Dream Guide

Chapter 88 Refuse to recognize each other, only think he is a bad person

After walking for about three or four miles along the path, Shi Dazhuang pointed to a mountain pass in front of him and said, "That's the Qianzi Dam."

A short, stocky, dark-skinned young man walked towards them. When he saw them, he stopped in confusion.

The young man was stunned for a while, then suddenly jumped three feet high, threw the straw hat on his head, and shouted: "Daddy Shi! It's Daddy Shi!"

Shi Dazhuang was stunned for a while before he came to his senses and asked in surprise: "Are you Yusang?"

The young man nodded vigorously.

"Ah, Yusang has grown so big!"

Just as Shi Dazhuang was about to step forward, the young man turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran, "Daddy Shi is back! I'll inform Mr. Enkun!"

Aoki said: "It seems that you are very popular."

"This Yusang was captured by a drug cartel and worked as a child laborer. I rescued him, so he is very close to me. I didn't expect him to be so old!" Shi Dazhuang sighed.

They walked towards Wanziba as they talked.

Not long after, a large group of people rushed out of the dam. When they came to them, they crowded around in a noisy manner, greeting Shi Dazhuang. Some called him Big Brother, some called Big Daddy, some called Yeye...

Shi Dazhuang answered them all with a smile, then searched the crowd for a long time and asked, "Where is Mr. Enkun?"

Someone said: "I'm here! Mr. Enkun is old and can't run anymore. I'm waiting for you at the mouth of the dam!"

Someone else said: "The boy from Enkun's family is smoking again. Enkun has been sulking for the past two days!"

Shi Dazhuang nodded, separated from the crowd and strode forward.

When he arrived at Bazikou, Qingmu saw a wrinkled old man sitting on a big rock, his back bent, holding a cigarette pole in his hand, smoking. Next to the stone lies a black ebony faucet.

Behind him stood a little girl wearing a floral shirt, with dark skin and two braids on the back of her head.

Shi Dazhuang arrived in front of the old man, bent down and shouted: "Mr. Enkun, I'm here to see you!"

"Come here, come here." Old Enkun took a puff of cigarette and pulled the girl behind him out, "Girl, come here, call Daddy."

Shi Dazhuang said: "She must be a beauty. She has grown taller and is almost unrecognizable."

The girl lowered her head, holding the corners of her clothes with her hands, and said nothing.

Old Enkun said: "She's not familiar with you, don't be surprised!"

At this time, someone shouted: "It's getting late, it's time to make a living!"

Everyone responded.

"Mr. Enkun, Da Zhuang is here, do you want to get it sorted?"

Before Old Enkun could reply, someone said on his behalf: "Of course! It's easy to take out all the wine you have hidden in Shayazi. Do you dare to fuck him today?"

"You're so eloquent. Why am I afraid of you when you dry up?"

Old Enkun banged his cigarette rod twice on the stone: "Ganfanke!"

Everyone shouted "Hello" together and dispersed to get ready.

Shi Dazhuang said to the girl, "Come, beauty, help Duke Enkun back with me."

The little girl was obedient at this time, so she and Shi Dazhuang went to help old Enkun.

But Old Enkun shook his hands and shook them off. He stood up on his own and said, "You can move!"

Shi Dazhuang laughed: "Mr. Enkun's body is still so rigid!"

Old Enkun said: "What if you don't stick to it? You are a junior? You are very good!"

He suddenly stopped and stared at Aoki for a few seconds, raised the crutch in his hand and said, "Do you recognize this?"

Aoki was stunned and shook his head.

Old Enkun said "Huh" and said to himself: "The dragon's head was carved later, it was just a stick before." He shook his head again, "I am old, my eyesight is dazzled, I can't recognize it, and my legs and feet are not good." It’s so nimble, and it’s all thanks to it that I have been able to drive through the mountain roads for so many years.”

Shi Dazhuang hurriedly explained: "Oh, this is my friend, come and help me..."

Before he finished speaking, Enkun interrupted him, "I know, I know what you are doing, don't say anything, just hurry up and hurry up."

Kanzi Dam is built on the mountain, with houses of mixed construction and construction connected to each other, and a winding mountain road passes through the dam.

Old Enkun's house has a two-entry courtyard and is considered a large household in Qianziba. However, the house has obviously not been repaired for a long time and is already somewhat dilapidated.

There were tables and chairs in the yard. Old Enkun sat down on the chair, and the little girl Poppy stood timidly aside.

Seeing Shi Dazhuang and Qingmu putting things on the table, including cigarettes and alcohol, Old Enkun said unhappily: "Why don't you bring cigarettes?"

Shi Dazhuang said jokingly: "Don't worry, this is not smoke!"

Old Enkun smiled and said with emotion: "How many future generations have been harmed by the smoke!"

Shi Dazhuang said: "I have to thank you, Mr. Enkun!"

Old Enkun said: "Thank you to the government!"

Shi Dazhuang explained to Qingmu that in the past, opium poppies were grown everywhere around Wanziba, and every family relied on them to make a living. Even the yard was full of them. In order to make more money, many young people are willing to help overseas drug traffickers transport drugs. Later, when he led a team to fight against drugs, he encountered a lot of obstacles. In the end, Enkun Gong spoke up and personally took the lead in shoveling all the poppies in his yard, so that the anti-drug work could be carried out smoothly.

"What's your mission here?" Old Enkun asked.

Shi Dazhuang smiled and said: "What's the mission? I just came to see you."

"Don't lie to me! I'm old and I'm not confused yet!"

Old Enkun's cloudy eyes were filled with a lot of yellow and white eye droppings, but his black eyes were clear and bright, and the wrinkles on his face were folded with the wisdom he had experienced through vicissitudes of life: "Are you here to see the girl?"

Shi Dazhuang had no choice but to admit: "Yes, I want to take the girl away."

"Oh, okay! Okay, okay!" Old Enkun said several good words, "It's good to take him away! It's just that there will be no descendants to visit Gangzi's grave in the future!"

Shi Dazhuang said: "Mr. Enkun, Yu Gang's identity can be made public. The superiors will posthumously award him a martyr, and his grave will be moved to the Martyrs Cemetery in a few days."


Old Enkun stood up excitedly and hit the cane hard on the rammed earth, making a thumping sound.

He looked up at the sky, which was blue and blue, with a few white clouds as thin as silk floating by.

Aoki saw that the old man's eyes were filled with turbid tears, like an overfilled bowl of porridge. The thick soup had exceeded the mouth of the bowl but would not flow down.

"God's eyes are open!"

The old man finally couldn't bear it any longer and roared with a hoarse voice. Tears poured out like a bursting flood, flowing in the ravines on his old face like cracked earth.

On the way here, Qingmu heard Shi Dazhuang mention that in the entire Wanziba, only Enkun knew Yu Gang's police identity.

Yu Gang was not a local. In order to gain the trust of drug dealers, he married a woman from Qianziba. At that time, Mangdian was the bridgehead for overseas drug traffickers to enter and trade, and Qianziba was an important fulcrum for their retreat to Myanmar and Vietnam.

People in Qianziba do not hate drugs, because it will bring them a living income for the poor, but this does not mean that they do not hate drug dealers, because drug dealers regard human life as trivial and treat the people of Qianziba, especially young people, into an abyss from which there is no escape.

Therefore, the people in Qianziba have complicated feelings for Yu Gang, just as they have complicated feelings for Shi Dazhuang, who later led the team to defeat the drug cartel.

In the eyes of many people, Yu Gang is an out-and-out smoker, bastard, and devil. He shuttled across the Myanmar-Vietnam border again and again, escaped under the eyes of the police again and again, and secretly returned to the dam with blood all over him.

There was once a rumor in Kanziba: When the dogs in the Bazi don't dare to bark, it means Yu has just come back.

But Yu Gang was kind to the people in Qianziba.

He sucked powder himself, but he put a gun to people's heads to prevent people in the dam from sucking powder.

More than once, he rescued young people who were lost in the dam from the hands of poppies and death. If it weren't for him, those children who were deceived or abducted by drug dealers would have either died by gunshots or rotted in the opium piles in the Majuba Smoking Area.

In the whole Bazi, only Enkun knew what Yu Gang did.

It is definitely not easy for an old man to keep such a secret.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?" Poppy shook Old Enkun's trembling hand holding the cigarette rod, "Grandpa, don't cry, grandpa..."

Shi Dazhuang went to pull the poppy: "Come on, beauty, isn't Mr. Enkun crying..."

Before he could finish his words, the little girl bit him on the hand.

Shi Dazhuang gasped in pain and pulled his hand back, leaving a row of teeth marks on the back of his hand.

Poppy stopped in front of old Enkun, her thin little face tightened, her eyes fixed on Shi Dazhuang and Qingmu, and she shouted hysterically: "You are bad people! You make Grandpa cry, you are bad people!"

Thanks to Fat Man Under the Shade and Qianyu Xiangyi for the reward. The enfeoffment recommendation is very important. It depends on you whether you can be on the homepage next week.

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