Dream Guide

Chapter 69: Collective fantasy, groundless

Lifespan was very busy, but she still helped Aoki tidy up the studio upstairs. Otherwise, there would be no place to put the things Hu Xing brought.

Xia Tian's complexion looks much better than that day. She is quiet and fair, like a little girl. When she sees Aoki, she calls out kindly and politely: "Hello, uncle!"

Hu Xing corrected: "Don't call him uncle, call him brother. I am your sister, and if you call him uncle, I will suffer a loss!"

Xia Tian said seriously: "But he is your teacher, I called you right!"

Hu Xing pouted and frowned, not wanting to compete with a child. She looked at the pig's trotters and fruits she had brought and said angrily: "If I had known I would lose seniority, I would have thrown them away on the road!"

The more Bishenghua looked at the white and pure Xia Tian, ​​the more she liked it. She peeled a mango and said, "Don't throw it away. It's a pity to throw it away! Come, Xia Tian, ​​eat mangoes."

The coal boss flew over with a roar, shouting "What a pity! What a pity!", picked up a pineapple berry in one mouthful, and ate it with relish.

Qingmu said to Xia Tian: "Call me uncle. There is a little girl who is a little younger than you. She also called me brother at first, and then called me uncle. If there is a chance in the future, I will introduce you to her!"

Xia Tian said: "Okay!"

Bishenghua said: "Hey, Xiaotian is still a child, please don't be confused! How about introducing some little girl to him?"

Hu Xing also said: "That's right! Teach the children bad!"

Aoki smiled and said: "Boys and girls must be what you think? Can't we recognize a sister or something?"

Hu Xing said: "Who looks like you! How many sisters have you recognized outside?"

Aoki said: "I don't have a sister, but I will have a disciple soon." Then he looked at a table of "tributes" and laughed, "Oh, are we going to have a ceremony?"

Hu Xing snorted, stood up, bowed pretentiously, cupped her hands and said, "Master has invited me!"

The crow on the side raised its head excitedly, spit out the core of the fruit in its mouth, and shouted: "I am your uncle!" He opened half of his wings and pointed at Lifespan Flower and said: "This is Ruhua, Call me, Master!”

The palms of Bishenghua and Hu Xing were swept over at the same time, and the crow hurriedly flew to a higher place, fluttering and falling down a few black hairs.

When Xia Tian first met the coal boss, he was a little scared and asked Aoki: "Is it the big bird I rode last time?"

Aoki was a little surprised and asked with interest: "Do you still remember?"

Xia Tian nodded.

Qingmu smiled at Hu Xing and said, "This younger brother of yours is also a genius."

Hu Xing probably guessed what he was talking about. She glanced at Xia Tian in surprise and said, "How about you accept an additional apprentice today?"

Xia Tian didn't know what they were talking about and just looked at the crows. Crow was eating fruit, and seemed to feel the strange gaze. He looked back at Xia Tian and said, "Hi! Do you want to eat together, kids?"

Xia Tian became bolder and became curious about the talking crow. He carefully peeled off a fruit and threw it to the crow.

The crow opened its mouth to catch it, swallowed it and said: "Good boy, good boy!" Then it jumped in front of Xia Tian, ​​croaked and opened its big mouth.

Xia Tian was startled at first, but later realized that the crow was just asking for food, so he helped it peel the fruits one by one.

"Can you really become bigger?" Xia Tian asked.

The coal boss said vaguely: "Yes... of course... of course I will grow up."

Xia Tian believed it and said excitedly: "Then can you take me flying?"

"Of course...oh...what?" Crow stopped eating and tilted his head to look at Xia Tian, ​​"Fly? How do you fly?"

"Fly with you!" Xia Tian said innocently.

The coal boss wiped his head with his wings, as if wiping away sweat, then lowered his head and calculated: "How big can I grow? Maybe I can grow to be as big as an eagle! Oh, no, no! I don't want to become an idiot. eagle!"

Aoki said: "You will not become an eagle. If you continue to eat like this, you will become a fat penguin."

"Penguin? Impossible!" The coal boss jumped from the table to the chair, and then flew from the chair to the ceiling lamp, showing his flexible figure. Finally, he flew to the pig's trotters on the table and stepped on them with his paws. After a few clicks, he said, "This elbow is a bit big and it will be difficult to sauce it. It will look like a flower. Remember to buy Lao Chenji's sauce!"

Bi Shenghua had just peeled an apple for Xia Tian, ​​and when her hand shook, the fruit knife flew out.

The coal boss screamed, jumped onto the bookshelf, looked at the knife handle stuck in the pig's trotters and shouted: "Killing! Killing!"

Xia Tian said: "You are not human."

The coal boss was stunned for a moment, then shouted: "Kill the birds! Kill the birds!"

Everyone laughed.

After joking for a while, Aoki asked about the case.

"Those girls have been found, eleven in total. Some of them had no idea what they were doing, and most of them volunteered to make money." Hu Xing said with some regret, "Liang Kai died of massive bleeding after a ruptured spleen. , accompanied by acute myocardial infarction. But there is something strange..."

"What's weird?"

"He was beaten two days before his death, and the gangsters who beat him have been caught. According to their confessions, they were ordered by a man named Jiang Deqian. When we went to investigate Jiang Deqian, we found that this man had already He died, and the time of death was the night of the incident.”

"Does this matter?" Bi Shenghua glanced at Aoki and noticed his nonchalant look, so she knew she shouldn't ask.

Hu Xing shook her head and said: "It seems to be purely coincidental at the moment. The forensic doctor believes that there is no direct connection between Liang Kai's beating and death, and his family has no intention of pursuing civil prosecution, so the case is basically over. ”

Life Flower breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, the case is likely to be transferred to the security team." Hu Xing said, "So you must be prepared to be summoned again."


"In addition to the fact that Li Qian is suspected of organizing prostitution, the facts are already very clear. The only thing left to investigate is the matter of the lady and her client. Prostitution and whoring are public security cases. The focus and methods of investigating public security cases and criminal cases are different. The security team There may be some other things that need to be understood over there.”

"Isn't it also related to mind control?" Aoki said, "Isn't it an ordinary security case?"

Hu Xing shook her head and said, "There is no evidence!"

"Have the experts from the provincial department arrived?" Aoki asked.

Hu Xing nodded and said: "They are here, but they don't believe that people can sleepwalk all the time without knowing what they are doing. The medical examination of the victims showed that they were in good physical condition, mentally normal, and did not take any drugs. So the experts agreed that , there is no mind control.”

"Did they check those mirrors?"

"I went to see it several times, and I even brought biochemical testing equipment." Hu Xing said, "But the test results showed that the mirrors were ordinary mirrors, and no hallucinogenic drug release or radioactive substances were found."

"Is that so..." Qingmu thought for a while, "Have you found any clues about Situ?"

Hu Xing shook her head and said: "No. We have reviewed all the surveillance videos near the Conservatory of Music and Chunyue Garden, but most surveillance cameras only retain records for 7 to 26 days, and according to Li Qian's confession, Situ was in two months. He left Wuzhong a while ago, so no useful clues were found. We also compared the headshots drawn by portrait experts in the public security portrait comparison system, and no suspicious objects have been found so far."

"Experts from the provincial department said that this person may not exist at all, but was just a collective fantasy of female students."

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