438 weakly explained: ...cough cough, isn't this because I'm fascinated by watching TV with Nannan...

Li Qinian heheed twice, expressionless: Do you still remember that you are a system with missions?

438 immediately spoke softly, acting like a baby in a childish voice:

Qiqi, I made a mistake, I won't dare to do it next time, okay, okay~

Li Qinian: ...


Every time you get into trouble, you will only use this trick!

Do you think she will soften her heart? ?

she will! !

Li Qinian suddenly felt sad for raising a silly daughter: I'm not going to be an example.

438 obediently agreed: Okay~~

Let's go, eat. Jiang Wang closed the book in his hand.

Li Qinian glanced at the cover of the book, Brother Zhuang's book is different from the previous few days, it seems to be a book related to stock trading today.


Yesterday I was watching financial management, and today I am watching stock analysis. She understands how the poor want to get rich overnight. It’s not easy for Brother Zhuang. He is laying the foundation for his future working life at a young age...

Li Qinian silently put the Lamborghini keys in his pants pocket into his schoolbag and hid them...

She made a lot of money by speculating in stocks with the signing fee. This is a newly bought Lamborghini. I haven't had time to drive it for a drive. Don't let Brother Wang find out!

Jiang Jue took Li Qinian for a while, and Li Qinian realized something was wrong:

Brother Wang, don't we go to the cafeteria?

Eat another place. Jiang Wang walked beside her.

The two arrived at the school gate not long after walking, seeing that Jiang Juan was about to walk out of the school gate, Li Qinian grabbed him:

Fatty is still there!

Xiaopang is the school's guard. Because of his fat body, he is affectionately called Xiaopang's security guard, but because he is extraordinarily strict, everyone loves and hates him.

Jiang Ju looked down at the hand she was holding onto his arm: It's okay.

Li Qinian was dubious, and followed Jiang Wang to the past. Unexpectedly, the always strict little fat man saw Jiang Wang, with a warm smile on his face:

Xiao Wang is going out again?

Jiang Lu: Well, please trouble Uncle Du.

Don't bother! Don't bother! Come to my house when you have time later. My brat has been clamoring to see you for a long time.

Xiaopang's beer belly is obvious, and the fat on his body trembles as he speaks.

He opened the school gate for Jiang Huang, and glanced at Li Qinian:

Xiao Wang, is this your friend?

Jiang Huang came and went alone, and this was the first time he saw friends by his side.

Hi Uncle Du~

When Li Qinian is not mischievous, he is definitely the elders' favorite type. The delicate young man smiles cheerfully, well-behaved and lovable.

Uncle Du patted her on the shoulder with an amiable smile, completely different from the vicious security guard in Li Qinian's impression:

Look at how thin you have become? Xiao Wang, you are going to eat, I will ask my wife to add two more dishes for you later!

Jiang Lu: Thank you Uncle Du, then we will go first.

Go ahead, hurry up, there's still evening self-study! Uncle Du waved his hand.

After walking out of the school gate, Li Qinian asked the doubts in his heart:

Brother Wang, you and the little fat security guard, um, Uncle Du, are you familiar?


Jiang Wang just admitted that he didn't seem to want to explain more.

As Li Qinian was walking, she suddenly saw the wall where she climbed over the wall last time, she stopped in her tracks:

No, since you can show it off, why did you sneak over the wall with me last time?

Say it earlier!

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