Dream Guide

Chapter 93 Asking for help and filling the table with joy

Two large round tables were set up in the yard of old Enkun's house.

The enthusiasm of the people in Qianziba is all integrated into this meal. The women were chattering in and out, killing chickens and fish, making fire and serving dishes, and were very busy. Most of the men crowded around the round table in the yard, talking and laughing, and toasted Shi Dazhuang one after another.

Halfway through the meal, a roaring sound like a slaughtering pig suddenly came from a mud-roofed house on the left side of the yard, disrupting everyone's enjoyment of the wine. People held their wine bowls in the air, stopped their chopsticks, and looked at Old Enkun who was sitting on the main seat.

Shi Dazhuang frowned and said, "Mr. Enkun..."

Old Enkun knocked his cigarette pole and interrupted his words: "Don't meddle in other people's business and get to work!"

The sound of pig killing continued, and old Enkun was smoking a cigarette, but no one was allowed to come and watch.

Several women serving tea and food came over and asked if they wanted to bring some food to the house. Old Enkun banged his cigarette pole and cursed: "You are a bastard, what can you eat? I'm hungry." Damn it!"

Everyone stopped mentioning the matter, and the two brothers started making a fuss.

Most of the people in Kanziba are darker, a bit like people from Myanmar and Vietnam. But Aoki noticed that a woman serving them food was very white, and she could tell at a glance that she was not a local.

Shi Dazhuang obviously noticed it and asked Enkun: "Whose daughter-in-law is this? I've never seen her before!"

Enkun pointed at a dark-faced man in his thirties at the next table and said, "It's been two years since I married the Letolet family."

The man named Letolit smiled and came over to toast, saying: "Brother Shi, please take care of me."

Shi Dazhuang finished his wine, pointed at his wife and said, "Letoret, you are so lucky!"

Everyone also joked that since he got married, he had been sitting on the kang all day long and refused to get up, and he had even lost a few pounds.

Letolit puffed out his chest and smiled, his smile filled with the satisfaction of a toad eating swan meat.

Only Aoki noticed that the fair-haired woman had a strange expression on her face. Although she was also smiling, there was an indescribable indifference in her smile.

Aoki had seen this kind of smile before. In the nameless alley next to Liuying Lane, some women would also have such a smile on their faces.

Everyone says that romance is good, but they don’t know that once you enter the romance field, you will never come back.

This is not Feng Chen’s smile, but a smile of despair, the helplessness of having lived in a cage for a long time, and can clearly see the world outside the cage, but cannot open the shackles. Helplessness is followed by despair and a lack of interest in everything.

The woman still ran in and out diligently, always bringing dishes to Shi Dazhuang and Qingmu first.

This is the way to treat guests, but Aoki always felt that there was a fire burning in the eyes of the women when they put the dishes on the table.

It was like a spark suddenly ignited in the darkness of despair.

It's like suddenly throwing a little salt into a bowl of bland boiling water.

It is enthusiasm, taste, and hope...

Qingmu didn't know what this fair-looking woman was hoping for, but he was certain that she was definitely not attracted to him or Shi Dazhuang.

"Help me serve a bowl of rice." Aoki said.

The woman said "Hey", shuttled back and forth like a butterfly, and after a while she brought a bowl of hot rice.

"It's fragrant rice, a specialty of southern Yunnan. It's baked in a can of moso bamboo. Check it out, okay?"

Aoki was surprised when the woman suddenly spoke a dialect that sounded a bit like the Shenzhou area. The woman's husband, Letolit, glanced in their direction, his eyes full of vigilance.

Aoki picked up the bowl and took two bites. Sure enough, it had a special sweet taste.

He was just about to say that the rice was delicious when he saw half of a small note sticking out of the rice.

The woman had moved to the next table to eat, but her eyes glanced at him from time to time.

Aoki put the bowl to his mouth, put the note into his mouth with chopsticks, held it under his tongue, and then left his seat on the excuse of going to the toilet.

The toilet is outside the back door and is a separate small thatched hut.

Aoki took advantage of no one to spit out the note from his mouth, opened it and saw that it read:

"What kind of bike do you want?

fellow countryman

Wutong 9”

The handwriting on the note was crooked, obviously written in a hurry.

After thinking about it for a while, Aoki understood the meaning - this is a letter asking for help!

"What kind of bicycle do you want?" is a famous line in the famous sketch "Selling a Wai", so the focus of this sentence is "Wai";

"Fellow" means that the woman mistakenly thought Aoki was her fellow countryman. Probably Qingmu spoke with a little Sanwu accent when talking to Shi Dazhuang, who was close to Shenzhou, so the woman would speak to him in dialect when serving him rice;

Wutong 9 doesn’t know what it is. It’s probably a place name or some special symbol. Maybe only her real fellow villagers can understand it.

So all in all, the woman probably wanted to tell him that she was trafficked here and that her hometown was in Shenzhou or somewhere near Shenzhou.

This is a smart woman!

Even if such a note is discovered, it won't mean much. She could have said that she accidentally fell in while cooking.

However, the success rate of asking for help in this way is also much lower. It seems that the people here take her very seriously.

Want to save her?

Aoki decided to ask this question to Shi Dazhuang.

It can be seen that Shi Dazhuang has a good relationship with the people in Bazi, but no matter what, he is a policeman!

Aoki put the note into his pocket, but did not return to the seat in front immediately.

He is a person who doesn't like socializing.

Although it seems that he drinks happily and refuses anyone who comes, that is because he feels that rejecting others is also very troublesome.

So, if you can drink it, just drink it!

But drinking too much wine is always not a very comfortable thing, especially if your stomach will be bloated.

Qingmu opened his own water channel in Enkun's hut, and then began to wander aimlessly in the dam.

Most of the houses in Kanziba are old wooden houses. The few two-story brick and wood houses are probably owned by the wealthy households in Bazi. Because the Bazi is located in a mountain col and built along the hillside, the houses of each family are arranged in a disorderly manner, high and low, front and back, and are not as neatly built as the rural houses in the plains.

Qingmu was walking, and when he passed by a wooden house, he suddenly heard a hoarse roar, accompanied by a snapping sound.

He stopped and looked in along the cracks in the wooden walls of the house, and saw that in the dark room, a woman with unkempt hair and nothing on was beating the wooden wall with her hands.

The woman seemed to have noticed that someone was spying on her. She turned her head sensitively and rushed to the wall where Qingmu was like a leopard. She slapped the board hard and let out a hoarse roar that was extremely difficult to distinguish: "qiuminga\u0026amp;amp;amp; amp;%\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;**\u0026amp;amp;amp;^%……”

Aoki saw that her eyes were bloodshot and her palms were bruised with blood.

There were many footsteps behind me, and someone was shouting something in dialect.

The woman in the dark room seemed to be frightened when she heard the sound. She shrank and hid in the corner, shivering.

Thanks to canvas3d, Shiranwx, Qingtong under the Flower, and Fusheng for their generous rewards.

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