Dreamland Guide

Chapter 431: Vent anger

In the end, under the coercion and lure of Aoki, the boss and sound surrendered more than half of the food. Aoki gave the food to Alice and Anderson. They needed food, especially Anderson was still very weak and needed nutrition.

Aoki himself and Su Huilan ate a few compressed biscuits. After they were full, they were ready to set off to rescue Petru and Mrs. Larry.

Before leaving, Aoki checked Anderson’s injuries, left two pistols and some food, and confessed: “It’s still safe here. When it is foggy, walk from the direction of the mountain behind to the sea. We have a kayak hidden in the crevice of the reef. You should see a big boat when you row out. You can wait for us on the boat. Remember, you must go only when it is foggy, otherwise you will not be able to get out."

Alice nodded: "God bless Mrs. Larry and your friends are still alive, and God bless you to bring them all back!"

Aoki said, "Don't worry, everyone will be fine."

At this time, the crow jumped to the side of the savage on the ground and kicked the savage in the face with his paws. The savage opened his eyes suddenly, and bit at it, shocked it:

"Wow! I'm not dead!"

The savage squirmed twice on the ground, seemingly exhausted, closed his eyes, and panted heavily.

Su Huilan looked at Aoki: "How do you deal with this person?"

Aoki said, "Resolve it."

He was about to pass when he heard Alice yelling: "Let me come!"

He turned his head to see Alice glaring wide-eyed, as if about to burst out fire, raised his pistol and pointed it at the savage on the ground.

Aoki hurriedly stepped forward to stop: "Don't shoot! Gunshots will attract other savages!" He drew his dagger and handed it to Alice, "Use this."

Alice slowly put down the gun, held the handle of the knife in both hands, walked to the savage and squatted down. She took a hard breath, her chest swelled violently, and stabbed down suddenly.

The dagger pierced the savage's chest, but Alice, who had always been weak, was too weak. It only pierced the savage's ribs without piercing the chest at all. The savage screamed, and the conditioned reflex caused his body to bow.

Alice was so scared that she sat down, her hand holding the dagger trembling constantly, and the dagger was covered with red blood.

Aoki was afraid that Alice would be hurt by the savage's dying struggle, and was about to go up to help, but Su Huilan held her back. Su Huilan winked at him, shook her head lightly, and whispered, "Let Alice come by herself!"

Alice was trembling all over, the knife was held in the air, adjusted for a few breaths, and then rushed up with a yell.

This time, instead of choosing a heart protected by ribs, she chose her belly. The knife slammed into the savage's abdomen, blood spurted out, and part of it sprayed directly onto Alice's face.

A strong smell of blood permeated the small cave.

With a pained look on his face, the savage reached out to grab Alice's arm.

Alice drew the knife, without giving the savage a chance to resist, and quickly stabbed a second knife. The knife was still stabbing in the stomach, and a large amount of blood flowed out. Then came the third cut, the fourth cut...

The savage's eyes changed from anger to fear. He looked desperately at the mad woman in front of him, his body convulsed a few times, and he stopped moving.

Alice did not stop.

In the red blood, she saw the scene where Mrs. Larry was ruined by them, and saw the seaman being burnt on the fire with oily skin...

She was covered in blood, her face turned hideous, and she made a hysterical cry in her throat, stabbing with a dagger frantically.

Her stomach was smashed and her intestines were flowing out, and she turned to the savage's head again, stabbing it with one knife after another. Her quasi-head is not very good, sometimes it sticks to the eyes, sometimes it sticks to the neck...

Blood, hatred, and hysterical madness filled the cave.

No one went up to stop it. Everyone, including birds and cats, held their breath, and the air and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Alice stopped her hand until her arm was sore and sore that she couldn't raise it anymore. Her body slumped as if she had been emptied.

Su Huilan hurried over and hugged her.

Alice lay on her shoulder and started crying: "Please...you guys!...save madam back! Must...save it...come!"

Su Huilan hugged her tightly, regardless of the blood stains on Alice's face, rubbed Alice's face with her face, and whispered in her ear: "Yes! It will! Alice, don't worry, Mrs. Larry will. It's okay! Everything will be fine!"

"How... I hope this is a dream! Oh..." Alice twitched.

While Su Huilan comforted Alice, Aoki began to deal with the corpses on the ground. The fishy smell is too strong, and the body will rot quickly in this weather, Anderson and Alice don't know how long they will hide here.

Anderson came to help. Aoki said, "Your injury is still not healed, so let me do it!"

Anderson said: "It doesn't matter."

Together they dragged the corpse out of the cave, found a place as hidden as possible, and lost it. Back in the cave, Anderson limped again and began to clean the blood from the ground.

Alice's mood finally calmed down, and she and Anderson sent Aoki and Su Huilan outside the cave.

Anderson patted Aoki on the shoulder and said, "Alice and Mrs. Larry are deeply emotional, so please understand her! Just do your best to save people, don't force it, and the most important thing is that you don’t have any more troubles! We are waiting for you here. return!"

Aoki knew that Anderson was kind, so he smiled at him and said, "I heard you like fishing?"

Anderson froze for a moment, wondering why Aoki asked about this, and said: "Yes, I like fishing, all kinds of places, all kinds of weather, I like it! Do you know what is the greatest pleasure of fishing?"

"It's freedom!" When talking about fishing, Anderson seemed to be excited. "All games in the world must obey the rules, only fishing is not required. You can sit or lie down, and you can even pee against the sea; you can Listening to music, you can smoke, you can dance naked; no one cares about you anyway. For me, things like golf and snooker are more troublesome than women's eyelash trimming; football and basketball are rough, UU reading www.uukanshu .com fights with shackles, it’s not addictive! I like simple things. I don’t care if I catch big fish or not. I just like its simplicity and comfort. For a lazy person, this is the best. Leisure and sports methods."

Aoki laughed loudly: "It really touches my heart! Anderson, I think we can buy this island for fishing in the future. I can guarantee that there is definitely something you haven't caught in this lake. big guy!"

"What! Buy it?" Anderson almost thought he had heard it wrong. It sounded like a war criminal who was locked up in a concentration camp saying he wanted to buy the Huck Yard and use it as a garden for himself.

Aoki and the others walked away, Alice saw Anderson still there, and asked: "Anderson, what's the matter?"

Anderson returned to his senses and said, "Oh, nothing, I just... feel more comfortable, and I'm full of strength again! Don't you think life is full of hope?"

Alice didn't know why Anderson thought so, but seeing him relaxed and happy, the haze in her heart gradually disappeared.

The sun was rising little by little, and the birds in the woods sang joyous songs again.

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