The crow held the elbow meat in its mouth and cried out indistinctly: "Drunken chaos*\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;^%\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;$#@#"

Hu Xing carefully distinguished the pronunciation of the crow, suddenly blushed, and scolded with a smile: "You are a crow, if you talk nonsense again, be careful I fix you!"

"Come on! I'm afraid of you! The police are amazing!" The crow simply flew up from the bird stand and landed on the chandelier, "My boss was born seven times in one night, and he has a good mouth. I guarantee your satisfaction! Come on. !”

Hu Xing shouted: "Qingmu! What's wrong with your bird! What did you teach him?"

Aoki was opening the refrigerator to get a beer. He turned around and said innocently: "I swear I didn't teach you this."

"Who taught it if you didn't teach it?" Hu Xing said angrily.

Aoki took two cans of cold beer, opened one and handed it to Hu Xing, saying: "Boss Coal likes to watch TV and often hangs out in the bar below. I really can't control what he learns." After that, he shouted to the crow: "Hey, can you be more serious? Officer Hu is not one of those people who hangs out in bars."

"Oh - if you protect her like this now, you will be able to marry her in the future! Do you still have the boss's wife in your eyes?" The crow was still there and kept calling.

Aoki straightened his face: "If you say anything else, I'll stop eating for you."

The coal boss kept chirping and then closed his mouth, flew back to his bird's nest, protected the food box with his wings and shouted: "I can't even take a joke, really!"

Hu Xing, who was a little angry just now, saw Qingmu arguing with her crow, and her anger disappeared immediately, and she couldn't stop giggling.

She drank beer and looked at everything in the studio. She remembered that the last time she came here, Ma Fuqing was sitting on the edge and talking about the headless woman in his dream. Only a few days later, the Ma family had already experienced an earth-shaking experience. Big changes.

"Do you know? Yang Baoguo is dead." Hu Xing said in a confused manner.

Aoki was stunned for a moment: "Which Yang Baoguo?"

Hu Xing said: "It's the one in Lu County Detention Center."

Aoki thought "Oh" and said, "Didn't it prove that he was wronged? Why did he die?"

"The night before he was to be released, he committed suicide," Hu Xing said. "In the detention center, he covered his mouth and nose with wet tissues and suffocated to death."

"So tragic!"

"Yes!" Although Hu Xing believed that Yang Baoguo was a bastard and deserved to die! But such a way of death is really unacceptable.

Aoki said: "It's a bit strange!"

Hu Xing said: "He is addicted to drugs. Although he was given compulsory detoxification, the effect was not good. According to the prison guard, he has relapsed this time."

"No wonder!" Aoki said, "People addicted to drugs have a much higher tolerance for physical pain than normal people. When drug addiction attacks, things that are unbearable for normal people may not be so uncomfortable for them. What's more, He has determined that he must die, and it is understandable that he would make the choice to commit suicide in a desperate situation. But the timing is too coincidental!"

He opened his can of wine, took a sip, lit another cigarette, and said, "How far is Ma Fuqing's progress?"

"Oh, the results of Ma Fuquan's mental evaluation have come out, and the case will be transferred to the procuratorate in two days." Hu Xing said, "Ma Fuqing actually hired a good lawyer to defend him, don't you think I'm angry! "

Aoki said: "Isn't it normal to hire a lawyer?"

Hu Xing said: "According to common sense, for a filial person like him, if his mother dies, he should be in deep grief and self-blame now, instead of spending money to hire a lawyer to exonerate himself."

Aoki said: "Isn't it a little hasty for you to transfer it to the prosecutor's office so quickly?"

Hu Xing said: "All the procedures that should be followed have been completed. It can be so smooth, and I have to thank you for your credit. What else can we do now if we don't hand it over to the procuratorate?"

Aoki said: "There are still doubts about the case."

Hu Xing put down the wine jar in her hand and asked curiously: "What's the suspicion?"

Aoki took a deep breath of cigarette, exhaled it, and said: "Ma Fuqing's wife was killed by his brother, but his brother was mentally ill and would not go to jail. Why would he dump the body?"

Hu Xing said: "Didn't Ma Fuqing say that she was afraid that her mother would be implicated?"

Aoki shook his head and said, "His wife is dead. If they don't tell her, who will know what his mother has done?"

Hu Xing thought for a while and said, "Maybe he didn't think that much."

Aoki said: "Forget it, then why did he throw the body into the abandoned fish pond?"

Hu Xing said: "It's very simple. It's relatively hidden there and not easy to be discovered."

Aoki said: "That's not right. Since he would go to the trash can in Yingbi Lane to pick up used condoms to disguise sperm spots, it means that he knew that the body would be discovered. Also, they buried the head of the deceased in their own house. In the backyard, why not just bury the whole body in it? That way it will be less likely to be discovered."

"What you mentioned was actually mentioned by Team Shi when he analyzed the case for us, but the chain of evidence is already complete. These doubts are not enough to have any impact on the progress of this case. We can only wait for the court's decision. Judgment." Hu Xing said.

"How will the court rule?"

"It's hard to say. Ma Fuquan will definitely not be held criminally responsible. If the judge determines that it was manslaughter, Ma Fuqing's behavior will not be considered an accomplice. According to Amendment 9 of the Criminal Law, he will at most constitute the crime of insulting a corpse."

Hu Xing analyzed the case and finally said in frustration: "The lawyer Ma Fuqing hired is very powerful and his approach is very wild. He may persuade the procuratorate to abandon the prosecution."

"This kind of lawyer is very expensive!" Aoki muttered, knowing that there is a high possibility that the procuratorate will not prosecute, because prosecution is meaningless. But this is a legal matter and has nothing to do with him.

Wu Xing originally wanted to ask about lucid dreaming, but when she mentioned this case, she suddenly lost her mood and felt it was a bit late, so she stood up and left. When he walked to the door, he suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, that's bad!"

Aoki asked: "What's wrong?"

Hu Xing stamped her feet and said: "I shouldn't drink, I have to drive! It's all your fault, how can I go back now!"

Thanks for the tip from the ignorant person

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