Dream Guide

Chapter 79 Returning to the old place and repeating the story again

This alley is very narrow and dark. There are many painted women leaning against the corners or doors playing with their mobile phones. From time to time they raise their heads and smile at you, asking if you want to go in.

Probably because Aoki's outfit is really not that good, women often just give him a look of disgust and continue to look down at their phones.

At the end of the alley, at another relatively spacious exit, is the old farmer's market. The busiest time here is in the morning, when nearby residents come here to buy food. Some people even come all the way on the five or six bus stops because the food here is a few cents a pound cheaper than other markets.

The vegetable farmers here basically only do business in the morning, and by the afternoon there are only a few left. People who buy groceries after coming back from get off work can only go to other markets.

There is an Internet cafe next to the vegetable market. I wonder if it is located at the location of the Internet cafe that burned down.

Aoki felt uncomfortable, but he was too lazy to think about things, so he didn't investigate where the discomfort came from.

He just followed his feeling and had a premonition that something was going to happen here, and he had to do something.

He just walked around the farmer's market. Anyway, after dinner, he would take the coal boss out for a walk.

The crow was very quiet at this moment, as if it was also waiting for something to happen.

A figure flashed at the door of the Internet cafe.

The coal boss straightened up, and Aoki knew that he should do something.

Liu Huaian cried and made a fuss and was taken to the community by Director Liu. He had a good meal in the convenience cafeteria and wandered around the streets in a daze.

His mission is to continue to find the "nerve center" of AI.

He killed one in the supermarket last time, but he was not satisfied with his small achievement. He wanted to find a larger pivot point, like the one from twenty years ago. He even thought for a time that he could find the core brain of the Internet. At that time, he could be the hero who saves all mankind.

He had always suspected that the Internet cafe next to the old farmer's market was an important Internet nerve center. The owner of that Internet cafe was probably equipped with a chip like him.

Liu Huaian sneaked into this Internet cafe more than once to look for evidence. He had already figured out the location of the server and the wiring layout inside, and now all that was left was to find an opportunity to kill it.

Therefore, he went to the old farmer's market after coming out of the community canteen.

He wandered around the Internet cafe but couldn't find an opportunity to make a move.

When the owner of the Internet cafe saw him, he shouted to him: "Hey, Crazy Liu! Are you here to use the Internet again?"

Liu Huaian said: "Aren't all your machines empty? Being idle means being idle!" As he said this, he went to get cigarettes from the shelf behind the counter.

"I'm messing with you, and you want to smoke my cigarettes for nothing!" the boss cursed, pushed Liu Huaian's hand away, lowered his head and took two loose cigarettes from under the counter, "Here, take it. Go smoke it!”

Liu Huaian saw a bulge on the back of his boss's neck under his collar.

That must be where the chip is, he thought.

He smiled and took the cigarette, skillfully turned on a machine and surfed the Internet for a while. It wasn't until there were more people in the Internet cafe that he stood up and left.

Liu Huaian left the Internet cafe and glanced at the chicken coop-headed psychological counselor standing not far away, with a big black bird biting on his head.

He didn't know why, but he was a little scared and didn't want to meet this person.

He made up a reason for himself: he couldn't let the people over there know his plan to destroy this Internet cafe, and everything had to be done in secret, just like twenty years ago.

He dodged into the farmer's market, stepped on the sewage and rotten vegetable leaves on the ground, and planned to go out through another exit.

It has started to get dark, but there are still many people buying and selling vegetables in the farmers' market, and there are shouts and bargaining sounds.

"Hey, isn't this the boy from Wu Dalang's family? Are you here to buy groceries too?" Someone saw him greeting him.

Liu Huaian laughed and hid in the crowd like a thief. He thought it was really strange today. It was so late, why were there so many people?

"Hey, Huaian, your father is calling you for dinner!" someone called him.

Liu Huaian said without looking back: "I won't eat."

He walked out of the farmer's market, shook off the soles of his shoes, and entered the Internet cafe.

The Internet cafe was dark and full of people. Most of them had headphones on their heads and were engrossed in playing games.

"My second uncle isn't here, right?" Liu Huaian asked the cashier at the Internet cafe, "Open a machine for me."

The girl at the cashier gave him a card and said, "10 yuan."

"Charge it to my second uncle's account." He said impatiently.

He took out the card and turned on the machine, holding a cigarette in his mouth and playing games for a while, when his stomach growled. He thought of the mutton skewers and meat buns on the street, and his mouth watered.

He was about to put out the cigarette butt when he glanced at a pile of black wires in the corner, snaking like twisted snakes, spitting out apricots. His second uncle used this kind of wire to tie him up and beat him, and he still feels vague pain.

So cruel! It's just that it makes someone's belly bigger, so it's not irresponsible, he thought.

Liu Huaian kind of likes that girl. He didn't believe that people would look down on him. How could he get pregnant if he looked down upon him? It's not a balloon, it can grow bigger by blowing it up.

But his second uncle said that people looked down on him, so he paid him a sum of money and let them go. He thought it was his second uncle who did it on purpose.

snort! I'll burn you to death sooner or later! He said looking at the snake on the ground.

He threw the cigarette butt into the corner, and the red sparks were instantly submerged in the pile of black wires.

When he was going out, he said to the network administrator: "Hey, turn on the exhaust fan, so you can't smell the smell of sweat!"

The mutton kebabs made by the guy from Beijiang at the entrance of the alley are getting better and better.

He was eating with gusto when he suddenly heard someone shouting "Fire! Fire!"

He ran back to look and saw black smoke rising from the direction of the Internet cafe.

What retribution! He was very happy in his heart.

After a while, the fire started to get bigger, and the flames were red, especially bright in the dark night, lighting up the entire Liuying Alley. The whole street was in a mess. Some people shouted "help" and some shouted "fire". The cry was shocking.

Liu Huaian became a little scared and looked around like an ant on a hot pot.

Someone patted his shoulder and comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay, the fire brigade will be here soon. Alas, you are so lucky!"

The fire truck came and blocked Liuying Lane and put out the fire all night long.

Blackened corpses were lifted out from the rubble and laid out on the road. The police set up a cordon from a distance, preventing residents from getting close to watch.

"You set the fire!"

Liu Huaian was startled when she heard someone talking behind her. She turned around and saw a young man with a messy chicken coop. He was wearing an old gray windbreaker and ripped jeans. He was playing with his legs and feet. came towards him.

"Who are you?"

"I'm from over there."

"What do you want?"

"You betrayed the organization, and the organization sent me to eliminate you!"

Thanks to Qingming Tears for the reward, please continue to vote for it.

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