Dream Guide

Chapter 97: Evil people still need to be punished by evil people

Han Laizi was short but strong, holding a shovel and shouting in their dialect. Many people around him shouted along with him.

Aoki took a look and saw that there were actually only five or six people who took the guy, and they were all surrounding Han Laizi. Although the other people were shouting fiercely, there was no look of resentment on their faces. They were probably all called to help by Han Laizi, and they were somewhat interested in watching the excitement.

Yang Lijuan's heart suddenly tightened when she saw her husband Letolit standing in the crowd with a baby in his arms.

"Leave the person behind!" someone shouted in Mandarin.

"Yes, Da Zhuang, you just came and took people away without saying a word. This is very unethical!"

"Xiao Shi, why are you here to steal our Qianziba's wife? Could it be that you have become such a big official in the city and don't even have a wife?"

Shi Dazhuang was very calm, stood up straight, and said: "Folks! Human trafficking is illegal! Participating in trafficking, illegal detention, and harboring human traffickers are all illegal! You will be jailed!"

Everyone in Wanziba knew his identity, and was calmed down by his righteousness, so they all became quiet.

Shi Dazhuang then raised his hand, moved the two women in front of him, and said, "I also have parents. Think about it for yourselves. If your daughters and sisters are abducted and sold into poor ravines, what will happen to you?" How do you feel?"

Han Laizi knew that he was unreasonable in the first place, and if his momentum weakened, everyone would probably disperse like birds and beasts. He wanted to call on his brothers to take action, but considering that Shi Dazhuang was a policeman and a high-ranking official, he did not dare to step forward rashly. But Shi Dazhuang's words suddenly made him grasp the problem.

"You just want to say that we are poor here!" Han Laizi clung to the word "poor", which aroused the hatred of the people in the village. "Why am I just poor? If you people over there have money, can they bully us? They can rob us. Our women?”

People started shouting in a noisy manner: "That's right, you have some bad money! Wanziba is not for you to come and leave whenever you want!"

"His surname is Shi, you dare to rob our women, you think the men in Qianziba are easy to bully!"

The more everyone talked, the more excited they became, and the circle around them became smaller.

Shi Dazhuang was speechless and kept the two women behind him while calming everyone down.

Han Laizi was about to fan the flames again and shouted to Letolit in the crowd: "Letolit, your wife ran away with another man, and you didn't come out to say a word. What a shame!"

Letoli blushed, came out from the crowd, and said to Yang Lijuan: "You come home with me!"

Yang Lijuan risked her life and said, "No! This is not my home! My home is in Shenzhou!"

Han Laizi provoked him: "Look, Letore, your wife is determined to run away with the man. She is a high-ranking official in the city and a rich man!"

Letolie's face was livid with anger, he threw the child in his arms to the ground, and said: "Go away! Go away! Go away if you are so cruel!"

The child was crying on the ground.

Yang Lijuan was heartbroken and wanted to run over and hug her child. Halfway through, she ran back and said with tears, "I will never go back until I die."

A woman next to her stepped forward, picked up the child, and spat at Yang Lijuan: "Bah! I didn't expect you to be such a thing! You don't even want your own child when you meet a rich man? You're shameless!"

"I'm not!"

Yang Lijuan's defense seemed so weak amidst everyone's scolding.

There were more people than before, and the crowd was finally inflamed. The faces of the men and women in Wanziba showed angry faces.

Han Laizi roared and rushed forward waving his shovel.

Under his leadership, several people who led the guys rushed forward, using sticks, shovels, and hoes to greet Shi Dazhuang. There were also some who didn't have a guy with them. Infected by this emotion, they picked up nearby branches and beat people.

Shi Dazhuang's mind is very clear. He couldn't fight back. If you fight back, it will lead to a conflict, and the nature of the incident will change.

It was precisely when Han Laizi saw this that he dared to act boldly.

At the beginning, those who beat people were quite measured. They only used shovels and hoes, and at most they were struck with the blunt part of the iron tool. But after the fight, someone started to use their sharp side to greet Shi Dazhuang.

Shi Dazhuang relied on his iron-clad body trained as a soldier to stay close to and avoid him, but it was a bit difficult to protect the two women behind him without fighting back. Accidentally, her arm was cut by the shovel, and the blood spattered far away, just in front of Poppy. A few drops even got on her clothes, scaring her so much that she screamed "Ah!"

Han Laizi snickered coldly, and was about to give Shi Dazhuang another blow when there was a sudden snap, and his face was burning with pain.

A slipper flew out of nowhere, hit him in the face, and flew up again.

He was hit so hard that his head tilted, and he saw the slippers flying into the air, stopping for a moment, then falling back down, landing on one of his raised feet.

The guy who came with Shi Dazhuang and had been standing nearby lazily watching the excitement suddenly stood in front of him.

"You...what are you going to do?" Han Laizi suddenly felt guilty.

He dared to hit Shi Dazhuang because he was sure that Shi Dazhuang would not fight back. As for the man who came with Shi Dazhuang, he looked weak and weak, not like a policeman, and with his lazy look, Han Laizi never took him seriously.

Now, this man was standing in front of her, still looking lazy, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and one foot half raised in the air to catch the slippers that fell from the sky.

"I want to kick you."

The man only said four words, and his foot suddenly kicked forward, hitting Han Laizi in the stomach.

Han Laizi screamed and was kicked out all the way. He threw away his shovel and lay on the ground groaning.

The crowd that had been fierce just now suddenly fell silent, and they were all confused by Aoki's sudden kick.

Han Laizi reacted very quickly and immediately lay on the ground and started wailing: "He's beating someone! JC is beating someone!"

People also reacted from the shock and shouted, "JC is hitting someone!"

It seemed that by shouting such slogans, they became the righteous party, and the policemen opposite became the guilty ones, and they would stand there obediently and receive their beatings.

Several people who came with Han Laizi and the guys rushed over fiercely and were about to attack Aoki.

But as soon as they raised their shovels and hoes, they were kicked to the ground by Aoki several times, and each one of them covered his stomach and screamed.

Aoki shook his head and said:

"You guys! When the drug dealers come, you are like a turtle and don't dare to let out a fart, but you are sure that the police will not hit ordinary people, so you dare to hit the police with a shovel!"

He took a step forward.

"People like you are worse than rats living in the gutter!"

After he finished speaking, he stepped on the leg of the person who had been hit the hardest with the hoe. He heard a crunching sound and the person's calf bone was directly broken.

"Teacher Aoki!" Shi Dazhuang wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Aoki kicked left and right, and in a moment he broke the legs of four people and stood in front of Hanraiko.

Han Laizi broke out in a cold sweat when he saw several of his brothers lying on the ground wailing.

The people around him seemed to be frightened and were as quiet as a group of clay puppets.

"What are you going to do?" Han Laizi forced himself to calm down, "You are a policeman, and the police cannot beat people casually!"

Aoki bent over and looked at Hanraiko, his hands still in his trouser pockets, and he slowly lifted his right foot. The slippers on his feet were dangling, as if they would fall off at any time.

"What you said makes sense! It's a pity that you are wrong, I am not a policeman!"

The foot he was holding fell down and stepped on Han Laizi's crotch.

Life Flower was making breakfast and cracked an egg into a bowl.

The crow heard the sound of the eggshell breaking and cried out excitedly: "Wow~double yolk egg!"

Bishenghua looked at the eggs in the bowl. Sure enough, there were two yellow eggs, but they were all broken. She poured the eggs into the trash can and said, "Forget it, these eggs are already bad."

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