Druid of Marvel

Chapter 217: Steel nightmare

Director George organized a team at the entrance of a subway station in Manhattan. Relying on a line of defense consisting of seven or eight police cars, he wanted to block a vampire team emerging from the sewer.

Nearly a thousand innocent civilians are hidden in the subway station.

These vampire fighters went crazy and attacked everyone they could see. Police, soldiers, and civilians were within their attack range.

Director George held Remington in his hand and fired a shot, focusing on a vampire's chest, and the powerful bullet knocked the vampire backwards.

Unfortunately, the simple kinetic energy could not kill the vampire. Instead, it tore its black tights, exposing its chest to the sun and giving it fatal damage.

The silver-plated bullets that the police department purchased from the Stark Group have long been distributed to those SATs who are armed around the sewers. Ordinary police can only rely on crude weapons to fight these vampires armed with teeth.

Fortunately, it is daylight. If they lose the last advantage of the sun, it is estimated that Director George has already died at this time.

A young policeman muttered the words from the Bible, and shot some scaredly at the crazy vampires. The young face was full of despair, and he always wanted to ask Director George, where is our reinforcement?

The courageous police officer John slammed the young policeman and grinned, "Vinson, don't let yourself go, save your life, and remember to ask me for a drink."

The young Vinson glanced at a crater where he had just stood, and nodded unconsciously, and just wanted to thank Officer John, only to find that Officer John was hit in the chest by a bullet that did not know where it came from , Fell to the ground.

Vinson wanted to pounce on John's situation, but Chief George grabbed his neck and yelled at him: "Don't run away! Shoot out! There are thousands of civilians behind us, we can't let these mules raise them Rush in. "

As soon as Director George had finished speaking, a shot was shot in the shoulder. Some desperate Director George leaned on the police car and shot a pistol with the remaining hand.

Vinson was suddenly not afraid at this time, and the courage of the people around him inspired this rookie in the police.

The chief of the police station stood on the front line, and those old fritters, which were usually unpleasant to themselves, were also bravely facing the enemy.

What suddenly did Vinson think he was terrible? The young policeman finally had the courage at this moment, not for anyone, but for the vows made while wearing this police uniform.

Picking up a handful of Remington from the ground, Vinson yelled at the vampire who was attacking in the distance and launched an attack on the subway entrance.

Unfortunately, the police's efforts were futile. Where can a small group of policemen, the crazy vampire elite troops, be able to resist, and with their accelerated charge, several policemen fell to the ground.

Just as Director George desperately prepared his men to withdraw into the subway, three motorcycles cut into the battlefield wildly.

Steve, wearing a flying jacket, holding the "Temple" in his left hand, activated the slow arrow, burst into a silver light, and made all exposed vampires start in slow motion. He started firing with a pistol specifically aimed at vampires in his right hand.

Frank threw away the motorcycle and stood with Steve between the vampire and the police. With the automatic rifle in his hand, he began to name the funny vampires.

JJ likes this kind of occasion very much. Here he can fully exert his ability, and looks a bit sad at the discarded Harley-Davidson motorcycle. He stood fearlessly in the middle of the road, using his machine gun to start firing all vampires in sight. Big boss Stark provided enough silver bullets last time, enough for him to fight a big battle.

Director George saw the trio who came to the support, breathed a long sigh of relief, and shouted to Steve: "Is Alvin here? The iron guy in the sky is going to kill everyone!" "

Steve, who was not under pressure, glanced back at Chief George and shouted, "Look over your head!"

Director George instinctively glanced up, and saw the God of War 2 piloted by Alvin, bursting into a volley of a tall steel mech, under intense firepower.

Then one turned and pounced on another steel mech group. Fearlessly attracted all the firepower to himself.

With the second round of intensive attacks, Alvin worked hard to open his body and expand his attack surface.

Then Chief George saw the most astonishing picture in his life. Alvin was attacked without being injured. Instead, the three steel mechs that attacked Alvin exploded one after another.

With Alvin's arrival, five ghost wolves appeared on the street, sprinting back and forth struggling to kill the vampire.

The vines are too lethal, and there are many civilians in the buildings on both sides of the street. Alvin didn't have time to distract and direct them to operate on the ground, only to let them move freely in the sewer, strangling the vampire troops inside, and the kind of **** monster troops.

Alvin was disgusted by the large-scale operations in this city center, where there were too many civilians to take care of. High-power weapons cannot be used here, otherwise you can clear everyone here with a "death breath" for a few minutes.

Now he can only turn into a diligent farmer, relying on his poor flying skills, use the tomahawk in his hand to "famine" one by one to harvest the heavenly steel mechs.

Those steel mech drivers were not fools, and seeing Alvin's attack would inexplicably explode. Although he didn't know what was going on, who would dare attack him before he figured out what was going on.

No order was needed, all the steel mechas began to form a circle with Alvin in a tacit manner, attacking the targets on the ground by the way.

Some angered Alvin watched as innocent people were killed on the ground every moment, catching up with a steel mech and blasting it. Opening the public channel angrily shouting at the "war machine" that has been wandering not far away: "Go stop them, I **** kill them!"

Colonel Rhodes was very tired, and the high-intensity aerial combat consumed him too much energy. But after hearing Alvin's call, Colonel Rhodes still gritted his teeth and rushed to the steel mech group, struggling against the mech group with a stronger steel armor to try to disrupt their formation.

Colonel Rhode's tactics worked. A mech was hit by an uncontrollable landing and was then frozen by Frank with an automatic rifle and then broken into iron slag.

Alvin rushed forward, chopped two mechas in a row, then blocked him in front of the "war machine" and took two missiles for him, killing two more.

Colonel Rhodes stared at Alvin with stunned eyes in front of him. Somewhat unexpectedly, did the military factory cut corners? Otherwise, why is everyone so different?

On the public channel, Stark voiced anxiously, "Guys, hold on, I'm here!"

Alvin opened a public channel and shouted, "Hurry up, there is a black guy here, isn't it? Is your drawing for others shrinking? Otherwise, why is he so bad?"

Colonel Rhode made a circle in the sky and almost planted it on the ground.

Stark on the other side called, "Be careful, the missile is here!"

Alvin looked around and finally found Stark who came. This guy replaced the previous Mark 4 and opened the miniature missile slot on his shoulder. Dozens of miniature missiles went straight to the panic mechs. Already.

Lieutenant Duke shrank in a small alley, sighing with relief at the fierce fighting in the sky. With a rifle in his hand, he quickly leaned out and dusted a few vampires on the streets outside.

Turning his head and glancing at a black comrade who was bandaging himself behind him, he shouted, "Open the parachute, are you alright? Let's hurry up, the police at the street will be almost dead!"

Opening the umbrella cable, he tightened the bandage on his arm tightly and said, "Okay, okay, man, why are we so unlucky, we can always come across this situation? The last time the military made it out, Monster, we died six brothers.

This time it's a **** thing like a vampire, plus a steel mech.

The Pentagon's sister-in-law always treats us as Rambo, will they give us processing funds? "

Duke shot again with a few probes and glanced at the man standing in the middle of the distant road holding a shield in one hand and a pistol in one hand. He always thinks that guy is familiar, and he must have seen it somewhere!

Open the umbrella to clean up the lizard, take a quick glance at the probe, think back carefully, and say, "Did you think that guy with the big beard who saved our lives in Brooklyn last time?"

Duke touched his smooth chin, remembering that he was also a bearded, but at that time he was still a master of traffic maintenance, but now he was promoted to the second lieutenant because of the heroic performance of that battle ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ I carefully recalled what happened that day, the appearance of the bearded strong man blocking the car that day and the strong man holding a shield not far away gradually overlapped.

Duke nodded heavily: "Yes, it should be him, we have to help. There are nearly a thousand people under the subway over there. If it falls, I think I will live in nightmares for the rest of my life."

Opening the umbrella and pulling the gun, he grinned at Duke, and said ironically, "Come on! We are in a nightmare now!"

Duke smiled "Hey", touched his fist with the open umbrella, and said, "We'll kill this nightmare together. When we come back alive, I invite you to the Yade night club in Hell's Kitchen, where there is the most passionate New York girl."

Open the umbrella and look back at a few fashionable girls who have hidden themselves, and responded loudly to Duke's invitation, "What are you waiting for?"

Two heavily armed soldiers rushed out with guns, roaring, and started firing at the vampires, attacking them, and strangling the mad vampires together!

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