Dream Guide

Chapter 77: Conscience once awakened, making excuses for spouting crazy words

Liu Huaian jumped up from the chair as if his butt was on fire and shouted: "No! It's not me!"

Aoki handed him another cigarette, and he sat down again, but he looked nervous, his eyes moving around, looking left and right, but he couldn't find a fixed point.

"Tell me about what happened twenty years ago." Aoki said.

Liu Huaian smoked with his head down. After smoking for a while, he raised his head and said, "It's really not me!"

Aoki said: "I didn't say it was you, just tell me about the past."

Liu Huaian took two cigarettes in a row before he started talking and talked about his past events intermittently.

In the early 1990s, when Liu Huaian was in middle school and his father was laid off, he set up a mobile stall selling sesame cakes at the entrance of Liuying Lane. Because of his short stature, he was nicknamed Wu Dalang.

Liu Huaian's classmates all knew about this and often made fun of him. Some teachers who couldn't pronounce his name would call him "from Wu Dalang's family".

When he heard this, he felt extremely ashamed and wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

Liu Huaian quarreled with his father more than once, asking him to stop selling sesame cakes. He would rather be poor and miserable.

But his father is a kind-hearted and hard-working man, so he doesn't take these gossips seriously, saying that if you are called by a nickname, you won't lose a piece of meat. Once you are famous, the biscuit business will be okay!

Liu Huaian's mother didn't think so, saying that she couldn't make a fortune selling sesame seeds, so she might as well switch to something else. At that time, the private economy was at its peak, and Liu Huaian's uncle came back from working in other places and was planning to invest in setting up a factory. Liu Huaian's mother encouraged his father to become a shareholder.

His dad said it was okay to invest in the company, but the sesame cakes had to be sold, so that if the factory failed, he would still be able to make ends meet. His mother said that the factory was full of troubles inside and outside, and the second uncle had to run supply and sales and take care of production, so it was not a problem. His father said that if you are worried, you should go to work in the factory. He is determined to guard his sesame cake stall anyway.

Just like that, Liu Huaian's mother and his second uncle opened a woolen mill together. The business is booming and the family has money. But the rumors outside were spreading more and more.

"Pan Jinlian ran away with Ximen Qing!"

"Who is Ximen Qing? He is obviously in love with Wu Er, and the book says so!"

"Do you think Wuhan University is stupid? My family is so rich and they are still selling sesame cakes on the street."

"Oh, you don't know that Pan Jinlian is in charge of all the family's money. Wuhan University doesn't sell sesame cakes. How about drinking northwest wind?"

Whether in Liuying Lane or at school, Liu Huaian felt that everyone looked at him strangely. He finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he first went to his father to show off his cards, but ended up giving his father a beating. Even your second uncle couldn't trust him. Who else could he trust in the family?

Liu Huaian went to see her mother again, but was scolded again. His mother was even more cruel than his father, telling him to go to the south to work if he couldn't get into college.

It was not easy to get into college in those days. Liu Huaian thought that he would not be able to get into college anyway, so he might as well go out to work early and stay at home and suffer. So I packed up my luggage and ran south.

"I first followed my fellow villagers to Yangcheng, and then to Shenzhou. I worked in SEG and Huaqiang." Liu Huaian was obviously excited when talking about his experience of working in the south, and his face turned red. But his face quickly darkened again, as if he remembered some terrible experience.

"That's where you were chipped?" Aoki asked.

"Yes." Liu Huaian said, "They caught me and put a chip on my back."

"What did they ask you to do?"

"They asked me to provide them with information."

"How to provide it?"

"The chip on my back will automatically transmit the information I get to them. They can also control my body by controlling the frequency of the chip." Liu Huaian said, "But they haven't used this function for a long time. I suspect my remote control is out of battery."

"You can charge it when it's out of power." Aoki said.

Liu Huaian said: "They are very busy and sometimes forget. And even if there is no remote control, they can receive my message, just like our current conversation, they can hear it."

"They know everything," he added.

Aoki nodded, agreeing with his statement, and asked: "Then why are you back?"

"I made a lot of money as a spy, so I wanted to take my dad to Shenzhou. Although my dad is stubborn, he is a good man." Liu Huaian puffed out smoke as if recalling the past, "After I go back, my dad won't He was willing to go to the south with me, saying that he didn't understand the language there. In fact, I knew that he was reluctant to part with his sesame seed stand. I was about to go back to Shenzhou alone, but I received an order sent to me through the chip, asking me to build one in Wuzhong Center.”

"I didn't know how to build an Internet nerve center at first, but then they reminded me that I could open an Internet cafe. In those days, Internet cafes were still a rare thing, and licenses were easy to get. I was right next to my second uncle's woolen mill. I rented a few storefronts and opened an Internet cafe.”

"You won't be afraid of rumors then?" Aoki asked.

Liu Huaian said: "It's not fear, it's annoyance. Do you understand? When I'm annoyed, I have the urge to kill. I go out to work, not because I'm afraid of those who gossip, but because I'm afraid that I can't help but kill someone. But After training in the south for several years, I am no longer so impulsive. Moreover, I have a mission, and I must complete what they ask me to do, otherwise, they can change the frequency of the chip and kill me at any time."

"and after?"

"Later, they asked me to place surveillance cameras around to expand the sensing range of this center."

Aoki nodded and said with a smile: "Your second uncle's factory also has a lot of them, right?"

"That's because the mission requires it! It doesn't matter who is related to whom." Liu Huaian explained.

"Go on, what happened next?"

"Later, I woke up! I awakened the conscience of human beings, and I became a double agent!" Liu Huaian was a little proud when he talked about this, as if he had suddenly turned from a traitor to an underground party. Same, "I must find a way to destroy this center and give the neighbors of Liuying Lane and the people of Wuzhong a stable and peaceful world."

"So you just burned down the Internet cafe?" Aoki asked.


"Your second uncle's woolen mill was also burned down?"


"You did it on purpose!" Qingmu said, "You burned down your second uncle's factory on purpose. You wanted to burn him to death! You installed so many surveillance cameras just to monitor your second uncle and your mother. You identified their affairs, right?"

"No! No!" Liu Huaian shouted excitedly and threw the cigarette butt out with a shake of his hand. "I have no choice but to fight against AI. I am fighting for the peace of mankind!"

He touched the cigarette box on the table with trembling hands, wanting to smoke another one.

Aoki suddenly grabbed the black fountain pen next to him, thrust it into the table, and just inserted it into the gap between Liu Huaian's stretched out fingers, and shouted: "You did it on purpose!"

Thank you Zhiyao for the tip, thank you all for your votes, happy reading

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