Dreams lead to ancient times? I am really not an ancient Taoist ancestor

Chapter 439 Sitting in the divine furnace, one thought reaches all the bodies

"Is this the transcendent true body?"

In the Bagua furnace, Lu Xuan was muttering to himself blankly, with his head hanging down, looking at his body and body.

Beyond the true body, he has it all.


Lu Xuan looked at the sleeping beautiful woman, his nose was slightly sore. The beautiful woman's face was extremely pale, and even her lips were bloodless.

The heartbeat that used to be vigorous in the past was now dim and weak, as if it might stop at any time.

With just a thought, Lu Xuan understood all the causes and consequences and was silent for a long time.

He sighed softly.

Putting away the jade certificate of creation in his arms, Lu Xuan used his good offices to create countless heavenly materials and countless earthly treasures in the Bagua furnace, intertwining them into a prosperous scene surrounding the goddess.

He pointed at the three thousand realms, connecting with each other to form a formation, transforming into an eternal force, slowly nourishing the body of the beautiful woman.

After doing all this, Lu Xuan sat cross-legged in the Bagua furnace and sighed again.

for a long time,

He gathered his mind and realized the earth-shattering changes that had taken place in his body.

A drop of blood, a strand of skin, a trace of fiber, all are filled with dazzling transcendent brilliance, extremely bright,

Lu Xuan shook his fist slightly, and the Bagua Furnace began to vibrate violently. With the blink of an eyelid, a big storm was set off, tearing up everything in the Bagua Furnace, and turning all time into embers!

Beyond the true body.

Complete detachment from origin.

Lu Xuan exhaled a heavy breath of turbid air. Under the impact of the turbid air, the Bagua furnace roared again. He gathered his mind, quietly felt the fundamental changes in himself, and tried to gain insight into the [complete and transcendent characteristics] that lived in his body.

"Time? No, not exactly."

"Time and years are just part of this complete transcendental characteristic!"

Lu Xuan's expression was shocked, and a look of sudden enlightenment appeared on his face. No wonder, no wonder that just this complete feature of inner being cannot be carried by even half of his transcendent true body!

If this [Complete Transcendence Characteristic] is named, it should be called.


That’s right, it’s [Era].

If it is said that the rhythm of God's will gives Lu Xuan the possibility to replace, replace, and replace the will of the world,

[Era] gives him the possibility to replace, replace, replace, and become [Era]!

Although Dao Fruit jumps out of time, is not within time, and possesses all kinds of incredible abilities, in the end, it is just on par with the world.

Regardless of the big world, the long rivers of time, and even Hongmeng, they are all within the [Era]!

Only the beginning of Suigu is an exception. It is extremely special. It is both within the era and outside the era. It was opened up by Yuanshi Tianzun and gave birth to Yuanshi Tianzun.

"That's it, that's it!"

Lu Xuan's eyes were bright, and he suddenly realized!

It was precisely because of a certain shock in the [Era] that led to the Great Conflict of the Years that included Dao Fruit, that things like Xiao Huoer and others happened;

And similarly, because [The Beginning of Suigu] is extremely special, both within and outside the era, it naturally possesses similar and complete transcendent qualities.

Therefore, the position of Suigu Taoist ancestor that I seek to seize can be prevented from being taken over by Taiyi!

Quietly feeling the extremely majestic [Era Fundamental] in my body,

Lu Xuan was cautious and did not dare to touch it. This level of power, this complete detachment characteristic, was simply not something he could control.

for a long time.

He gently exhaled a breath, his eyes became bright, and he murmured to himself:

"I can sense that at this moment, Taiyi has not obtained the [transcendent true body]. It seems that my previous inference is correct."

Lu Xuan sat in the Bagua furnace and gently stroked the inner wall of the Bagua furnace with a smile on his face.

The Bagua Furnace is so mysterious that it can even contain the teacher's true body. It is also a mysterious weapon that seems to have unimaginable power.

He placed his true body in the Bagua furnace just to see if he could use the Bagua furnace to burn away the connection between himself and Taiyi.

Although it failed and proved that this road was unreachable, we also made a unique discovery!

The body of the Bagua furnace isolates everything.

Lu Xuan's real body sat quietly in the cross-legged position, and his thoughts were superficially sensed. His other bodies in the outside world had not awakened because of the isolation of the Bagua Furnace, and they had not simultaneously obtained the transcendent real body.

In the same way, Taiyi should not have obtained its transcendent true body.

It's a pity that I can't stay in the furnace forever, I am destined to get out, but...

Lu Xuan's eyes flickered slightly. The outside body could not connect with the real body inside the furnace, but the real body inside the furnace could sense everything about the outside body.

For example, he discovered that the 'Houtu' was continuously feeding the Master of the Zixiao Palace with the source of the avenue.


After pondering for a long time, Lu Xuan's eyes became deep. The Bagua Furnace might be his way to break the situation, but the cunning rabbit still had three holes.

He did not walk out of the Bagua furnace, but gave the jade certificate of creation out, and quietly fell to the beginning of Suigu.

"It's time to start."

While muttering to himself, Lu Xuan's eyes sharpened. His true body was entrenched in the Bagua furnace, isolated by the furnace body. His own gains were no longer synchronized with his own incarnation, nor with Taiyi.

At the same time, pieces of the true spirit were separated, and they stepped into the many bodies outside the furnace and took control of them, assisting the sleeping spirits and true spirits of the incarnations to slowly awaken.

He controls everything outside the furnace within the furnace.

"The next step is to try to see if I can follow the path of a teacher again."

"True fire refines the furnace, and the furnace nourishes the body!"

"Wake up, wake up all!"

Lu Xuan's true spirit vibrated, awakening all the bodies outside the furnace.


It is eighty-one difficulties to obtain the scriptures, one difficulty is a hundred years, and seventy-nine calamities have passed, which is seven thousand nine hundred years.

"There is still a dilemma, there is still a dilemma"

On the treasure raft transformed from the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Sun Wukong yawned loudly and nodded his head sleepily.

For seven thousand and nine hundred years, except for the chaotic beasts, void storms, dead worlds and other disasters encountered along the way, not a single living thing or life was seen.

Even these top-notch creatures felt extremely bored.

"What do you think the last two tribulations will be?"

Sun Wukong asked boredly.

On the side, Ben Bo'er Ba raised his head listlessly and said angrily:

"Maybe it's the same as the previous difficulty. We fall into an ancient world of chaos and fight to the death with the old god who controls that ancient world?"

Sha Wujing raised his eyelids:

"Or maybe it's similar to the most dangerous one, getting lost in the storm of chaos and once on the verge of [absolute return to ruins]?"

Zhu Wuneng lay lazily on the treasure raft, using the shrunken nine-tooth rake as a toothpick, and yawned again and again:

"I think it should be another time riot, falling into the embers of the long river of time, struggling to survive again?"

Several people talked about the various disasters they had experienced, and they were all frightened, except Sun Wukong, who was better off.

For example, Zhu Wuneng and Sha Wujing experienced the last trip to the west, and now they have the urge to burst into tears when they think about it. Can the disasters of two Buddhist scriptures really be compared? ?

Either the storm of chaos, the riots of time, or facing the heretic gods occupying an ancient world

Bitter, bitter!

At this time, Tang Monk raised his eyes slightly with a solemn expression:

"Okay, don't complain anymore. In the last two calamities and the last dilemma, we should go all out. When we return with the scriptures, everything will be settled!"

As he spoke, the world-transmitting treasure raft trembled slightly, and everyone on the treasure raft staggered around, subconsciously looking sideways.

"That is."

Sun Wukong, who had always been the most bohemian and fearless, changed his expression. Zhu Wuneng, who was holding a nine-tooth rake in his mouth, slowly opened his mouth wide, and the rake fell, making a crisp collision sound.

"I am a biological mother."

Benbo'erba murmured to himself.

Directly in front of the World-Walking Treasure Raft, one can clearly see the boundless majestic body.

The body was covered in scars and seemed to be bleeding. One of the hands hung naturally to the side, impartially, pressing on a large area of ​​ancient world.

And each of the thousands of ancient worlds crushed under the giant hand is similar to the ancient world that Monkey Sun and the others once fell into.

"This, this shouldn't be the eightieth calamity or the eightieth tribulation, right?"

Sha Wujing murmured to himself, just looking at that huge body made his hair stand on end and he felt suffocated.

At a glance, one can see that the boundless body is surrounded by the remains of many great worlds. Along with endless visions, the multiverse is flowing through its pores.

And every time the giant body exhaled, there were chaotic storms that swept everything, destroyed everything, and almost killed them all.

"His grandma's."

Sun Wukong’s eyes were as wide as copper bells:

"So, the disasters we have experienced over the years are all related to this corpse??"

No wonder he said so, the corpse beyond the sight range was filled with a storm of chaos when it breathed, and when its pores opened and closed, it spewed out countless terrifying embers of time.

Occasionally, a drop of blood from a giant skeleton floated into the ancient world, and it turned into the heretic god who had almost killed them all.

The traces of the seventy-nine hardships and seventy-nine calamities that have been experienced in the past seven thousand and nine hundred years can be found on these countless corpses!


Zhu Wuneng suddenly shouted in panic:

"The ship is falling towards the corpse!!"

Everyone was suddenly shocked and frightened.

The corpse was so big that its terrifying mass caused its mere existence to collapse the immeasurable chaos.

With the corpse as the center of the circle, all the heavens, worlds, and realms are slowly falling. All time, all matter, and all concepts seem destined to fall onto the corpse.

That corpse seems to be

The true root is the ruins, the source and destination of all things.

"Turn! Turn!"

Sun Wukong screamed and waved the Ruyi dog-beating stick, trying to push the raft away from the world, but failed.

The World-Transcending Treasure Raft is still falling towards that huge body.

Just when everyone on the boat was in despair, Benbo Erba was shocked again.

"Wake up! The corpse is awake!!"

Everyone looked up, their breaths stagnant.

The huge corpse slowly, slowly, sat upright. The embers of countless years shook off its body, and the immeasurable chaotic storm was also inspired.

Everyone could really see the face of the huge ‘corpse’.

"That old ghost from Tushita Palace?" Sun Wukong was at a loss, his mind was greatly shocked, and the whole monkey was confused.

Is this the old ghost's power? ?

Then why was he making such a fuss in the first place?

It suddenly lost its voice and became dizzy.


"Woke up early? What's going on?"

Taiyi raised his head and frowned slightly, a little confused.

After pondering for a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind:

"No, Fuxi's aura is getting thicker and thicker. You must speed up the process and let me push."

While muttering to himself, he reached out and pointed, and at an infinite distance away, the treasure raft that was crumbling in the storm of chaos and the embers of time suddenly glowed brightly.

The Taishang Laojun who stood up straightened his eyes subconsciously and looked impartially. He was seeing the treasure raft that would save the world, or the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The corpse that floated out.

Xiao Taoling's.

Taishang Laojun froze in place.

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