This is not the case once or twice.

Just like shopping, you can swipe my card when shopping!

It's not safe to go home alone at night, I'll take you home!

When fighting, the enemy is too powerful, you run first, I will be behind!

He is sitting on hundreds of billions of assets, and at the age of fourteen, he has a ninth-degree black belt in Taekwondo, so what gave Li Qinian the illusion that he is clean and powerless?

Don't be dazed.

Li Qinian suddenly raised his hand and bumped against his arm.

Jiang Lu:

She walked straight ahead, protecting Jiang Lu behind her, protecting her tightly, like a mother hen leading a chick.

Jiang Lu: ...

The corner of his mouth moved, as if he wanted to say something, but finally gave up.

Li Qinian pointed his gun at the black off-road vehicle, stared and held his breath, observing the movement in the car.


She tentatively fired a shot. There was no movement in the car. She raised her eyebrows slightly. Could it be that she was knocked unconscious?

However! Right now!

A black muzzle suddenly popped out of the empty car window, aiming at Li Qinian's head!


She cursed in a low voice, and hurriedly dodged back, the bullet grazed her cheek, and flew on the rock beside her!

Before she had time to say more, she raised her hand and fired a few shots into the car, and there was a scream from inside the car!



The vehicle started suddenly, reversed, and the dented and deformed front of the car was exposed.

Aware of their intentions, Li Qinian fired two shots at the tires, causing the tires to leak air.

But the car didn't stop, the headlights illuminated the mountain road, the front of the car lost control and ran towards Li Qinian and the others!



Almost at the same time, Li Qinian and Jiang Juan spoke at the same time and grabbed each other's wrists.

Skin-to-skin contact, both of them were taken aback.

Without time to think about it, the two rushed towards the top of the mountain. The out-of-control vehicle behind them was like a wild beast with its mouth open, chasing them madly in the middle of the night!

Turning around, we reached the top of the mountain. In front of us was a bottomless cliff, and behind us were vicious enemies. The two were forced to stop.

Li Qinian turned his head sharply, and fired continuously. The intensive firepower finally forced the vehicle to stop!


She broke the four tires one by one.

The people in the car hid in the car and did not get out of the car, shooting from time to time.

On the cliff without any shelter, Li Qinian and the two were like living targets, they were easy to be hit. She pulled Jiang Lu and used the cover of firepower to walk around behind the vehicle with her head down.


Another trigger sounded, but the imaginary bullet did not appear.

Li Qinian looked solemn: There is no bullet.

The people in the car also seemed to understand her situation, and fired a shot into the sky, as if provocative.

Jiang Ju gently squeezed her wrist: Don't be afraid.

Li Qinian: ?

No, where did you see that I was afraid?

Jiang Lu: One by one, I will attract their attention, and you take the opportunity to grab the gun.

Before Li Qinian could speak, the man beside him jumped into the windowless car like a gust of wind.

Li Qinian: ?

Is the style of play so wild?

Seeing that Jiang Lu was about to fight two against one, she hurriedly started from the other side. The man in the driver's seat was about to shoot Jiang Lu, but she was caught off guard by her neck, and the muzzle of the gun immediately tilted.

The man in the passenger seat wanted to take the opportunity to rescue his companion, but was held back by Jiang Wang.

Seeing that the man was about to die, he widened his eyes and stepped on the accelerator.

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