If Li Jin doesn't retire, according to the training intensity of the SOG team, after a year, his left hand may not even be able to lift a bucket of water.

438 gave an extremely cruel answer.

A man who was just under 30 years old, but couldn't even lift a bucket of water with his left hand, was almost a half-crippled waste.

Li Qinian was unwilling to accept such a result: The doctor Chen Yan found may not be the best, maybe there are some retired old doctors with particularly good medical skills?

438 couldn't bear to say: ...Xiao Niannian, it's really gone. Chen Yan spent a whole month searching all over the world before he found the best hand injury doctor in the world in New Zealand.

Li Qinian: ...

She was too aware of what e-sports meant to Li Jin, so she couldn't accept this fact.

If I don't believe it, there is nothing I can do. Her black eyes flashed a hint of stubbornness.


There was a knock on the door.

Come out and eat.

Li Jin's cold and indifferent voice sounded as usual, and there was no abnormality at all.

Li Qinian felt even more uncomfortable.

During this period of time in SOG, it's not that she didn't pay attention to Li Jin's hand injury, but he pretended so well that after a long time, she relaxed her vigilance, thinking that his hand injury was not a big problem.

Li Qinian tried her best to calm down, put on another relaxed face, opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door, Li Jin had deep eyebrows and was leaning against the wall with one hand in his pocket, standing at the door waiting for her to come out.

Li Qinian looked at his left hand calmly.

Li Jin was wearing a simple black sweater with long sleeves today. The sleeves were so long that they covered half of the back of his hands, so he couldn't see his wrists.

If it was before, Li Qinian would definitely not feel that something was wrong, but ever since she overheard his conversation with Chen Yan, she has become extremely sensitive.

I'm afraid that the bottom of the sleeves is already covered with thick bandages.

Let's go.

Li Qinian only glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze.

The World Championship must be won.

She will definitely heal Li Jin's hand injury.


Several other members of the SOG team were already sitting at the dining table, waiting for the two of them to go downstairs for dinner.

Why are you so slow? If you don't come again, the food will be cold.

Xiao San'er immediately started to take out the takeaway box, and the aroma of the food hit her face.

It's okay, it's not too cold.

Lao Bai handed the chopsticks to the other two.


Li Qinian's face was as usual, and there was no change at all.

After a few people had finished eating, they went straight to the training room on the second floor.

Although the two teams this afternoon are not as powerful as KIKO, they are also the top PUBG teams in China.

I have to say that Chen Yan was really worried about this match.

Li Qinian's seat was diagonally opposite to Li Jin's, and during the whole game in the afternoon, she would take time to look at Li Jin's right hand.

For a whole afternoon, the other party did not show any abnormalities, so normal that Li Qinian began to doubt whether the conversation at noon today was a hallucination of hers.

Just after all the games were over, Xiao San'er and Lao Bai were immersed in the joy of winning the game, when Li Qinian suddenly caught a glimpse of Li Jin stretching out his right hand and gently rubbing his left wrist.

The time is very short, but a few seconds, if she hadn't been staring at it, she might have missed it.

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