Drunk House

Chapter 721: Imperial Examination (first update)

 In the morning of the second day, Su Rong proposed to open the imperial examination.

As soon as this proposal came out, all the courtiers were stunned, and even the Prime Minister of the Night turned to look at Su Rong.

The King of Nanchu was even more surprised, "Why do you want to hold the imperial examination suddenly? Nowadays, there are so many things to do, I am already too busy, and the imperial examination is even more of a big deal..."

Su Rong looked at the King of Nan Chu with an expressionless face, "The imperial court is short of people and there is no imperial examination. Father, tell me, where can I go to recruit people to fill the vacancies? My fiancé has been to the Ministry of Etiquette for two days, and it's already dawn when I go to the office. It was completely dark, but this was not enough. After Ye Xiang suggested to Uncle Xie that the household department was even more short of people, he had no choice but to transfer him to the household department. It was a full time yesterday before he went to the office, and he was not even tired. The atmosphere spoke.”

The King of Nan Chu choked, looked at Zhou Gu, and could only say: "Well...he has just arrived at the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Household Affairs, so naturally he will be busier."

Su Rong stared at him, "It's true that he is here for the first time, but what about Mr. Zhang, the old minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Mr. Sun, the old minister of the Ministry of Husbandry? As far as I know, they and everyone in the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Husband have been together for a long time. I couldn’t get to the office on time.”

The King of Southern Chu turned his eyes to Zhang Lixin and Sun Chunwang, and saw that the two old faces looked very haggard and tired. He was speechless for a moment.

"The Ministry of Etiquette is busy with my wedding, so we can let it go first, but what about the Ministry of Household Affairs? Where is the Ministry of War? Where is the Ministry of Work? Where is the Ministry of Personnel? Where is the Ministry of Punishment?" Su Rong mentioned all the six departments angrily, "Which one is not missing? People?" She turned around and pointed her head at Ye Guixue, "Sir Ye, is your department short of people?"

 Ye Guixue sighed, "Que."

He said with a tired and haggard face: "Since I returned to the royal capital, I have slept less than two hours a day. I didn't come out of the official department until midnight last night."

"That's it." Su Rong looked at all the courtiers in the court, "Which of you, sir, can stand up in front of me and tell me, during this period, which one of you has gone to office on time every day?"

Going to the Yamen on time has two manifestations. One is that the Yamen is free, everything has been taken care of, and there is nothing to do; the other is that the Yamen are not doing their jobs properly and are just dawdling about.

In the past, there would have been a lot of people in the court who were just messing around, but after the bloodbath after the rebellion, there really weren't many of those who stayed who didn't work hard. Even the courtiers who used to be carefree and loved eating, drinking and listening to music are now the same. I kept my busy feet off the ground and put my hobbies aside. When the princess returns to the court, the old and the new are replaced. It’s not like they think their life is too comfortable, so how dare they fool around again? Otherwise, wouldn't he be kicked out of the court?

Therefore, these days, the frontline is fighting and negotiating peace, and the imperial court is also busy preparing military supplies and stabilizing the rear. Now that the war is over and the peace negotiation is over, the sieve of the imperial court, which is almost rotten, is almost broken. Hurry up and make up for it, so everyone is so busy that they want to fall asleep and almost quit having sex, let alone drinking.

 No one spoke.

Su Rong sneered and turned to look at King Nan Chu again, "Father, can you give me another reason not to take the imperial examination?"

The King of Nanchu couldn't tell, he felt guilty and guilty, "Then, who will be the abbot of the imperial examination?"

 There are not enough people nowadays.

Su Rong pursed her lips and said, "You and Uncle Xie."

The King of Southern Chu: “…”

He is also very busy and has dark circles under his eyes. He went to bed very late last night and got up very early today to go to court. He had to review his daily memorials for half a day, and spent the remaining half of the day with her in the meeting hall, where he couldn't even get a drink of water.

Su Rong said with a stern face, "Father, you are still sitting here in the country of Nan Chu." King of Nan Chu: "..."

No wonder she didn't take over the throne immediately. She was waiting for him here.

Su Rong said again: "Don't worry, I, Uncle Xie, will assist you and you will get twice the result with half the effort."

King Nan Chu understood. She actually wanted to say that Xie Yuan was more capable than him and could definitely help him supervise the scientific examination. He had not been doing anything for many years, so he should do something good!

The King of Nanchu could only agree, "Okay!"

 So, the matter was settled.

After the morning court, Su Rong went to the meeting hall again. Ye Xiang and others had a lot of things to discuss with her, so they hurriedly followed her to the meeting hall.

The King of Nanchu could only sigh and go to Xie Yuan. He hoped that Xie Yuan would dislike him and not scold him.

Sun Chunwang and Zhang Lixin walked out side by side. Zhang Lixin sighed, "Brother Sun, you are still the most powerful, and you took away the concubine from me."

Sun Chunwang admitted this matter. If he hadn't complained to Mr. Xie during the night, the two of them would not have set their sights on him so quickly. After all, he couldn't hold it anymore. He immediately said: "Although I took it away Madam, the Madam has also sent Young Master Feng to you, and there is also a Young Master from the Cui family in Qinghe. Don’t underestimate that Young Master. At the critical moment of Heiya Pass, it is said that he led his men to save him. My wife, although she is young, she is very capable."

Zhang Lixin said: "I saw the young master yesterday, but he was too young and couldn't do anything. I took the time to teach three questions, but he couldn't answer any of them. Hey, he looked like a man at first glance. How can someone who cannot read and join the Ministry of Rites not be familiar with the classics and history and understand the rules and regulations? At the very least, he must memorize one article of the classics and regulations! He is so good at stuttering that he can't even recite a single sentence."

"It is said that several people came to the court for impeachment. Did you also come to the court?" Sun Chunwang also didn't expect that the young master of Cui family in Qinghe didn't know anything. He thought that the princess sent people to the Ministry of Rites. Although he was young, he was familiar with it. As for poetry and books, after all, he was born in the Cui family of Qinghe, a well-established family with a family of poetry and etiquette. It is said that his descendant brother is very talented.

"Hey, no. If I were to write a letter of impeachment, wouldn't that be too disrespectful? After all, he joined my Ministry of Rites to fill a vacancy and help with work. There is a shortage of people everywhere, but the person who chose to join is the Ministry of Rites. If I have any objections, , it’s too outrageous.” Zhang Lixin felt that no one would dare to do this matter of impeachment and dissatisfaction, and he was determined not to do it.

"My wife will not let people go to your Ministry of Rites for no reason. After all, when you know that the young master knows nothing about it, think about it for yourself. After all, if the young master joins, should he also join the Ministry of War?" Sun Chunwang asked.

"Yes, that's what I think. Maybe the queen is thinking that even though he is young, he can still make him an all-rounder, right? After all, he is indeed smart. It is said that the queen is planning to hire a husband for him, and he will do it every day. Empress Yamen, let him study for another hour." Zhang Lixin said.

"That's it. Anyway, when people come to your Ministry of Rites, you have to teach them more. If you enter the court at such a young age, there are endless possibilities. If you really cultivate talents in the future, it will be great." Sun Chunwang understood clearly.

"There is no need for me to teach him anything. He follows Mr. Feng." Zhang Lixin spoke highly of Fengling and said, "The people around the concubine are indeed extraordinary. In just one day, Fei Ling became familiar with the Ministry of Etiquette and mastered it. Extremely fast, not much different from the concubine's ability."

Sun Chunwang smiled, "So, brother, don't blame me for robbing people."

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