Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 656: 8A Scenic Area

  Chapter 656 8A Scenic Area

As soon as the resources of "The Battle of the Top Streamers" came out, the eight invited top streamers rejected all their schedules and signed a contract with Tianxing Media with 120% sincerity. After the venue, Tianxing Media officially announced the lineup and broadcast time of the annual blockbuster variety show "Battle for the Top Stream" on Weibo.

Due to the large number of investors, the small number of episodes, and the fact that all the top-tier niche students come, to avoid 'shady' controversy and fan disputes, the program group decided to adopt a semi-live broadcast method, that is, the live broadcast will be broadcast one hour after the recording, so as to ensure timely processing of the program Unexpected situations that arise in the film can also increase the participation of fans, and it is fair and equitable under the supervision of the whole people.

  As soon as the news came out, it exploded on Weibo like a depth bomb, splashing several feet of water.

  'Damn it! ! All the top-notch youngsters in the entertainment industry in recent years are here! Are you sure this is the news from official V? Could it be that the account was hacked? '

  ‘What stimulated Tianxing Media? I'm afraid I'm going to go bankrupt after inviting these eight brothers! '

  ‘This year is amazing. First, I watched FOR’s unprecedented fusion, and now I can see all the top-level fusions of Yuquan. It’s like riding a horse and dreaming! '

  ‘I can’t imagine the picture of eight brothers standing together, it’s a scenic spot of AAAAAAAA level, I’ll show you a fountain of saliva, nosebleeds splatter everywhere! '

  ‘My old lady can see FOR fit together and appear on variety shows together in her lifetime, this life is worth it! I love Skywalker Baba! '

  ‘Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I can see variety show leaves again! Looking forward to the rollover scene’ ‘This is the first variety show that Brother Ze participated in this year! support! ’ ‘Haha Cary and Ye Xian are two variety show mudslides coming together again? ’ ‘Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it’s my first time participating in a variety show, please be merciful! ’ ‘Chu Yao, my love! Baby, the final winner must be you! ’ ‘Get up, Jelly fans! ’ ‘Wuli Yixuan, you are the best! ’ ‘Brother Xu is the best! '

  'Passers-by were dumbfounded, this variety show is absolutely unprecedented, and the ratings are exploding! '

  'For sure, look at the number of Weibo followers of each of the eight of them is not less than 50 million, and any one of them is ace traffic, let alone get together. '

  ‘This show is full of handsomeness and hormones, who the **** can resist? Just standing there with eight of them, I could stare at them all day! ’ ‘Has no one seen the elimination mechanism? It's too scary, two older brothers are eliminated in each issue! '

"I have already foreseen the bloodbath of the top fans on Weibo, and the dog's head saves his life." "Can the program group change the elimination mechanism, don't eliminate one, okay, let's watch eight beautiful men quietly"" Why was it announced so early, I've already hugged my computer tightly and don't want to leave any more''The program group is too secretive, right? Don’t reveal anything, I still want to take the opportunity to meet by chance’…

  Weibo, Tieba, DouLe, Toutiao... All major social platforms and video apps quickly spread the explosive news. On Friday, Jiang Wen drove to the set to pick up Jiang Wanze and Ye Xian.

"I've already asked for your leave for you. You will join the group directly after the recording. There will be no delay. According to the news just sent by Tianxing Media, the recording location this time is in Huaxi County, Tongcheng City. The location is relatively remote. The main reason is to consider You are too famous to be exposed to densely populated or relatively developed cities."

  (end of this chapter)

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